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Rapid Fire

Trick or Treat? (Part #1)

Somewhere in each of the answers, either the letters T - R - I - C - K or T - R - E - A - T will appear consecutively

Ex. American rock band from the 70's and 80's Cheap Trick

1 Curtains, blinds, shades, draperies, valances, etc

2 Milk Bones, for example

3 Idiom for one who has a very limited repertoire or a single go-to phrase or action

4 President Reagan's theory that tax breaks/benefits for corporations would eventually benefit all

5 A quiet place for meditation OR a military falling back, conceding territory

6 Blue collar "hot spot" with furnaces and tempering ovens to make metal stronger

7 The feat of scoring three goals in a single hockey game

8 Per Urban Dictionary, something is this when "hooked up with all the works" (i.e. "your ride")

9 Written work dealing formally and systematically with a certain subject

10 Low down, nasty hoax

11 Sports malapropism for a gadget play

12 An outing where each party pays their own share of expenses

13 Danbury, Connecticut just named one of these after John Oliver

14 Derogatory nick name for the only US President to resign
Rapid Fire
Trick or Treat? (Part #2)
Somewhere in each of the answers, either the letters T - R - I - C - K or T - R - E - A - T will appear consecutively

Ex. American actor whose career has spanned from 1979 movie version of "Hair" to a leading role in "Everwood" Treat Williams

1 Plug-in teapot?

2 Addage about how hard it is for people set in their ways to learn a new way of doing something

3 SpongeBob Squarepants sidekick

4 Formal peace agreement following a truce

5 PGA pro who will captain the US 2020 Ryder Cup team for play in 2021

6 Abuse (v.)

7 "You spot a boat full of people but there isn't one single person on board? How is that possible?", for example

8 Very elaborate and attentive service usually reserved for VIP's

9 Refusal to talk to someone as a means of punishing them

10 Slight of hand using a deck

11 Apply a chemical to a product before its use (i.e. stain remover on a soiled shirt before washing)

12 Seriously affected by an undesireable condition

13 Super Bowl LIV MVP

14 Head count at a West End dramatic performance?

Rapid Fire
Trick or Treat? (Part #1)
Somewhere in each of the answers, either the letters T - R - I - C - K or T - R - E - A - T will appear consecutively

Ex. American rock band from the 70's and 80's Cheap Trick

1 Curtains, blinds, shades, draperies, valances, etc Window Treatments

2 Milk Bones, for example Doggie Treats

3 Idiom for one who has a very limited repertoire or a single go-to phrase or action One-trick Pony

4 President Reagan's theory that tax breaks/benefits for corporations would eventually benefit all Trickle-down Economics

5 A quiet place for meditation OR a military falling back, conceding territory Retreat

6 Blue collar "hot spot" with furnaces and tempering ovens to make metal stronger Heat Treating Factory

7 The feat of scoring three goals in a single hockey game Hat Trick

8 Per Urban Dictionary, something is this when "hooked up with all the works" (i.e. "your ride") Tricked Out

9 Written work dealing formally and systematically with a certain subject Treatise

10 Low down, nasty hoax Dirty Trick

11 Sports malapropism for a gadget play Trickeration (Trick Play acceptable)

12 An outing where each party pays their own share of expenses Dutch Treat

13 Danbury, Connecticut just named one of these after John Oliver Sewage Treatment Plant

14 Derogatory nick name for the only US President to resign Tricky Dick

Trick or Treat? (Part #2)

Somewhere in each of the answers, either the letters T - R - I - C - K or T - R - E - A - T will appear consecutively

Ex. American actor whose career has spanned from 1979 movie version of "Hair" to a leading role in "Everwood" Treat Williams

1 Plug-in teapot? Electric kettle

2 Addage about how hard it is for people set in their ways to learn a new way of doing something You can't teach an old dog new tricks

3 SpongeBob Squarepants sidekick Patrick Star

4 Formal peace agreement following a truce Treaty

5 PGA pro who will captain the US 2020 Ryder Cup team for play in 2021 Steve Stricker

6 Abuse (v.) Mistreat

7 "You spot a boat full of people but there isn't one single person on board? How is that possible?", for example Trick Question
(Answer: They're all married!)

8 Very elaborate and attentive service usually reserved for VIP's The Royal Treatment

9 Refusal to talk to someone as a means of punishing them The Silent Treatment

10 Slight of hand using a deck Card Trick or Magic Trick

11 Apply a chemical to a product before its use (i.e. stain remover on a soiled shirt before washing) Pretreat

12 Seriously affected by an undesireable condition Stricken

13 Super Bowl LIV MVP Patrick Mahome II

14 Head count at a West End dramatic performance? Theatre attendance

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