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Staying silent or out of reach

A frequent victim of naval sonar, the beaked whale
muffles her own voice to stay hidden

A new technique could provide major

insights into the Moon’s surface, the sci-
entists behind it have said. The appro-
ach — which should allow researchers
to find entirely new breakthroughs in
pieces of lunar rock that are nearly 50
years old — involves analysing the rocks
at the most minute level, in the hope of
learning about the Moon. It could also
help future astronauts who Nasa hopes
A killer whale hunting a beaked whale
can live on the Moon’s surface in a lunar
base, by allowing them to find impor-
ther conclusion that the behaviour of shallow angle, and in silence, so that tant materials in the ground.
vocalising only after diving deep, and the predator cannot make out where “We’re analysing rocks from space,
then ascending at a shallow angle, are to get at them! atom by atom,” said Jennika Greer, the
also for predator evasion. The coordinated diving behaviour paper’s first author and a PhD student
The authors of the paper note was studied by tagging whales with at the Field Museum and University of
that the beaked whale’s behaviour has sensors that would transmit depth and Chicago. “It’s the first time a lunar sam-
S ANANTHANARYANAN takes time. This manner of rising limits other species of dolphin, even whales. a heavy price tag as it limits the time orientation data. Pairs of whales in the ple has been studied like this. We’re
the time they can spend at the depths, The killer whale, like many preda- available for echolocation of food. The same social group were tagged to see using a technique many geologists

nimals that use sound to com- where they forage. Rising slowly had tors of the sea, has sharp hearing to authors then carry out trials to quanti- how soon after the first whale began a haven’t even heard of.” The technique is
municate end up giving them- been considered to be an adaptation locate its prey. The beaked whale or fy how far the features of diving, vocal- dive did the second one follow. The called atom probe tomography, and
selves away to predators. The to avoid decompression sickness, an other animals that use sonar to locate ising and manner of ascent contribute result, the paper says is that the over- involves incredibly precise manipula-
way to stay viable is then to effect known to human divers when food are thus easily detected by the to predator avoidance, to make the lap of the time spent in a deep dive by tion of individual grains. It has previous-
spend time at places where predators they rise too fast after a dive. Reasons killer whale from afar. The killer whale, price worthwhile. the pair was 99 per cent. As the whales ly been used in industrial processes —
cannot venture. for this to happen, however, have not however, is silent and does not pro- The killer whale, the paper says, were selected at random, it can be but the new breakthrough has come in
Natacha Aguilar de Soto, Fleur been found and other, toothed whales, vide its victims the same courtesy. As is a powerful predator, but with limit- taken this shows coordination of div- turning it for the first time to lunar sam-
Visser, Peter L Tyack, Jesús Alcazar, which dive to similar depths, are seen an adaptation, the paper says, some ed diving capacity. Data suggests that ing behaviour. And then, the analysis ples.
Graeme Ruxton, Patricia Arranz, Peter to make nearly vertical ascents. These toothed whale species have evolved to they spend most of their time in the of the vocalisation behaviour, or the The sample is placed inside a spe-
T Madsen and Mark Johnson, from other whales also vocalise when they echolocate at frequencies that are top 20m of water. As intense effort is time the whales used echolocation, cial probe and then shot with a laser that
University of La Laguna, Tenerife, reach shallow water, to re-establish higher than the limits of the killer needed to capture whales and dol- showed an overlap of 98 per cent. knocks off individual atoms, which then
Canary Islands, Spain, University of contact with their herd. Whereas the whale’s hearing. Other species, dol- phins, and the killer whale needs to In respect of the slow ascent, fall onto a special plate. Researchers can
Amsterdam and Utrecht University, beaked whale typically stays silent phins, sperm and pilot whales, the come to the surface every 10 minutes, again, the positions of the whales from examine those elements by timing how
The Netherlands, University of St when not diving deep. As the beaked paper says, find social safety in cohe- the killer whale really cannot seek prey just before the vocalising stops were long they take to hit the detector —
Andrews, Scotland and Aarhus Uni- whale uses echolocation, or listening sive groups. at substantial depths. Deep water is plotted, using the pitch, roll, direction since heavier ones take longer — and so
versity, Denmark, describe in the jour- for echoes for locating prey, they are The beaked whales, however, hence a safe refuge for the killer and depth data, over 101 instances of the type of atom can be worked out.
nal, Scientific Reports, how the beaked able to actively forage for only 20 per have adopted neither strategy. They whale’s prey, specifically the beaked ascent. The whales covered a horizon- It has already helped researchers
whale has adapted to avoid becoming cent of the time, the paper says. produce clicks at mid frequencies and whale. The authors therefore propose tal distance of one kilometre during see the weathering and materials that
the prey of the killer whale. An alternate explanation for the can be heard by predators from a dis- that beaked whales restrict echoloca- the ascent, which created “a large cir- can be found inside the lunar soil. That
The beaked whale, at four to 13 way the beaked whale rises to the sur- tance. And they live in small groups tion to deep water, and keep silent, to cular locus of potential surfacing posi- in turn could help future astronauts as
metres long and one to 15 tonnes in face, and limits hunting to greater that offer no protection. That the give the least evidence of their pres- tions that must be searched by killer they move to live on the Moon, since
weight, is a middling whale, and is depths has been proposed as a means beaked whale has developed no ence, when they need to return to the whales and which they must search they could survive by taking resources
marked by the nature of its teeth — of predator evasion, the paper says. defensive strategy is at odds, the paper surface. visually rather than using echoloca- out of that dust.
teeth erupt only in the males and of Beaked whales can be attacked by says, with the intense reaction they This they achieve by coordinating tion to avoid alerting their prey,” the
these there is generally only one pair, sharks and it is known that they are show when exposed to recordings of their movements, by group diving, and paper says. The independent

rather like tusks, than teeth. What dis- harassed by dolphins. But their main killer whale sounds or mid-frequency by not echolocation, which would give “The unique diving and vocal
tinguishes beaked whales from other predator is the killer whale. Killer sonar sounds. Data shows that beaked them away, till they are too deep for behaviour of beaked whales could
deep diving species of whales, howev- whales are toothed whales, the largest whales are prominent among whales the killer whale to follow. The echolo- only evolve if the severe costs it impos- Glacial erosion
er, is their manner of diving in groups, of the marine dolphin family, and that are beached or stranded as a cation that they do use, however, es are outweighed by survival bene-
of vocalising only at depths and the known as apex predators, as no ani- result of the sonar emissions of naval would show the predator where its fits,” the paper says.
way they return to the surface. mal preys on them. They are found in exercises. This suggests that the mor- prey is foraging and it would lie in
The way they rise to the surface all parts of the world and prey on fish, talities are the result of anti-predator wait, directly overhead. Hence the The writer can be contacted at
after a dive is at a shallow angle, which other marine animals like seals and response, the paper says. And a fur- slow ascent of the beaked whales, at a

Lessons from Antarctica

Two hundred
years of
exploring the
world’s coldest,
most forbidding New insights into rates of bedrock ero-
and most sion by glaciers around the world will
help to identify better sites for the safe
peaceful storage of nuclear waste, according to
continent has Adelie Penguins on an iceberg in Antarctica
A new analysis of global glacier ero-
sion rates and flow speeds by scientists
taught � Frozen but abundant others has shown that the East at the University of Sheffield, University
humankind a lot Antarctica separated from South
America 35 million years ago, and its
Antarctica Ice Sheet does slowly thin
and thicken over millions of years.
of Dundee and Keele University has
overturned previous findings about the
DAN MORGAN climate started to change. It began to Interestingly, my data also suggest link between glacial flow and erosion
grow ice sheets — masses of glacial that as the ice advances and retreats, rates.

ntarctica is the remotest part land ice covering thousands of square it moves in the same patterns each Published in Nature Communica-
of the world, but it is a hub of miles. As plate tectonics shifted other time. Put another way, the ice flows tions last week, the findings confirm the
scientific discovery, interna- continents, Antarctica became colder over the same land each time it importance of glacier flow speed in
tional diplomacy and envi- and drier. For the past 14 million advances. determining the rate of glacial erosion.
ronmental change. It was officially dis- years, it has been the frigid continent While East Antarctica adds and But in an unexpected result, the scien-
covered 200 years ago, on 27 January that persists today. loses ice slowly, it is so large that it is a tists show that the increase in erosion
1820, when members of a Russian Antarctica is the only continent major contributor to sea level rise. rate with glacier flow speed occurs much
expedition sighted land in what is now that was literally discovered, because Understanding how the ice has more slowly than previously thought.
known as the Fimbul Ice Shelf on the it has no native human population. changed in the past is key to predict- Darrel Swift, a member of the Ener-
continent’s east side. British explorer Sir James Cook cir- ing how much and how fast it will gy Institute at the University of Sheffield,
Early explorers were drawn there cumnavigated the continent in 1772- melt in the coming years. said, “As glaciers flow downhill, they
by the mythology of Terra Australis, a 1775, but saw only some outlying These questions are especially � Finding inspiration in scientif- Under the treaty, scientists from slide over the bedrock beneath, causing
vast southern continent that schol- islands. Cook concluded that if there important in West Antarctica, where ic diplomacy North Korea, Russia and China can the bedrock to be eroded. This analysis
ars imagined for centuries as a coun- were any land, it would be “con- the bottom of the ice sheet is below Despite the potential for envi- freely visit US research stations in shows that a glacier that flows twice as
terweight to the Northern Hemi- demned to everlasting rigidity by sea level, making it very susceptible ronmental disaster in Antarctica, the Antarctica. Researchers from India fast as its neighbour does not necessari-
sphere. Others sought economic Nature, never to yield to the warmth to changes in sea level and ocean continent also offers evidence that and Pakistan willingly share their data ly produce twice the rate of bedrock ero-
bounty from hunting whales and of the sun.” temperature. By itself, the West nations can collaborate to find solu- about Antarctic glaciers. sion. This may be because, as glacier
seals, or the glory of conquering the Cook also reported that Antarc- Antarctic ice sheet has the potential tions. The Antarctic Treaty System is Thanks to the Antarctic Treaty, 10 flow speed increases, spaces between
planet’s last wilderness. Still others tic waters were rich with nutrients to raise sea level by 16 feet if it col- the world’s premier example of peace- per cent of Earth’s land surface is pro- the ice and the bed are formed in the lee
wanted to understand Earth’s mag- and wildlife. This drew sealers and lapses. ful and scientific international coop- tected as a wildlife and wilderness of bedrock bumps. This means that the
netic fields in order to better navigate whalers, mainly from England and the As climate change raises global eration. refuge. I have set foot in places in base of the glacier begins to separate
the seas. US, who hunted the region’s fur seals sea levels, parts of the West Antarctica This landmark accord, signed in Antarctica where I know no one has from, or lose contact with, the bed.
I am a geologist who specialises and elephant seals to near-extinction Ice Sheet, such as the Thwaites and 1961, sets aside Antarctica for peace- ever been before, and the treaty sets “This effect has been suggested by
in understanding the timing and in the following decades. This hunt- Pine Island Glaciers, are particularly ful and scientific purposes and recog- areas aside that no one will ever visit. some to enhance the rate of erosion,
extent of past ice ages. Much of my ing spree led to the discovery of the vulnerable to collapse. At the end of nises no land claims on the continent. Antarctica’s landscapes are unlike because it increases the stress placed by
work focuses on the glacial history of Antarctic mainland and its ice sheets, the last ice age, parts of West Antarcti- It also was the first non-nuclear anywhere else on Earth. The best sliding ice on the few lumps of bedrock
Antarctica, and I’ve been privileged to the largest in the world. ca thinned by an average of 1.5 to accord ever signed, barring use of comparison may be the Moon. that remain in contact with the glacier’s
conduct five field seasons of research three feet per year. Today with GPS, Antarctica for nuclear weapons test- Yet in these stark environments, base. However, it is perfectly possible
there. � Reading the ice satellite and airborne measurements, ing or disposal of radioactive waste. life finds a way to persist — showing that this effect is negated by the fact that
For the next two years I’ll be Today the combined East and scientists are seeing parts of West The great Antarctic explorer Sir that there are solutions to even the less and less of the bed is in contact with
working with a field team made up West Antarctic ice sheets hold 90 per Antarctica thin by three to 20 feet per Ernest Shackleton said that “optimism most daunting challenges. If Antarcti- sliding ice.”
entirely of undergraduate students cent of the world’s ice, enough to raise year. is true moral courage,” and the ca has taught us anything in 200 For the first time, the analysis also
from Vanderbilt University in the US global sea levels by roughly 200 feet if We also know from the geological authors of the Antarctic Treaty were years, it’s that we can cooperate and shows the clear importance of local tem-
to determine whether the East it all melted. Antarctica is the coldest, record that this ice sheet is capable of certainly courageous optimists. They collaborate to overcome problems. As perature and precipitation in determin-
Antarctic Ice Sheet changes flow pat- highest, driest, windiest, brightest, rapid collapses, and has sometimes were encouraged by the success of the Ernest Shackleton once said, “Diffi- ing glacial erosion rates at the global
terns as it changes shape. All of the and yes, iciest continent on Earth. thinned at rates in excess of 30 feet per 1957-1958 International Geophysical culties are just things to overcome, scale. The findings help to explain pat-
research these budding scientists And 200 years of research has shown year. Recent models show sea level Year, a worldwide programme of sci- after all.” terns of glacial erosion produced by
conduct will be done under the aus- that it is a key component of Earth’s could rise by one metre by 2100 and entific research during which 12 glaciers and larger ice caps or ice sheets,
pices of the Antarctic Treaty, a global climate system. 15 metres by 2500 if greenhouse gas countries built over 50 bases in The write is associate dean and principal which are responsible for creating spec-
senior lecturer in Earth and environmental
agreement that promotes scientific Despite the appearance that it is emissions continue to rise at current Antarctica, including McMurdo Sta- sciences, Vanderbilt University, US. This tacular Alpine landscapes — and also
cooperation and environmental pro- an unchanging, freeze-dried land- rates and the ice sheet experiences a tion and the Amundsen-Scott South article was first published on have implications for the safe long-term
tection. scape, my research and work by many rapid collapse, as it has in the past. Pole Station. storage of hazardous nuclear waste.


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