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Shaolin Chán

Anekajātisaṁsāraṁ sandhāvissaṁ anibbisaṁ
gahakārakaṁ gavesanto: dukkhā jāti punappunaṁ.
Gahakāraka diṭṭhosi! Puna gehaṁ na kāhasi:
sabbā te phāsukā bhaggā, gahakūṭaṁ visaṅkhitaṁ,
visaṅkhāragataṁ cittaṁ, taṇhānaṁ khayam-ajjhagā ti.
The First Words of the Buddha
Through countless births in samsara I have wandered without finding
the house builder I was seeking: born and suffering again and again
O house builder, now you are seen! You will not build the house again:
all your rafters have been broken, and the ridgepole has been destroyed
my mind has reached the unconditioned, and craving’s end has been achieved
Shaolin Chán
Namô Tassa Bhagavatô Arahatô Sammâ-Sambuddhassa

Namô Tassa Bhagavatô Arahatô Sammâ-Sambuddhassa

Namô Tassa Bhagavatô Arahatô Sammâ-Sambuddhassa

Buddham Saranam Gacchâmi.
Dhammam Saranam Gacchâmi.
Sangham Saranam Gacchâmi.
Dutiyampi Buddham Saranam Gacchâmi.
Dutiyampi Dhammam Saranam Gacchâmi.
Dutiyampi Sangham Saranam Gacchâmi.
Tatiyampi Buddham Saranarn Gacchâmi.
Tatiyampi Dhammam Saranam Gacchâmi.
Tatiyampi Sangham Saranam Gacchâmi.

Buddha Vandana
Iti pi so Bhagavâ-Araham Sammâ-sambuddho.
Vijjâ-carana sampanno Sugato Lokavidû Anuttarro
Purisa-damma-sârathi Satthâ deva-manussânam
Buddho Bhagavâti

Dhamma Vandana
Svâkkhato Bhagavatâ Dhammo Sanditthiko Akâliko Ehi-passiko Opanâyiko
Paccattam veditabbo viññuhiti.
Sangha Vandana
Supati-panno Bhagavato sâvaka sangho, Ujupati-panno Bhagavato sâvaka
Ñâya-patipanno Bhagavato sâvaka sangho. Sâmici-patipanno Bhagavato
sâvaka sangho
Yadidam cattâri purisa yugâni attha-purisa-puggalâ Esa Bhagavato sâvaka
Âhu-neyyo, pâhu-neyyo, Dakkhi-neyyo,añjalikaraniyo, anuttaram puññakkhetam

Pânâtipâtâ Veramani Sikkhâpadam Samâdiyâmi.
Adinnâdânâ Veramani Sikkhâpadam Samâdiyâmi.
Kâmesu Micchâcârâ Veramani Sikkhâpadam Samâdiyâmi.
Musâvâdâ Veramani Sikkhâpadam Samâdiyâmi.
Surâ Mêraya Majja Pamâdatthânâ Verami Sikkhâpadam Samâdiyâmi

Imâni Panca Sikkhâpadâni Samâdiyâmi

Imâni Panca Sikkhâpadâni Samâdiyâmi

Imâni Panca Sikkhâpadâni Samâdiyâmi

May all beings be happy

Shaolin Chán
Shaolin Chán
Training principles
First warm up and heat the musculature by variety of body weight exercises and running,
then train flexibility and balance (tong zi gong), power and qi (synchronised breathing movement
and chan). Then build basic skills the building blocks of wushu seperately. Then in forms or Taolu
every muscle is engaged and simultaneously endurance, strength, flexibility, balance, focus
(chan), power,and Qi (synchronised breathing with movement) is built into one fully integrated
unit. They then teach you how to move in your modern life, whether that’s carrying your groceries
home or climbing the stairs to the subway. Everything becomes part of your training: total mind-body
wellness. Whole life is shaolin chan

Shaolin Chán
Shaolin Chán
1. basic skills (基本功: ji ben kong): loosening up ,endurance and stamina
(high rep calisthenics and running)and flexibility&balance (童子功: tong zi
2. combat (散打: san da) skills: barehanded, weapon, and barehanded vs
weapon routines (套路: tao lu).
3. power skills (气功: qi kong):
a. internal (内: nei) and external (外: wai) Qi Kong meditation for energy

b. the 72 secret skills (七十二功: qi shi er kong), the legendary exercises of

Shaolin monks;

"time": Shaolin kung-fu exercises can be done anytime, day or night, in one or
different sessions, it depend on you. a typical time schedule is: monks train daily except one or a
couple of day a week to rest. they get up before sunrise. basics are usually trained before breakfast, by
loosening up followed by 15~30 minute of warm-up and endurance training and about 30 minute on
child skills. qi kung meditation is done after waking up or before sleep or another time for about 30
minute, and a external qi kung routine is also done, which take about 5~15 minute daily. every monk
practice a few select one of the 72 skill, each skill can be practiced anytime for a few minute, but
some skills take up to about 30 minute or more daily. combat skills are usually learned and trained
before or after noon for some time, about a half or one hour.

"place": ‘kung-fu is trained anywhere a bull lie down’, which mean it need a
small place.

"clothes": ‘light clothes hot days and warm clothes cold days,’ but do not be afraid of hot or
cold weather. Generally short robe (duan gua). Occasionally long robe (chang gua) or tshirt and
pajama or pant tailored to be loose yet fit enough for shaolin kungfu anytime anywhere.

"results": ‘after 100 day one improve, after 1000 day one achieve skills, after 10 year one
achieve mastery.


simple ,direct, effective ,practical ,designed for combat and self defence, safe, healthy, a way to

non risky ,non flowery, non ornamental, natural movements ,not for show (wushu), nor for sports
Shaolin Chán
Main Training
1.Shaolin basic skills (ji ben kong)
Ji ben gong means shaolin way of body conditioning and body building. The main body
conditioning of shaolin comes from tong zi gong (hath yog). First the musculature is warmed
up by various bodyweight exercises and running. Following that Tong zi gong (flex balance
breath by asanas) are the gymnast's equivalent way of body conditioning.

A.Loosening up B.Warm up (endurance)

1.A.Loosening up (with training manual video)

Ankle rotations + Wrist rotations
Neck rotations
Shoulder extensions
Knee rotations
Waist rotations
1.B.Warm Up:
Shaolin bodyweight exercises
Crunches 3 types-10x3
Full sit ups-10
Leg raises-(10)
V-sit ups-10
Side crunches (l,r) - (10x2)
Leg raises l, r -(10x2)
reverse crunches-(10)
superman- (10)
Diamond push ups-(10)
Classic regular push ups-(10)
Wide grip push ups-(10)
fist push ups -(10)
Bodyweight squats-(10)
Shaolin squats- (10)
Hopping double leg (20)
Hopping alternate leg-(20)
Heel raises-(20)
Shaolin running exercises
(start slowly then keep increasing the speed past your limit, push your limit)
a. spot running jog; run and twist upper body from side to side; sprint forward; sprint backward; …

run sideways; switch direction: legs get close to and far from each other alternatively like
a scissor; legs cross each other; legs cross each other with feet alternate to front and rear; …

raise knees high alternatively: run and raise knees; raise knee and punch with opposite
hand; …

jump: jump high; run and jump high; jump and raise both knees high; …

roll: forward; backward

squat: walk forward; leap forward; leap to sides; …

walk and slap kicks alternatively: slap feet soles in behind near the hips with opposite
palm; slap outside of feet in behind near the hips; slap feet soles in front of chest with
opposite palm; slap insteps in front of chest; …

and all other possible endless variations.....different variations each day...

c. next 5 mins: Leg stretches to loosen up post running

2. Shaolin combat skills (散打: san da)

2.A.Shaolin stance preparation/stretching

Front leg press (r,l)
Side leg press (r,l)
Leg press in bow stance (r,l)
Leg press in crouch stance (r,l)

2. B. Basic Stances and Basic movements

(Holds followed by moving in and out of stance)

Bow stance and thrust palm in bow stance

Horse stance and thrust fist in horse stance

Crouch stance and chop palm in crouch stance

Empty stance and block fist in empty stance

Rest stance thrust fist in rest stance

Seat stance (sit in rest stance)

T stance ; hold hands and shrink body in T stance

Chicken style step

2. C. Basic Hand forms


tiger claws

Hook hand,


Leopard fist

Hammer fist
2. D. Basic hand techniques
Face palm in horse stance

Thrust fist on original position

Thrust fist in horse stance

Turn bow stance into thrust fist in bow stance

Turn horse stance into thrust fist in bow stance

2. E. Basic leg techniques

Front kick

Side kick

Inside crescent kick (slap palm soundly right leg left palm vice versa)

Outside crescent kick (slap palm soundly right leg right palm vice versa)

Cross kick (slap palm soundly right leg right palm vice versa)

Snap kick (back of the foot straight or sole projected out; hitting with heel)

Slap foot (instep of foot; right foot hits right palm vice versa)

Crossed slap foot. (Same; right foot hits left palm vice versa)

Jumping slap kick

Joint exercise of slap kick and jumping slap kick

Backward swing kick (wrestle posture with left foot ,hand forward swing right foot 180 to hit
left palm)

Rear leg sweep (right foot stomp;left bow stance; support ground in front with both hands;
right leg sweeps backward 360; form bow stance again)

Front leg sweep (t stance; support ground in front with both hands; right leg sweeps from
front 360; form crouch stance)

Whirlwind kick

Outside lotus kick

2. F. Composite exercises and iron skills

Turn body thrust fist ( horse stance put hands cross and then thrust fist)

Turn body push palm(horse stance put hands cross and then thrust palm)

Bow stance and oblique form (thrust fist; hands orthogonal to each other)

Single whip in horse stance(like turn body thrust fist,direct no crossing arms after turning)

Turn slash fist in horse stance to hook elbow in bow stance

Turn step forward to elbow to thrust fist in rest stance

Turn chop palm in crouch stance to thrust fist in bow stance

Collide thrust fist, chop palm with towel on wall in horse stance

Collide outside and outside of forearms on wall in horse stance

Collide shin of leg against wall or rub shin with padded staff or pole

Hit chest, torso, abs, thigh with both the right and left forearm; skull with chop fist in horse stance.

Front tumble (fists near chest; fall in pushup position palm facing ground)

Back tumble (t stance ;chin touch chest;fall back with arms on the side)

Side tumble (left bow stance to left pistol squat;raise right hand fall on right side)

Elementary iron head skill

2. G.Shaolin Tao lu (套路) (1 out of many traditional combat forms)
First learn a form basically, which takes a couple of days. then learn the form in full details, practise
the same form again and again and again repeatedly until it becomes second nature ,which takes
about a month or so. you can learn the next form after learning one form, which means learning one
form in every one or couple of months. you should gradually improve your body moves (身法: shen

3. Shaolin power skills/(Qi Gong)

3. A.external power skills (wai qi gong)
( dynamic tension training /weight training without weights)

8 piece qi gong (Ba duan jin)

12 piece qi gong ( I jin jing)

3.B. Shaolin Tong zi gong (Childish skills/ virgin boy exercises)

Meditative tong zi gong (zen in each pose)/ hath yog
Soft Bones kungfu -32nd skill out of 72 secret skills
( literally hundreds of postures and 9 deep abdominal (dan tian ) breath in each pose)
1. Inversions
Sirshasan (headsiand).
Plates32. 33. 34, 35, 36. five minutes;

32 33 34
Sarvangasan (shoulderstand).
Plates 42. 43, ten minutes;

42 43

Matsy\asan (fish pose).

Plates 45.46. 47, 48. two times each;

2. Hip Exercises
Sethu Bandhasan (bridge pose), Kama Peedasan (ear-

Plate 44, one to two minutes, Plate 53, Anjanvyasan (split pose),
Plate 100

3. Forward bends
Halasan (plough pose),
Variations1, 2, 3: Plates 50. 51,52, three times each, and
Paschimothan Asana i hcadkneepose).
Variations 1, 2, 3,4: Plates 55. 56, 57, 58, three limes each

Janu Sirasan (head-knee pose).

Variations I. 2, 3. 4, 5: Plates 61,62. 63, 64, 65, three times each;

Bibhakta Paschimottanasan Kurmasan (tortoise pose),

Ekpada and DwipadaYoganidrasan

Ekpada and Dwipada Sirasan

4. Backward bends
Bhujangasan (cobra pose).
Plates 76, 77, 78;

Salahhasan (locust pose).

Plates 79, 80, 81,82, 83

Dhanurasan (bow pose).

Plates 84, 85, 86, 87;
SuptaVa'irasaa (kneeling pose).
Poonta Supra Vajrasan (diamondpose in full kneeling position).
Variation 3: Plate 89,Plate 90. ten seconds, and

Baghrasan and Vrischikasan

Chakrasan (wheel pose),

Plate* 95, 96, 97,98, 99. ten to thirty seconds

5. Twisting Exercises
A rdha Matscndra\an (spinaltwist). Poorna Matsvndrisan
(full spinal twist)
Variation 3: Plate 104. two times
Variations 1, 2: Plates 101, 102. 103. twice on each side

6. Balancing Exercises

Mayoorasan <peacock pose),

Plates 105. 106. 107. 108, 109.two times each;

105 106 107

108 109

Kakasan (crowpose).
Plates 110. 111. Two times each
110 111 112 113

7. Foot and leg Exercises

Padangushtasan (tiptoe pose), Bhadrasan (ankle-knee
Plate 123. two to three minutes Plate 116;


Gomukhasan (cowhead pose). Mandukasan (frog pose),

Plate 122 or plate 132 Plate 121, 1-2minutes
8. Meditative postures & sitting exercises
Siddhasan (adept's pose),
Plate14, three to five minutes,

Padmasan (lotus)
Plate 13. three to ten minutes Variation 1:Plate 128, three

BandhaPadmasan Kukudasan Garbhapindasan Parbatasan

9. Standing Exercises
Trikonasan Plate 135,136,137,138,

Sirangushtasana [head-toe pose]

Plate 139
Natarajasan [Lord Nataraja pose] Garuda Asana [eagle pose]
Plate140 Plate 141

Vatyanasana [one knee and foot pose] SHAVA ASANA

plate 142 Plate 146
3.C.Shaolin Chán (internal power skills-nei qi gong)
i.e (anapana sati patthana (samatha tranquillity meditation) & vipassana kammatthana
(insight meditation)) practise as an integrated unit

Shaolin Chán
Mini Training
1.A.Loosening up (with training manual video)
Ankle rotations + Wrist rotations
Neck rotations
Shoulder extensions
Knee rotations
Waist rotations

1.B.Warm Up:
Shaolin running exercises
(start slowly then keep increasing the speed past your limit, push your limit)
a. spot running jog; run and twist upper body from side to side; sprint forward; sprint backward; …
run sideways; switch direction: legs get close to and far from each other alternatively like
a scissor; legs cross each other; legs cross each other with feet alternate to front and rear; …

raise knees high alternatively: run and raise knees; raise knee and punch with opposite
hand; …

jump: jump high; run and jump high; jump and raise both knees high; …

roll: forward; backward

squat: walk forward; leap forward; leap to sides; …

walk and slap kicks alternatively: slap feet soles in behind near the hips with opposite
palm; slap outside of feet in behind near the hips; slap feet soles in front of chest with
opposite palm; slap insteps in front of chest; …

and all other possible endless variations.....different variations each day...

c. next 5 mins: Leg stretches to loosen up post running

2.A.Shaolin stance preparation/stretching

Front leg press (r,l)
Side leg press (r,l)
Leg press in bow stance (r,l)
Leg press in crouch stance (r,l)

2. B.Shaolin Tao lu (套路) (1 out of many traditional combat forms)

First learn a form basically, which takes a couple of days. then learn the form in full details, practise
the same form again and again and again repeatedly until it becomes second nature ,which takes
about a month or so. you can learn the next form after learning one form, which means learning one
form in every one or couple of months. you should gradually improve your body moves (身法: shen

3.A.external power skills (wai qi gong)

( dynamic tension training /weight training without weights)

8 piece qi gong (Ba duan jin)

3.B.Shaolin Chán (internal power skills-nei qi gong)

i.e (anapana sati patthana (samatha tranquillity meditation) & vipassana kammatthana
(insight meditation)) practise as an integrated unit


“To see things as they are…
Anekajātisaṁsāraṁ sandhāvissaṁ anibbisaṁ
gahakārakaṁ gavesanto: dukkhā jāti punappunaṁ.
Gahakāraka diṭṭhosi! Puna gehaṁ na kāhasi:
sabbā te phāsukā bhaggā, gahakūṭaṁ visaṅkhitaṁ,
visaṅkhāragataṁ cittaṁ, taṇhānaṁ khayam-ajjhagā ti.
The First Words of the Buddha
Through countless births in samsara I have wandered without finding
the house builder I was seeking: born and suffering again and again
O house builder, now you are seen! You will not build the house again:
all your rafters have been broken, and the ridgepole has been destroyed
my mind has reached the unconditioned, and craving’s end has been achieved

Ekāyano ayaṁ, bhikkhave, maggo sattānaṁ visuddhiyā,

sokapariddavānaṁ samatikkamāya, dukkhadomanassānaṁ atthaṅgamāya,
ñāyassa adhigamāya, nibbānassa sacchikiriyāya,
yad-idaṁ cattāro satipaṭṭhānā ti.
This is a one-way path, monks, for the purification of beings,
for the overcoming of grief and lamentation, for the extinction of pain and sorrow,
for attaining the right way, for the direct realisation of Nibbana,
that is to say, the four ways of attending to mindfulness.

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