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The Republic of Somaliland

National Investment Policy

Somaliland Ministerial Cabinet Approval of the
National Investment Policy

At the 51st Somaliland Cabinet meeting conducted on the 27/12/2019, the Somaliland
National Investment Policy got approved that was submitted by the Minister of
Investment Promotion at the 50th Somaliland Cabinet meeting.

The Council unanimously approved the National Investment Policy where 29 Ministers
were present at the meeting, all of whom voted in favor and no one objected.

This much-needed policy will contribute to the country's economic growth and
development, leading to job creation and increased employment opportunities.

This policy applies to all different types of investors, whether they are local or foreign

Hon. Mohamed Ahmed Mohmoud (Awad),

Minister of Investment Promotion
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List of Acronyms and
NDP National Development Plan

NIP National Investment Policy

UN United Nations

GDP Gross Domestic Production

SMEs Small and Medium Enterprises

FDI Foreign Direct Investment

BOT Build-Operate-Transfer

KPI Key Performance Indicators

FTP Free Transfer of Profit

PPP Public Private Partnership

SEZ Special Economic Zones

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Table of Content;
Message from the Minister 5
Message from the Director General 6
1. Introduction 7
4. Enforcement of International Laws
1. Investment in Somaliland
2. Policy Scope and Restrictions
3. Approach of the Investment Policy 4. Investment Facilitation 22
4. Goal of the Policy 1. Visa Facilitation
5. Policy Targets 2. Government Guarantees and Incentives
I. 1) Improved Coordination in Investment 3. Contract Enforcement and Dispute Settlement
II. 2) Public Private Partnerships
III. 3) Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) 5. Special Economic Zones 25
IV. 4) Empowering Small and Medium Enterprises
(SMEs) 6. Investment Priorities 26
V. 5) Strengthening the National Investment 1. Agriculture
Regulations 2. Livestock
3. Fishing
2. Guiding Principles 16 4. Industry
1. Rule of Law 5. Energy
2. Protection of Human Rights 6. Mining
3. Free Market 7. Oil and Gas
4. Equity and Fairness 8. Gums and Resins
5. Shariah Compliance
7. Policy Implementation Guideline 33
3. Legal Framework for Investment Protection 19
1. Existing Legislations for Investment
2. Investor Rights
3. Protection of Intellectual Property Rights

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Message from the Minister

“For developing and developed nations alike “Waddamada soo koraya iyo kuwa horumaray si isku mid ah ayuu
investment is a major driver of economic growth and maalgashigu u yahay waxa ugu wayn ee koboc dhaqaale iyo horumar
societal progress, and both public and private bulsho keena, maalgashiga dadweynaha iyo ka gaarka ahiba kaalin gaar ah
investments play distinct but equally important oo muhiimaddiisa leh ayay ka qaataan koboca iyo horumarka dhaqaalaha
complementary roles in the growth and dalka. Maalgashiga dadweynaha ee muddadii furfurnaanta dhaqaale kadib
development of a countries economy. waxa uu wax kusoo kordhiyay ujeeddooyinkayaga horumarineed ee qaran,
waxaanu muhiim u yahay maalgashiga gaarka ah si uu u suurogaliyo
dhaqaale xasiloon oo wax soo saar leh si uu faa’iido uga soo celiyo
Public investment during the post-liberalization period contributes
maalgashiga. Waxa intaa dheer, qaababka iyo dhinaca uu u socdo
to our national development objectives, and is key in enabling a
maalgashiga dunidu waa uu isbedelay xilligan lagu gudo jiro edegaynta
productive and resilient economy for private investment to (globalization) iyo isdhexgalka dhaqaale, Xukuumadda Jamhuuriyadda
generate a return on investment. Furthermore, global investment Somalilandna waxa ay higsanaysaa in ay arrintaa ka faa’iidaysato, iyadoo
flow trends and patterns have changed in this era of increased xukuumaddu heer qaran iyo heer gobolba ay u taagantahay kor u qaadista
globalization and economic integration, and the Government of iyo fududaynta maalgashiga iyadoo sugaysa in Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland
the Republic of Somaliland intents to capitalize upon it; ensuring ay tahay dookha ugu fiican ee maalgashi.
Government on both the national and regional level is committed
to promoting and facilitating investment ensuring that the Siyaasadda Qaran ee Maalgashigu waxa ay kor u qaadaysaa isku xidhka
qaran iyadoo dhiirrigelinaysa horumar guud, iyadoo higsigu yahay in
Republic of Somaliland is the best choice.
maalgashadayaasha maxalliga ah iyo kuwa shisheeyaha ah, Mohamed
Ahmed Mohamoud (Awad) shirkadaha, iyo daneeyayaasha kaleba; in la
This National Investment Policy (NIP) espouses nationwide
joogteeyo lana kobciyo dhaqaalaha iyo hanaanka sharci, kaasoo
coordination in encouraging inclusive development, and targeted caawinaya maalgashiga. Siyaasadda hadda jirta ee ku qotonta maalgashiga
promotion drives that engage all domestic and foreign investors, waxay lagama maarmaan u tahay inay xoojiso habraaca istiraatijiyadeed
companies, and other relevant stakeholders; by maintaining and ee Soomaaliland, kuna aadan maalgashiga, kaasoo ku qotama higsiga
fostering an establishment and economy that is friendly to horumarka Soomaaliland ee sanadka 2030-ka. Gunaanadkii, annigoo ku
investment. Therefore the current NIP will affirm and strengthen hadlaya magacayga iyo kan Wasaaradda Horumarinta Maalgashiga,
Somaliland’s strategic guidance on investment in line with the waxaan u mahad celinayaa dhamaan daneeyayaasha, kuwaasoo wax ku
Somaliland 2030 vision” kordhiyey habraaca siyaasaddaan Qaran ee maalgashiga”

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Message from the Director General
M R S . D E E Q A C A B D I Y U U S U F, D I R E C T O R G E N E R A L O F M I N I S T R Y O F I N V E S T M E N T P R O M O T I O N

When it comes to investment, the priority is to achieve

Marka aynu ka hadlayno maalgshi ahmiyadda ka
dambaysaa waa in la helo koboc dhaqaale kaas economic growth, which in turn leads to more job
oo ay daba socdaan in marka dhaqaaluhu kobco ay creation in the country. Somaliland is a fledgling country
ka dhalato in shaqo abuur badani dalka ka hirgalo. and a potential country where all sources of investment
Somaliland waa dal curdin ah isla mrakaana waa
dal dihin oo dhamaan ilhii maalgashi ay yihiin are those that need tangible action and investment.
kuwa u baahan in waxqabad la taaban karo laga suurtagaliyo oo la Somaliland is strategically located to enable investors to
maalgashado. Somalialnd waxay ku taalaa goob istraatiji ah oo u market their products successfully.
suurto galinaysaa in maalgshadaha marka uu maalgashigiisu midho
dhalo ay u sahlantahay suuq gayntiisu,
The National Investment Policy equally serves all
Siyaasadda Qaran ee maalgashigu waxay si siman u gu adeegaysaa investors in Somaliland, both citizens and foreigners from
dhamaan cid kasta oo Somaliland maalgshi ka fulinaysa hadday around the world. The National Investment Policy
yihiin muwaadiniin u dhashay dalka iyo hadday yihiin ajnabi dunida
daafaheeda ka yimid . Siyaasadda Qaran ee Maalgashigu waxa ay kor promotes and motivates investors by creating
u qaadaysaa dhiirgalinaysaana maalgashadayaasha iyadoo iyadoo comprehensive development. This national investment
abuuraysa horumar dhinac walba ah. Siyaasadan qaran ee policy is based on the 2030 national vision plan derived
maalagshigu waxay ku qotontaa qorshaha hiigsiga qaranka ee 2030
kaa soo laga soo dheegay qorshaha horumarinta qaranka ee labaad from the second national development plan (NDP2)
In conclusion, the Ministry of Investment Promotion is
Gabagabadii waxay wasaarada Horumarinta maalgashigu diyaar u ready to implement the national investment policy in
tahay socdsiinta iyo fulinta siyaasada qaran ee maalgshiga iyadoo
kaashanaysa Hayaddaha dawliga ah ee wada shaqaynta leeyihiin . collaboration with partner agencies.

Waxaan u mahad celinayaa cid kasta oo gacan ka gaysatay in ay I thank everyone who has helped make the national
siyaasada qaran ee maalgshigu noqto mid dhaqan gal ah. investment policy more effective.

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S O M A L I L A N D N AT I O N A L I N V E S T M E N T P O L I C Y 2 0 1 9

Introduction Hordhac

I nvestment in Somaliland M aalgashiga Somaliland

Somaliland has in abundance investable natural Soomaaliland waxay leedahay khayraad badan oo dabiici ah oo la
maalgashan karo, waxaana ka mid ah macdanaha, shidaalka,
resources such as minerals, oil, marine resources,
khayraadka badda, xabagta iyo beeyada, xoolaha nool iyo qaybo
frankincense, livestock, and various other raw materials.
badan oo kala duwan oo alaabooyinka ceedhin ah. Sidaa darteed
As such Somaliland seeks and encourages private waxay raadinaysa, dhiiri-gelinna u samaynaysaa maalgashadayaasha
investors to invest in these resources. During the last two gaarka ah si ay maalgashi ugu sameeyaan khayraadkan. Labaatandkii
decades, Somaliland has been struggling to create sano ee u danbeeyay, Somaliland waxa ay u halgamaysay in ay
abuurto dhaqaale furfuran kaasoo keenaya koboc dhaqaale oo Dalku
economic liberalization as a driver of economic growth
yeesho. Nidaamka dhaqaale ee Somaliland waxa uu ku cadyahay
in the Country. Somaliland national economic system is dastuurka Dalka iyadoo hawlaha dhaqaale iyo ganacsi ee Dalku ay
embedded in its constitution where the economic saldhig u yihiin mabaadi’da waawayn ee suuqa xorta ah, in si
activities in the Country are based on the main principles caddaalad ah loola dhaqmo ganacsiyada iyo in hantidu ay wareegto
of free market, fair treatment and circulation of wealth si looga hortago in hantidu cid gaar ah gacanteeda gasho iyo in
dadku sifo aan sharci ahayn ay ku xoolaystaan.
where it also prevents the wealth to remain in one hand
and unlawful enrichment as well. Si loola socdo isbedelada xaaladaha maalgelineed, Xukuumaddu
waxay joogtaynaysaa fulinta dhiirigelinta dhaqaalaha iyo maamulka
Being aware of the changing environment for sharci ee caawinaya maalgashiga gudaha iyo ka shisheeyaba.
investment, the Government has maintained its Arrintaani waxay dhalisay in lasoo soo jiidato maalgashadayaal
commitment to fostering an economic and legal regime caalamiya oo ay ka mid yihiin shirkado maalgashaday gaasta iyo
saliidda. Iyadoo laga duulayo fulinta ballanqaadka iyo kor u qaadista
that is friendly for both foreign and domestic
furfurnaanta dhaqaalaha; Wasaaradda Horumarinta Maalgashigu
investments. waxa ay samaysay Siyaasaddan Qaran ee Maalgashiga.

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At the national level, Ministry of Investment

P olicy Scope and Restrictions Pr o m o t i o n i s r e s p o n s i b l e f o r t h e o v e r a l l
implementation of this NIP and also the
The NIP provides an outline of the current investment recommendations of the reform measures in the
promotion and facilitation framework, processes and policy, while at the sectoral level, concerned
procedures including the governing laws and ministries are responsible for the sectoral
regulations. It makes proposals on the reforms that implementation and application of this policy and in
will be required to make Somaliland a destination of accordance with the Somaliland National
choice for investors with a conducive business Development Plan framework.
environment that is consistent with the global
economic development reforms. It proposes the At the very initial instance of investing in the Country;
guiding principles that will be observed in the the Directorate of Investment at the Ministry of
exercise of promoting and facilitating investments. Investment Promotion is responsible for the
implementation and provision of guidance on the
This policy applies to all public sector institutions,
necessary steps to achieve the desired policy and
including Government ministries, autonomous regulatory space through the proposed measures of
agencies, independent commissions, judicial and this NIP.
legislative bodies, national and international non-
Governmental organizations, and private entities This policy and associated reports can only be
implementing investment related initiatives, including utilized for the purpose of the development and
domestic investors and foreign investors. Being performance improvement of public services. It is
aware of the changing environment for investment, prohibited to use the policy mandated activities and
the Government has maintained its commitment to their reports for private gain, political purpose, and
fostering an economic and legal regime that is any kind of malicious intention, whatsoever.
friendly for both foreign and domestic investments.
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Heer qaran, Wasaaradda Maalgashigu waxay masuul ka

B aaxadda iyo Dabarrada Siyaasadda tahay fulinta Siyaasaddan Qaran ee Maalgashiga iyo
sidoo kale talo soo jeedino ay ka bixiso talaabooyinka
Siyaasadda qaran ee maalgashigu waxay bixinaysaa dib-u-habaynta loogu samaynayo siyaasadda, halka
aasaas kor u qaadaya maalgashiga wakhtigan jira iyo heerka wadaageedna, wasaaradaha ay khusayso ay
fududaynta qaab sharciyeedka, habraaca iyo nidaamka iyaguna masuul ka yihiin fulinta heerka wadaag iyo
ay ka midka yihiin xeerarka iyo xeer-nidaamiyeyaasha dabbaqidda siyaasaddan iyo si waafaqsan Qorshaha
lagu dhaqayo. Wuxuu soo gudbinayaa in dib-u-habayn Horumarinta Somaliland.
lagu samayn doono jihada ay u baahan tahay in
Marka ugu horraysa ee Dalka la maalgashanayo;
S o o m a a l i l a n d a y u s o c o t o, ku n a d o o ra n a y s o
Agaasimaha Waaxda Maalgashiga ee Wasaaradda
maalgashadayaasha, si loo helo degaan ganacsi. Waxay
Horumarinta Maalgashiga ayaa ka masuul ah fulinta iyo
soo jeedinaysaa haggis ku aadan qodobada sharci
tilmaan-bixinta ku aaddan tallaabooyinka lagama
noqon doona in lagu dabaqo kor u qaadista iyo
maarmaanka ah ee lagu gaadhayo siyaasadda la rabo
fududaynta maalgashadayaasha, sidoo kale hab raac
iyo meesha lagu maamulayo iyadoo la raacayo
dibu habayn. Qaab dhismeedka haya’adeed iyo hab raac
tallaabooyinka Siyaasaddan Qaran ee Maalgashi.
loo maro fulinta, heerka ka warbixin, qaabaynta iyo
nidaamka kadib lagu hormarin doono.
Siyaasaddan iyo warbixinaha la socda ayaa kaliya loo
isticmaalikaraa ujeeddada laga leeyahay horumarka iyo
Siyaasadaan waxaa lagu hagayaa dhamaan hay’addaha
horumarinta waxqabadka ee adeegyada dawladda. Way
dawladda, oo ay ka mid yihiin wasaaraddaha dawladdu,
reebbantahay in hawlaha siyaasaddan jidaynayso iyo
hay’addaha maamul ee gobollada, gudiyada madaxa
warbixinaha la socdaba loo adeegsado ka faa’iidaysi
banaan, maxkamadaha iyo xubnaha sharci dejinta,
gaar ahaaneed, ujeeddo siyaasadeed, iyo wax kasta
hay’addaha qaran iyo kuwa caalamiga ah ee aan dawliga
ahayn iyo talaabooyinka lagu fulinayo maalgashiga oo ku talogal xun xanbaarsan waxa uu doonoba ha
gaarka loo leyahay. noqdee.

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A pproach of the Investment Policy H annaanka Siyaasadda Maalgashi

This National Investment Policy (NIP) is designed to Siyaasaddan Qaran ee Maalgashi waxa loogu talogalay in
easing out all sectors for both foreign and domestic ay maalgashadayaasha gudaha iyo kuwa shisheeyaba u
investors through specific interventions for simplifying fududayso in ay maalgashadaan dhammaan wadaagyada
of doing business with reduced processes. iyadoo loo marayo tallaabooyin cadcad oo fududaynaya in
Strategically Somaliland is located between the la sameeyo ganacsi habka loo marayo lasoo koobay.
Middle East and Africa alongside the busy Gulf of Istiraatiiji ahaan, Somaliland waxa ay ku taallaa Bariga
Aden. The Country has a significant potential to Dhexe iyo Africa dhexdooda iyadoo ku dhinac taalla
Gacanka Cadmeed ee mashquulka badan. Dalku waxa uu
become the connection of the regional trade and
muhiim u yahay in uu noqdo mid isku xidha ganacsiga
investment hub with more connectivity through land,
gobolka ka socda iyo maalgashiga isagoo leh bad, berri
sea, and air routes. The country has a large and
iyo hawoba. Dalku waxa uu leeyahay suuq macmiil oo
growing domestic consumer market, which could
ballaadhan, kaasoo ka dhigikara Dalka mid awood u
become a powerful draw with enhanced buying
yeesha in uu soo jiito maalgashadaha. Waxa uu daaqad
power parity and it is a strategic trading window to the
ganacsi oo muhiim ah u yahay dalka jaarka la ah ee
neighboring country, Ethiopia, almost a hundred-
Itoobiya, oo dadkiisu ku dhawyihiin boqol milyan oo waliba
million land-locked population who mainly rely on bilaa bad ah iskuna hallaynkara dekedda Berbera si ay ugu
Berbera port to get connected with the world trade. xidhmaan ganacsiga dunida.

The Policy thereby has a forward looking and out- Siyaasaddani waxa ay leedahay yool iyo aragti fog
reach approach and thereby designed to keep “what waxaanay ku dhisantahay aragtida ah “waxa uu
an investor is interested in” in a preferred investment maalgashaduhu danaynayo” marka ay jirto goob
location like Somaliland. maalgashi oo Somaliland ah oo uu danaynayaa.
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4. To empower Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to

G oal of the Policy

grow into medium and large industrial and
manufacturing centers in order to maximize their
impact on Somaliland’s economic growth. This will be
The main goal of the NIP is to attract investment so as to
done through promoting the establishment of
contribute to the economic growth of the Country and to
economic zones with facilities for work spaces,
encourage economic diversification and transformation.
incubation, and other business development services;
This is intended to increase national domestic production
(GDP) in line with Somaliland Vision 2030 which provides 5. To strengthen the legal and regulatory regime for
for balanced, sustainable, and equitable investments that investment protection by having policy coherence
results in poverty reduction, increasing employment rate and comprehensiveness, as well as ensuring the
and economic development, where these investments are adequacy and harmonization of existing legal
expected to also introduce innovative methods of mechanisms and policies
production and technology.
6. To establish Review Mechanisms for improving the
The specific objectives of the NIP are to: legitimacy and consistency of the NIP and to achieve
this objective; the feedback from the foreign and
1. To boost Foreign Director Investment (FDI) and
domestic investors, and other national and
domestic investment in alignment with the National
international stakeholders are incorporated with Key
Development Plan and Somaliland Vision 2030;
Performance Indicators (KPIs) to review the NIP
2. To strengthen and streamline national investment
liberalization in accordance with Country’s laws and
7. To establish Effective Decision-Making process, where
investment promotion related decisions are
streamlined through identified institutional
3. To establish an enabling environment for corporations
arrangements to avoid contradictory multiple and/or
to be able to improve their productivity and
duplicate decisions that may affect the investor’s right
competitiveness so that they improve the efficiency to
maximize returns on investments;
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kartidooda ku aaddan in ay badiyaan faa’iidada uga soo

U jeeddada Siyaasadda
noqonaysa maalgashiga;

4. In kor loogu qaado awoodda shirkadaha yar yar iyo kuwa

Ujeedada siyaasadda qaran ee maalgashigu waa inay soo dhexeba si ay ugu koraan kuwa dhexe iyo xarumaha
jiidato maalgelinta wax ku kordhinaysa korodhka iyo dhiiri warshadaha wax soo saara ee waawayn si ay u badato
gelinta dhaqaalaha, sidoo kale waxay dhiiri gelinaysaa kala saamayntooda ay ku leeyihiin koboca dhaqaale ee
duwanaanta iyo isbedelka. Tanoo looga gol leeyahay in kor Somaliland. Tani waxa ay ku suurogalaysaa in kor loo qaado
hirgelinta aagag dhaqaale oo leh waxyaabihii u
loogu qaado wax soo saarka qaran ee gudaha (GDP), oo
fudaydinayay goobahooda shaqo, horumarkooda iyo
waafaqsan higsiga Soomaaliland ee sanadka 2030, kaasoo
adeegyada horumarineed ee ganacsi ee kale.
bixinaya dheeli tir, joogtayn iyo maalgelin la hubo oo keena
shaqo abuur iyo horumar dhaqaale, halka sidoo kale ku 5. In loo xoojiyo nidaamka sharci ee lagu maamulayo ilaalinta
hagaya soo saaridda ilaha khayraadka dabiiciga ah ee maalgashiga iyadoo la dhawrayo dhamaystirnaanta
wadanka. Maalgashiyadaan sidoo kale waxay keenayaa siyaasadda iyo sidoo kale in la hubiyo in xeerarkii hore u
nidaam dibu habayn oo wax soo saarka iyo farsamada jiray ku filanyihin iyo in la iswaafajiyo xeerarka iyo
casriga ah. siyaasadaha.

Ujeeddooyinka gaarka ah ee Siyaasaddan Qaran ee 6. In la sameeyo hab dib u eegiseed oo lagu horumarinayo
Maalgashigu waa sidan soo socota:- sharciyadda iyo iswaafaqsanaanta Siyaasadda Qaran ee
Maalgashiga iyo gaadhista ujeeddooyinka; warcelinta laga
1. Kor u qaadista Maalgashiga Shisheeye ee Tooska ah iyo helo maalgashadayaasha shisheeye iyo kuwa gudahaba, iyo
maalgashiga maxalliga ah ahba iyadoo lala jaanqaadsiinayo daneeyayaasha dalka iyo kuwa caalamiga ahba iyadoo loo
Qorshaha Horumarinta Qaranka iyo Yoolka Somaliland ee adeegsanayo Hagayaasha Waxqabad ee Muhiimka ah iyo in
2030. dib u eegis joogto ah lagu sameeyo Siyaasadda Qaran ee
2. In loo xoojiyo loona casriyeeyo furfurnaanta maalgashiga
qaranka si waafaqsan xeerarka Dalka; 7. In la abuuro hab go’aan-qaadasho oo sax ah, iyadoo
go’aannada la xidhiidha horumarinta maalgashiga loo
3. In loo suurogaliyo deegaan ku habboon shirkadaha si ay dejinayo hab hay’adeed oo diyaargaraw ka samaynaya si
ugu suurogasho in ay horumariyaan wax soo saarkooda iyo looga dheeraado go’aanno isburiyaa in ay soo baxaan
tartanka ka dhexeeyaba sidaa darteedna ay u horumariyaan kuwaasoo saamaynkara xuquuqda maalgashadaha.
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3. Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT): Under the PPP

P olicy Targets
investments, Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) contracts can
be entered into between the Government of Somaliland
and the investor. The main aim of the establishment of
NIP in line with Government’s economic strategies has the
BOT contracts is to enable investors to contribute to the
following targets:
development of economic infrastructures by means of
fi nancing large developmental projects. For the
1. Improved Coordination in Investment: This policy
establishment of BOT contracts; special procedures for
intends to have better coordination between the
facilitation should be employed by the Government of
Government agencies that involve in the key sectors of
production including, the Ministry of Agriculture, the
Ministry of Fishing, the Ministry of Energy and Natural
4. Empowering Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs):
Resources, the Ministry of Livestock, the Chamber of
The Government of Somaliland strongly believes in the
Commerce, and other relevant regulating authorities with
empowerment and fully supports SMEs and the NIP
the Ministry of Investment Promotion.
aims to implement this agenda for strong SMEs that
bring about more jobs for young generation. This policy
2. Public Private Partnerships: Somaliland Government
aims at harnessing the creative and innovative potential of
stands for establishing viable Public Private
SMEs in Somaliland as SMEs may partially cover the
Partnerships (PPPs) to address large scale infrastructure
demands of a population that is seeking employment
development that are beyond the fi nancing capacities
opportunities and a closer integration with the world
of the Government. PPPs are an important initiative for
infusing private sector management disciplines and
effi ciency into the development and delivery of public
5. Strengthening the National Investment Regulations:
infrastructure and services PPP investments are
The Somaliland Investment Act signifi es that the
substantially important for stimulating increased
provisions of the legislation should be consistent with the
investment in economic activities as well as external trade
National Investment Policy as far as it is facilitating and
promoting investment.

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Maalgashiga PPPs wuxuu wax tar muhiim ah u leeyahay inuu kor u

Y oolalka Siyaasadda
qaado arrimaha dhaqaalaha, sidoo kale fududaynta ganacsiga

3. Nidaamka Maalgelineed ee BOT (Build-Operate-Transfer): Iyadoo la

Siyaasadda Qaran ee Maalgashigu waa hab-raac ay
raacayo nidaamka maalgelineed ee iskaashatooyinka dawladda iyo
Xukuumaddu u jeexday dhaqaalaha, yoolka la higsanayaana
dadka gaarka ah (PPPs), Xukuumadda Somaliland iyo maalgashaduhu
wuxuu noqonayaa sidan soo socota: waxa ay wada galikaraan heshiisyo maalgelineed oo ku dhisan
nidaamka loo yaqaanno Buil-Operate-Transfer (BOT). Ujeeddada ugu
1. Kor u Qaadista isku Dubaridka Maalgashiga: Siyaasadaani waxay u wayn ee laga leeyahay gelidda heshiisyadaasi waa in maalgashadaha
taagan tahay inay qabato isku dubarid wanaagsan oo u dhexeeya loo suurogaliyo in uu ka qaybqaato horumarinta kaabayaasha dhaqaale
hay’addaha dawladda ee ku lugta leh qaybaha muhiimka ah ee wax isagoo maalgelinaya mashaariic horumarineed oo waawayn. Si loo
soo saarka oo ay ka mid tahay, wasaarada beeraha, wasaaradda hirgeliyo heshiisyadaa ku salaysan nidaamka BOT; hab-raac gaar ah oo
kalluumaysiga, wasaaradda tamarta iyo khayraadka dabiiciga ah, lagu fududaynayo ayay hirgelindoontaa Xukuumadda Somaliland.
wasaaradda xanaanada xoolaha, ururka ganacsiga iyo qaybaha kale ee
maamulka dawladeed ee xidhiidhka la leh wasaaradda maalgashiga. 4. Xoojinta Ganacsiyada Yaryar iyo Kuwa Dhexe (Small and Medium
Kor u qaadista lagu sameeyo isku duwidda waxay daboolaysaa Enterprises): Xukuumadda Somaliland waxay si xoog leh u rumaysan
marnaansho kasta oo jawaab ay ku siin kari lahayd dawladdu qaybaha tahay tayaynta iyo in taageero la siiyo shirkadaha yar yar iyo kuwa
ganacsiga ee gaarka loo leeyahay. Waxay kaloo ujeedkeedu tahay in heerka dhexe, Siyaasadda Qaran ee Maalgashiguna waxa
lala socda heerka maalgashiga cusub uu u shaqaynayo iyo in galangal ujeedooyinkeeda ka mid ah in la fuliyo qorshahan, si loo xoojiyo
loo yeesho suuqyada cusub, si loo helo hab isku xidhan oo ay sal u shirkadaha ganacsiga yar yar iyo kuwa heerka dhexe, kuwaasoo
tahay korodhka dhaqaaluhu. keenaya abuuritaanka shaqooyin badan oo da’yartu hesho.
Siyaasadaani waxay leedahay ujeedooyin lagula soconayo awoodda
2. Iskaashatooyinka Dawladda iyo Dadka: Xukuumadda Soomaaliland hal-abuurka ee shirkadaha ganacsiga yar yar iyo kuwa heerka dhexe ee
waxay u taagan tahay inay abuurto nidaam cadaynaya wax wadaagista Soomaaliland ka jira, maadaama ay qayb ahaan daboolayaan
hay’ayadaha dawladda iyo kuwa ganacsiga gaarka loo leeyahay (PPPs) baahiyaha bulshada, kuwaasoo raadinaya fursado shaqo iyo inay ku
si loo xaliyo heerka balaadhan ee horumarinta kaabayaasha ka baxsan xidhmaan dhaqaalaha dunida.
awoodaha maaliyadeed ee dawladda. Hanaanka wax isku darsiga
dawladda iyo ganacsiyada gaarka loo leeyahay wuxuu talaabo muhiim 5. Adkaynta Xeer-nidaamiyeyaasha Qaran ee Maalgelinta: Xeerka
ah u yahay inuu xoojiyo maamulka qaybaha gaarka loo leeyahay, Maalgashiga ee Somaliland ayaa muujinaya in qodobada sharci ay
daahfurnaanta iyo wax tarka ay u leeyihiin horumarka, sidoo kale wax waafaqsanaadaan Siyaasadda Qaran ee Maalgashiga maadaama ay
ku kordhinta kaabayaasha dawladda iyo adeegyada. Sidaa darteed, fududaynayso oo ay kor u qaadayso maalgashiga.

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publicly promulgated in the Country. These laws are

G uiding Principles equally enforced and independently adjudicated. This

principle indicates as the milestone of the supremacy
Competition for investment and changing global of law and avoidance of the arbitrary systems. This
circumstances necessitate a dynamic investment policy principle is enshrined in the Constitution of Somaliland.
framework. To ensure responsiveness to the ongoing
2. Protection of Human Rights: The Somaliland
changes in the global and domestic economy, a phased
Government is committed to protecting and promoting
reform of the investment policy framework is developed
basic and fundamental rights and freedoms. This
and implemented. Considering and taking into account
includes freedom of speech, opinion, religion,
the good investment policy principles outlined below, the
association, movement and as well as trade. These
Government of the Republic of Somaliland will implement
rights and freedoms are protected by the Country’s
a reform action plan aimed at advancing its vision to grow
Constitution. Principally, the legislation should not
domestic and foreign investment. It will take into
infringe any of the fundamental rights and freedoms
consideration the guiding principles postulated below to
unless the legislation expresses a clear intention to do
guide its existing interactions with investors as well as its
so and the infringement is based on legal justifi cation
reform processes
embedded in the Country’s laws. The Government
1. Rule of Law: Somaliland has legal processes, believes that these rights and freedoms underpin
institutions and substantive norms that are consistent Somaliland’s democracy and rule of law. Therefore,
with the human rights. This includes equality under the some key steps have to be taken to ensure that these
law, accountability before the law, fairness, protection rights and freedoms are not only protected but also
and vindication of rights. All persons, institutions and promoted. All commercial practices are allowed unless
entities, public and private, including the State, are they are involved in unlawful commercial activity and
equal under and accountable to the laws that are unlawful enrichment.

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Somaliland citizens only. Equality before the law is a

G uiding Principles fundamental concept in Somaliland legal system.
All judicial offi cers take an oath to administer the
3. Free Market: The Economic System of Somaliland law without fear, favour, affection or ill-will. Judicial
is a free market system based on supply and offi cers must treat all parties fairly regardless of
demand with little or no Government control. It is gender, ethnicity, disability, sexuality, age, religious
comprised of voluntary exchanges that take place affi liation, socio-economic background, size or
in a given economic environment. Somaliland’s free nature of family, literacy level and/or any other form
markets are characterized by spontaneous and of identity.
decentralized order of arrangements through which
5. Shariah Compliance: The citizens of Somaliland
individuals make economic decisions. Somaliland’s
100% believe in Islam as their religion. Article 5 of
free market is one where voluntary exchange
the Somaliland constitution vividly states that Islam
alongside the laws of supply and demand provide
is the religion of the state. Thus prohibiting the
the sole basis for the economic system.
promotion and preaching of any other religion
4. Equity and Fairness: All citizens of Somaliland shall other than Islam. This article also emphasizes that
enjoy equal rights and obligations before the law, the laws of the nation shall be grounded in the
and shall not be accorded precedence on grounds shariah law. Thereby anything that is contrary to
of colour, clan, birth, language, gender, property, Shariah is null and void. In the light of this article
status, opinion etc. As well, foreigners lawfully morality and religion is inseparable. Based on this
residing in Somaliland equally enjoy the same principle, usury and commercial practices which are
rights and obligations before the law as citizens, against the interests of the society and unlawful
save for the political rights which are reserved for enrichment are prohibited.

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siman yihiin sharciga, sharciga Dalka ayaana lagula

M abaadi’da Maalgashiga Hagaysa

xisaabtamayaa. Shuruucdaa ayaa si siman loogu dhaqayaa
qof kastana sidiisa ayuu u qabanayaa. Mabda’anid waxa
uu muujinayaa muhiimadda sarraynta sharciga iyo in laga
Tartanta loogu jiro maalgelinta iyo duruufaha dunida ee
dheeraado nidaam xeer-jajab ah. Mabda’ani waa mid laga
isbedbedelaya ayaa daruuri ka dhigaya in la dejiyo qaab-
dheehanayo Dastuurka Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland.
dhismeedka siyaasad maalgelineed. Si jawaab loogu helo
isbeddeladaa dunida iyo dhaqaalaha dalka gudihiisa, ayaa dib 2. Ilaalinta Xuquuqda Aadamaha: Xukuumadda Somaliland
u habayn iyo horumarin loogu sameeyay qaab-dhismeedka waxa ay u taagantahay ilaalinta iyo kor u qaadista
siyaasadeed ee maalgashiga. Iyadoo xisaabta lagu darsanayo xuquuqaha iyo xorriyadaha aasaasiga ah. Waxa arrintan
lana tixgelinayo mabaadi’da siyaasadda maalgelineed ee soo hoos galaya xorriyadda hadalka, ra’yi dhiibashada,
w a n a a g s a n e e h o o s ku x u s a n , a y a a Xu ku u m a d d a diinta, ururrada, dhaqdhaqaaqa iyo sidoo kale ganacsiga.
Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland waxa ay hirgelindoontaa qorshe- Xuquuqahan iyo xorriyadahan waxa ilaaliya Dastuurka
hawleed dib u habayn loogu samaynayo loogana danleeyahay Dalka. Mabda’ ahaan, sharciga la samaynayaa waa in aanu
in ay kor u qaaddo aragtideeda ku aaddan maalgashiga meel kaga dhicin xuquuqaha iyo xorriyadaha aasaasiga ah
gudaha iyo ka shisheeyaba. Waxa ay xisaabta ku darsanaysaa marka laga yimaaddo in xeerku uu si cad u tilmaamo isla
magaadi’da hoos ku xusani in ay hagto xidhiidhka ay la markaana meel ka dhacaas loo haysto sabab sharci oo ay
leedahay maalgashadayaasha iyo hanaankeeda dib u xeerarka Dalku caddeeyeen. Dawladdu waxa ay
habayneed ee siyaasadda maalgashiga. rumaysantahay in xuquuqahaa iyo xorriyadahaasi ay
tilmaan u yihiin dimuqraadiyadda iyo sarraynta sharciga ee
1. Sarraynta Sharciga: Somaliland waxa ay leedahay hanaan
Somaliland ka jira. Sidaa darteed, tallaabooyin muhiim ah
sharci, hay’ado iyo hab-dhaqan muhiim ah oo la
oo lagu hubinayo in xuquuqahaa iyo xorriyadahaa kaliya
jaanqaadaya xuquuqaha adaamaha.Waxa taas ka mid ah in
aan la ilaalinne balse sidoo kale kor loo qaaday waa in la
sharciga loo siman yahay, sharciga la iskula xisaabtamo,
qaado. Dhammaan hawlaha ganacsi waa la ogolyahay
caddaalad, iyo ilaalinta xuquuqda. Dhammaan dadka,
haddii aanay ku lug lahayn hawl ganacsi oo aan
hay’adaha iyo shirkaduhuba, mid dadwayne iyo mid gaar
bannaanayn ama in sifo sharci-darro ah lagu xoolaysanayo.
loo leeyahayba, oo ay Dawladduna ku jirto, waxa ay u

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ku dhaarsanyihiin in ay sharciga wax ku kala saaraan

M abaadi’da Maalgashiga Hagaysa iyagoon ka cabsanayn, u eexanayn, aan cid gaar ah

jeclaysanayn ama niyad-xun aan lahayn. Saraakiisha
3. Suuq Xor ah: Nidaamka dhaqaale ee Somaliland waa garsoorku waa in ay dhinacyada si isku mid ah ula
mid ku dhisan nidaamka suuqa xorta ah iyadoo ay yar dhaqmaan iyagoon u kala eegayn jinsiga, isirka,
tahay ama aanay jirinba farogalin dawladeed. Waa laxaadka, da’da, diinta, xaaladdiisa dhaqan-dhaqaale,
nidaam ah in dadku si xor ah wax isu waydaarsadaan heerkiisa aqooneed ama wax kale oo uu ku
iyagoo dadku go’aannadooda dhaqaale qaata. Suuqa aqoonsankaro.
xorta ah ee Somaliland waa mid iyagoo dadku si
5. Dabbaqidda Shareecada: Muwaadiniinta Somaliland
ikhtiyaari ah wax isu waydaarsanaya haddana raacaya
100% waa Muslim rumaysan Diinta Islaamka. Qodobka
shuruucda iibinta iyo dalabta ee uu leeyahay nidaamka
5aad ee Dastuurka Somaliland waxa uu si cad u
sheegayaa in Islaamku yahay diinta Dalka. Sidaa
4. Sinnaan iyo Caddaalad: Dhammaan muwaadiniinta darteed, in ay reebbantahay in diin aan Islaamka ahayn
Somaliland waxa ay leeyihiin xuquuq iyo waajibaad lagu faafi yo Dalka. Qodobkani waxa uu sidoo kale
isku mid ah sharciga hortiisa lagumana kala xoogga saarayaa in xeerarka Dalka sal looga dhigayo
sarraysiinkaro midab, qabiil, dhalasho, af, jinsi, hanti, Shareecada. Sidaa darteed, wax kasta oo lid ku ah
darajo, ra’yi IWM. Sida oo kale, dadka ajnabiga ah ee Shareecadu waa waxba kama jiraan baadil ah. Iyadoo
sifo sharci ah ku jooga Somaliland waxa ay iyaguna qodobkaa laga duulayo, anshaxa iyo diintu waa laba
leeyihiin xuquuq iyo waajibaad la siman muwaadiniinta arrimood oo aan la kala sooci Karin. Iyadoo ay
sharciga hortiisa, marka laga soo reebo xuquuqda mabda’an ku salaysantahay, ribada iyo hawlaha ganacsi
siyaasadeed oo ay kaliya leeyihiin muwaadiniinta u ee lidka ku ah danaha bulshada iyo in qofku xoolo ku
dhashay Somaliland. In sharciga loo sinnaadaa waa helo sifo aan sharci ahayn waa waxyaabaha reebban.
aragti aasaasi ah oo ku cad nidaamka sharci ee
Somaliland. Dhammaan saraakiisah garsoorku waxa ay
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L egal Framework for Investment Protection Q aab-dhismeedka Sharci ee Ilaalinta Maalgashiga

1. Existing Legislations for Investment: The Republic of 1. Sharciyada Maalgashi ee Jira: Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland
Somaliland has promulgated a set of laws and regulations waxa ay samaysay xeerar iyo xeer-nidaamiyeyaal loogu
that deal with investments in a way or another. Furthermore, talogalay maalgashiga qaabka uu doonoba ha noqdee. Waxa
the Government has established policies, including this intaa dheer, Xukuumaddu waxa ay abuurtay siyaasado, ay
National Investment Policy, to facilitate for investors, whether Siyaasaddan Maalgashi ka mid tahay, si maalgashadayaasha,
domestic or foreign, the possibility to decide the best gudo iyo dibadba, loogu fududeeyo sida ay ugu
manner in which they utilize the investment opportunities in suurogalikarto in ay go’aan-qaadashadoodu noqoto ta ugu
the Country. Nonetheless, the regulation of investments in fi ican ee ay maalgelintooda Dalka uga faa’iidaysan karaan.
Somaliland is sectoral in nature and are is therefore guided Haddaba, maamulidda maalgashiyada Somaliland waa mid
by the various regulations within the sectors, whose dabeecad ahaan wadaagyo kala duwan ah sidaa darteedna
mandate is found in different Government departments. The lagu maamulayo xeer-nidaamiyeyaasha kala duwan, ee
following Acts regulate the general conduct of business in waaxaha Dawladda ee kala duwan awoodda u leh. Xeerarkan
Somaliland for different activities:- hoos ku xusani waxa ay kala leeyihiin habab guud ee ay
ganacsiga ula dhaqmaan Somaliland gudaheeda:-
• The Companies Act 80 of 2018
• Trade Classification Act 26 of 2004 • Xeerka Shirkadaha
• National Livestock Act 34 of 2006 • Xeerka Kala Xadaynta Ganacsiga
• Banking Act (Law No: 54/2012) • Xeerka Xoolaha Nool
• Telecommunication Act 50 of 2011 • Xeerka Bangiyada
• Somaliland Fishing Act 24 of 1995 • Xeerka Isgaadhsiinta
• Private Sector Employees Act 31 of 2004 (As • Xeerka Kalluumaysiga
amended in 2008). • Xeerka Shaqaalaha Rayidka ah
• Somaliland Civil Code • Xeerka Madaniga
• Mining Code. • Xeerka Macdanta
• Maritime Code. • Xeerka Badda
• Land Tenure Act • Xeerka Dhulka
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L egal Framework for Investment Protection Q aab-dhismeedka Sharci ee Ilaalinta Maalgashiga

2. Investor Rights: As embedded in the Somaliland 2. Xuquuqda Maalgashadaha: Sida ku cad Xeerka
Investment Act, the investor has investment rights to Maalgashiga ee Somaliland, maalgashaduhu waxa uu
enjoy where the Government of Somaliland and its leeyahay xuquuq maalgashi taasoo Xukuumadda
people are entrusted with a corresponding duty to Somaliland iyo dadkeedaba waajib ka saaranyahay
respect that rights. More importantly, the foreign ilaalinteeda. Waxa sii muhiim ah, in maalgashadaha
investor has the same fundamental rights with the shisheeyana uu xuquuq aasaasi ah oo la mid ah ta
citizen of Somaliland except political rights which are muwaadiniinta uu leeyahay marka laga reebo
exclusively enjoyed by the citizens. Such xuquuqda siyaasiga ah oo gaar u ah muwaadiniinta
fundamental rights are including, but not limited to, Somaliland. Xuquuqdaas waxa ka mid ah, iyadoo aanay
the right to own property acquired lawfully through intan uun ku ekayn, xaqqa lahaanshaha hantida sifo
trading or otherwise, as laid down in Article 31 of the sharci ah uu ku helay maalgashaduhu hab ganacsi ama
Constitution of Somaliland. Apart from the si kale, sida ku xusan Qodobka 31aad ee Dastuurka
Constitutional rights; Article 8 of the Investment Act Somaliland. Marka laga yimaaddo xuquuqaha
granted the following rights for the investor to dastuuriga ah; Qodobka 8aad ee Xeerka Maalgashigu
exercise in accordance with the relevant local laws:- waxa uu u damaanad qaaday maalgashadaha
xuquuqahan soo socda si waafaqsan xeerarka Dalka ee
• The right to life and property; ay khusayso:-
• The right to access to resources for investment; • Xaqqa nolosha iyo hantida;
• The right to recruit, produce or expel employees; • Xaqqa helidda khayraadka maalgashi;
• The right to business activities • Xaqqa shaqaalaysiinta iyo eryidda shaqaalaha
• The right to intellectual property rights protection • Xaqqa hawlaha ganacsi;
• The right to access to facilities for investment. • Xaqqa ilaalinta xuquuqaha hantida macnawiga ah; iyo
• Xaqqa helidda waxyaabo u fududeeya maalgashiga

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L egal Framework for Investment Protection Q aab-dhismeedka Sharci ee Ilaalinta Maalgashiga

3. Protection of Intellectual Property Rights: Bearing in 3. Ilaalinta Xuquuqda Hantida Macnawiga ah: Iyadoo
mind the world current events of intellectual property maskaxda lagu hayo dhacdooyinka dunida ee la xidhiidha
rights infringement; Somaliland Constitution grants the ku xadgudubka xuquuqda hantida macnawiga ah;
indispensable protection of intellectual property rights. Dastuurka Somaliland waxa uu dammaanad qaadayaa in ay
In order to ensure the protection of intellectual property lagama maarmaan tahay ilaalinta xuquuqdaasi. Si loo
rights; it is the duty of the Offi ce of Attorney General to hubiyo ilaalinta xuquuqdaa; waxa waajib ku ah Xafi iska
register and as well to keep the register of all companies Xeer Ilaalinta Guud ee Qaranka JSL in uu diiwaangeliyo isla
information including name, trademark and other markaana hayo diiwaanka dhammaan shirkadaha
credentials. xogtooda oo ay ka mid yihiin magaca, astaanta ganacsi iyo
xogaha kaleba.
4. Enforcement of International Laws: As set forth in 4. Fulinta Xeerarka Caalamiga ah:Sida ku xusan Qodobka
Article 10 of the Constitution; the Republic of 10aad ee Dastuurka; Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland waxa ay
Somaliland recognizes the enforceability of international aqoonsantahay dhaqangalka xeerka caalamiga ah ee
law within the territory of Somaliland. Somaliland fi rmly dhulka Somaliland. Somaliland waxa ay si adag u
believes the following matters to be enforceable in rumaysantahay in arrimaha soo socda lagu fuliyo dhulka
Somaliland unless the matter is contrary against the Somaliland dhexdiisa, haddii aanay ka hor imanayn danta
interest of the Republic of Somaliland and its iyo madax-bannaanida Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland:-
• Ilaalinta dhammaan heshiisyadii ay Somaaliya hore
• The protection of all agreements entered into by the ula gashay dal shisheeye ama shirkad ka hor
former Somalia with a foreign state or company 1991dii; iyo
before 1991; and • Aqoonsiga iyo dhaqangalka dhammaan heshiisyada
• The recognition and enforcement of all UN Qaramada Midoobay, Xeerka Caalamiga ah iyo sidoo
conventions and international law and as well as the kale Baaqa Caalamiga ah ee Xuquuqda Aadamaha.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
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Country; the Government of Somaliland has allocated

I nvestment Facilitation
guarantees to provide for investors, whether domestic
or foreign, to enable them fulfi ll their investments
accordingly. More specifi cally, the Investment Act
Despite of the domestic investors; all sectors and business
provides the following guarantees to investors and
activities are open to foreign investors as well, unless the their investments:-
investor is particularly restricted or prohibited from doing
business in the territory of Somaliland for security reasons • Non-discrimination and favorable treatment is given to the
or for public interest. For the encouragement of foreign foreign investor and is treated similar to a domestic
investment; the Government of Somaliland provides the
following facilitation and services to the prospective • Protection against expropriation measures, except for public
investor. interest. When expropriation is undertaken, prompt
compensation shall be paid and will be reflective of the fair
1. Visa Facilitation: Foreign investors are eligible for visa market value of the assets as freely transferable
on arrival if they intend to travel directly to Somaliland
• Foreign and eligible investors establishing in Somaliland are
where Somaliland does not have a Representative
exempted from payment of tax on profit for a period of
Offi ce in his/her country, otherwise the investor can three years from commencing operations. In addition, after
apply visa prior traveling to Somaliland. The the expiry of the initial tax holiday period, foreign investors
Government of Somaliland is always ready to simplify shall be entitled to a 50% reduction of the tax due for the
profit reinvested.
procedural requirements for obtaining Somaliland visa.
The investor has an option to directly contact with the • The law provides for Free Transfer of Profit (FTP),
Ministry of Investment Promotion to facilitate the reinvestment and capital, in the freely convertible currency.
procedures for obtaining visa by the investor. The exchange is conducted and warranted by the banks of
Somaliland, upon meeting taxation and foreign exchange
2. Government Guarantees and Incentives: In regulations and requirements. Reinvested profit as well as
implementation of the investment activities in the capital is freely transferable abroad after three years from
the date of the registration of the original investment.

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ay siinayso maalgashadaha, mid gudaha ah iyo mid

F ududaynta Maalgashiga
shisheeye ka uu doono ha noqdee, si ay ugu suurogaliso
in uu maalgashiga sidii uu ugu talogalay u sameeyo. Si
gaar ah, Xeerka Maalgashigu waxa uu maalgashadaha iyo
Marka laga yimaaddo maalgashadayaasha gudaha, maalgashigiisaba dammaanad-qaadyaa arrimahan soo
dhammaan wadaagyada maalgashi iyo hawlaha ganacsiba socda:-
waa qaar sidoo kale u furan maalgashadayaasha shisheeye
haddii aan maalgashadaha si gaar ah looga mamnuucin in • Inaan la takoori karin, habdhaqan wanaagsan ayuu siinayaa qofka
uu ganacsi ka sameeyo dhulka Somaliland sababo amni maalgashada ajinebiga ah iyo in loola dhaqmo sida shirkada
muwaadiniintu leedahay oo kale
ama dan qaran awgood. Si loo dhiirrigeliyo maalgashiga
shisheeye, Xukuumadda Somaliland waxa ay • Wuxuu siinayaa ilaalin talaabo kasta oo lagula wareegi karo
maalgashadaha u fududaynaysaa adeegyadan soo socda. xoolahooda, oo aan ka ahayn wixii ka hor imanaya danaha
dawladda, haddii la wareegid dhacdana wuxuu helayaa mag
dhow deg-deg ah oo la siin doona iyo iyadoo loogu qiimeeyo
1. Fududeynta Fiisaha: Maalgashadayaasha shisheeye waxa xoolihiisa sixirka qiimo ee saxda ah ee magaalada ka jira iyadoo
ay u qalmaan in fiisaha la siiyo marka ay Dalka soo hantidiisa si xor ah loogu wareejinayo.
galayaan haddii ay rabaan in ay toos ugu soo safraan
• Ajinebiga iyo maalgashadaha u qalma inuu maalgashi ka abuurto
Dalkan isla markaana aanay Somaliland dalkiisa Xafiis
Somaali land waxaa laga dhaafayaa bixinta cashuurta la saari
Wakiil ku lahayn, haddii kale maalgashaduhu waxa uu fiise lahaa faa’iidada uu helayo muddo saddex sano ah, laga bilaabo
ka codsankaraa Xafiiska Wakiilka Somaliland inta aanu marka ganacsigiisu hawl galo. Waxaa intaas dheer, marka
socdaalka soo bilaabin. Xukuumadda Somaliland waxa ay waxtigaas fasaxa loo siiyey canshuur la’aantu dhamaato,
mar walba diyaar u tahay in ay fududayso shuruudaha maalgashadaha ajinebiga ah wuxuu helayaa 50% canshuur dhimis
ku aadan faa’iidada uu dib maalgelinta ugu sameeyo.
helitaanka fiisaha. Maalgashaduhu waxa uu si toos ah ula
soo xidhiidhi karaa Wasaaradda Horumarinta Maalgashiga • Sharcigu wuxuu siinayaa inuu si lacag la’aan ah u wareejisto
so loogu fududeeyo hab-raaca helitaanka fiisaha. faa’iidadiisa, dib ugu sameeyo maalin gelin iyo hantidiisa, isagoo
si lacag la’aan ah lacagihiisa isugu bedelanaya. Sarifka lacagta iyo
damanad qaadka isku bedelista waxaa samaynaya Baanka
2. Dhiirrigelinta iyo Dammaanad-qaadka Dawladda:Si loo Soomaaliland, marka uu buuxiyo shuruudaha canshuurta iyo
fuliyo hawlaha maalgelineed ee Dalka gudihiisa, sharciyada sarifka lacagaha qalaad ee looga baahan yahay.
Xukuumadda Somaliland waxa ay u qoondaysay Faa’iido kastoo uu dib ugu sameeyey maalgelin sida hantidiisii oo
kale waa mid uu si lacag la’aan ah dibadda ugu dirsan karo kadib
maalgashadaha waxyaabo ay u dammaanad-qaadayso in saddex sano oo ka bilaamanaysa taariikhda rasmiga ah ee uu
diwaan geliyey maalgashigiisa.
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I nvestment Facilitation F ududaynta Maalgashiga

3. Contract Enforcement and Dispute Settlement: 3. Fulinta Heshiiska iyo Xallinta Khilaafaadka: Somaliland waxa
Somaliland concluded contracts with many investors, ay heshiisyo la gashay maalgashadayaal badan, qaar gudaha
both domestic and foreign investors, and to make sure ah iyo qaar shisheeyabab, si loo hubiyo ilaalinta
maalgashadayaasha xuquuqdoodana; waxa waajib ku ah
the protection of the investor’s rights; it is the duty of the
Xukuumadda Somaliland in ay fududayso habka lagu fulinayo
Government of Somaliland to facilitate the formalities for
heshiiska maalgashadaha lagula jiro. Marka laga hadlayo
the enforceability of a contract with an investor. As
heshiis maalgashade shisheeye lala galayo; waa in hehiiskaa
regards the contract with a foreign investor; the contract ay Golaha Wakiilladu ansixiyaan si uu dhaqangal u noqdo.
must be approved by the House of Representatives to isla marka heshiiska lala galo maalgashade uu buuxiyio
make it valid and enforceable. As soon as a contract with shuruudihii looga baahnaa oo dhan; Xukuumadda
an investor fulfi lls all procedural requirements and legal Somaliland waxa xil ka saaranyahay fulintiisa haddii kale
formalities; the Government of Somaliland has the duty maalgashduhu waxa uu xaq u yeelanayaa magdhaw ay hab
to make sure its specifi c performance otherwise the madani ah maxkamad awood u lehi ugu xukuntay. Nidaamka
investor is entitled to damages in a civil suit decided by cadaaladeed ee maxkamadaha caadiga ah ayaa u taagan in
uu wixii muran ah xalliyo. Dacwadaha maxkamadda
the competent court. The formal justice system exists to
horteedana waxa loo raacaa Xeerka Madaniga ee Somaliland
resolve disputes. Litigation before the courts is regulated
kaasoo saldhig u ah arrimaha ganacsi ee la isku qabto. Waxa
by the Somaliland Civil Code which provides the statutory
intaas dheer, maalgashaduhu waxa uu dacwaddiisa u
basis for most commercial activity. In addition, the gudbinkaraa cid dhexdhexaadin ah, haddii heshiiska lagula
investor can go to an arbitration if a provision in the jiraa uu sidaa sheegayo isla markaana u arko in nidaamka
contract provided so and where there is an exhaustion in maxkamadaha ee Dalka aanu magdhaw ka helayn.
the local remedies.

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S pecial Economic Zones A agagga Dhaqaale ee Gaarka ah

The Government of Somaliland is committed to Xukuumadda Somaliland waxa ay ballanqaadaysaa

establish Special Economic Zones (SEZ) in order in ay samaynayso aagag dhaqaale oo gaar ah
to encourage the establishment of industrial (Special Economic Zones) si ay u dhiirrigeliso
clusters. In the light of this policy; Special abuurista qaybaha warshadaha. Iyadoo laga
Economic Zones Act shall be promulgated by the duulayo siyaasaddan; xeerka goobaha dhaqaale ee
Parliament to regulate Special Economic Zones gaarka ah ayay baarlamaanku ansixindoonaan si
(SEZ). loogu maamulo.

Such investment in the Special Economic Zones Maalgashiga aagaggaa dhaqaale ee gaarka ah
waxa dhawridoona xeerkaa waxaana jiridoona
will be protected by this Act and there will be a
adeeg fulineed oo loogu talogalay qaababka kala
secretariat services to the different approval
duwan oo aagaggaa dhaqaale ee gaarka ah
platforms for establishment of SEZ clusters
maalgashigooda loo ansixinayo. Samaynta aagag
throughout the Country. The establishment of
dhaqaale oo gaar ahi waxa ay u suurogalindoonaan
Special Economic Zones will enable investors to
maalgashadaha in uu ganacsi ku sameeyo wax
do business and enhance productivity with
soosaarkiisana kobciyo iyadoo kharash aad u yari
minimum cost reduction so that economic
kaga baxayo sidaa darteedna horumar dhaqaale iyo
progress and poverty reduction will be achieved.
faqriga oo yaraada lago gaadhidoono.

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I nvestment Priority Sectors W adaagyada Maalgashi ee Mudnaanta Leh

Based on Somaliland Vision 2030 there are six sectors in the Aasaaska qorshaha shanta sano ee horumarinta qaran ee
economy that are regarded as priority sectors for Soomaaliland ee 2018 ilaa 2021 iyo higsiga horumarka
Soomaaliland ee sanadka 2030 waxaa tiir-dhexaad u ah
investment, and the Government is profoundly encouraging
dhaqaalaha lix qaybood oo muhiimadda koowaad la siiyey iyo
both foreign and domestic investments to have open and
inay dawladdu ku dhiiri geliso inay noqdaan qaybahaan kuwo
transparent access. However, all sectors and activities are
maalgashiga dibaddu u furan yahay oo leh daahfurnaan lagu
open for investment unless specifically prohibited or heli karo.
restricted for reasons of national security and public safety.
1. Beeraha: Gudaha Soomaaliland, beeruhu waxay ka yihiin 15% wax
1. Agriculture: In Somaliland, agriculture contributes 15% of soo saarka guud ee dalka, kanoo noqonaysa qaybta labaad ee wax
GDP which is the second large production after the soo saarka ugu balaaran ee wadanku leeyahay marka laga soo tago
xoolaha nool. Waxaana la ogsoon yahay dalagyada beeraha inay
livestock. Notably, crop agriculture is underdeveloped and
yihiin kuwo aan la hormarin, mana aysan helin muhiimaddii
offers considerable potential both in cereal and horticultural tixgelineed ee ay lahaayeen dalagyada iyo wax soo saarka dalagyadu.
production. The agriculture sector also provides Beeruhu sidoo kale waxay yihiin qayb laga helo shaqaalayn iyo dakhli
employment and income to people involved in the produce soo gala dadka ku lugta leh wax soo saarka beeraha iyo kuwa ku xiran
marketing chain at both whole sale and retail levels. The markay noqoto suuq geynta jumlada iyo kuwa heerka tafaariiqda u
iibiya waxa ka soo baxa beeraha. Beeraha gudaha Soomaaliland
sector is dominated by smallholder farmers who tend to
dadka wakhtigaan wax ka soo saaraa waa beeralay yar yar, kuwaasoo
small farms ranging from 2 to 30 hectares in area with the leh beero yar yar oo meelahay ku yaalaan aysan ka badnayn 2 ilaa 30
size of the average farm just about 4 hectares. But, there are higtar. Celceliska cabirka beeraha qiyaas ahaan waa 4 higtar. Laakiin
great investments opportunities to commercialize the crop waxaa jira fursad aad u saraysa oo maalgelino ah si looga dhigo
dalagyo ganacsi geli kara oo ka soo baxa beeraha oo ay sameeyn
farming sector for food companies. Hence, the Government
karaan shirkadaha cunooyinka ka ganacsada. Sidaa darteed,
is keen to promote commercial farming and seeks potential dawladdu waxay kor u qaadaysaa nidaamka ku dhisan wax soo saar
investors to develop agriculture sector which will have ganacsiga oo ka yimaadda beeraha iyo raadinta maalgashi wax ku ool
mutual benefi t for investors and people of Somaliland. ah si loo hormariyo qaybta beeraha, taasoo faa’iido balaaran u leh
maalgashadayaasha iyo dadka Soomaaliland.

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external investment embodied with sustainable

I nvestment Priority Sectors markets outside the Gulf. The NIP seeks to encourage
investors that will add value to livestock exports
2. Livestock: Livestock is the backbone of Somaliland particularly to those who are pioneering new global
economy as livestock is the single most export to markets, improve marketing and markets, establish
international markets in large part due to the research centers, explore new markets, and most
dominance of the port of Berbera as one of the leading importantly the Government of Somaliland is
livestock export ports in the world from the early to welcoming potential investors that will improve
mid-1970s to now. Based on FAO reports Somaliland veterinary services
has about 1.69 million camels, 0.40 million head of
• Priority shall be given to the investment in those
cattle, 8.4 million goats and 8.75 million sheep in 2011.
areas where it: -
The Sool, Sanaag and Togdheer regions account for
about 75% of all livestock. Somaliland’s major livestock
• Puts to productive use Somaliland’s human and
exports are sheep and goats, accounting for 91% of all
natural resources.
animal exports. But Camel is also major export to Saudi
Arabia. In 2010 a total of 2.352 million shoats were • Introduces innovative technology suited to the
exported through the Berbera port (including from country’s conditions.
Ethiopian sources). Of this total, 1.612 million (69%)
were exported between September and November for • Generates new earnings or savings of foreign
the Hajj festivities. Assuming an average export price of exchange, through exports, resource-based import
US$70, the estimated total value would be over substitution or service activities.
US$160 million. As the livestock exports are heavily
concentrated during it sales can be improved with • Contributes to regionally balanced socio-economic

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ayaa isna ah xoolaha aadka loogu dhoofiyo Sucuudi

W adaagyada Maalgashi ee Mudnaanta Leh Caraybiya. Sanadkii 2010 isu geyn 2.352 milyan oo
Adhiya ayaa laga dhoofiyey dekedda Berbera,
2. Xoolaha nool: Xoolaha nooli waa laf-dhabarta xoolahaas oo qaybtood ka timid dhulka Itoobiya.
dhaqaalaha Soomaaliland, waana waxa keliya ee Qiyaastaan 1.6 milyan oo noqonaysa 69% xolahaas
ugu badan ee suuqyada caalamka loo iib geeyo. la dhoofiyey waxay dhoofeen xilligii xajka oo ahaa
Dekedda Berbera waa mid ka mid ah dekedaha intii u dhaxaysay bilihii Seebteembar iyo
ugu balaaran caalamka ee xoolaha nool laga Noofeembar. Iyadoo celcelis ahaa neefkiiba uu ku
dhoofi yo tan iyo bartamihii sanadihii 1970nadii ilaa dhoofay qiimo u dhigma $70 doolar, isu geynta
wakhtigaan. Dawladda Soomaaliland waxay soo dhaqaalaha ka soo baxay wuxuu noqday 160 milyan
dhowaynaysaa maalgashadayaal wax ku ool ah oo doolarka Maraykanka ah. Wakhtiga xoolaha
kuwaasoo hormarinaya adeegyada caafimaadka nool la dhoofinayo waxaa ka jira culays badan
xoolaha. Sida ku cad warbixina ay soo saartay iibkooda ayaa lagu samayn karaa horumarin iyadoo
sanadkii 2011 hay’adda cunada iyo beeraha lagu samaynayo maalgelin dibadeed si loogu helo
qaramada midoobay FAO Soomaaliland waxay suuq geyn joogto ah oo ka baxsan wadamada
leedahay Geel tirsigiisu yahay 1.69 milyan oo neef, gacanka Carabta. Qorshaha qaran ee maalgashigu
40 milyan neef oo Lo’ ah, 804 milyan neef oo Riyo wuxuu raadinayaa inuu dhiiri geliyo
ah iyo 8.75 milyan ido ah. Gobollada Sool, Sanaag maalgashadayaal qiimo dheeraad ah ku soo
iyo Togdheer waxaa laga tira koobay qiyaasta 75% kordhin kara dhoofka xoolaha nool khaas ahaan
xoolaha Soomaaliland ku nool inay goboladaas ku kuwa iyagu soo dumi kara suuqyo cusub oo
nool yihiin. Soomaaliland xoolaha ugu badan ee ay caalamka ah; sidoo kale waxay hormarinaysa suuqa
dhoofisaa waa Riyaha iyo Idaha, waxaana lagu iyo suuq geynta, abuuritaanka xarumo cilmi baaris,
qiyaasay 91% xoolahay dhoofiso. Sidoo kale Geela soo saarista suuqyo cusub.

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I nvestment Priority Sectors W adaagyada Maalgashi ee Mudnaanta Leh

3. Fishing: The fi shing sector is a resource with 3. Kalluumaysiga: Qaybta kalluumaysigu waa khayaraad ay
leedahay Soomaaliland oo leh muhiimd ku sii kordhaya
potential for increased domestic and export
gudaha iyo dhoofka dibadda, laakiin wuxuu u bahan yahay
revenue, but it needs both domestic and foreign
inuu helo maalgashadayaal gudaha iyo dibadda ka
investors. Though an estimated 3,000 tons of fi sh yimaadda. Inkastoo sanadkii lagu qiyaasay 3 kun oo tan oo
are caught locally per year, an estimated potential kaluun ah in laga soo saaro xeebaha Soomaaliland sanadkii,
catch of 190,000–210,000 tons of fi sh, 60 times the haddana waxaa la qiyaasaa in sanadkii laga soo saari karo
current levels of harvesting is underexploited. There xeebaha 190,000 ilaa 210,000 oo tan oo kallun ah, tanoo ah
are untapped fi shery opportunities along the 60 goor cabir ka badan waxa hadda la soo saaro. Waxaa jia
fursado kalluumaysi oo ka jira xeebaha Soomaaliland oo
Somaliland coast line which could boast the
weli dhiman, kuwasoo noqon kara wax dhoofi n balaaran oo
exported product potential to second only to
la mid noqota tan xoolaha nool oo kale. Fidinta
livestock. Expansion of fi shing requires modern kalluumaysigu waxay u bahan tahan hab casriyo oo
value chain infrastructure effi cient processing with kaabayaal dhaqaale oo isku xiran ah kaasoo wax tar u leh
market identifi cation and promotion. Although, habaynta loo marayo suuqa iyo kor u qaadistiisa. Waxaa
exports of fi sh are currently limited to a few intaas soo raaca, isticmaalka gudaha ayaa sii kordhaya,
truckloads of frozen fi sh per month to neighboring sidoo kale wadanka aan deriska nahay ee Itoobiya wuxuu
leeyahay suuq dad badan leh. In kastoo dhoofka kalluunku
Ethiopia consumption is growing and Ethiopia has
wakhtigaan uu xadidan yahay, laguna suuq geeyo gawaari
very populated market. NIP requires that the
xamuul ah oo qaboojiyayaal ku xiran yihiin oo bishiiba
investors will establish fi sh stock in territorial waters, Itoobiya lagu geeyo. Qorshaha qaran ee maalgashigu
explore regional and international fi sh markets. wuxuu u bahan yahay maalgashadayaal abuuri doona suuq
kalluun ka dhex jira xuduudka biyaha, soona saara suuqyo
kalluun ee heer gobol iyo mid caalami ah.

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I nvestment Priority Sectors W adaagyada Maalgashi ee Mudnaanta Leh

4. Industry: Promote industrialization and manufacturing 4. Warshadaynta: Kor u qaadista warshadaynta iyo wax
in particular by increasing the agro-business industry samaynta khaas ahaan waxay ku sii kodhaysaa warshado
wax soo saarka beeraha lagu habeeyo, wakhtigaanna waxay
which is currently at its growth stage; but more
ku jiraan heerkoodii koriimada. Waxaa aad u muhiim ah,
importantly rebuilding former production factories and
dibu dhiska warshadihii hore ee wax soo saarka iyo
establishing new facilities including Berbera Cement
abuuritaanka adeegyo cusub, wershadahaas hore ee dibu
Factory, Tuna fi sh factory, salt production factory, and hawl gelinta u baahan waxaa ka mid ah warshaddii sibidhka
animal skill processing factory. There is vast untapped ee Berbera, Warshadda kaluunka tuunada, wax soo saarka
potentiality in this sector and the Government of caanaha iyo warshada habaynta xoolaha. Waxaa jira fursado
Somaliland is seeking to attract investors in to this sector balaaran oo weli aan la taaban oo dhinaca warshadaha ah,
as it is crucial for job creation and economic marka waxaan raadinaynaa inaan u soo jiidno maalgashi
development. Somaliland industry will benefi t the qaybtaan, kanoo muhiimad balaaran u leh abuuritaanka
Ethiopian market following the establishment of the fursado shaqo iyo horumarin dhaqaale. Warshadaha
Soomaaliland waxay faa’iido ka heli doonaan suuqa
Berbera-Wajale Corridor. development. Somaliland
Itoobiya, iyadoo ay socoto dhismaha jidka xidhiidhiya
industry will benefi t the Ethiopian market following the
Berbera iyo Wajaale.
establishment of the Berbera-Wajale Corridor.
5. Tamarta: Somaliland waxay qani ku tahay soo saarista
5. Energy: Somaliland is rich with sun produced solar tamarta qoraxda iyo dabaysha laga dhaliyo. Maal gelin lagu
power and air grid electricity. The investment in the sameeyo tamarta la cusboonaysiin karana waxay tahay tan
renewable energy will have excellent return on ugu fi ican ee maalgashiga lagu samayn karo

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I nvestment Priority Sectors W adaagyada Maalgashi ee Mudnaanta Leh

6. Mining: The mining sector has huge potential for 6. Macdanta: Qaybta macdantu waxay u leedahay maalgashiga
dibadda muhiimad balaaran, waxaana loo qaabayn karaa
foreign investment and could transform the future
muhiimad dhaqaale oo Soomaaliland yeelato mustaqbalka.
economic prospects of Somaliland. Seismic surveys and
Sahan lagu sameeyey oogada iyo samaysanka dhulka sanadihii
geological data gathering carried out during the past la soo dhaafay xogta laga helay waxay tilmaamaysaa ina
few years have discovered that there are various macdano kala duwan oo suuq wanaagsan ka leh dunida ay ku
minerals that are highly demanded in mining markets jirto Soomaaliland. Sidaa darteed, Soomaaliland waxay la hawl
present. Thus, Somaliland is partnering the international gelaysaa wax soo saarka calamiga ah ee macdahana si loo suuq
mining industry to commercialize this resource. geeyo khayraadkaan.

7. Saliidda iyo Gaasta: Shaki kuma jiro in dunida uu ku sii kordhayo

7. Oil and Gas: There is no doubt that the increasing
baahida saliidda iyo gaasta loo qabo si dhaqaaluhu kor ugu kaco.
global demand for oil and gas by the emerging Arrintaani waxay soo jiidatay shidaal daloolin shirkado ka socda
economies has required the exploration of new sources Yurub, Turki iyo Carab ay marhoreba isu diwaan geliyeen inay
of oil and gas. The presence of oil and gas in Somaliland danaynayaan inay soo saaraan shidaalka Soomaaliland ku jira. Sidaa
darteed, dawladda Soomaaliland waxay hormarinaysa xuquuqda
has attracted oil drilling prospects where European,
wada lahaansho si horay loogu dhaqaajiyo soo saarista saliidda iyo
Turkish and Arab companies has already registered for qaybinteeda. Qorshaha qaran ee maalgashiguna wuxuu cadaynayaa
the interest of oil exploration. As such Somaliland in saliidda soo saaristeedu tahay tan ugu haboon ee la xiriirta
government has been developing the right partners to horumaritna dhaqaalaha iyo bulshada. Dowladda Soomaaliland

pave the way for oil drilling and the distribution. The NIP waxay horumarinaysaa iyadoo u gacan haatinaysaa in la helo
maalgashadayaal dhab ah oo soo saara saliida isalmarkaana
promotes that oil to be properly channeled towards
iibgeeya. Qorshaha Qaran ee Maalagashigu wuxuu muhiimad gooni
economic and social development. ah siinayaa in soo saarida Saliidu ay ahaato mid marta hab
wanaagsan oo wax ku soo kordhin karta dhaqaalaha iyo horumarka

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I nvestment Priority Sectors W adaagyada Maalgashi ee Mudnaanta Leh

6. Gums and Resins: Somaliland has long been a 6. Xabagta iyo Beeyada: Somaliland waxay soo
producer and exporter of gums and resins, saartaa oo dhoofi sa xabagta iyo maydiga, iyadoo
harvested from wild trees indigenous to eastern laga soo guro dhir duurka ku taal oo si dabiici ah uga
baxda dhinaca bari ee Soomaaliland. Waxay caadi
Somaliland, mainly in the Sanaag region and parts
ahaan ka baxda gobolka sanaag iyo qaybo ka tirsan
of the Sool region with the total value of annual
gobolka Sool. Isu geyn sanadkii waxaa Somaaliland
output estimated at US$2.94 million. The value of
laga so osaaraa xabag dhaqaalaha ka soo baxa lagu
exports of gums and resins reached US$2.1 qiyaaso 2.94 milyan oo doolarka Maraykanka ah.
million in last couple of years, with additional Qiimaha dhoofka xabagta iyo maydigu wuxuu
amounts probably exported unoffi cially to gaaray 2.1 milyan oo doolar labadii sano ee la soo
Ethiopia and Djibouti. Most of the gums and dhaafay, waxaa intaas dheer tiro kale oo aan la
resins are used as thickeners, in fragrances, in diwaan gelin oo si rasmiya ugu dhoofta wadamada
chewing gum, and for aromatics and these Itoobiya iyo Jabuuti. Inta badan xabagta iyo maydiga
products are competitive in the international waxaa loo isticmalaa samaynta koolada, waxa la isku
markets but currently its collection and trade is carfi yo iyo xanjada la calaashado. Wax soo saarkaani
waa mid loo iib geyn karo suuqyada caalamka laakiin
engaged by local fi rms. The Government
wakhtigaan sida loo soo gooyo iyo ganacsigeedaba
encourages foreign investors that have capacity
waxaa haysta shirkado gudaha ah. Dawladdu waxay
to collect and process effi ciently.
dhiiri gelinaysaa maalgashadayaal dibadda oo
awood u leh inay soo ururiyaan, si wax tar lehna u
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P olicy Implementation Guideline H agista Fulinta Siyaasadda Maalgashi

Implementation of the National Investment Policy Fulinta Siyaasadda Qaran ee Maalgshigu waxay
Statement will be coordinated by the Directorate noqon doontaa mid uu isku dubbo-rido Agaasinka
of Investment, Ministry of Investment Promotion of Maalgashigu, Wasaaradda Horumarinta Maalgashiga
the Republic Somaliland in collaboration with the ee Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland oo wada shaqayni ka
Investment Climate Reform Unit within the dhaxayso Waaxda dibu habaynta maalgashiga oo
Ministry. Wasaaradda ka tirsan. Wasaaradda Horumarinta
Maalgashigu waxay raadin doontaa in Golaha
The Ministry of Investment Promotion will seek Wasiiradu ay meel mariyaan meelaha ay ku qotonto
Cabinet approval of the policy statement reforms siyaasadda dibu habaynta maalgashigu. Fulinta
areas. The implementation of the proposals shall qodobada la soo jeediyeyna waxay dhaqan gelayaan
take effect from the date approved by Cabinet. taariikhda ay meel mariyaan Golaha Wasiirradu.

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National Investment Policy

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