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VOLUME 18, No. 27

School Board Votes to Retain Engaged To Speak in Boyo

Merger Would Save Taxpayers of
Eighth Grade Here Next Year Borough $15,000, Report Shows
FinanCial Difficulties Make Return of Grade to Citizens' .Committee Submits Figures on Township and
Lower Merion Impracticable, Board Says; Borough Functions to Lower Merion Board of
Salaries Cut 50;0, Same Tax Rate Adopted Commissioners Wednesday Night
An Eighth Grade will be maintain-'I The mel'ger of the Borough of NaI'-, 'I'hc Township Commissioners it
ed at the Narberth School next year. berth with Lower Merion Township was reported, will check the fig:Jres
This decision was made at th!l April Borough' Fights Handbills I
would mean an approxinlllte saving submi~ted by the N~rbcrth CitizenR'
meeting of the Borough Schor.1 Hoard That the Borough of Nar- of $15,000 per year to taxpayers of I CommIttee Hnd, findmg them as set
held on Monday night. berth intends to protect itself i
the Borough, according to a report forth, will notify the group that the
A tax rate of 20 mills and $2 pel' from the growing deluge of sUbmi~ted by the Narberth Citizens'! Board has no objections to the pro-
capita was also adopted, together handbills was ::;hown this week Commlt~ee to .th~ Lower Merion i }loscd merger.
with a budget of $109,802,44. The tax in a leher sent by George B, ,
Town~hlp ComnllsslOners on wedncs- The Committee, meanwhilc, will ago
rate is the same as for this year.
In order to balance the hl1~get a
Huplec, Superintcndcnt of Pub-
he Works.
day mght.
semble similar comparative figures on
The figures submitted deal only the eft'ect of the merger on the school
five per cent. cut in teachers' salaries An out-of-town cOlllpany, with the Borough and 'I'ownshlp districts. 'I-

was made. This included a cut in the whose circulars have long functions, comparative studies of the. It is understood that preparation
principal's salary. blown about Narberth lawns two school districts not being com- 'I of petitions for presentation to the
nnd porches, received the fol- pleted MontgomeI'Y Co ty C t 'II b
The retention of the eighth grade . .., . . un our WI e
at the Narberth School was made lowing: Ehm1l1~tlOn of duplicate functIons. gone ahead with and signcrs secured.
despite a petition filed with the Board "I wish to call your attention MISS AMY l~. WEAVER, PERCY CRAWFORD, are sufficIent, the repod stated, to af-l Under the State Law it is neCessarv
at its March meeting by a Citizens' to the manner in which YOlU' rtllllghtl'l' oj' Rm', lIud Jl.11·3. lV. 11/. ~ord Borough taxpayers some .saving 'I to, have the petition signed hy tw~.
Committee, recommending that "if hu- men or boys are distributing 11"'(1/'1'1', of lFf·.~t Collingswood, N. of the "YOllllg People's Chul'ch of 111 the total tax rate and prOVIde the thn'ds of the resident taxpayers of
manly possible" the Eighth Grade be your advertising matter. .I., whoHl' clIg a f/ ell Hlllt to Mr. llich- Ow A iI'," who will lIe the HpcClkm' Township with adequllte revenue for Ithe Eorough before it will be recog~
sent back to Lower Merion Junior "This morning we c1caned out (m' M. Gillis, HOll of M1'S. EdwCI1·d all operating expenses with probabil-! nized by the Court. -
High School. the sewer inlet at the cornel' (ii/liH, oj' Dtldlt'J/ 11I'1'/1(/e, NCI/'llerth, lIt the NCll'bath Pt'csbJ/tel"ian ity of some surplus. I Members of the Committee who ap-
of Price llnd Essex avenues, hf/.~ been IIl11l0UI/CCtl. Church this Sunday evening. According to the committee's cal-I peared before the Township Board of
The Board issu~d the following Narberth, Pennsylvania, and culations, the present 'fownship tax Commissioners were' A W Burns
statement in explanation of itR ac- found three (3) bundles of ~'our B rate of 9 mills, plus an additional H. L. Woehling, R. L. Ra~kiu" Archi~
tion: "The Board gave -:areiul con- circulars in the inlet. Firemen's Supper to oro Expenditures mileage of 2.8 to provide a sinking G. Sparks, Louis A. Young' and D.
sideration to the possibility of rcturn- "This is 1I0t. only 1\ joss to A U d fund for the Borough's bonded indcbt- Warren Wright.
ing the eighth grade to Lower Mer- you, but is also a means of be Given Thursday re n er Last Year ed~ess, plus the sewer tax, which ill The Committee's report, in part, fol-
ion and found it entirely impral'ti- clogging 1IJ1 OUI' inletli. cstImated at an average of $9 per I lows:
cable at this time, in view of the ft- Th'IS seems t 0 be a qmc'. k way MrS A IE C f 0 . (/,7000 L con~ee t'lon, wou I d ' d e a gross.I "At an informal meeting of about
nancial difficulties involvcd, By the for your carriers to disJlose of u leres ponsor nnua vent ost 0 peratlon 'P ess r~venue of $71,639.30. Al!owing fOI'! 150 citizens of Narberth, held on Feb-
most careful calculation, such a them. If it occurs again, wc for Active and Retired Than Last Year for First dIscounts and tax exoneratIons, a net Iruary 25, 1932, for the purpose of
change would involve additional ex-
penditures of at least $7500, which
will be compelled to charge you
for the time cleaning' thl' in-
Members Three Months revenue of $70,000 would remain. I
discussing educational matters quite
Estimated additions to the Towll- a bit of sentiment was eviden'ced to
would require a corresponding in- lets." DR. BARNES TO BE GUEST RETIRING SEWER BONDS ship's appropriations to pl'Ovide for the eft'ect that the interests of the
crease in the tax rate, amounting to the administration of Narberth total I community at large in educational
at least two mills in the propert~' tax I d ' •
: ' ;a$v~n3~:5~urp us or COIl-, a~ b CI: md~tterls might best be serv-
$66 681 50 I ' 1 f
rate, or at least $2.50 in the per CllP- '£he Mulicrcs of t.he Narberth Fire That the BOI'ough of Narberth has 1'1'
'ta tax. It w-as felt to be unfnl""• and Real Estate SI"gns " .
(,ollllJany are giving their u n n on operated u $7000
l fo"
· the first 11 gencles 0 , • • ie f y I
N e b thISSOthution of the Borough
unwise to impose this additional bur-
den upon the taxpayers at this time.
Condemned in Merion thrce months of 1932 than for thc
Firemen's Supper in Elm Hall on similar period last year, was pointed N ". F A 0 al' er,
I verting
us automatically rc-
the corporate area back to
Whatever the possible advantages to 'l'llll1'sdllY cvening, April 21, at 6.30 out in the report of the Finance Com- utrltlon acts re i ~ower M~r!on Township from which
those children directly affected, the P. 1\'1., for the acti"e and retired mem- mitt~e at the April meeting of COlln- G·Iven a Club Meeting,'
t It was ongmally derived.
. t th th dd't' ) Civic Association Committee !J1!J'S of tllc COll111~IIY and the Innln- cil on Monday night, "At a subsequent meeting held on
ch ange IS no wor e a IlOna F· d Th bl .." March 17, the same sentiment was
"m s em a Dou e
er ~vi enced s~r.h extent
cost at this moment. The Narberth Iwrs and guests of the Mulieres, A note of $10,000, whieh was heM f th d
School program will include every es- Detriment Among t.he guests will he Dr. AI- by the Merion Title and Trust Com- Mrs. Anne De Planter Bowes is !i aurcommIttee was t?InstItuted for that
program for this grade and will he BROKERS TO CO-OPERATE Itl'lt Barnes, :honol'ar~' vice-r,resitlent beforc its closing with the Philadel-
sential element in the Lower Merion pany, and rediscounted by this bank Speaker at Narberth
CI b T d
I rU~hose of preparing and submitting
strengthen at certain points to Ilf the .Narberth Fire Company; the .phin National Bank, has been paid U ues ay IIough
0 ea resident taxpayers to
petition addressed ofthe
bring it even"abc"'e its l.,.~'e;:':'n1. ,.utis·'l Inal'll~'iic "10'01' Sale" anti "For lJl'~~4el1t l~nd chief of ea('h of thc-...,I,ll'",the report showed. 'fbi::; was ac-
factory level. R " ' following Companies: 1\~ erl'OII F'I're complished by virtue of a loan of $20,~' ELECTION ON APRIL 26TH 0
I f Q t
uar er .esslOns of Montgomer~'
S . -
' t te t b h' ent sIgns are doomed by the r e c - ' ICounty, praYll1g that the Charter of
of Th
IS s 'a men ore t e sIgnature
every member of the Board.
onunendahons of a committee on real
' Company, of Ardmore', Bryn Mawr. 000 from the Phila~elphia National
" . . ' Bank, $10,000 of whIch was used to
"New Facts on Food Nutrition" was
Ithe Borough 0f Narbel'th be null'fied I ,
The budget for 1932-33 calls for fl estate signs of The Merion Civic As· Dillon Fu'c ASSOCiatIOn of Bala-Cyn- payoff the old note, and the other the topic of the lecture given, ~y Mrs. i ~~~kt~~~oth~o:~~o~~r:::r~:wre~~rt
total expenditure of $109,802.44, sociation. w;'d; Penn Wynne-Overbr~ok Hills $10,000 for current expenses, The Anne DePlant~r Bowe~, nu~rltl°In eX-II· from which it was derived ns IP,
which is a reduction of nearly $2500 The committee recently I'cllorted. Fire COlll}luny, .and West I' Manayunk. loan is in anticipation of 1932 taxes, pert of the PhIladelphIa
d bills for which do not go out until Center at the meeting of the Wom- ChIld I eaIth I "The ch' f f t t:b·
I.e ac ors con 1'1 uting the
rom Th
fye r t h e expen d itures of the current that there were approximately 143 of .11 be SU]lper k d ISd comp dnnentary
b an summer, necessitating borrowing by en's Commu11lty ' . Club of Narberth on II above "( 1) sentiment
Th are'i f '
a . these signs in thc district, lldvertising j WI e coo e an scrve y the mem- the Borough in the mellntim(', Tuesday afternoon. I , " ,e prosp.e~ so- .sa"ll1g8 and
In the, vote .on thc motion to cut 81 properties for sale. Accor(lin'" to I bel'S of the Board of the Mu!iel'es and " . . " . I eeonomles III admInIstratIon and op-
teachers salarIes five pel' cent. for h . . .. some Illembers of the club The I'etireme?t of $8000 in sewer It IS never wI~e, Said Mrs: Bowes, crating expenses for both school and
one year in order to balance th(' bud- t e comnllttee the slgnli WC1'e tacked .
get, Kenneth L. M. Pray, president up by five owners, foul' trust com- ,Mrs. Henry Kast and. Mrs. Mabel the payment of $700 111 Slllklllg Fund dIet ~v~thout the a~vlce o~ a rep.utable two over-lapping administrations
bonds was prOVIded f?r O? l\'~ay 1, by "~o m~ke a radIcal. change 111 one's civic bodies by the elimination of the

of the Board, cast the only dissent- panics al\d 21 brokers. (" Johnston ~re the chaIrmen of t?e No.4 of Sewer Bonds held by the phYSICIan. If durmg thIS pel'lod of (Borough and Township)·
ing vote remarking at the time "I Afte'. ult' 'tl th 't' supper COlll1mttec; 1\'1rR. George GIl- West End Trllst Company. '£his will lowered wages we must cut down on I "(2) The problems conf~onting the
would prefer to have the taxpayers , . . cons
" Ing WI I IHl· Ol'l les
. . J I.,
lll/l, ' an d Mrs. Ch ares I H'alst, Ieave. bu, t $9000'In Sewer Bon dS ont- th e money use d f or f 00 d we sh ouId INarberth School District in provid-
pay the bill instead of the teachers." on the subJect of sIgns the eommlt- chah'men of the decorating commit- standmg after May 1. Ibe extremely careful ~o get the nec:s-I ing present-day school facilities from
In regard to this move the state- tec also rcports that, "nearly all au- tee; Mrs, John Burrcll and Mrs. Isaac These sewer bonds, whith were h,- sary food values. l\hlk un?er no clr- I the revenue available upon the assess-
ment by the Board said, "With deep thorities on this subject agree that I McHose, chairmen of the waitresses; Hued in Mav, 1907 ill the amount of cumstances should be omItted from I ed valuations within our corporate
r~~~t, and onlr after every other pos- the use of real estate signs are a 1\!l's. Edw~l:d Haws and. MrR. C. C. ., the diet, especially if there are chilo/limits;
Slblhty of savmg had been exhaust- detrim I t t I t th t 'Iyson, chanmen of thc dIshes. Other (Continued on Page Five' dren in the family, as milk supplies I "(3) The possibilities of providing
ed, the Board found it necessary t~ . e I, no on y o , e propery members of the organization who are the largest proportion of all the daily, a remedy for the above conditions by
reduce salaries of all employees and which they IlPe~ifically adve~tise, but assisting with the supper are Mrs. Parent Teachers to Hear food requirements in the least ex- a eonsolidation of the Lower Merion
officers. The reduction of teachers' to the cOll1mumty surroundmg such L, B. Edgerton, Mrs. Howard Haws, of Vocational Effectiveness pensive form." and Narberth School Districts with-
salaries will amount to five per eent., property." Mrs. Lindley Trotter, Mrs. Edward POl' cheap body fuel, the various out actually dissolving the Borough
except that the maximum reduction Members of the committee hnvc also Conner, lMrs. Frank Purcell, Mrs. Mrs. Edith Davison, of thc Home cereals were recommended. There i as a corporate unit;
in any case shall not exceed $100 d' I I' , . . Charles E. Harnden, Mrs. Fl'ank Economic Staff of the State Del>art- sh?uld .be one fresh vegetable in the
This permits a saving of nearly $2000 ISeUSSC( t Ie sIgn .11l·OpOSltIon WIth Stiefel, Mrs. Albert Nulty,' Miss Anna ment of Public Instruction, will speal< dally dIet such as the root vegetablcs, able dIfficulty of effecting such 11
I "(4). The practically insurmourit-
in this item alone." brokers operating 111 Merion. The Foley, MI'S. William Rodgers, Mrs. on "Vocational and Economic Effect- carrots, beet::;, turnips, etc., which cost I school merger under existing laws,
In commenting on the cut, Mr. brokers voluntllrily agreed to remove Fred~ric A. Egmore, Mrs. William iveness" at the Narberth Parent- Icss th?n some of the o.ther va'rieties'll due to the disparity in size and ex-.
Pray stated that when it was found the signs proviaing the property own- M. SIbley, Mrs. Clifford B,ates, Miss Teachers' Association meeting on she saId. Cabbage, spmach and the tent of the respective Lower Merion
t'rs and other brokers would concur Mary Zentmeyer, and 1\1I8S FlOI'll Monday evening at 8 o'clock. oth('l' 11':'Cy vegetables should be used, and Narberth School Districts -the
(Continued on Page Four) . th . I" Kurzenknabe. Other features of this l>rogram will twi('(' Ill' t.hree timeR a week. . legislation providing for such c~nsol-
F•0II OWll1g e sIgns report ( Irectors F10IIowmg . th e supper tllere WI'11 be be several piano solos by Miss Mar- ~
,-"tewc( I an d f resh frUlts
' are always I'd ation being predicated upon the as-
Percy Crawford to Speak of the association passed thc follow- a program of music, with Mrs. garet Squier. The school orches- a necessary part of the diet, according sumption that the merging Districts
at Presbyterian Church ing resolution: Charles Viguers, Jr" pianist, and tra, under the direction of Miss Fran- to Mrs. Bowes, cspecially orange will be of approximately the same
"Whereas, the extensive UBe of I'cal John Dorenza, who will pla~' several ces Fricke, music supervisor of the juice, which may be taken by the size, ~ntl providing for equal repre-
The Young People's Class of the estate "For Sale" and "For Rent" selections on the piano. Mrs. Arthur school, will also play sevcral selec- VP.l'y young' as well as those of ad-I sentation upon the joint School Board.
Narberth ,Presbyterian Church arc signs on properties in Merion, hilS Goldsmith will lead the singing. tions, vanc~d age. I "The State law providing for dis-
taking charge of the regular church been called to the attention of this The Mulieres held a very successful All llm'ents in Narberth, whether Mrs. Bowes dl0wed many interest- solution of boroughs places the bur-
service this Sunday evening at 7.46 Board; and party in Elm Hall last Wednesday members of t.he association or lIot, iug pamphlets on diets for children, den of all positive action upon the
with Percy Crawford, of the "Young "Whereas, n Committee of this afternoon. About 1.50 attended and are cordiall~' invited to attend the expectl\nt mothers and for other uses, ~esidents of the Borough, by requir-
People's Church of the Air," as guest Board has been nppointed to iuvesti- $90 ",as Cleared. meeting. She also stressed the "Better lng tbat any petition for dissolution
speaker. Christian Endeavor Socie- gate the situation, ~nd to report Homes Week" which the Philadelphia shall be signed by two-thirds of the
ties along the Main Line and in Hill- thereon to this Board; and committee is holding from April 24 resident taxpayers before it will be
top Branches are sending .visiting "Whereas, thc said Committe has Swarthmore Players' Clubhouse is Fine to May 1. She advocated the use of I recognized by the Court of Quarter
delegations and a large attendance filed its report, which has been l'e- energy-saving devices in the home, Sessions. The members of the Com-
is expected. ceived by this Board, wherein the Example of Completely Equipped Theatre le'38 noise in the home and the making mittee referred to above have attempt-
Mr. Crawford is still a very young said Committee, after consultation of gardens. ed to sound out public sentiment in
man-a senior at Westminster Sem- and with the co-operation of the lead- Mrs. C. Arley Farmer, chairman of a casual way, and feel that the pros-
inary and taking post-graduate work ing real estate broke"s l'n the conl- 'fh I By "OUTI FRONT" devices for facilitating the presenta- the civic committee, and Mrs. Joseph peets of such majority sentiment may
at ,the University of Pennsylvania- munity, I'econlmend that • the tlSe 0",- d e Payers'' C ub of Swarthmore t'Ion 0fpays. i T he architectural de- R . A I en,' k '
eh~lrman of the welfare b e expected' WIth a fair degree of cer-
but his influence and ministry among 'For Sale' and 'For Rent' signs on pro uced five nIghts last week in their' b h . .
new club-house, "Gone Hollywood," sIgn, ot exterIor and interior, is se- commltteTe, were in charge of the pro- al'~Ity· ki
t .
young people has been unique and properties in Merion, are detrimental a comedy in thl'ee acts by John C. verely simple, but also exceedingly at- gram. ea was served, with Mrs. n as ng t e Township to re-
far-reaching. to the properties on which they al'e B I tractive. The acoustics are excellent. Burns Best as the hostess. frain from protesting dissolution of
used, and adversely affect the values estl'ownel locally, and that event
because of theis fact
of inter-
that It is said that the Swarthmore group, MI'S. J osep h H"{ . c ong Iel', pI'eSl<
. Ient the Eol'oug h we canno t reasonabl y
Missionary Society to Hear of all properties in Merion; this community now possesses a Play- in apportioning the funds available of the club, urged the members to expect to accomplish our purpose by
"Be It Resolved, That this Board ers' club of its own. It is to be re- fOl' their new building, decided to turn or.t. an'I votc at the coming elec- a mere shifting of any excess tax
Mrs. Frank Dippel Thursday record its acceptance and adoption of gretted that all of the active mem- spare no expense on the proper equip- tion on April 26. load onto the shoulders of their tax-
the conclusions of the said Commit- bel'S of the Narberth Players could ment of the stage and its accessories, The board of directors of the club r.ay~rs.. W~ must, within reasonable
The monthly meeting of the Wom- tee, as hereinabove referred to; not have attended "Gone Hollywood," and in that decision they undoubtedly held a meeting previous to the pro- Imlts, ,lustlfy 'the Township Com-
en's Missionary Society of the Nar- "Further Resolved, That the Secre- were wise. There is nothing to indi- gram. missioners and School Board in as-
berth Presbyterian ChuI'ch will be , so as to have been able to observe cate, however, that the funds were Th t l ' . th f d .• .'
held at 2.30 in the church parlor on tary of this Association be, and she not only the acting of a similar ama- e nex regu ar meetmg of the summg e expense 0 a mmlstermg
Thursday afternoon. is hereby authorized to advise mem- teur group, but especially to have not adequate to provide a comfortable club will be held on April 26. at 2.30 and operating our area as contrasted
The speaker will be Mrs. Frank bers of the Association IJS to the re- seen the remarkable fine new club- and thoroughly attractive playhouse P. M., in the Community Building' against the revenues available from
ort of the saI'd Comml'ttee and the h . of which any community could be when the following officers will b~ our properties at Township tax rates.
Dippel, wife of the superintendent of P OUse whIch the Swarthmore Players proud. liS h
the Brotherhood Mission, at 4th and ject; action of this Board upon the sub- have recently erected for their own elected: Second vice-president, re- c edule 'G' (printed below) has
exeluslv-e use. The Swarthmore Players' club has cording secretary and treasurer and been prepared to include what we be-
Girard avenue, Philadelphia, Mrs.
Dippel is also the missionary for the "Further Resolved, That the volun. The Swarthmore club-house is a been in existence for 27 years. It has three direetors. lieve would be a fair and conserva-
Mission and will bring an interesting tary action and co-operation on the complete little theatre. seating about always been conductCj!d exclusively for Mrs. Hope Le Barr Robel·ts will be tive estimate of revenues whicll
account of her work. part of the ree,l estate brokers hand- 350 people on a conveniently sloped the members and their guests. Tick- the speaker and will talk on Current would be available to the Township
Miss Betty Robb will be the solo- ling Merion real estate, be acknowl- floor. The stage is of ample· dimen- ets to their plays are never ofl'ered for Events. The soloist will be Mrs. C. at 1932 tax rates upon the valuations
ist and Mrs. H. C. lrebsacher will edged by the Secretary of this Asso- sions and is completely equipped with sale to the general public. The club S. Wilmot and the pianist will be within tbe Narberth area. In esti-
have charge of the devotions. ciation, with thanks." all modern mechanical and electrical is -supported by the dues which its Mrs. J. R. McLaughlin. Mrs. E. S. mating the prospective revenues from
(Continued on Page Eight) DeUbler will be the hostess. \ (Continued on pa/tp Eight') -
I .. ~

Page Two OUR TOWN April 15. 1932

to the County Organization in any entire idea came from the throne it· mental energy to do properly what Iffi===============================~1

Ln the. 7tKaz·l""'/f."
.1Y.J.j 0"'0 Iinterests.
way that would be cuntrary to our
Anyway, that suggestion
self and not from any "abjcct" sup- ought to be done. They won't listen
plicant. to us, cry the incumbents, because
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.-:;:::..-_ which I made to Mr. Cabrey was re-

Unity the Objective

Later on, Mr. Johnson cogitated we bear no gifts. No, they can't lis-
cdvedwithout comment and conver- on what used to be in Narberth. He ten to mutes, gifts or no gifts, and
Isationally ignored. I still believe that recalled John Caldwell very fondly, even the new idea which now per-
To the E~itor of. "O~r Town:" I it was a proposal of m~rit and that but apparently could not remember a vades the town won't help to make I •
Rep.ubhcan. I.l,llity IS a~most an ac-, if i~ had been ~cce~ted, .It wou.ld have single one of his present henchmen. them articulate. They have had their
day, and that day is done, and they, Main Line Engineering and Surveying Si"ce 1914
cOnl]Jhshed Iact here In Narberth I aVOided t.he situation JrJ which the We went on our way and subsequent-
right now. It has been further ad-II Narberth Republicans arc now placed. ly I wrote the letter he asked me should step down in favor of those I
. .' Nor am I unaware of the fael: that to write regarding the Congressional who have accepted an obligation to,
vanccd durlllg the }lrescnt prlmar~' there arc some who have said that candidacy and the Walzer part of the serve the borough at the county ta-I Registered in Penna.
campaign of the pust few weel,s than as they see fit to express it, I repre- interview. ble in a manner which its merits rich-I
ly deserve. It's not at all a question I
ill any previuus yeul' that the writer sent a'n attempt on the part of the Passed about ten days, and whilst
CUll recall. Unity is the oUJective of County Organization to impose their in Norristown on a court case, Max- of Johnson or anti-Johnson-it is a I Your Business is Solicited
liS WI.l\1 nre l!llrolleu under the banner political authority on Narberth. Noth- well Strawbridge, the legal light of
of the Urganization and of rtegulari- mg could be further from the facts. the Johnson galaxy, beclmned me to berth, and that's the point which Mr.
question of Narberth or anti-Nar-
Ardmore 2490 Wayne 267-W
I.y. We hold no personal" 1101' politi- ~ an; and always have been an Organ- his table at the Valley Forge Hotel Wood should turn around and see.
cal animosities toward Messrs, Ca-I ,zat~on .man, 1 worked for the 01'- and, without preliminary prompting,
hrey lind WIIlzl,r, BOl' allY of theil" gamzatlon here last fall when work- said that the Walzer matter had been _ _ _ _ _ _J_._J._C_A_B_R_E_Y_. I~====~===~=~==========~
adherents and [ollowers in the pres-I ers were few and the cause apparent- finally agreed upon. 1 was glad to
l'nt agitation lor the committee places. Iy was not a p.opuI~r one. I speak of hear that and thanked him for it, A Shreds and Patches !
\\i e lire '~onlident th~lt a majority of m~ personal SI~UatlOn n~w merely to few days afterward, however, I was
the Republicans in the Uorough are pomt out that m advancmg the ~an~e Lold personally by the chief himself
loyal to the party and to its organ- 0 f. Mr. Wood for ~e~c1er I was S~gllJ­ that nothing could be done about it
---------------1 Let's Put Those Roving
ized branches, We have raised the fymg my own wllhn~ness t.o dIvest and that was t.he end of the matter,
banner of regularity here in order my?elf o~ any autllorlt,Y or 1110Uelll'e except to say that I dug into the old mination once interrupted and de-
that t1lOse voters muy rally to it fin- ~hlC~ nught have derl\'ed f~'om my gcntIem811'S ribs pretty weH for lift- /Iccted The Vagrant's attempt to save
A bull of most unreasonable deter-
Dollars to Work!
:Illy and demonstrate, once and for r eC\.lOn last faIl t~ be presldentT of ing us up and down on sometlling distance by cross-cutting a pasture,
1111, that when both sides of the issue the Johnson RepublIcan Club of Nar- which had becn started b~' him all(I Reaching the waH which enclosed the
lire clcarly presented, Narberth Rc- berth, lIot h~' anybody else. bull's domain, it was found that on
publicans wiil register themselves by HENRY /\. 81\11T1I. At this point let us say that we the other side there was an equally Like roving men, roving dollars are not
their ballots ill support of regularity. do not review this rather intimate unfriendly farm dog. Whereupon
That is the issue o[ the campaign Explains His Stand hnppening- with Mr, .Johnson to find The Vagrant mounted into the com- helpful to home interests. By depositing
\\'hich i:; now being ::onducted f(']' the To the Editor of "Our Town:" fault with him, and if he sees this fortable branches of a· sugar maple, your dollars in the Narberth National
conuuiLtee places. 'We have no quar- Certainly everyone in Narberth in print he wiII discern that we have which almost shouldered the wall out
reI with our [cllow-Republicans who reads your paper and is interes\.cd in tricd to observe the amenitieH and to of llosition at that point. 'I'he bulI Bank, you not only get protection, con-
have voted repeatedly for f?Ilow- Incal political affairs, judging by the acclaim the many courtesh's he extend- would not depart, nor would the dog, venience and good service, but yOll also
t.ownsmen. when they wcre cmllhdat~s I \.clephone calls and other personal ('d to 11S. Nc\'erthele~s. the facls Each seemed to be filled with conl1-
jur prOllllnent offices on an antI- ('onlllv'nL which Rowed in 011 me IllSt. Ilug-hl to be t.old, so that Fred ·Wolr-cr dence that The Vagrant ultimately put those dollars to work for the better-
.Johnsol! ticket. That. was quite a nat· week ~fter you llrinted my tou-Iong will not be left in the m<>Ull position would be compelled to descend on one ment of this business and residential
ural thmg for them to do. Fred :W al - ll~tter on the presen\. contcst for com- where last weeks' letter landed him side or the other und that that event
zer, for example, has many fn~ndB mittcemen. Some old friends m;;;um- and, once again, we say that it is was weIl worth waiting for. The bull section.
here who arc alway:; glad to register ed that I had most unaccountably grossly unfair to describe him as "ab- was fretfully impatient, pacing about,
lhci.r support whenever I~e a,sks for turncd against them. Othcr friends, ject" and to say that he is fighting pawing t.he earth and beIlowing frl!- I
thell' ,'otes, .hut we mamtam t~lat knowing better my naturally sedant- .Johnson because he was turncd down quently. The dog calmly lay down I
those. Republicans have bcen votIng ary and casy-g-oing habits of life, lX- on a job. and seemed to sleep, but there was no !
for hml because he was Fred Walzer, prcssed surprise that I should so sud- As a matter o[ honest fact, he is relaxation in his frame and expectant II The
of Nar~Jert.h, and l~Ot because h~ was (Ienly emerge in the midst of whut not opposed to .Johnson at all, and eyes and nose were directd toward
the tree. As has been said, the tree I
a candidate on an mdependent ticket. spcmed to them to bp a contcst of no you can take it. from me that there
Thc same is true of ]\'[1', Young and larj!e significance,
Mr, Stites, and would be true of ]\'[1',
b 'f h h Id b d'i t
• •
May 1 mtrude more hl'leR" on YOUI' Why, then, ar<> 'Vahwr and his
was not uncomfortable. Wherefore,
is not a solitary doubt on that score, The Vagrant, whos~ wanderings are
I Narberth National Bank
fCa rey 1 ffi e s ou e at ca~t~( ~ . e space'to explain that I have no feel- friends opposing some of the old com- really nothing but the effort necl's- MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM
lor any b?rt~e commcnsura e WI IS inj!s of personal animosity. in this mittee members? First of all, that sary to proceed from one comfortablc I
sitting place to another, enjoyed the I
HIT'gle a 01 lies.. \ ' . t' . matter? I have been incre!;~ingl~' im- pl'ocedurc corrcsponds with a real Open 8 A. M. daily for your convenience,
' Ch 'I ,r
rgamza ,Ion IS supporlng
N 1 1\1' L . V pressed thl'ough yeaI.·s o. 0 lse.rva 1.0n
r I t' eOl1lmunit~.r demand. At the Ilolls IMt view of cloud-shadows sliding over I and also Friday evenings from 7 to 9
1\[ 1 . , at es . oe, the fields and woods across the val- I

'II I M H GIS, R oUlse

e th . of Ioea1 a ff' 'h tl Ie f U:I
aIrs Wlt l'l't
I y 0 f tl 1(' Fall (I recommend such a day for ley and awaited whatever might en-I
Coc kTI anI

• , e vs, e .
present incumbents of the committee I' mannetr lllh w IIC I a. t 1 1
'd h
h' 1 N rbe r tl RelJUbli
'1 t- those who love their fellow-men) not sue. He knew that so far as aim-!
' ('an vo es ave Jcen regis erer agm IS less than a hundred voters protested less time wa~ concerned, he could out-I
IlIacI'S, agall1st w om candl ates ave Ith 0
heen brought forwal'd by the CabreYI . e rg-amza 10n wen
. t' h I 1 w th t the continuance of the man and wom-
Ime 0a stay the dog and the bull, and he con- II

. h th f b'
Crowd because an attempt is being ~hose same. votes wou ld lave, g n c un who represented the part~' in No. jectured that he might he able longer
1 I Just as readIly to the same can<hdates 1 District. On the surface they were to control any stomachic suggestions
mad c t 0 pums em or emg oya \. . . . k
to the Organhmtion in the past. There on the Orgamzabon tic et, neither fish nor fowl but we are hel'e that food not thel'e available should
to prove they thwarted the cause of '

is not one of them who would not It seemed to me therefore that that their town and their neighbors as be sought somewhere else.
have been willing to step aside and, c?ndition would con~il!ue to ~'xist Ull-
abandon the office of committeeman bl more Narberth ~Ibz~ns ':Igoro?sly best
in the interest of harmony. The of- espoused the OrgamzatIon SIde. Smce
they could, even if that best did
not amount to very much.
Nearly two hours had passed with-
H. R. Jacob takes pleasure in announcing the
In the second lllace, the effort to out altering the situation when The!
fer which we made to Mr, cabreY'11 I was convinced th~t t~erebY some lirovide a more virile and more inte1- Vagrant from his elevated position I
appointment of
implied that. We asked him to sup-. very re~l and tanlpble mterests of Icctually robust Republican Commit- discerned a man slowly ascending the
]lort three candidates selected by us It.he enbre commulllty could be ad-
tee for Narberth is in direct accord path which paralleled the dog's side I
in return for our support of three vanced I considered it to be my duty
with the earnest recommendation oj of the wall. He was elderly and ot as
selected by himself. If there had to do what I thoug-ht "somebody
those high in the Councils of· the gentle appearance.
been any willingness to discuss our ought to do," Personally, I h~v<' County organization. I am almost home-made cane, such as any of the,
He carried a I l

Service Manager
impelled to tell their names, as it a~JUndant ?ickory saplings could pro-\
IH'Oposition, it would have been found never met nor held any conversatlOll
that the thrce present committeemen, with Mr. .T.ohn?on nor any of t!le would end the argument if 1 did, but VIde, but It was not stout enough to
Mr, Noel, Mrs. Cockrill and ,Mrs. other OrgamzatIon l~aders at ~orrls­ Our Spring Tonic at this price is a miraculous
Reevs would each have been willing town, and 1 am llot mterested 111 how that might not be fair, and I also afford any defense against the dog.; I treatment for your car • . • a pJeasure for your
prefer the case shall be won on its So The. Vagrant hailed him with, I
to ste~ aside in favor of candidates they apportion the spoils outside of
in the sclection of whom we had had Narberth, but I do want to get Nar- own merits, which brings us to the "Look out for that dog, my friend; ~ pocketbook. Let us have YOUl" OK on the Spring
:111 equal voice, herth into a position" it will .be t.hird point of the issue. he and that buB yonder have mr.
treed I" But the O'e~tleman llrov<>d to
Tonic Today!
But no. The purpose is to drive no longer an orphan chIld so f~r. Its If Narberth is going to sel its po- .... I
them out of office and to punish them rightful share of County perqUl~ltes litical house in order und g(~t off to be the owner of both animals, a point THE REMEDY INCLUDES
a clean start, how in the· name of which the dog would have immediately I
publicly because they were loyal to is c01lcernec1. 1. Grind Valves; Clean Carbon.
the Organization, That is the issue ROBERT I". WOOIl, common sense can that be done with made apparent if The Vagrant had I
a leadership which has arrayed itself awaited the outcome in silence. In' 2. Remove spark plugs {l'om motor; clean and gage
involved in the local campaign for
the committee lllaces, It is not :I Defends Fred Walzer against its own communit~·, and which (Continued on Page SiX) with precision gage,
question of the personal merits of To the Editor of "Our Town:" has suffered, despite its strl'IlUOUS
3. Clean Ollt gas sediment bulb and carburetor.
the candidates, It is being said that struggle .to have it otherwise, 11 thor-
the wet and dry issue is involved here Mr. Wood's letter last week )lu\.~ ough-going rebukc, only colleeting the Any 3 for $1: 4. Hone breaker points and adjust gap (replace
and that our group are dry and the him out of character altogeth<>r and tail-end. of an 8 to 1 vote '! Persist- Marcelle, finger wave. shampoo. bl'eaker if necessary).
Cabrey Crowd are wet, a conccption he ought to be sorry for it. Nevc:'- ing in the same disregard of local eyebrows arched, manicure - ;"
which has probably been erroneously theless, it does afford a public OppOl'- conditions, they did not lift a finger YOllr hOllie, 5. Check Timing; Tune Motor.
inferred from Mr, Cabrey's well- tunity to meet up with a choice bit to observe the wiII of the town in the HELEN RUCH-Narb. 4116·W 6. Refill and adjust shock absorbers.

known predelictions on that subject. of the village gossip of which, ob- retention as Assessor of Mr. Gris-
It is ridiculous to assume that the viously, Wood has been a victim, and wold, elected by our people with a 7. D"ain and flush dope in rear axle and
grave· issue Prohibition in national the folks might welcome some of tht' heavy vote, and a man who applied transmission ( refill wtih Summer
politics can in any way be influenced facts of the case as it actually i~. himself to his dilficult task ill a man- grade lubricant).
01' involved in tllis small and strictly The statcmcnts mad<' regarding ner that far exceeded the slight com- H. B. WALL 8. Repack Pump; Drain and flush
local contest for threc inconspicuous Fred Walzer's "abj(~,·1." ph'a for a job pensation he got from it, In th;,t re- Plumbing : Healing
committee places, are viciouslY under thl! helt. I ought spect, however. Mr. White told me radiator. (Inspect mdiator and
100 Forest Avenue,
A vote in this contest for commit- to know, b~eause I wa~ in thc pic- Ihe committee members had nothing hose connections.)
tee places is a vote in favor of organ- ture from the star!" to finish. 'rhis whatever to do with his appointment, Phone: Narberth 3652 9. Test and water battery.
ized regularity and of loyalty to the is how it all occurred: as the- support for it came from a
County organization, and througll ,. I had to go to ITarrishul'g' \0 seC member of the Legislaturl' (I think 10. Check hcadlight focus.
that to the party organization in the the Securities Commission. Alone he saiel). Wl10 was totally unacquaint- 11. Check windshield wiper
state and the nation, if it is cast fOl enough, 1 sought a l:ompanion for the ed with the Narberth situation. What opcration.
Mr. Noel, ,Mrs. Cockrill and Mrs. trip. Fred was availahle and hc ('ame a filH' display of party influr.nce this
Reevs, That is all there is to it, and along. Our business done, we started is and what a resounding sla]1 in the 12. Adjust horn.
it will be interesting to observe wheth- to look in on some of the celehrities, face for N arberth Rcpublican~, and 13. Check and ait· tires.
er in this presidential year the Re- Pinchot was engaged and so II<! miss- all because our eommit\.<>e ml'mhers
llUblicans of Narberth wish to recol'll ed his golden opportunity. We Ilhon- had neither the tongue nor the tal-
themselves otherwise. cd Mr. Johnson and he said he could ent for making themselves of al I<>a"t.
There is just one oUler point which give us five minutes. 'fhe On~llniza­ some little degree of significanl'e in All for
I should take this opportunity to ex- tion candidate for Congress had not political maneuvers involving theil'
plain, and that is concerned with the been announced. It loolted ns if it own home town!
reference which Mr. Wood made in! might be Edmonds. He was dry and There is no more politicull~' con- New Ford now on Display
his published letter last week to the' a fierce fight would no doubt result, scious community than Narberth in
call which I made on Mr. Cabrey in with the Governor's arid man slip- Montgomery County. The l'atio of
this interest of harDlony and compro- ping in. It was my first m<>eting votes to enrollments is greater here H. R. JACOB
misc. For reasons best lmown to with Mr. Johnson. I told him what than any place of which I know the Ford Sales a"d Service
himself Mr. Wood did not mention 1 thought of the Organizntion's con- country-wide. Our people take an ex.-
that he accompanied me on that mis- stant straddle 011 the liquor question. traorclinary interest in civic affairs. Lancastel' Ave. and Chnrch Rd.
sion and that I advanced his own It was a good session. He encouraged This may be one of the attributes of
name as one on which bpth groups I conversation. The five minutes turned a long period of what is cnlled "incle- At·dmol'e, Pa. Ardmore 4600·4601
might agree to be a Republican lead- out to be nearly two hours. He told pendent" voting, and if that is the
cr for this campaign and until unity tiS something which won't be revealed, case then praise be to it, if "political
had been accomplished. Mr. Wood It sealed the fact the interview was freedom" is anything more than a Generol-2
had not been actively identified with Ipleasing to him. A wet man was meaningless term. The man who 11ii!!!!!~========~~~!!i.!!!!-!!·-!!!!!-~-!!·-o!-~~~~!!!-!!!!!!!!!i!!!-!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i~~~~
either group in the campaign last named four days later. If we did scorns the virtue and value of indi- II
fall and I sincerely felt that lIe might nothing else, we supplemented the en- vidual procedure has very patiently
be acceptable to both, temporarily, at deavors of others driving in the same skipped many of the early American
least. I was not positive that he dh'ection. We found the boss highly lessons,- To ask what citizens get
would accept such a post, but I knew agreeable company. out of it all, and then to expert the
that it was his desire for harmony Naturally, the conversation drifted answer in terms of "favors," seems We can give them to you either Gothic,
that had brought him into the cam· to Narberth. I said I was only con- to put a price-tag on something which
paign in the first place and I thought eerned in politics to the exten~ of ought not to be for sale. There's ut- Spearhead or beautiful Rustic Cedar. H
that he would serve as lender if it prohibiton reform and thnt Walzer terly no depth to that part of Mr. these are too pointed, we can erect the
was clearly shown to him thnt by so was the practical man for other oc- Wood's defense, in my opinion, and

doing he could unite the Nnrberth cnsions, I said also thnt Fred was maybe I'm not so dead-set against Rail type for you. Come in and look
Republicans. I unbridled as to his future course. the "gang" as I might sometimes ap-
There was no thought in my mind Then out of a clear sl<y came the sug- pear to be.
through our Library of suggestions. We
that by means of Mr. Wood we could gestion, from Mr. Johnson, that our Let us put a new crew on the ship, are open until 3 P. M. Saturdays.
create a political boss for this free- judge would make a good county .de· aggressive and informed men and
minded community, and certainly I did tective. I agreed that he would and women who shall not seek in ,their
not assume that anyone would re- Mr. Johnson seemed to get a great own behalf, but who shall start with
gnrd him as one who would be likely deal of satisfaction out of his own a wholesome background and a re-
The Lin~ Between Forest and Home
29 Bala Ave., BaJa-Cynwyd
Cynwyd 662
to hand us over, bag and baggage, thought. Register, please, that the freshing viewpoint, equipped with th!! ~i!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!i!!!!!i!!!!!!!i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!i!!!!!i!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!ii!!!i!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!ii!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~1

OUR TOWN Page Thre,e
April 15, 1932
Richard Bennett give outstanding pcr- Special Musical Service at Lower Merion Students Invited
.Bocal JrJollies formances in this picture, one ():f the
year's unquestioned "bests," c()ming
Narberth Church Sunday
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church,
to "Engineers' Day" at Penn
to the Egyptian next weelt-end, Narberth, is planning an exceptional Students fron1 tl1e Lower Merion
Narberth Mo"ie Notes musical service for Sunday evening. High School, together with those from
Based on David Belasco's play is
"Tonight Or Never," in which Gloria
I Nar
b th . I S
era Gn 1. f
coutthe otes
The choir will sing "InflaI'YImatus,"
from Rossini's "Stabat Mater," and
a number of other selected secondary
schools, have been invited to attend
Swanson appears at the N arb er th Th re w s a ea 01' "Sweet the Moments, Rich the B1ess-
Theatre this Friday and Saturday given last Saturday by the Girl Scout ing," Dressler's religious setting of the annual "Engineers' Day" at the
nights. At Saturday's matinee Troop, No.8, which was well att('nd- the Sextette from "Lucia di Lammer- Univcrsity of Pennsylvania on Sat·
O'Brien will star in Zane Grey's "Rld- ed. There was 'a program given as 111001'." They wil1be assisted hy Miss IIrday, April 23, liS g"uests of the fac-
ers of the Purple Sage.:'. . follows: Margaret Ann Eicherly, guest 110- 111ty and students of the University's
Ann Harding fans wlil 111«\ hel' JI1 Fl' b . 1ft prano soloist. engineering schools_
"Prestige" at the borough playhouse orma opemng, y gil'S 0 roop; Miss Eicherly is n grnduatc of
next Monday and '1:' ues(I ay. C '
oDllng a po em , b y Betty McCo nn, ell' a sOllg 'West: Chester State Normal SellOol "Engineers' Day'· is de~igned to en-
Wednesday and Thursday is "Lovers by Pauline Sabrovich; a oue-aet play, and is music instructor of th(' Bala- courage IH'osp('eti\'(! univerl'ity stu-
Courageous," with Robert Montgom- by part of the scollts; a poem, by Cynwyd Schools. She is nh;o soprano dl'lIlf' to givc some thought to their
ery and Madge Evans. Ingebord Thaysel1, and a talk by- Mrs. soloist of the Bryn Mawr Presbyte- future cducational careers and to I
., Henry D. Booth, Jr., chairman of the !'ian Church, where her supet'ior 111U- acquaint them with the opllortunities
Main Line committee, followed b~1 re- sician ship and splendid vocal aLtain-
Emma, Will Rogers, Taxi,
'th t Egyptian
A rrowsml a
freshments. There was a mothers' ments have beell highly cOlllmended.
committee formed and Mrs. C, A. Miss Margaret Squier, organist·di.
whieh lie before them lInll the rc-
CJuiremenLs which they must meet if I
Thaysen was elected chairman. rcctor, has chosen "OuvcrtUJ·l· de t 11l'Y contelllplate university training-
Mar ie Dressler, aided by Hiehard \Ve also havc a lieut<'l1ant, l\Jis..; Phedre," hy Massenet, for the first . ('lVI,
III "1 Ch enllcn,
. I cI ect rIca
· I or 111('-
Crol11well, Jean Hersholt and Myrna i\Jary Dunlap, of Dudley avcnnc, Nar- lIumb!'l' of the organ recital )lreced- ,·hankal engincering, 01' in chemisll'Y.
Loy, gives another superb chal'act~ri- berth. Miss Dunlap will act as liell- ing the lllllsical service, to 1)1' 1'01- r
zation in "Emma," at the Egyptian Lenant from now on and we are: very lowcd b~' that: charming hit from PI lin L lInc hcon Th lIrsd ay .-
this week-end. glad to have her anti appreciate ber TsehaikowskY'R Nutcracker Suite. The Ladies of the Hom(! Missioll-
"Business and Pleasure," Will Rog- efforts. "Dance of the Sugar Plum F:Jiry." al'y :-;o(·iety of the Narberth M. K
t!rs' latest, is typically humorous and .IANE CHILLAS, Bach's stately "Air foJ' G Strillj!;" Church will give a luncheon ill l'al'bh
interesting. It is coming to Cynwyd Scribe. will completc' the organ program. Hall on Thursday, April 21, a~ 1 I.'. ]\1.1
next Monday and Tuesday. "Taxi,"
the feature Wednesday and Thursday, ===========================================~~':_~~~=~~.::.~=~.=~"",....,.~--""---
"is an exciting and well-told talc feat-
uring James Cagney and L<n'ctttl
Not to be missed by lovers of good
literature and superb acting is "Ar-
The Beauty and Influence of Its Many Homes
rowsmith," much-praised cinema
adaptation of Sinclair Lewhl' novel. I
Ronald Colman, Helen Hayes and I Makes the Main Line an Ideal Site
For a Thoroughly Modern Store
NarbertH THEATRE A beautiful region of homes-that's why Strawbridge & Clothier deemed it so
Friday and Saturday
desirable a place for a store that has served three generations of home-makers in
evenings at 7 and 9 this part of Pennsylvania. That is why they have established there an interior
GLORIA SWANSON decorating' department, and a home furnishings department that occupies practi-
in cally one entire floor. That is why they bring to this Suburban Store every THE MAIN LINE STOltE
~~TONIGHT advantage in shopping to fill home requirements.
The outstanding picture baselj 011
Da1'id Belasco's great stage SIlCCC.15.
Garden Seeds AWNINGS Curtains
Flower and Vegetable Seed, 10c a Here's your chance to start the summer riglit! Don't let Ivory and ecru marquisette, 33 in.
Saturday Matinee Only:
packag'e; Michell's Grass Seed, 2 qts., those first warm days find you unprotected. Order your wide, 2% yds. long, finished with ruf-
Awnings now and pay for them when you have them hung fle and ruffle tiebacks; or in tailored
George O'Brien ill 50c; Old Gardner, 10 Ibs., 85c; Bone in May. We have a fine selection of printed and woven
Meal, 3 Ibs., 25c. Lorna, 5 11>s., 50c; stripes from which you may choose, but don't forget that style 34 in. wide. Price 90c a pair.
ZANE GREY'S Marquisette with colored Tom Thun"b
100 Ibs. for $5.00. now's the time to do it! You'll find the cost is 20% below
HRiders of the Purple last year's. ruffle and tie-backs, and with Priscilla
Sage" tops; 36 in. wide, 2% yds. long'. Price
ADDED: RIN-TIN-TIN in Garden Sets, $2.00 $1.25 a pail'.
"The Lightning Warrior"
Three-piece flower garden Tool Set- SLIP COVERS

Next Monday and Tuesday
rake, hoe and spade. An especially Slip Covers made from 65c-a-yard cretonnes-to fit 3-piece
ANN HARDING g'ood set fol' wornen to handle. suites, $33.00. We will cut and fit 8-piece Slip Covers in
your home, and make them up in our workrooms. Finished
in ~~PRESTIGE" with plain skirt (or box plaited for the cost of additional
material) and with French seams.
Wednesday and Thursday Lawn Mower, $6.95
Robert Montgomery and A very special value at this price!
Madge Evans in 16-inch mower, with 10-inch wheels
~~LOVERS and ball hearings.
Garden Hose
Garden Hose, 10c a running foot,
coupled free ill 25- and 50-foot
lengths. Nozzles are 50c each.

Four Good Shows!

This Week-end:

Marie Dressler Ih
A M C Electric
Next Monday and Tuesday

WILL ROGERS in Summer Rugs

Gliders for the sunroom now, f()r ontdoors later. Gay woven
stripe covers are sunfast. Wide metal arms are swinging'
type. Coil springs, stabilizer', long suspension for straight
gliding and well upho!st!'""',) 1'-':' ttl'esses and hack cushions
~~Business and Pleasure"
Wednesday and Thursday

James Cagney and

Grass-and-fibre, skillfully woven, pro-
ducing a most durable summer rug.
Unusual designs and new color com-
make for comfort.

Trellises Sand Box

Loretta Young in Sturdy 8-foot trellis, 18 inches Ide'll for long play days out-of-
binations. Exclusive with Straw- wide, 90c. Other tl'ellises In a door~. )Ietal-Iined, 36 illches 'Va siler" eOIl1(llctl' wllh
11 II iii Ill: Illld drain-
variety of shapes and sizes priced squart!, -vith canvas canopy top. Ing device,
~~TAXI" bridge & Clothier in this vicinity. up to $2.50. A real investment for spring With tubs of hard (,1I1~1l1l'1 hlllu'd on steel.
Pergolas $5.50 and up. and summer. Price, $3011. With lllLllnnn-rolier Wrhll:l'rs.
Week-end Next: And many other features, for these arc the
Ronald Colman, Richard Japanese DuRo latest model, with lids that may be used os
clothes tmys, niclteled wl'ingers of quiek-
Bennett, Helen Hayes:
• Cherry Trees
Beautiful flowering Japanese
Cherry Trees with a remarkable
Howing Machines
An cas~' Y.·ay to safeguard your
health. The "Du Ro" rowing
Olochine is all-steel in construc-
releasing type and a dil'l-dlssolving water
agitation that thoroughly washes but does
not harm delicate fabl·ics.
For u Demollsh'aUon In YOllr Own 1I0m<',
ancestry-,you'll find their like, tiOll, yet Ilght in weight, which Telellhonl! W AI.lIut 4500, Jo~xten!llon 229fj
makes it easy to handle, and is
'rhey are all very much worth flourishing around the tidal st1a!l enough to be pushed under $5 First Payment, Balance Monthly
seeing and worth bringing your
family and friends to enjoy. Furniture basin in Washington, D. C. They
are $1.95 each.
th'J bed 01' In a closet when not
in use. Price $4.95. on Defe'Tecl Payment Plan

-At The Egyptian The smart thing in Porch Furniture

"Where the Main Line Meets
this Spring is rattan. And our 3-
piece set with the gayly colored cre-
tonne coverings is exceptionally
Each piece is spacious and comfort-
able, with spring cushions and re-
versible back cushions. Price $49.50. Store Hours: 9:00 to 5:30
CLO'TI-II ~R Men's Store Open Saturdays Until 6:30

Fertil- Potted Rose Bushes-$1.00 lilac Bushes, some French Lilacs- SOc
Fine Certi - Fed Rose Bushes-SOc Rhododendrons andAzaleas-$1.85

Page Four OUR TOWN April IS', 1932

Penn Valley Garden Club

. Retain Eighth Grade Here to Meet This Afternoon

A Co-operative Community Newspaper, New Name Pro~osed [tion" that I was obliged to take m~T (Continued from Page One) The next meeting, of the Pen~ Val- fronl these wee1{'end specials! and
founded in 1914 boY the Narbenh C:ivic To the Editor of "Our Town:" hat in hand and appeal for the crumbs the step would be necessary, the prin_l ley Garden Club WIll be held In the taste for yourself how gaoa ollr
Association, and published every Pndcly You probably Imow that the name from. M~, Joh~sons' ~able. I cipal, W. James Drennen, insisted gardens .of ~he Montgomery Day
choice meat really is:
at Narberth. Pa.
Philip Allee Uvlngston, publisher
Merion Station was talten from the
I hope the gentleman who knows the 1
ThIS IS a Wilful mIsstatement, and that his salary be subject to the cut School thIS FrIday.
'th th t h d't Mrs. Walter D. Fuller entertained
Round of Beef
Merion Meeting Station, on the Phila- circumstances better than anyone a ong WI e eac ers, espl e an . (Pot Roast) ••••• I~., 2Sc
Hobert Moore Cameron, l';<lltor
Anne Morgan Hoberts, Social gdltor delphia and Columbia Railroad, when else, will refute this claim, but let it understanding with the Board at the the member~ of t~e .cl~b at her reSI- Freshly ground
Thol11as A, glwood, Advertl~lng Manager the present Main Line went into op- suffice for me to say, that Mr. Wood time he was given the prineipalship dence on RIghter s MIll road, near HAMBURG •••• Ib., 20c
eration about 1851. or any of those for whom h~ writes that slight increases would be given Conshohocken State road, in Penn
Office-258 Haverford Ave., Narberth The name Merion Station should c~nnot prov~ .any, part of thIS asser- him during his first three years, I Valley, on April 1. Rib Roast Beef of
Ardmore 3100 I
Telephone-Narberth 2545; If no answer, really have been applied to Elm or tIOn. A polItIcal Job to me has never
Narberth fOl' the reason that the been my price for harmony, and while
A d t' . th
re uc Ion In e compensa Ion 0 I th 1'b
t' f Mrs John A LaFore president of
'd' d d 30' b t thick end •••••••• Ib., 20c
, h d . h I d th t lIe to 1 d It e c u , preSI e an mem ers a -
SUbscription price $2 per year In advance Narberth station is closer to Merion I know. t e epreSSIOn ~s p aye e ax co c r was a so rna e. I. . Pork Loin, whole or
_. I
IMeeting than the present Merion mean trIcks on men and t~mgs, ,n~v- was fixed at one and eight-tenths per I tended, The. first of a ~ew serIes of half ,., .... , . , . , •. lb., 20e
l~ntered as second-class matter Octo- Station ertheless, Mr. Wood was In posItion cent instead of two per cent of taxes I talks was gIven by MISS Florence
I,er 13, 1911, at the Post Ofl1fcel\~t NIJa~- Whether Narberth Borough is to learn the truth of the matter, even 11 • t d 'Bertermann on the proper care of Pork Chops,
erth I'a ., under the Act 0 .arc 1 , abandoned or not, I would like to sug- t h ough h e was 1'11 -ad' vIsed . I co Secb e , . 'd ' d gardens, whIch . proved most interest- center cut •••••• • lb., 25c
1 . gest that Narberth Stations' name While I appreciate the nice things. u st~ntIaI te uct~ons ;vere ma e ing and quite in keeping with the
Friday, April 15, 1932 be changed to MERION CENTER, Mr. Wood did say about me, I want In practIcally every Item In the burl- plans now being made by Penn Valley Shoulder of Pork, lb., 14c
=============== I which, I think, would be agreeable to the Borough, and particularly rt.he get except those fixed by law or by rcsidents at this time. It was also Fresh Hams " , ... , .. lb., 16e
all our residents living west of Bow- many friends that supported me at standing requirements, The state- announced at the meeting that many
Plenty of Jobs man aven~e,. at present outside ~he I the last ~,rimar?" to Imow that, I am ment issued by the Board said, "The o~ ~he famous. formal gardens in Vir- Our celebrated Breakfast
'l'hat thCl'c is 110 siO'n of Ullcm- Borough lImIts, and who really lIve, not the Dog 10 the Manger, they B d' . t'fi d t b bl t i f t gmla were be10g opened to the gen- Bacon; qualitr unsurpassed
e :' I' '" ~'ho servc in a "No Man's Land." Iportray me, to be but a victim of a I oar .IS gia 1 e 0 e a. e .0 e ~c eral public during the week of April whole piece, lb., 22c
pLoymcnt. ,llIlong t lOS? '\ . We think all property owners would I diabolical distortion of facts for rea- a conSIderable net reductIOn, III spIte 25 to 30, inclusive.
the l?oLili(~al .lmreaus m \V.ashm g - be benefited by this change in name'ls~ns ~est .known to those who are of the ~act that the tuition bill for, sliced, lb., 25c
toll Hi ~l'ell m the mountmg ex- and doubtless all our assessmen,ts Idlssemmatmg them. the commg year will be several thou-
llelldilul'Cs llY thc major Fedcral could be raised on the strength of It. Let's all see to it that the commit- sand dollars in excess of that for the BABY SPRING LAMBS

. I
dcpartl1lrllts,' ~lain JJine stock- W?i1e a lot of our old~r people would teeme~ and women we, do elect will, current year."
l' J I P t dp. obJect to the change In the name of have many pounds of weIght and pres- In the budget which follows items,
What IS a forequarter, $2
hindquarter, $3
hole crs III t lC .:.. . (I~ on
1 .: INarberth, we yet feel that no real Itige at Norristown so Narberth will reduced are m~rked with an' aster· I Jig Saw
~eIl10Ilr>; Company l'l'.eClv~d tl~IS community harm would be done, for receive that recognition which is cal- isk "', Increases are indicated by two I
weel.' a hl·i('f and ilhl1ll11Hltlllg pIC- yo~, of course, know w,hat the poet culated to please the whole - not a asterisks "'''', I I Puzzle?
., . ,
IlIl'e of 1hl' hurdell thll~ ])1fll'ed on sUld about the ros.e.
. What do you thmk of the Idea.
.? few. . *Salary of Secretary ...
FRED WALZER. I "'Salary of Treasurer
" t I1(' l.axpa,\ (·I'S. I OLD FOGEY, " , ', . -Drop in at
'j'he <111 Pont Icttel' has eOlllP. to . Tax Co!lector 1,800.00
, f I 1 I f J I' I' S . S d P. J. Lawler Funeral Held Audtors Fees .,...... 106.00
till' attcntlOn 0 lUll( 1'1 S 0 oca
. It 'IS eel'lalll
. 1,\..111 fOllua-
Noe service tate
T 0 th e Ed't . f "0 ur T own.."
I S M hi 'T
at t. att as
d "'Census Enumerator
ues ay "'Control (Office Secre- ...
I'I's1l1rnts, ~ 101 0
tive--wl1l'lher or lIOt it will hr val- Charles .Noel's lon~ record as. de.rIt Funeral services w,ere held a;, the tary), postage, petty 224 Haverfol·d Avenue
. ' f of '/CouncIl, fire chIef and dIstrIct Church of St. Mattlnas, Bala, Iues- cash etc BRADLEY
Hahle W1l! deprlld 011 the aellOn 0 committeeman seems fo me to be a day morning for Patrick Joseph Law- "'P' .' l' .S '1' , . and /i"d out how fasci-
1 hose who rcceived 1he le:ttrr allli I pretty good indication that he has ler, who died at his home, "Killegar- prI~nnc~ppal'sS Eaxparys . nating they are, and MARKET CO.
d otlH'l'S "",ho 111l~~ht . 1 . I
)('(~OlllC llIter- been givmg ,h s
• i f I ' . d " 3 U' B 1 I t F . r Cl a
el OW-CItizens an ry, 9 mon avenue, a a, as - rl- "'Teachers' Salaries ., .. 36,556.00
en es.
.. . ' ...
what our low rental is, 2106.08 Market Street
csted in FedN'al laxes. fellow-RepublIcan~ good and accept· d a y . . Teachers' Retirem en t for maki"g your spare Phone RITTENHOUSE 7070
,.,' , , t· . Iable serVIce, and It seems to me that
'1'1 I· ,', f ' I He was eulogized by the Rev. Thom- Fund 119244 moments more enjoyable.
Ie J:I~~.~t'l 1 IC 1!Sln g( ~~S ~... 18 the. best wa~ ~he people ca'!1 show as J. Hanney, rector of th.e church, *Textbook~··,::·.·,',:::::: '600:00 Delivery Twice Daily
a C0111 Pol I lsp\l hetwren 1,1.../ <111\1; theIr apprecIatIon IS by vot1Og for Iwho celebrated solemn reqUIem mass. "'s hIS I' 1 200 00 Satisfaction Gtlaranteed
") 'I" Ill' j'orlnl'I' ,vea I' Was Olh 0 J" I him now that ther~ IS
.:!):)..... •
an ~ttempt to Th e Rev. F rancls ' A. B rac yIacted as """Tuition
c 00 upp Ies , .. ,... , .
,. 43,200.00
pea k inllus11'inl aetivil~' 11 1111 II igh Ithrow him out of hIS commIttee place. Ideacon and the Rev, Anthony .nun~ Other Expenses of Inst. '20.00
pl'iees. Fin' n~:lrs latl')', II llring- a 1 Mr. J, J. Cabrey says that Mr. No.el ! was sub-deacon.. At the c?ncluslOn OJ: *Libraries
. ,'. ., , " , and Mrs, Reevs and Mrs. CockrIll I the mass, DermiS J., Cardmal Daugh- Health
, .. ,... I
I'rl'lOll 01 \I1~lV( rsal dISII'I'SS! 0111 Iought to be turned out of the com- erty gave absolution of the body. '" . , . ',' .. , .. , .. , , .
legislntf'I's in \Vashin~ton are sad- mittee places because of their attitude .Bishop Gerald P, O'Hara also attend- ir~~:PtOrtabon , 3,~~~,~~
Illing all llllditional rxpense of Iin the Boyd-J,ust-Youn g .campaign ed, as did. hosts of f;iends a.nd busi- "'J:~i~:rs~ W~g~~':::::: 2,970:00 I
$1.231,1011 \I pon us for majol' dc-I !ast fall. I don t see anyt~Ing wrong n~ss aSSOCIates, Burml was In West- "'Fuel ' .. ".... 900.00 I
. .. t IIn the conduct of the commIttee. They Immster Cemetery,
pal'tmcnh, l'OlllllllsslOn~, e e., an h d b I t d b th Republicans' III f
"'wa, L'Ight a~ d P ower 1150 00 I
.l11crease 0 r IJ.) ..) pel' cent. I a een e ec e y e or el
'ght weeks Mr Lawler
of Narberth a year before that cam- who was 54 years old, April 8, had "'Oth
'Jamtors' SupplIes
0 t' . 'E' .
, . ,
'fhat lcrl'ific incrrasc llIa~' he }laign too~ place. They re~resented co~tinued t~ attend to his business af- p:~se .~~r~ ~~~. , .. ~~ 150.00
lIning ~llIne good h('re and thcre.1 the organized party at the tIme they fairs.. Dur10g the last week, he had """Repairs to Buildings... I
Oue thiu!! is ecrll1 ill-it is makillg Iwere elect~d. ~hY should they left hIS home for a few hours each "'Plant Repairs and Re- I
,,I lot mOIl~. 'good polJtJeell . '. Jobs; . , .It Ithe change theIr pOSItIon of loyalty to day. He returned shortly before noon
organization? It was all right Friday, after inspecting a building ** p .
. ' ...,' .. , . .
50 00
. I
is incl'rllsing' the yote-catching for individual Republicans to line up loperation, and lay down to rest. He I InsU1~;ce (~nel~d)ng s de- 31600 I
powcr of the profcssional politi-I ~nd work for the independents then, I was found ~ead about an hour later. T~~~ ~r: B::ds ... : : . . 334:00 I
('ians at ~'Olll' cxpcnse anll minc;' If they wante~ to, but ?IOt for the Born 1878 10 Co~nty Cavan! Ireland, Sinking Funds , .. ".,. 4,661.00 I
it is fOI'\'iu" II~ to SIIPP0l't a staO'_!regular. RepublIcan .commlttee, he was edu~ated In the publIc schools **Interest (including that
b I Can It be that WIth Walzer break- there, and 10 1898 at the age of 20 on tempora loans) 402000

f I' } 'I't 1 t f
g:cl'mg 1II1111hel' of }ll'oplc chosen, ing away front Stites, "J. J," wants he came to Chicago, where he work- '~N
tl' . ? If so, ed as bellboy at the old Stevens H
F ' ry d'"
lIO't .01' 1 1('11' a 11 I ~', III .01' IClr to take th: place of Stites., .0- e w Equipment urmture ... '.'an .
:t1I<'gHllh~l'S :'.1 1hose who control the consider thIS record, of Cabrey s: In tel. T~o years later he came to PhIl- "Playgrounds .. , .. , .
appropriatiolls. 11928' ~ Dell11ocrat; 10 1930, a Dem~. ad~lph18 and went to work, for T. F, Legal Service .
'fl t' ... ' 'I " . • tl crat; In 1931, a Boyd.Just RepublI- ReIlly, contractor and buIlder, and Principal's Salary for
III JI]( I lasc el ow IS mOl c Ian can and in 1932 the leader of a Re-I was with him until 1908 He
)la If. t IIe t1celt, fi . 1l11(1 the (e 1 fi'" , 's uthen
m m e r school super-
Cit IS Ipublican group, This is O. K. for an set out for himself as a contarctor, . ,
heing made lip 01\1 of the pockcts individual, but h~rdlY fitting for, one doing. extensive paving and other VISIon .. , _
of all f,f liS, Evrry time we put who seems to aspIre to the RepublIcan I work 10 Montgomery and Delaware $109,802,44
an cxtra ('rllt on a'letter wc will leadership of Narberth. ~ II counties, most.of which is e~ident to- INCOME
. . ' ROBERT J. EDGAR. day. The Umon avenue brldgc ovel T P
1:(' I'rllllllded of the 11I1110n and a the railroad tracks in Bala was built p::e~ 01\ r~~'ty
ill1Urtel' increasc in soft jobs. Walzer's 'Rebuttal

by him. api a .... , . , ------------------=-=:.::::===::;

Whcn we p:l:: a gl'Catlr incrcascd To the Editor of "Ou.r Tow~:" Successful .fr?m the. start, in 1~12 $100,266.40 • •
income hx (if we havc any in-I Having already delIvered lOa man he began bUllch~g. reSIdences, act1Og-
, )..' . " to man fashion a personal message to as his own sellIng agent. The suc-
comcs. "P." III kllo\\ lhat II ~algC Mr, Wood relative to the discrepan- cess of Bywood, which he developed,
Less Anticipated Exon-
era Ions ,. "
1 500 00 •Because ['m Glad
. ,•

)Jcrcent:lg'l' of the pa~'mellt IS to cies and the untruthfulness, as re- 'I was phenomenal, He built the Stone- I
kel~p Ill" 1I11 illftlltetl political estab- gard me which appeared in his arti- hurst Apal'tments, and the 69th Street N t NTet TRax ~etceipts .. ~99'88'77 66fj5.4400 I . •
, "0 T "' h h h' 11 I e ax ecmp s ... ,. 'r', l, I to see a man of tIl t f E k' I R I
!ishmcnt. cle in last week's issue of ur own, ITheatre, w ic at t c tmIe was ca ec State AppropriatiolH; ,. 10,512.13 1. . ' .e yp~ 0 ze Ie a Soo
'j'hese risinO' c(lIltrilmtions to I desire now. to set straight .n?y "Lawl~r's Folly," because it was in
II Miscellaneous Inc 0 m e l . • ton carl·y on busmess m Narberth, I'm
J' "'. friends and neIghbors on any dlsll- the mIddle of a cornfield, He was (t I' . . k' h' fl' hi
\\ ashmgtoll arc gOllIg to delay lusions which they might have taken one of the founders of the Suburban ax pena ItIes, mtel'- • '. ta mg t IS means 0 we commg m as
husiness J'ecover~' hy taking away from this article,

1. •
ITitle and Trust Company, of Upper est, tuitions, etc.) . . . . 1,500,00 \ . • the new tenant of my property at 248
moncy 1hat should go into the Mr. Wood .stres~es harm~ny as :hc I~arby, from whose directorate he re- Total Net Income. ,$110,777.53 • • Haverford Avenue. Here's hoping the
e!w.llIIt,ls of trade. 'l'he cure is in keynote of hIS al'bclc llnd III sIgned about three years a~o. I Total ExpenditureR , ... 10!l,802.44!. • Narberth Hardware Company gives
I I I f l i n g the meeting and proposal whIch 'I In Bala·Cynwyd he bUIlt many d •
1 ~e 11111( s o t IC taxpaycr, for, was made us I'egards the committee- i homes of a character which deter-
aftcr all, the clectcd rcpresenta- men and which was not successful,: mined the community's present ap-I
dyes IIl'C s(~J'vants, n.ot masters. I
,he ~ery ca~'efully, for reasons b~~t pe~rance; also t~e Egypti,an Theatr~, "Sous Ie Toits de Paris"
et a ance $975.• 09 goo service to Narberth residents and
their neighbors, an.d that it enjoys a long
and successful busmess career here.
.110111(1 I ' 11 1 f I t '
A cOIl('l'rted natIOnal demand known to hllnself, left out th.e pel tI- whIch was pattellled aftel ~rauman s
. nent fact that one of the maJOl' BUg- on the West Coast, conSIdered the To be Two.Fold Innovation , . • C. P. Cook
, I( JlI( C or 11 rc( IIC IOn 11I gestions of the compronllses ' twas ha t finest In . AmerIca;, a1so Cynwy d E s- --- ,..
1- <,dm'al ('xpcllses. A letter scnt those who llad been active on eithel' tates, He was a director of the Bal- Innovation in publicity as well as I• • • • • • • • • • • • •
today to your Rcprescutativ,e in side of the controversy withdraw and cyn Building and Loan Association in program policy is "Sous les Toits •••••••••••••
Cong'ress and Senators would br al both factions recognize Mr. Wood as and the Bala-Cynwyd Building Asso- de Paris" (Under the Roofs of Paris), II; ~I
most dcsirable moye. Demand im-! leader, Of c.ourse, nothing came out ciati.on, in a~ditioll to the Continental- all-French talking cinema, which will ==till
d' l' of that meetmg. EqUItable TItle and Trust Company be presented for the first timc in any The Narberth Electric
me la~e rr~ I1Ct101.1 of Gover~\llcnt As regards the committ.eemen, and the Beneficial Saving Fund So· community theatre in America at the
spendmg, 111Imedlate balancmg of while MI'. Wood convicts them on lacl{ ciety, Egyptian, Bala-Cynwyd, afternoons and Radio Companr
lhc Federal budget and the aboli- of competency when he said, "There Insislent on having the fincst of and evenings of Wednesday and I (fonnerly the NARBERTH ELEcrRIC SHOP) an-
lion of sectionalism in their delib- was not a committeeman or woman everything in which he was intere~t- Thursday, April 27 and 28, nounces the opening of an Electrical and Radio Sales
"I' ti' , in Narberth who, after the Indepelld- ed, he became renowned as an exhlb- The newspaper advertising is en- I
ca· ons. h f or th e fi rst t·Ime f or,I and Service Department at the NARBERTH HARD·
cnt victory here last year, th at h a d 1't01' 0 f prIze·wInnlng
' .• sh ow h orses, t'Ire1y 10 ' Frenc, WARE STORE, 248 Haverford Avenue. Expert service
l\Iake them understand that ~·ou lone ounce of practical influence at throughout the United iStates and any photoplay on the Main Line, The 'I at low cost, Don't bother lugging electrical appliances
1,lOld them accountable, and if the~' Norristown," nevertheless the state- Canada. They may still be seen in film was screened by Rene Clair, around to be repaired, when we will for no extra charge
persist in spendinO' your 1II0ney to ment might have been used to covel' their stable on State road south of whose cleverness in making it and repair them in your home. Free radio inspection service.
make jobs for thch' 'political w~rk-I up the 'fact that somebody was con- Cynwy.d Esta~es. ., "Le Million" has won commendation I WALTER G. CASE-Narberth 4182
" . ., suIted as regards the removal of 1\11'. He IS surVIVed by IllS WIfe, Mrs and large audiences wherever the pic-
CIS, ;) 011 ~\'111 ,not, I~tUIn them to Griswold as assessol;, for it is hard lo Mary A, Lawler; four daughters, Rose tures have appeared. Dialogue was
(~ffi~e: TillS tlung IS l~ ~'OUl' hands. believe that such a change was made A. Lawler, Margaret Lawler, Eileen I'educed to a minimum of 40 per cent"
J. ol1tlOal monkey-busmcss depends unless someone in the Borough was Lawler and Mrs, Joseph Conway; and the pantomime formula was re-
upon rolll' lack of interest for its consulted, and !lnother suggestion re- and .two sons, John L. Lawler and tained, with which the best silent
VCl'Y cx'st
" I, ence, an
. d Il't" ceived at NorrIstown from Narberth PatrIck J, Lawler, Jr,
po 1 lClans as to Mr, Griswold's successor. t
films were produced. Albert Prejean,
leading character in the comedy- BARGAINS IN TREES
know It. The character and calibre of the L~ M. School Tax Same drama, is an actor whose personality 75 acres of Trees, Shrubs and Hardy Flowers at my Berwyn Nur·
men and women selected to give life A tax rate of 12 mills and $1 pet and appearance is not unlike Maurice sery that are offered at Bargain Prices. Any tree that may die will
Plan Garden Party blood to Narberth's representation in capita, the same as this year, was Chevalier. be replaced with trees of equal merit at one·half the original cost.
A garden party and fashion show County Committee affairs is sufficient adopted by the Lower Merion School
will be given at the horne of Mr. and proof that they cannot and will not Board Wednesday night, No reduc~
Mrs, Walter A. Bailey, of "High- be a "Cat's Paw" for me or anyone tion was made in teachers' salaries, al· See the movie version of This is the Month to Plant
point," Old Lancaster road, Merion, else, but will dischal'ge with fidelity though economies in other estimated L. Frank Baurn's popular Roads, Tennis Courts, Swimming Pools and Grneral
on Friday, June 10, for the benefit the duties delegated to them. expenditures were made. fantasy for children of Landscape Gardening, estimates cheerfully given
of the Children's Charity Circle, from The recognition that the Pony all ages:
2 until 8 P, M. In case of rain, the Horsemen has given Mr. Wood's ad- Oz's Wizard Coming
garden party will be held on the vertising ability is well placed, when Dorothy, the scarecrow, the tin ~~WIZARD Spraying and Tree I'rimming
follOWing day, Nan Duskin, of 18th they enlist his publicity support, woodman and other interesting and
and Sansom streets, Philadelphia, will However, whether or not they gave fantastic people .encountered in L,
stage the fashion show. There ,vill him the full facts of the case, he ow- Frank Baum's childhood classic, "The of OZ" Call, Phone or Write, Berwyn 651
be cake and candy booths, a parcel ed it to himself and to me, to make a Wizard of Oz," are in a motion pic- Ned Saturday, April 23
booth and a fortune-telling booth. reasonable effort to ascertain the ture of that name that will be shown 2.15 P. M. Matinee, at tf,e WM. H. DOYLE, INC.
Mrs, Thomas R, Patton, of Overbrook, truth before he broadcasted publicly at the Egyptian Theatre, Bala-Cyn-
is president of the Children's Charity the unneighborly expression that I wyd, 2.15 P. M. Saturday of next EGYPTIAN Nursery & Contracting, Berwyn, Pa.
Circle. had sunk to such a "degraded condi· week.
April 15, 1932 OUR TOWN Page Five

Lower Merion Teams Start L. M. High School Notes

'Spring Season
Successfully By BILL MACAN
'Time Out"
Lower Merion High School has Last week we made a poor choice. By TOMMY MACKLIN
started her spring varsity program
with fine success. Edgar W.hist1~r,
new baseball coach, has two vIctorIes
to his credit in the A league, one over
It seems that Mr. Pearce's Public
Speaking Class, that was going to
resent "His First Dress Suit" in last
" . .
We noticed in the dailies a wrife-
up of a no-hit game at Chester High
on Tuesday. On closer perusal it
the redoubtable nine from Upper
Darby on home soil by the score of
4 to 2, and a victory Tuesday on ene-
my land, score 6 to 1, over Haver-
Friday s assembly, developed mferlOr-
ity complex or something. At lellst,
the show never materialized. Nev-
ertheless, this week, Miss Waller's
turned out to be an intra-mural ef-
fort. Good work, just the same.
'" '" '"
"Veni, vidi, vici." Herb. Thomas,
n b et ween th ese t wo VIC
. torles
sandwiched the annual loss to Epis-
copal Academy, that school of sport-
\.as English class will stage "The Man
Upstairs" before the student body.
The cast follows: The Man Upstairs,
left-handed, captain, pitcher, took his
mates to Haverford High Tuesday.
Result, down went Haverford. Tune,
ing gentlemen at City Line. They Hugh Speed; Husband, Ralph Tal- 6 to 1.
smeared it all over the locals, but the bot. his Wife Pauline Keever' an-
resul~ does not cou~t in the league th' Wife M
r Michener' a'nd a
'" '"
Port-sider Thoma's limited the Red
• standmgs, and there IS no loss of sleep 0 ~r .' a y ,
and Gold neighbors to 2 hits. Lefty's If a Salesman,
over it. The team does like to defeat Mam, Dons Ll1tchum.
Episcopal, though, for they have fine Ka~' Kennedy, the Sophomore mates got nine off Star-pi~cher Col-
teams and always play the game up to lI1embci' of the program committee, lins. unshaven, ragged, dirty, opened the
the hilt. Whistler tried out his piteh- will conduct the assembly this Friday.
jng staff, sans Thomas, and found I- back door of your home and shouted
praAcltbiCatllY Alldothi~g. . I t k ltight at this time, cxacth' one 11l111- ~(Buy blank's tires!"-would you buy?
er am s reglOnllrac 1 f . IS' .
h • h' t t t l If 11 drcd and two mem Jcrs 0 tIe e11lUI
c a.mplO~sdIP eam s '!itII' ·ec~' ~e class and tcn :facult~, nH'mbcI's are en-
sprmg cm er season WI 1 a mce WIr1 .. h . I··f C ' t I C't '
St J h' H' h r Ph'l I 1- ,JUY1l1g t e Hig It.S 0 our aplo I~.
-ov~r b' osep.~ d Ig , 0 v/
:c e
Plhla, ftY a one-Sit ep score 011 eFI!leelds-
Leaving from t.he Thirtieth Street.
Station early Thursday mor.nin g , the~' "Waste basket salesmen"
0( ay a ernoon a ennypac1WI' , I I I' ' ,.. h' t •
Resu ts.I ' ll'lIve cc (Ireet t.o '. as lllg" ,on III ~pe-
, cial car!;. Then their itinerary iH are what newspaper men call handbills-
100-Yar? Dl~~j-H. ~uek, fllylor, l]uite well known. Besides thc reg-u-
Fu:e[y T~mri I S~Ol~C s. 1'1' hll' sight-seeing trips about Washing"· because they are not delivered in a rep-
F 2 - af· a~;=% ac _SOI~,. ' cHlIng, ton, Arlington Cemeter~', and MOllnt utable manner, and usually are not read,
'urey. Inte, ,1 secom s~ . Vernon, the group visits the Naval
(l 41~~-~:rdi?ash5i~a;~c, l'Il'l~mlllg, Aca(lem~' at Annapolis, and will till\(, but are consigned to waste paper bas-
,0 BOay, d R , L B- IscCc,on s. I)' in the ~ights of Baltimore and ilK ('n-
8 - ar un-. ue_, ase~', . 1 - , ,- 1.1' F 1\1 H kets. This sometimes goes for direct-
1ey. T lme, · 2 . t es, 1 iJr: econ d' s . ,
mlnu vl1'ons, IIlC uulng, •ort . c enr~', Oil
'120-Yard High Hurdles-McDon- ::;aturda~'. . . .
mail sales letters and booklets-depend.
tlId F arr 1\6~c Ca h an. '],.1ll1e 1~I (j,-10 l\Jr. Gcorge H. GIlbert, ,
I I 109, of course, on how distinctive and
' d ' ' n n d Pnul R. Keever, Semor e ass 11(-
secon s. . t t .. th
Javelin-Johnson, Pol illi , l\fnrph~" vlfsor, excep(F ?l JO)1I1 . e gltOhUP
' th'
interesting they are on first glance.
D' t 129 f t 2' I a ternoon • rl( ay ,Slllce ev arc
Ig ump- eep 'oorman,
mc Jes'l\I. con,
D all( driving . to Washington after scl;ool is
tlnd Mathes, and Furey tied for sec- ave!. .
on. d H elg, · ht r: f t 6' h s
iJ ee, mc c .
Shot-Put-Taylor, Polilli, Fm'e\', Not on~' (0
Some people do have nll the lud_.
T I l th S'
ose emors mIss wo
. t
"You shouldn't send a boy on
· t 42 f t 9' I . full days of school, but also thc~' have

or rs .;
ee , . mc les.
ocave I. ])' I lIn
IS (\ Je,
b 1 I
' Broad Jump-Johnson and .Jacl_soll a so ute~' nOlle. 0 ma'e up.
, d f t. unfortunate
and the
a man's errand"
19 f t l ' 1 and SOpllS who have to stay at Ollle,
Po~: 'Va~;I:~LeidY and Bakel', tic however, must go. to schoo( and fulfill is an expression applied not only to play-
ror Ii rs; t R.055 an d L am b «;1'I., t'Ie.:f0 1 days. the regular
' assignments for hoth ing a six of trump when the king is re-
secoJ:ld. HeIght, 9 feet, 6 m e h e s . · I-
Mile Run-Graham, Lomnx, CHlla-,' . quired, but also to employing feeble
gher. The debating season :for this year If; means of selling goods and services.
Furey, Flemming, Goldkatt, Casey. now P?st tense. l\'!r. Pearce's tea!ns
Riley, Farr, McCahan, Lamhert, La won SIX of the ~llne debates whl~h
max and Galagher ran for SI. .Tos. were held. A victory over Norrls-
eph's town elIded the season. Although last
Borough Expenditures
I Friday evening the Norristown nega-
t.ive team defeated the L. M. aflhma-
···All Of which
tive, on Tuesday night the tables were
Are Under Last Year turned, for the L. M. negative 'were is by way of leading up to this truth, wit-
--- victors over the Norristown aflhma- nessed by dozens of progressive business
(Continued fl'om Pa..e 011(') tive. The season as a whole may cer-
$51,000, represent the cost of Nar- tainly be considered successful. Low· people in this community:-That no
berth se,vers, with the exception of er Merion is at the present time tie printed means of selling residents here is
bonds amounting to $3000 issued in was Abington for first place in the
1897 by the Borough to acquire title Sububan Debating League. However, nearly so effective as advertising in the
to the old Goodman and Clothiel' pri- it is necessary to see how Lansdowne community paper that people pay to
vate sewer. This issue wa~ retired finishes, in order to find out if it will
in 1927. be a triple tie, with Lansdowne, fOl' read, every week in the year. This com-
The report of the Committee 011 first place, or whetllel' L. M. allli Ab- munity's paper has been the means of
Highways and Sewers, for the month ington will split second honors be-
of March, follows, in part: tween them. selling hundreds of thousands of dollars'
"It was disclosed during the past. worth of commodities and services.
'month that absences of men, due to Miss Elizabeth Coneys Wed
a~cidents and illness, were seriously to Mr. Paul Holmes Last
crippling the progress of our regulal'
Friday at Church of St. Asaph
schedule of ash collections and other
services. Under our present budget The buyers are
it had seemed to be impossible to hire The nUllTing-e of Miss Elizabeth
substitutes as long as we continued Carlin 'Coneys, daughter of Mr. and
the policy of continuing the full pay Mrs. John L. Coneys, of Snowden
I CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS the fine class of residents who moved to
of the absentees. It WlIS therefol'e road, Bala, aud 1\11'. Paul E. Ho]mes,
decided by this committee to change son of Mrs. Frederic C. Holmes, of
GelleJ"a l N 0 t lCe- Classified Advertisements wl1l be (;harged only
to resIdents at the MaIn LIne whose nameR
the suburbs to enjoy just such advan-
the policy and reduce the off-time pay Radclifl:'e road, Cynw~'d, took lllace on appear In the telephone directory; to personR maintaInIng an account wIth tages over city life as comparative free-
us, or to regular subscrIbers to either THE MAIN LINER. OUR TOWN. or
to one-half, and to authorize the Sup- Friday evening at 6.~O in the' Chur~h NEWS OF BALA-CYNWYD. dom from circulars-on-doorsteps and
erintendent of Public Works immedi- of St. A~aph, Bala. The Reverend
ately to hire substitutes in the casc Richard T. Lyford, rector of the 10 cents a line In each paper; 25 cents a line In al! three. peddlers-at-doors; and who enjoy taking
of any vacancies. This policy was church, officiated. R a t eS-Mlnlmum charge. 35c In one paper: 75 cents In all three
"rage at five words to the line, No blackfaced type used.
part in the club, social and political life
put into immediate effect with good The bride, who waH given in mar-
results. The schedule of worl_ was riage by her father, wore a gown of f"\eadl:,,e (OJ· l,lSeJ·tl·OnS- be of a small community-all of whose news
promptly restored and the absenteef; white satin, fashioned with' n high I J "
Classilled advertisclIlenls will
a('cc\>tcd up to Wednesda.r: 6
o'clock tor OUlt TOWN or all three papers: Thursday, 1 o'clock, tor TttE the local paper-and the local paper
waist line and long, tight-fitting

soon reported back to work." MAIN LINER: Thursday. 5 o'clock tor NEWS OF BALA-CYNWYD.
sleeves. Her long train was suspend- alone-records each week.
ed fr0111 the waistline. Hl.'r veil was ~
Prison Chaplain Speaks at of tulle and she carried a slll'a~' or Phone Your Ads to ARDMORE 3100
Rotary Meeting Tuesday calla lilies. ~
"Our prisons don't reform an~·bod~'. Miss Gloria L. Coneys, a sister of
Nearly 75 per cent. of t.Jw mcn lell\'- t he bride, was the maid of honor. Her . .
d EXP. YOUl"G "'OMA:-< wnnts part-time
housekeeping, plain cookIng, carc of
I To Preserve a Community
ing prison come back again." Ro de- frock was of pale green chiffon, with
clared Rev. Bernard Farley at the a long full skirt, and a cape of the: 1,.\.("XlJllY worl<; hom.:el"1eanin..,;. l'h. ehlldl'cn. Capable of tnldnl-l" charge. 40c
meeting Tuesday of the Bala-Cynwyd- mnterial draped in cowl fashion along
AnI. :)a~~·ll. omll'-15 per hr. Cal1 Ard, 310n, 0111\).1-15 its individuality must be maintained, in
Narberth Rotarr Club. Father Far- thc low necldine in the back. Thc
ley is Catholic Chaplain of the East- cape extended ovcr the shoulclel's to
\\"AX'I'I·;\l-:·hlllda~· wOl'k lit home 01' out, WANTED-Day's work. cleaning 01'1
(,,' half-lillie wOl'k. Ph. B. j\J. 748-J.
laundry. Ph, Ard. HI9-R. (omb-t!) I church, school, club, government-
ern Penitentiary. the front of the bodice, where it was
The speaker gave a description of fashioned with a duster of chiffon REFLECTS AND REPORTS THAT
the Eastern Penitentiary in Philadel- flowers of the same shade as her
phia and of the new institution now gown. Her Watteau hat of green WllS
under construction at Graters Ford. decorated on one side with a spray (If
Of the 2914 prisoners now in the in- yellow flowers. With this she wore
stitution, abollt 1300 arc at the new yellow mitts and yellow shoe~. She
plant, and the remainder in Philadel- carried a bouquet of ~'ellow daiHips
phia. "The group at Graters Ford and l'oses.
Everyone can help
are mostly short·term men," lIe said. Miss Ruth Hopkins, of Narberth,
"At the new penitential'~' worl;: and Miss Eleanor Michaelson, of Phil- And this paper needs and welcomes your
will be provided for all in the farms, adelphia, two of the bridesmaids, wore
etc., but I fear that it will appeal' models of a very pale shade of pink aid: Subscriptions ••. Contributed news
too much like a country club. A pris- chiffon, fashioned on the same lines Real Estate for Rent II items • • • Tolerance of minor editorial
on in the country with baseball dia- as that of the maid of honor. Their OLD LANC. RD., Bl'yn Mawr, !I-room
monds, good food and other attrac- 'Vatteau hats were of pink, dccol'ated house. APPI)' !l17 Old Lane, I'd" Bryn and typographical errors . . • Advertise-
tions may lead criminals to come with blue flowers. Their mitts and EXPERlEl"CI.;t> chauffeur, landscape Mawr. omb-tt
ments • • • Response to advertisements,
knocking at the gates, rather than to shoes were also of blue and the~' cal'- gardener, educated Englishman, desires
position. Hers. Phone Ardmore 1059-1\1. Por Sale to encourage those who advertise • • •
avoid sentence," he added. ried bouquets of pink roses and del- omb-tt BABY COACH, good ('oml., almost new.
The talk was enlivenecl with inti- phinium. ---------:--:----:-.:....:....-.:..1
YOUNG MAN, 20, high school graduate,
Ph. Nllrb. 4198. 04-15 And so on.
mate word pictures of the various The other two bridesmaids, 1\11'5. H. desh'es position doIng clerical work or TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and reo
types of convicts, and the audience Francis Conly, of Chestnut Hill, undo \vol'l, of any Idnd. Hef. Phone Ardmore paired, reas.; office supplies. SUbur.
was given a keen analysis of the Miss Elizabeth Terry, of Narberth, 3100. omb-tf ban TyPewriter Co., TImes MedIcal
Bldg. Ph. Ard. 1378. (omh-tt)
workings of the criminal mind. James wore models of blue chiffon, blue Wat· COLORI~D MAN wants geneml house·
P. CarroU- introduced the speaker.
teau hats trimmed with blue and pink
flowers, pink mits and pink shoes.
cleaning, window cleanIng, paInting,
care ot hardwood noors. Ret. Phone At Your Sen'ice ···That is, IF
Ard. 491-'-" omb-tt DRESSMAKING and aUerations, In )'our
Benefit Card Party They also carried pink roses And del· WANTED Day's work cleanIng or laun. home and mine, Mrs. M. Redlich,
A card party will be given by the phinium, dry. Can cook and serve dinners. Ret. phone Narberth 2365. 04-16 you take pride in your comnlunity, and
Scout Mothers for the benefit of the Mrs. Edward J. Thompson, of Bala, Phone Ardmore 4640. omb-It DRESSMAKING-Elhmbeth Pearson, 215 want to preserve and improve the serv-
Narberth Troop, No.1, of the Boy acted as best man, while the ushers REFINED YOUNG WOMAN wIshes chll. Dudley ave., Narberth. Ph. Narb. 2728.
Scouts of America, at eight o'clock included Mr. Harry Remington, of dren to mind by the hour. Ret. Phone o-tf ices offered you by its newspaper and the
Narberth 2357-R. omb-tf SEWING wanted by the day regularly.
this Saturday evening, in the Gh'l Wynnewood; Mr. Otto Steinbreckel', YOUNG marrleQ Scotch woman would Famlly sewing and mending; also ex- business houses who advertise - or
Scout House. There will be prizes of Drexel Park; Mr. Clement S. Wal- like light housework, by day excepl perienced In making curtains and drap-
and refreshments: Tickets are 50 ter, Jr., of Bethlehem, and Mr. Ed- Sat. Would take care ot children by el'les. Phone Narberth 4161. o-tt should advertise-in this paper.
cents and may be obtained by phon- ward Nevin Fry, of Cynwyd. hour. Ph. r:yn. 3278-W. (omb.ttl
ing Mrs. G. O. Schroder, Narberth A reception at the Cywnyd C1u~ WHITE WOMAN wishes day WOI'k. Good , Help Wanted
worker. Rets. Phone Narberl \1 2614.
'264'1. followed the ceremony. omb-tf SALES GmLS wanted ave.
Store, 228 Ha\'erfor~ to $1 II1~~!!!!!i!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!i!!!~1
tor Narb. 50 04-16 _ .
OUR TOWN April 15, 193Z
Page Six
- - - - - - - - - - - - 1 April 29 and 30 Last Days Colts Lead Bowling League
Shreds & Patches to Pay 1931 Tax Bills by Four Point Margin

SMART. (Continued from Page Two)

April 29 and 30 will be the last The Colts gained three points in
days for payment of 1U31 taxes, ac- last Friday's matches in the Nar-
fact, when propel'1y introduced by his i cording to an announcem~nt by Bor- berth InterchuI':11 Bowling League

CLOTHES owner the dog included The Vagl'alltl °thU~h Takx CHollecttor EtdhWltn Pl' Dctolod , and now hold t four-point lend over
. I .
among hIs acceptab e acquamtances, th A
I IS wee. bl e s a t. es h'a aJto 1Itil af the second-placr Lions.
and to show his good will bounced' . e ss~m y requIres 1m e.

The standin!, and scores follow: for this ad in the
over the wall, where by nipping at I' hen agamst each property .on. whIch
the hind legs of the n~w ridiculous the taxes h~ve not been paid In f.~ll W. L. I'ts. new Classified Tel-
bull he drove him ofl' behind a fold for the 1?reVlous year on May 2, 19:32, Colts 2~
ephone Directory.
. 21 12
CUSTOM-MADE befell that The Vagrant became ac-
in the hill-side pasture. And so it at NorrIstown. .
The tax. collector WIll be ~t the Na~­
Lions . 21 12 25
quainted with Ozro Purrington and berth NatIOnal Bank·on FrIday, April Ddeteors .
. 20
17 16
Adelizzi Bros. heard a strange talc from him later ill I 729t' fr 0nl 9 A. M·dto 3 P ' tM"dandAfro~l Battlers
· I 't bl f
IliS 10Sl)) a earm orne. h " . 0 9 p.M. , an on s a ur ay, prl Pep Bo~'s . 19 14 21
TAILORS, FURRIERS I 30' f rom.(I A. M. t a .noon t a recel"e.
Pilots .........• 18 15 20
CLEANING. DYEING Inheritance I taxes.
This is the talc that 0;':1'0 Purring- i Boosters . 17 18 20 •
lon told afte~ supper, se~ted 0]\ the I Citizenship Meeting Thursday Camels . 10 2:1 ]2
102 Fore"t A"e., Nnrberth
::::11 linIn A ,·e., CYllwyd. 928
veranda of hIS house, whIle the eve- The American Citizenship Commit- SPECIALS-Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday ONLY II
I; des~e]\ded an~ the .. WhiP-poor- tee of the Women's Communt~ Ch~b
Wills whIstled the11' strange calls of Narberth will hold a meetmg In
1'1'0111 the safe seclUSiO]\. of the wood-I the Commu~ity House on Thursday, C. Young' ........... I"t!
Meteors, 2, Camels, 2
........... 14:1
Shampoo and Marcelle Wave ·or
Shampoo and Finger Wave,. • • • • •
$1 25 ! •
cd hillside. He had been born in New April 21, at 2.30 P. M. The speakers UQnLlIlH"~Y ........... lU,
York City and until a few yeurs pre-, will be the Reverend Samuel Mac- n. Young , .......... 161 Extra charge for exceptionally long haIr•
L. M. Thompson viously had spent his entire life there, Adams pastor of the Narberth M. E. (t Duvls ............ 177
211J A"d "ole the moderate price for our
except for annual vacation excur- Church; Mrs. Robert Carson, Mrs. 1)1', Hu\·tley ........ 18~ 15~J Bonat Permanent Wave, $7.50: Eugene Permanent. $9
Bala-Cynwyd sions and one brief and delightfUl Lucretia Blankenburg, Mrs. Gustav 'I'otals .......... 73S 8aS 8H
trip to Europe. He was unmarried Ketterer, Mrs. George H. Lorimer. CA:\IEl.S Narberth Beauty Shoppe
280 and had accumuated 11 ::;mall com- Everyone is cordially invited to at- Butler .............. J.l!l 129
petenee. One otherwise ordinary day tend this meeting. Mrs. E. C. Town, l1ublcan ............ 1:17
brought a revolutionary change in his Ichairman of the committee, is in .1. l\I,nvhlnney ...... 1:11
1. ,
HELEN V. FARRELL-2d Floor. 231 Haverford Ave.
Narbel·th 2565 for appolntment-open Thursday nIghts
D. l\Iawhlnne~' ...... 15:1 20, 164
life, which was ushercd in by the l'e- charge of the program.
ceipt of a letter from the governing I .Johnso' ............ 171i
Totals .......... 7·16
16:1 150
board of a hill-town i?fOi'Jl!ing him To Hear Major Arnold 855 'i::!1
Carpenter .:. Huilder .:. Jobbing

that he was owner by mherltance of 1 The Dr. Benjamin Rush Chapter of
100 N. NARBERTH AVE. a long-since abandoned farm, and that 'N. S. D. A. R. will hold its regular Colts, 3; Pilots, 1

Phones: it was necessary for him to indicate monthly meeting on Monday after- Brennan 13.1 178 1!J.I
Day-Narberth 3973-1\1
Night-Narberth 2890·R
whether he would pay the accl1mulat- noon at 2.30 at the horne of Mrs. Meehan
ed taxes on it or let it revert to the Walter O'Sullivan, 85 Windsor ave- DeMott
Lower Prices
t~wn. He had known, of course, th?t. nue, Narberth. The speaker will be Conle~' 1Rl 208 1M
hIS father had been. ~orn therej III Major Herbert A. Arnold, who will Lacey............... 17:i 181
172 for
Jobbing Carpenter
I fact, he had once VISIted the plac\! talk on "Historic Spots in Our Vicin-
himself at a time when it was inhab- ity."
ited and owned by a distant cousin.
Buried Treasure
I ' Hancock Payne Injured
Aatolnatic Gas
Phone: NARBERTH 4163-W That letter aroused a sentimental W. Hancock Payne, of Manor road, Rldson
117 143 170
regard for those ancestors who had Wynnewood, was injured slightly in Goodrich . 181 140
cleared that land from the virgin for- an automobile accident at Villanova Handicap 93 79 79
est and who had maintained them- last Friday. He was treated for cuts
selves there in comfortable independ- and bruises at Bryn Mawr Hospital. l.'otnls , 798 898 814
Narberth-Merion-Penn VlI1ley ence for several generations. It seem- His car collided with the machine
ICE cd to Ozro that it would be a betray- driven by Ezekiah Kirkpatrick, of Boosters. 3, Pep Boys, 1 No In.stallation. Charges
Service I
al of their life-long efforts to let that Conshohocken. Both cars were badly Riley ................ 194
land itself "go on the town" like a damaged.
Goodrich ............ 177
150 138
CHESTER G. JONES Davis ............... 150 Rand
pauper. The result was that he nego- I ------- Ward ............... 165
178 Hotzone
200 Woodbine Ave. Narb.4058 tiated a compromise of the tax bill Active at Wesleyan Bahl> ................ 183 150 172
with the town fathers and went there James H. Bailey, son of Mr. and Rldson ..............
to spend his vacation the following Mrs. W. J. Bailey, of 228 Essex ave-
99 168 $81 and up $78 and up
summer when, digging in an experi- nue, Narberth, has been elected see- Totals .......... 869 767 813
The NARBERTH BRIDGE ment to cultivate blueberries, he un- retary of the Wesleyan University Blessing ............ 169 130 115
GARAGE earthed an old iron kettle, which was Christnan Association. He will also Cummer ............ 121
literally filled with gold, eagles and take a leading role in the annual F. Hamer .......... 141
Penfield StazLot
double-agles, all of pre-Civil War Freshman play. Bailey prepared at Sheller .............. 131 180 156
Ser'Yice Book Gi'Yes: Yowell .............. 185 159 200
mintage. There was a great thrill the Lower Merion High School.
1 Car Wash Free
in that, he said. The 'kettle had rust- Totals .......... 800 873 792
1 qt. oil free with 5 gals. gas
ed almost to disintegration, but the King's Daughters Dine
gold pieces were bright and beautiful. i Under the direction of their pre8i- Battlers. 3, I-Ions, 1
2 free battery recharges
2 free tube repairs
They were more than his pockets dent, Mrs. William Fischer, the KlJ.lg'B McCarter ........... 181
would hold and it required two trips Daughters of St. Andrew's Chapel, Keirn ............... 139
4 car washes at 85c eadt to the house before he had transport-I West Manayunlc, gave a dinner last SllHakman .......... 142 167 1-16
Top dressings free with W. Smedley ........ 159 174 191
ed all of them there. Alone in the Thursday evening at the Wellingford, H. SmedleY ......... 195 166
2 car polishes or simonizing 172
evening, by the light of a kerosene: Germantown. Among the invited I1llndicap ........... 23 23 23
4 spring sprayings free lamp, he stacked and counted them guests who participated were Mrs.
Grease jobs free with and learned tnat the trove amounted Frederick Derby, of Narberth, presi- 'I'otals .......... 839 798 936
4 oil changes to $6500. dent of the King's Daughters of Humphries ......... LIONS
148 154 193
Counter-Claims ' I Pennsylvania and of the Holiday Haist ............... 130 191 1401
The next day he carried his gold H~u~e and Ho~e for the A~ed; Mrs. l\IUI'ray Hopkins ............ 162 124
............. 160 158 163 167 P",. L
Book sells for $1 to the bank at the County Seat and, WIlham L. MaIze, of MayfaIr House, Albert ............... 1tH 190 W5
thinking that some explanation was Germantown, treasurer of the ~ome
')'otals .......... 761 817 ELECTRI
for full partiCUlars
in order, he told the teller there how for the Aged; and Mrs. FranCIS H.
he had come into possession of such Ba~er, matron and treasurer of the , 882

a horde. The banker was interested, Hohday House at Valley . For~e, Mrs. Mary Patterson
NARBERTH BRIDGE even surprised, but not congratula- 'I where poor mothers and. theIr c~J1­ Funeral services were held last Sat- All Oar Suburban Stores
GARAGE tory.. Time passed and many local dren from the ,conges~ed cIty are ,,?v- urday for Mrs. Mary Gordon Otey
residents, whom he happened to meet en two weeks vacation free during Patterson, who died at her home, 253 - or see your plumber or heating contractor
Narberth Avenue at the BrIdge I
here and there, stopped to ask him the summer months. Forest road, Merion, hlR1. Wednesday.
about his lind and to hear the story, I ' . . Services were at the Church of Our
which he always told without reser-I Society for MISSions to Hold Lady of Lourdes, Overbrook, with I'~~~~~~~~~~~.:_~_:_ ~_.:::;;:;;:;:;~;;;;;~~~;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;-
vation. Then the bank at the County I Annual Meeting in Cynwyd burial in St. Denis's Cemetery, Ard-
Seat notified him that he had over- I more.

Pure coal
drawn his account, which was amaz- The annual meeting of the Pres- Mrs. Patterson, who was 75, was the
ing to him, for his checks had scarce- byterian Society for Missions of the wife of Robert Mackell Patterson, re-
Iy drawn on the gold deposit at all. Presbytery of Philadelphia North wiJI tired president of the Penns~'lvan!a
The explanation was that the high be held in the Presbyterian Church of Railroad. She is survived, in addition
:floats sheriff, incited by various citizens, had the Covenant, Bala-Cynwyd, on to her husband, by three sons, the
notified the bank that the treasurl:l Thursday, April 21, at 10.30 A. M. Rev. James O. Patterson, professor
trove was escheat to the state under and 2 P. M. The speaker for the day of science at the Seminary of St.
011 a mixture of sand and the common law, lind that, pending will be Miss Anna M. Scott of tho Charles BOrl'omeo, Overbrook j the
water-using the distinc- a decision of own.ership, the b~nk Board of NatioJ!alj\{issions, ~nd Mrs. Rev. Lawrence K. Patterson, S.J., pro-
tive D & H cone-cleaning I
~ould not honor hIS checks agamst Hoh Yam Tong, of China. Those at· fessor of history at Fordham Univer-
~t. He w~s as. much troubled by the tending the all day sessions will take sity, and Robert Maskell Patterson,
process. Jealous ammoslty of the people, ncar-I a box luncheon and coffee will be Jr., of Philadelphia; a daughter,
Iy all of whom were distant relatives, Iserved by the hostess church. Mary P. Patterson, a nun at the col-
but who regarded him as a "city lege of the Sacred Heart, Merchant-
All ImpuTe Substances
man," than by the possibility of los-! Genealogists Listed ville, N. J.
Sink ing the unexpected and quite wel-
come treasure.
Wilfred Harvey Schoff, of 110 Mrs. Patterson was a member of
Montgomery avenue, Cynwyd, and the Daughters of the American Revo-
and are carried away Victory Mrs. J. Edgar Hires, of 107 Linwood lution.
The story had a happy ending, avenue, Ardmore, are included in the
however, including an antidote for jlist of the :aetive genealogical re- Miss Fowler to Speak
That is why this fine grade
the poisoning sourness of the citizen-I searchers of the United States in The Miss Bertha Fowler, superintend- • NO MACHINE
of anthracite is cleaner- ry. .It eame in the form of 1\ retired I Handbook of American Genealogy, re- ent of the Deaconess Home, Sixth and
and 1110re free of impurity lawyer at the County Seat who, deep-I cently issued by the American Insti- Vine street, Philadelphia, will speak
ly engaged in puttering in his gar-I tute of Genealogy of Chicago. A at the Home Missionary Society
-and noted for its low
den all that summer long, was not "Who's Who in Genealogy" sketch of Thank Offering Service in the Nar-
ash and high carbon I
aware of the treasure trove and the their worlc is included in the volume. berth Methodist Episcopal Church on NO DISCOMFORT
content. public attitude toward it. When the Sunday morning at 11 o'clock.
case came to be heard on the sheriff's I To Present Play
Try it and get the most writ before the Superior Court, Ozro The Dramatic. Society of All Saints' Garden Plots Sought NO WAITING m:hfne
Purrington attended, because it seem- Church, Wynnewood, will present
value for' your money ed to be the conventional thing to do, I"The Ghost in the House" on Satur- for Use by Unemployed
hereafter. but without any expectation of mak- day evening, April 23, at 8 o'clock in
ing a fight for the money which he i the gymnasium of the Montgomery The welfare committee of the

-At the season's lowest I

alread~ regarded. as having passed School. Dancing will follow from 10
Lower Merion-Narberth Council of JUST A .GORGEOUS
from hlS ownershIp. But the elderly until 12. Tickets are 35 cents each Republican Women, in conjunction
prices lawyer projected himself into the case I ancl ma~' be vbtained at the door or with the Main Line Federation of PERMANENT WAVEI
as voluntary counsel for Ozro and i from Mrs. John A. Lafore, telephone Churches, and the civic committee of

speedily proved that since the town Merion 297. the Women's Community Club of
authorities, where the farm was 10- _ Narberth arc asking for the use of rhe lata. Machine·lell method of Permanent Waving il the
L. M. THOMPSON cated, had recognized's owner-I Needlework Guild Wednesday
ship by inheritance, and since the
vacant lots or spots of land for the
The Narberth Branch of the Nee- planting of vegetable gardens by the
most revolutionary change in permanent waving Iince Its In-
ception I Come In and let UI tell you all about It.

Bala Avenue at Union, B.-C.

Phone, CYNWYD 280

will of his grandfather, on file. in dlework Guild will hold an all day
the county proba~e office, had speclfic- I meeting at the home of Mrs. Henry
farm was to pass to his children "in- nesd~y.
cludingany valuables which may be
The products will be used for food
ally but emgmatIcaIly stated that the IRose 211 Woodside avenue on Wed- next winter or durinj!.' the summer.
Seeds and plants will be furnished
to those working' the g-ardens, and
• 01 eourlle ..,e .re .180 eOIlIl.......... • 1I.fIO
__cl,ine "er",.neDt.

derived from the soil at any future experienced supervision will be sup-
time," the gold was clearly Ozro's came a permanent resident there. plied. A greater effort this year is
by right of direct inheritance, and Childless as he was, he ultimately being made in connection with this
could not in any sense be declared' attracted much solicitous attention movement. All those who are willing
Friends escheat to the state. The court ac- from relatives whom he· said were to lend their plots of ground are Telepllone Ardmore 4000 ••• For Your Appointment
cepted that interpretation, and, what j' "more remote than actual." requested to telephone Mrs. C. Arley
with that and other things, Ozro be- .THE VAGRANT. Farmer, Narberth 3874-M.
April 15, 1932 OUR TOWN' Page~ven

'Your house, see

. .,J
Claghorn, of Chestnut avenue. Mr.
Wesley and Mr. Claghorn returned to
" Ursinus College on Monday.
Mrs. I:ugh B. ~~eed, of Chestnut
I Church Notes
'"I I

The far. sighted Mayor of Tokio, Japan, made a bid for our tourist trade
THE MAIN LINE Mrs. Samuel K. White, of Bow-: avenue, IS entertam!ng her foursome --------------..... when he caused 2000 Japanese Cherry Trees to be sent the City of
man avenUe Merion is entertaining at luncheon and brIdge on Tuesday. I Washington during Taft's administration. They draw thousand. of
HOME FINDERS the member~ of her ~lub at luncheon, Her guests will be Ml·S. M. A. Buck, The Presb:vterian Church visitors to Washington during the four·week·long Cherry Blossom Sea-
and bridge this Friday. The guests of Wa~e: and Mrs. Vera Lyon and I Rev. John Van Ness, D.D., Minister
son-and almost as many to Japan at the same time every year. We have
had the pleasure of supplying most of the Flowering Trees that have been
ASSOCIATION will be Mrs. Henry J. Moller, Mrs. [ Mrs. Wdham C. Claghorn. Meetings for April 17: required for ParI< planting In America.
Harold I. Short, Mrs. Joseph H. Shuff," Mr. and Mrs. Speed had as their 9.45 A. M.-Bible School.
Phone, NarbtTth 228S Miss Ruth Shuff, Mrs.•T. H. n. Rob' guest over last week-end Mr. JosephI
eBrts , fMrds . TErnetst A, HMugheS'RMllr.s,! HUMnble'RofJChDieatgho. d f W d
ra d or roU man, rs. 0 Ill, r s . . . 0 ar, 0 ynnewoo
11.00 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Sermon theme: "Where Art Thou?"
11.00 A. M.-Junior Church, con.
Flowering Cherries, ready for cash and carry customers,
at $1.50, $2 and ~2.S0 each.
Toughill, Mrs. Walter Y. Shaw and I road, entertained the members of her ducted by Mrs. A. S. Digley and Mrs.
Mrs. J. Raymond Peck, of Hunting-! contract bridge club on Monday. H. A. Smith. Every individual should plant a personal tribute as a
VISIT DR. WM. H. GREiiS don Valley. ,Among those present were Mrs.
Miss Ruth Shuff', of Emmel\.sburg, George Harper, of Philadelphia, and
6.45 P. M.-Meetings or the three
C. E. Societies.
Spec;/J/isl In Md., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. F. W. B. Humes, Mrs. Robert 7.45 P. M.-Evening Worship. 'I'he
N ....., BLOOD, SKIN an~ Joseph H. ShutT, of S. Nal'!ll!rl.h IIve- G. Bennett, Mrs. E. B. DeVilbis, M!·s. address will be delivered by Mr. Per· A. E. WOHLERT-THE GARDEN NURSERIES
~~ "~" ~ ~1~~~.OI~~' ~~!~..~~~~
jl.. • I'hon~ S1"'-:,"rllll4f111 047:1
Dalb 10 10 lI-SlIIlIh.), h)' AUI.t.

Rockand avenu!!, and Mnl. Henry

Robert L. Russell, Mrs. Mary Nle-
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Siam, Jr., of meyer and Mrs. John M.. I~enry.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Helmg, of EI~-
cy Crawford, the "Evangelist of the
Young people arc especially Montgomery Pike, Penn Valley, Narberth l
Ulllhllllrd 1'lIrklll";
Ail1sw~rth Smith, of Penn Wynne, are
spending several days in News Yorl, A.hcmce, O.
avenue, spent the week-end m Next Tuesday Evening-The Com-
munity Bible Class, taught uy Miss
, GUS WELSH ~ this week, Mrs. Th~mas Mann!ng, of Hampden
• llvenue, WIIl entertaln the members
Next Wednesda.y l~vening - The
M rs. F . T . V an A u k en an d }Ie1 f h
er c1u bat l unc h eon an d Im 'd ge
Eleetrl..h,n-I»h. A rcJII,ore 112:5
d hI. M' A V A k f 0 Prayer Meeting. Dr. Van Ness will
40 ANDEItSON '\'·I~.. Arl1J1.ore
Eleet"rle 'Va"her and !\fotor
RepairS-Armature 'Vlndlng
aug er, ISS nne an u. en, o. on Monday.
Chestnut avenue, aceompamed u)i
J nne IJes t er, () f ,-ScarRlI a11', N • l\1 d·S...
G R R' h d
Ie ar S011,
h th
er mo Mer,
s)leal{ on the historicity of Gen. 14.
Next Thursday at 2.30 1'. M.-The
E"tlmntlllg 'VltllOnt Chnrge
Contrnctlng. 'VlrlnlC. ,'obblnJr
Y., will leave today for Penn State rs. . ~eonar, an< er son, . r.
College, where they will spend the Elwood R.lehardson, of Valley View
monthly meeting of the Woman's Mis·
sionary Society. 'fhe guest speak(!r WINDOW
week-end and attcnd the Inter-Fra- road, ~lerlOn, sI?ent .several days last will be Mrs. Frank Dippel, of the
ternity Ball. w~ek m AtlantIC CIty. Mr..Elw~od Brotherhood Mission of Philadelphia.
SKELTON Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Cockrill, who RIchardson returned to the Umverslty
have been spending several weeks in ('f Alabama on Saturday. .
Notwithstanding the rain, the at-
tcndance on last Sunday morning was
Buffalo, N. Y., recently returned to Mr. and l\~rs. T. ~. Pletz and then' one of the largest in the history of
DOMESTIC their home on Hampden avenue. daughter, MISS Elame Pletz, of Dud- the church at a Communion Service. (Lowest for 1932)
M W It M W t f W ley avenue, spent tile week-end in It was very gratifying to welcome
FUELS rs. a" on . en "Z, 0 a~'ne MiIIC'rsburg, Pa. twenty new members into the fellow-
avelllH', spent lhe week-end at Sprmg " 1\1 II G d' f F t It is usual for the price of coal to drop April 1st, but priccs this year
Grove, Pa. MI'. and Mrs. Wentz had I r s . - arry ar mer, 0 • O1'res Rhip of the churc11.
as th e I'I· ·
Lt 1'1'1.
glles t I'as t Fr'da
Kuns, of Williamsport, Pa.
~ win
C '
I y, 1\"1'

J 0 hn avenue,
• I '
has returned .from the hOR-
pita .and IS recuJleralmg from a re-
0 f N ar b er tlI 'I (,I'nt 11IlIess. • T
Baptist Church of the Evangel
Robert E. Keighton, Mini::;ter
arc lower than thcr have heen for many ycar~. T)::; ~':lriut!= sh~s I
ha,'c dropped from $1 to $:!.7; pCI' ton helow thc winter prices.
Such reductiolls offer a greater-thall-ever incentive to buy now and
Apartments who has been visiting .'VII'S•• John Dl'lver, of \\ ynnewood, Sunday, April 17:
her mot!wr' in Hartford, Conn., for II entertame? her foursome at ~uncheon fl.45 A. M.-The ChUl'ch School. enjoy the very low prices which will prevail for only a short time.
two weel,s, returned on Thursday. and duphcate contract bl'ldge on 11.00 A. M. - MOl'l1ing Worship.
Miss Virginia Alexander, of E'I Wednesday.. Her guests were Mrs. Sermon: "Bibliolaters." A sermon
Newfield Way, CynWYd, waR the! host- Gm·th Boel'lcke, Mrs. R. G. Bennett on the period of the Reformation. ORDER
ess to the membel's of the Alpha and .Mrs. Robert J. Dothard: I 7.45 P. M;-Evening Worship. Ser-
LEHIGH Beta Delta Sorority 011 Tuesday eve-I MIss Ida Buckman, of Shirley road,
ning'. I
is en~ertaining the members of t~e
mon: "A Spoiled Child." Continu-
ing the series of "Genesis for the
Miss Kay McLaughlin, daughter of Fo~tmghtly Club a~ luncheo~ thiS I Modern Man."
COAL Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. McLaugh- Fl'Iday. At the meetm,: the
Jin, of Wynnewood, who has been; Ilmc~?eon Mrs: John GIlroy WIll t~lk
spending the Spring Vacation with! 011 Tr:mslatlOns of European 1'lc-
Tuesday, April 10:
8.00 P. ~1.-Annual l\Ieeting of the
Church School Associati011. The offi-

A Clean Addition To Your ~ellar

:Spring prices now avail· her parents, returned on Sunday to tion." I . cers and teachers invite all who are
interested in the Church School to at-
Radcliffe Coll(!ge. I Mrs. Walter S. HunSICker and her
:able. Mrs. A. C. Miller and her son, Mr.,' small daughter, Nancy, of Sunbury, tend this meeting at tllC home of Mr.
Robert MilJer, of N. Narberth avenue, Pa., spent several days last weel{ as and Mrs. Walter B. 'raitt, 230 Avon
Fill your bins now at spent several days last week in Mont-j the guests of Mr!\, Hunsicker's mother road. A social time follows the regu- WE VACUUM.CLEAN
:lowest seasonal cost.
I clair, N. J., where they were the a~d fath~r, Mr. and Mrs. William J.
I guests of Mrs. ~nller's sister, Mrs. KIJ'1qlatrJ<:k, of Essex avenue.
I lal' meeting.
Wednesday, April 20:
W. E. GraYatt, Jifrs. Ralph D. MacGuffin, of Chest- 8.00 P. 1\1.-The PrllYpl' ~ervicc.
Average Charge ~2.00
Mr. and Mrs. Miller will entertain nut avenue. will entertain the mem- 'ropie: "Self-Denial."

J. J. I the members of their club at dinner bern of her club at luncheon and II

and bridge this Saturday evenitlg'. bridge next Wednesday. Methodist Episcopal Church
There will be 12 guests. I
Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Fenno, of Rev. Samuel MacAdams, Mini::;ter
SKELTON Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Larson, of, Essex avenue, accompanied by Miss Sunday, April 17:
9.45 A. M.-Sunday School.
Oak Park, Ill., are receiving congrat-II Marion Duryea, of Richmond Hill, N.
ulations upon the birth of a son, Rob- Y., motored to Chevy Chase on Fri·
ert Cook Larson, on March 9. Mrs. I day, where they were the gucsts of
11.00 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Pastor's five-minute tall{ to .Tuniors,
Narberth Coal Company
BALA.CYNWYD, PA. Larson was the fOl'mer Miss Audrey i Mr. and Mrs. Willillm Frisbie OVer "The Creator. Address by l\Ii~~ Ber- RALPH s. DUNN£':
Cook, daUghter of Mrs. Oakie Landis 'I the week-end. tha Fowler, superintendent of our
SUBURBAN : : PHILA. Cook, of Dudley avenue. Mrs. Cook Mrs. Harry A. Parks, formerly of Deaconess Home. W. H. M. S. Thank Telephone: NARBERTH 2430·2431
is spending sevel'al months with her Rockavon road, Merion, is spending offering &unday.
Cynwyd 700 Greenwood 7484 daughter, Mrs. Larson. I some time in Pittsburgh. 6.45 P. :M.-Epworlh League.
Mrs. Paul R. Loos. of Shirley road, I Mr. and Mrs. Arthur \Y. Burns, of 7.45 P. M.-Evening Worship and
entertained the U1el~bers of her club Woodside avenue, spent the weel,-end Sermon: "Where Arc Our Dead?"
~/.// "'~
at luncheon and brIdge on Tuesday. in H(>rshey, Pa.
There were 16 guests. I
Mrs. Philip Muller, of Ashland ave-
Tuesday, April 19:
8.00 P. M.-Meeting of the Main
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Harnden, nue, Penn Valley, entertained the Line Epworth League SocietiC's. Ad-

V ~ of Moreno road, Penn Valley, accom-, ladies of the Fairview Sunday School
dress by Mr. Schuyler English. The 1721 WALNUT ST.

panied by Mrs. H. J. Mosteller, of at luncheon last Thursday.
Haverford avenue, motored to New p:uests were Mrs. Nathan Montgom-
York last Friday and spent the week- OI'~Y, Mrs. Jacob Greiner, Miss Cora
end as the .gue~ts of Mrs. K. B. I Latch. Miss Anna Latch, Mrs. George
The public is invited.
Wednesday, April 20:
8.00 P. 1\L-Pra~'er Meetinj:('.
Thursday, April 21
Special For The MOllth of ApI·it

Parker, of BrJarchffe Manor. I Latch, Mrs. Sellers Hansell, Mrs. E. S. 2.00 P. M.-Meeting of the Wom-

~ 3S
Mr. Donald Wesley, of Shenandoah I Duebler, .Mrs. C. Walter Smith, Mrs. an's Home Missionary Sociel~' in the
3 Minau Connection

A£t 0;.M. ~ Valley, Va., spent the week-end as i Lyle Snuth, Mrs. Arthur Yunker and Church Parlor. lliid DRESS FOR B01'II
the guest of Mr. Allan Claghorn, who I Mrs. George Floyd.
was spending the week-end with his I
Miss Henrietta Deubler who has Holy Trillity Lutherall Church
Rev. Cletus A. Senft, Pastor
TOPCOAT-Made to your measure of
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William C. been spending the spring' vacation the finest imported material in all the
General--S 1 - Sunday, April 17. HJ32:
'ii~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~'~~~~i,with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. E. S.
wanted shades and weaves.
II Deubler, of State and Hage~'sford 9.30 A. M.-Bible School.
Penn Valley, returned on Sun- 11.00 A. M)-The Morning Service. DRESSES-Made to order of the new-
Theme: "True Discipleship." est silk materials and exclusive prints-
ART IN BUSINESS I day to Cornell University. MisR Dueb-
Iler has been elected pre~ident of Ris- 7.45 P. 1\L-The Evening Service. in many exclusive Dominic models..
Iley Hall, at Cornell, which is the A special musical service by the ehoir
Visit the exhibition of Paintings in our Studio, by memo I highest honor awarded to a girl of assisted by :Miss Margaret N. Eich-
erly, soprano.
bers of the BUSINESS MEN'S ART CLUB of Phila· . the sophomore class.
delphia. A number of the exhibitors are your neigh- I Mrs. V. O. Krauskoll, of Wynnedale
aycnue, is entertaining at luncheon
Wednesday, 7.00 P. M. - Junior
Choir rehm·sal. Dominic Cuts, Fits and Personally
bors. You will appreciate their efforts and they will Superintends the MakinR of
remember your interest. I
next Tuesday. Thursday, 7.00 P. M.-The Pastor's
Special Confirmation, Class. Each and Every Garment
(Continued on Page Eight) Friday, 7.30 P. M.-Choir l'ehear-
SHULL LUMBER COMPANY, 29 Bala Ave" Bala.Cynwyd I sal at the home of Miss Squier, 305
IAnimal Tales to Feature Graylhlg avenue. Newton -nevet- has
iLibrary's "Story Hour" Monday and never will ...
! 'fhe Story Hour which Mis!\ Church STATEMENT
~ I,the
conducts every Monday afternoon at of Own"r"hil'. :'lanag-l'ntellt anl1 I;lrcu1a-
<:ut quality
Library, continues to altract be- tion. etC.. rl'quired IW tlw Act of Congress
Located on Belmont Avenue above City Line;
Adjacent to the Bala-Cynwyd Section, accessible
thirty-five and fOl·ty children
each week, with occasionally an adult
who comes to learn what is the charm
Ithat this period has for her child.
of AugU,",1 ~"I, 1912, of
f'uhli"hl'll weel,ly al Narberth. Pa.
fOl' AIlI'U 1, ]932.
Slate of I'l'nnsylvnnln, .. " ..-

from all points. The Westminster landscape has During the week of April 18, when Coullty of MOllt~omelT, "s.:
all those interested in the care of ani· lJerOl'(, III 1'. n notary public In and for
all the charm of a picturesque rural countryside.
"mals are emphasizing the need of con-
tho State nnd Collnt~· "fO!'I',",1l 1<1 , Iler-
sonally Ill'llcar<!d Rob"r! 1\[. Cameron
i structiv'e kindness in dealing !with who, hll vlug- heen duly sworn accordlug-
For information-without obligation-call, write or telephone them, the stories which Miss Church to In\\', d('llo~e" (ll1e] S"~'S that he Is the
Post Office Address: . Station I, Philadelphia editor of Our '1'own and tlmt the folIo\\'-
I will narrate will center about this lng, to the best of his kllowledge and

! ~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~
ItSmiley's themb~,will
hellef. Is a true statement of the ownel'- There is an old saying that "all that
----- Birthday,"
heme. Among Katebe Douglas
I Wiggen, a very entertaining story of
a dog; "Dump the Pon~'," by Maude
shill llnd lllana~elllent of the afol'esald
,'ubllcatloll for the dute showll In the
above caption required by the Act of
August 24. 1912, embodied in section 411,
glitters is not gold." Remember this when
QUALITY... SERVICE -:- PRICE Lindsay; "Benjy ill Beastland," PORtal LllWS and RegUlations, to wit: buying coal.
• I adapted from Mrs. Ewing. 1. That U,e Ilnme~ and addresse!' of
And not to be forgotten is the story tI", Publlshc)', F.dltor. Managing Editor
I of "The Brass Keys of Kenwicl.," by
'Lnd Bu~i'1ess Managcl' nre: A bargain price lures but only quality
Brookmead Offers All Three I Augusta Seamau, which is being told
PUblisher: Philip Atiee Llvlngstoll,
Nnrberth, Penna.
endures. Buy Newton Coal, cleaner,
in sedal form. The story is now well li;dltor: Hohert l\f. Cameron, Narberth,
Complete revision of prices to meet the budget and Penna.
along in its progress and the inRtall- Managing Editor: Same. better, longer lasting. "There is no sub.
purse of the Main Line
I ment for next Monday is as interest-
I ing as any which has yet been re-
Business MIlIlI\ll'el': Annn M. DouglllS,
Narberth, Pellna.
2. That the owner Is Suburban Publi-
stitute for quality." You'll Rnd it real
BUT NO CHANGE IN QUALITY AND cations, Inc.: A. M. Ehart, Wayne, Pa.;
economy in the long run.
CLEANLINESS Phl1lp A. Livingston, Narberth, Pa.
Sub·Juniors Meet Monday 3. That the ], now n bondholders,
Write or Phone for new price list a~d fr~ samples I: Women's
'fhe Sub-Junior Department of the
Community Club will hold
mortgagees and other security holders,
owning ot· holding 1 per cent. or more
n business meeting in the Girl Scout
of total output of bonds. mortgages or
other secUl'Hles are: None.
Everywhere fll
BROOKMEAD GUERNSEY DAIRIES of the Community Building on ROBERT M. CAMERON. Philadelphia - Camden.

I Itreasurer
Monday evening at 7.30 P. M. Miss Sworn and subscribed to before me
West Lancaster Ave., Wayne Em.ily Kerrigan has been appointeQ. this ~th day of Apl'll, 1932. and molt suburb.
of the club. formerly held CLARENCE E. SAU'l'TERS.
'Phone-Wayne 1121 by Miss Winnie James, who bas mov-
Notary PUblic.
My commission expires at the end of Phone, Ardmore 2550
tloi;:O;;;;:O;;;....~;:O;;;;:O;;;jP:;;iO=OiiO=Oi;r::;;;;;::;;;~p:;:;r;;;p::;;p::;o;::;;r;o;::;;;;;:::. .;o;:::iiO=. . . . . . .~ ed away. next Session or SenDte.
", ",' '.' .",""
'. ,"i.;', "', '"7',
' :'''~.J./ ." ".:-';' """,:"',
':.' '·'·'>:;:"""';'\::·'''I':c:;,.".,>,.;:":,,.:''C':';t/:, ;'::~:."3;:·•• ,., '~fr

:~ -
Page Eight OUR TOWN

Merg;:;r~u~t::;;Ur$15,OOO !.te·Value of'Community Weeklies

~ ~. ' ,~ ,

(Continued fr~~\~iire.~~e) "~~ '~~'~J
, I

sewer tax we have ~ exact~ snrvey "

other than the number' of comi~ctions,
WhICh is 1367. We note that the av-
From an address by Philip' A. Livingston before the Poor
Richard Club of Philadelphia

The community newspaper indlls- Shanghai or the latest juicy story

erage sewer tax bill for' 1931, as try compares favorably with the larg- of sex perversion. We do not hide afternoon, given by Mrs. W. Harrison

Among the guests who attended the

luncheon and card party on Tuesday
shown in the Township annual report er types of manufacturing, although our heads in the sand-the readers Timberlake, of Price avenue, Nar-
for 1930 is apprdximately $16.00 each. its products, unlike Fords, do n()t can get their fill of such stuff else- berth, at the Mayfair House in Ger-
,Allowing for more than one connec- come out of an assembly line like peas where.
tion on so~ bills, we feel that we are from a pod. Each of these 11,000 In "Advertising and Selling" a lit-
mantown, in honor of Miss Mary
... SALE ... "',


conservative in estimating the .Nar- units has its own individuality, de- tie over a year ago, Don C. Seit? Louise Lueders, daughter of Mr. and
bertl;t average at $9.00 per connection. rived from the territory which it I gave the community paper a generous 'Mrs. Kenneth Selfridge Lueders, of
This latter figure would just about serves and from the personality ()f pat on the back. Here is a para- Merion, were Mrs. Edward Penning- We purchased the en tire stock of the
cover a residence with one bath, extra its editor. graph from his article: ton, Mrs. William Torkington, Miss
toilet, kitchen and laundry connections, The papers included in this list ()f "The impressive point is that the NARBERTH 5c to $1.00 STORE
which is just about the minimum av- 11,000 range from poor, adjuncts to country weeklies not only have re- Louise Schoch, Miss Dorothy Vane,
erage, hence that prospective revenue country printeries to weeklies which fused to follow the dailies into the Miss Frances Remington Deal, Miss
from this sourpe might be over rather in size-, appearance and content rank lower depths in search of circulatiun, Florence Henderson Bell, Miss Leo-
from U. S. District Cuurt and we must
than under OUr estimate. with great national magazines. They to become a heterogeneous mass of nora Mulkin, Miss Barbara Giddings,
"This schedule also attempts to pro- range from tiny sheets published in standardized banality, but have in- Miss Ella Donna Timberlake and Miss
dispose of this stock at once at less than
J'ect the additional appropriations hamletskl 'of a few
which might be expected to cover the to wee les so st rong th a t th ey dOMI- I
hundred souls each stead immensely raised their quality
. WI'th correspond'mg benefit s t'0 th e Marguerite H. Timberlake. wholesale prices. Come early for the
operating and administration ex- nate large cities and make the publi- communities in which they are pub· Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Clausen, of
penses of the various Township Com- .:ation of metropolitan dailies unprof- lished. Where the dailies have bar- Meeting House lane, are entertaining best Bargains. Sale begins Friday, April
mittees upon inclusion of the Nar- itable or impossible.
berth area. The HI'ghway and Ash The . community
h weekly wields
bl' ..a
tered away their originality and in- at a buffet supper and bridge this
fluence to press agents
l' and syndicate Sa t urday evenmg. . Th e guests will 15, 1932, at 9 A. M.
Collecting appropriation in the 1932 power m t e shaping of pu IC Oplll- wrIters, the week les continue to be
Borough budget has obviously been ion which would astonish the ci~- home-made and well-flavored. Their be Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Mancill,
'shorted,' partly to help the current born man. It boasts a circulatiDn baked beans are, truly baked, not Mr. and Mrs. Paul Warwick, Mr. and
finances and partly for the reason which represents a virtual blanketing steamed in a retort and served out of Mrs. John L. Steele, Mr. and Mrs.
that the program over recent years of the non-metropolitan areas of our a can." Kenneth C. Meinken and Mr. and ALL lOe ARTICLES 4 FOR 25c
has put the streets in excellent gen- .:ountr~. It stands a.s the greatest The value of any paper as an ad- Mrs. John W. Dennis.
eral repair so that they will not suf- factor m the preservatIon of commun- vertising medium depends on the ex-
fer unusual deterioration this year. ity and civic life in the smaller tOWII, tent to which it is read and respected. Miss Jean Staples, daughter of Mr.
The amount allowed in our estimate, and as the binding force which brings The local store is the greatest bene- and Mrs. Arthur Staples, of Wood-
we believe is sufficient to 1l1anitain unity and self-respect to ha.mlet and ficiary of the community paper, but side avenue, who spent her Spring va-
our ten miles, more or less, of public county seat, ~heckmg the drIft to the its value to draw business to city cation with her parents, had as her $1.00 Galvanized Tooth Paste
streets iu satisfactory' clIndition. The often attractIve, but badly over-popu- stores and national advertisers from guest, Miss Sally Humphrey, of Mad-
remaining items are, we believe, self- lated cities. the richest territory in this whole ison, Wisconsin. GARBAGE CANS Face Powder
explanatory upon comparison with ~he sUb~rb~n pu?lisher has a pe· area might be equally emphasized. Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Willcox, of Es- Vaseline
your present an d past approprIatIons .. cultar
b and mdls.penslble field. dA sub-) The advertising agent or business sex avenue, entertained at a dinner 4ge
for similar items in other areas, and ur~; pape~ IS not a recotr er Df man, seated at his desk in Philadel- and bridge on Saturday night. 'fhe Brilliantine
the total leaves about $3300 for con- wor news, ecause we know h at ollr phia, and submerged under a flood of guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln
tingencies or surplus, _ all 'assuml'ng readers follow that type of news ill successive editions of city dailies is L f W 11' f ,I M AND ALL OTHER
the city dailies; it is not a forum Df apt to look at the suburban we~klY oney, 0 a mg oru; r. an Mrs.
d 5'Oc Aluminum
that the Borough taxpayers would be opinion on general topics, for we know through the eyes of the city office T. M. Redfield, of Haddonfield, N. J., PERCOLATORS
subject to a special sinking fund levY that our readers are educated, intelli- rather than of the suburban home. and Mr. and Mrs. Walter O'Sullivan. 10e size 4 for 25e
for the equalization of respective in- t d th f bt . h Mr. and Mrs. Loney were the gucsts 2ge
debtednesses as provided by law. ge~ ,an ere. ore 0 a~n suc m.a- Circulations are small compared with f M d M W'll h
tel'lal from theIr magazmes. It IS, metropolitan papers. A couple of 0 r. an rs. I cox over t e
"In summary, if: appeat's that the i~ brief, the intimate, accurate om-I thousand each on the average. But week-end. O.N.T. COTTON
savings through elimination of dupli- ctal organ of the life of a suburban each of those papers means a home, Mrs. Edwin C. Town, of Narberth $1.00 16-Qt. Gray Agate Black and White
cate functions are sufficient to afford town. It covers that field thorough- with from two to five readers, and it avenue, and her cousin, Miss Phoebe
the Borough taxpayers some saving ly and without waste and so is read means several days during which the Gutelius, who was her guest, won Plus COVERED POTS 3 SPOOLS FOR lOe
in the total tax rate and provide the thoroughly. There is' no other souree paper is preserved and referred to Scores at the Rainbow Bridge at the
Township Commissioners with ade-/ for such news. while the dailies are sent to the Hannah Penn House last Thursday. 7ge WHILE THEY LAST
quate revenue for all operating ex- The community weekly aims to be cellar.
penses with probability of some sur-, constructive and friendly. It attempts With their impressive surveys and Swarthmore Players' Clubhouse Turkish and Linen
plus. to substitute for the sordidness whicl1 circulation breakdowns, the city pa- . C I I 35c Galvanized
"When we make a similar compari- passes for news in too many metrD. pers attempt to engulf the commun- IS omp ete y Equipped Theatre BUCKETS TOWELS
son of l'evenUe and expenses of OU1' politan papers a clean and cheerflll ity weekly, but if numbers told the (Continued from Page One) 4 for 25e
area which would revert to the Lower recording of the things closest to the story Liberty would have all the ad. 17e
Merion School District under the pro- daily life of a family. It regards the vertising and Town and Country, The members pay and by the money which
posed dissolution, we cannot present news of a trip to Chicago by the man New York and Fortune would be comes in from the guest cards which ._--------_._--
quite as favorable showing as we do across the street as of infinitely great- out of business. Some monthly mag- those members purchase. Before they 100 FEET SASH CORD Men's and Ladies'
in the above instance. However, the er importance than the bombing of azines run into the millions of circu- assumed the present burden of build·
disparity is not so great as to be pro- Intion, yet Fortune, with less than 50,- ing and maintaining their own play- Reg. 50c 10c AND 15c
hibitive to a district having a tax of revenue and expenses which ma~' 000, leads all the rest in advertising. house, their membership of about 800 HANDKERCHIEFS
base as broad as that of Lower Mer- remain, after giving full effect t<l Advertising must De directed to a took care of their finances very com- Now 29c
ion School District. Furthermore, savings in actual expenses, througll reader, not to a "statistic." A copy fortably. During that period, mem- 4 for 25e
from what we can learn, their plans combining the areas,-and that UpOIl of the afternoon daily comes to yo.ur bership was confined to bona tide res-
for the future are such that could such viewpoint they may refraill office and you glance at it quickly for idents of the Borough of Swarthmore. SOc HOUSE BROOM
best be worked out for all of the area from filing any official objection 01' the latest developments in China. You The Swarthmore Players now ,require ALL RAYON
within the Township borders, without protest against the proposed petitioll buy a fresh copy on your way to the more new members and are willing 1ge UNDERWEAR
having to cal'efully wOl'k around the for dissolution. train for closing stock prices, and i to accept them from properly endors-
edges of our Borough, which has been "There is a growing and nation- bury. yourself on the financial ~r I ed people who live outside of Swarth- Ladies' and Children's
carved from the midst thereof. wide sentiment against the nmnber oi sp~rtmg pages, or perhaps the comIc more. 25c Metal
AS LOW AS 19c and up
"The entire public school system of hundreds and thousands of tax-levy- ,strIps. When you get. home your wife Last week's play was the sixth in WASTE BASKETS
this country is founded upon the ing bodies overlapping in their scope has had another deltvered, and has the present serIes of the Swarthmore
promise that education of our chil- If we can 'make two such taxing uni~ digested the woman'~ pag~. That I Players. Originally titled "Nut Farm" 15e $1 Ladies' Full Fashioned
dren is of paramount public interest, grow where four grew before and makes three for the CIrculatIon man,' by the author, the name was ehanged
Were this not so, it would be the re- thereby effect some net saving to
thE but all three put together do not repre- by the Swarthmore Players for their HOSE
sponsibility of each family head to community as a whole then this Com- sent one complete reading, for we own presentation to "Gone Holly- 75c WASH BOARDS All colors and styles
educate his offspring as best he could mittee will feel that it~ work has been must all sift our own interests from wood," which is really more appro-
and at his own expense, without the worth while and that we will be in many pages which we can never get priate. ~his play was produced un- I 3ge 59c
outlay of any public funds. Fortu- step with the spirit and with the need t o . . der the dIrectIon of Robert W. Gra.
llately the American viewpoint is of the times The commumty weekly comes to ham, assisted by Harry G. Foster,
"As we u~derstand the matter,- the home through the !'lails at the both .members of the club. Mr. Gra-
much broader than that,\:-hence our $1.00 Aluminum
system of school districts and State no co-petition from the Township need end of the week. It IS c?ndensed, ham IS a graduate of Swarthmore Col.
aid, by which Ute cost of education be filed with a Borough petition for comp~ete an: ~~uallYhwbll prl11ted. It lege, who has been a.ctively identi.
is spread over just as wide a base as dissolution, but we' feel that our ~an f\{e~ .to~g
ossible. It is upon these promises ta d' . C t Id b ha d er 0
ea~h mem- fied as an actor and dIrector in that
e amI y In a sort tIme, and group for several years Although 6ge MEN'S SOCKS
P sb n l11g 111 'bolur wou . e en nce thus every part is seen in addition this play is not so deep ~ medium as
that we hope the Directors of Lower y any POSSI e co-operatIon on your to the sport news the personals the f th h' h th N b h 4 pairs for 25e
Merion School District will take a part either through the absence of h ' ,some 0 ose w Ie e ar ert
broad viewpoint upon any disparity 't' b' t' th'" sc 001 column, or whatever interests Players have wisely selected it did
nega Ive 0 Jec Ion or 0 erWlse. the particular member of the family. present problems of stage ~anage- CHILDREN'S FLANNEL
~ .-, I But. tha.t is not all. A neighb?r ment and of real character portrayal, MEN'S CANVAS
droppmg In sev~ral days ~ater WIll which required the capable talent that PANTIES
Schedule "G" find the paper sttll on the ltbrary ta- was adequately supplied by the
4 for 25e 4 pairs' for 25e
bl~, .for it is not discarded with the Swarthmore group.
Estimated Revenue and Expense of Narberth Area dalhes. Thus another. re.ader Is Viewing this play through Nar-
Assuming Reversion to Lower Merion Township added. The paper stays In Its place berthian eyes the writer was inclin-
I'rolpeetlve Revenue
of honor until the next one comes in. ed to feel th~t the Narberth Group
Do ~ou see how, even though a com- has made a very promising start, and
I Baby's Rubber
(Valuation One-Third Normal Market) Borough Revenue PANTIES ROLLER SKATES
Improved I.and... . $4.612,000.00 '1'ax @ 18 MlIIs .. $90,513.00 :umty weekly may n.ot fill ~ store while it could not be said that the
Unseated I..and... ,.................. 72.000.00 Allow for Disc.. n the day of a bargal11 sale, It can- Narberth Players have yet presented 4 for 25e 89c
Occupations, etc. (3253) 344,500.00 Exonel'll.tlon.etc, 2.013.00 i~t be exce!led as a means of i~press- so finished a production as that which
-----. g.~ busmess upon the .mmds of was provided by Mr. Graham's season.
$5.028,500.00 $87.500.00 famlltes whose average mcome is d t . . I b
Normal Tax @ 9 MlIIs
Slnkln!\' Fund If/I 2.8 MlIlR
,..... $45,256.50
Sewer Tax (1367 Houses @ (cst. $!I)
14.079.80 'I'ax Coli. Conll11.
'if' 2% •.••..•... 1.750.00
than t ' th t f 't f lk ? e ama eurs, yet It IS C ear to e seen
b Wlce a 0 CI y. 0 s. that the local players are headed in
e su urban paper shares WIth the the right direction and that in their
finer mag~z.ines the honor of bringing choice of plays up-to-date they have
an advertIsmg message to a potential h I l t ' d t'
Gross Ue\'enne , . $71,639.30 customer under the most pleasant cir- sown exce en JU groen . INK, PASTE and GLUE 50c SCHOOL BAGS
Anow for Disc.. Exoneration". etc. 1,639.30
cumstances, and at the very time he d 15c Size 2ge
NET HE\'ENU1~ , .. $70.000.00 $85.750.00
or she has the time and the desire to HoI Contract Tourneys
read it. A duplicate contract bridge tourn- 4 for 25e
Where ten thousand copies of a ament is held every Friday afternoon
daily could only scratch the reading at 2 o'clock in Elm Hall by the La- All 5c
Additions to Borough
Township Budget
surface of a community of ten thou- dies' Division of the Narberth Bridge 200-Page COpy BOOKS AND
Appropriations 1932 sand people, a community weekly of Club for the members and their
HIGHWAY COMMITTEE: two thousand copies can reach near- guests. Last Friday the winners of COMPOSITION BOOKS TABLETS
Maintenance 10 Miles or Streetfl $12,000.00 Item 11 ...•.. , ... $11.601,60 ly every family, and, through its per- the top score were Mrs. William B
Collection of Ashes and HUbbish 9,000.00 manence, every reading member of Stoudt, of Woodside avenue, and Mrs. 4 for 25e 3 for lOe
HEALTH AND DHAINAGE COM- that family at least once. Let an C. A. Hammer, North and South:
MITTEE: error creep into a personal item or Mrs. Frank X. Purcell and Mrs. Jos-
Sewer Hental . 400.00 Item 12 400.00 let an actor in some amateur the- eph Beiner, East and West.
Garbage Collection
. 1,400.00 Itcm 13 1.400.00
atrical be slighted, and the editor is The Narberth Bridge club meete AND MANY OTHER ITEMS TOO
Pollee Protection . 10.800.00 Item 7 .• , ••..... 10,800.00 well aware of the overwhelming pow- on alternate Monday evenings for a
FIRE HYDRANTS (45 @ $45 ea.)
~ .. 6,000.00
Item r. 8,100.00
er of his paper.
So long as there are yards about
. duplicate contract bridge tournament.
S'l'REET LIGHTING . the homes and trees along the streets Bridge-Tea Today
Item 8 4,20Q.00
Items 14, 23, 26 ••. 14,121.50 in the suburbs, and until theeity poli- The Reading Section of the Wom- SO COME IN AND LOOK AROUND
PI~AYGROUND COMMITTEE . 1,300.00 ItelUs 27, 30 ••..• 5,229,00 ticians reduce our pleasant neighbor- en's Community Club of Narberth will
BOARD OF HEALTH: hoods to wards, the suburban papel'S have a bridge and tea this Frida3'
Milk Control . 1.335.00 will perform a function whieh is in- afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Com-
Item 6 .......... 2,450.00
Miscellaneous , . 600.00
dispensi1ile and unduplicated. And munity Building for the benefit of the.


I LEGAL EXPENSE . :Negligible Item 2 •• , •• , •••• 75,00
so long as· women go to clubs and men Narberth Milk Fund. Tickets are 60
INTEREST AND LOAN ,. 1.000.00 Item 29 . 1.500.00
PUBLIC LIBRARIES , . 2,000.00 Item 28 .. 2,250.00 to ball games-so long as boys and cents. For reservations please noti-
TOWNSHIP TREASURER , .. 500.00 Items 3, 25 . 510.00 girls are loyal to their sehools and fy Mrs. Caryl E. Starr, chairman,
old fo~ks ~ant to read of the passing or Mrs. P. A. Wales. Mrs. C. Arley
Sub-Total . $66,681.50 of theIr frIends, the suburban weekly Farmer and Mrs. Wales will be at
Leaving tor Contingencies llud/ol'
Surplus , . 3,318.50 Item 11 3,300.00
will grow and prosper, and the adver- the ..tea table. The next meeting of
?ser who ],lses an intelligent appeal the reading section will be at 1.30,
111 its columns will build a clientele Tuesday, April 22, at the home of
Corresponding to Total Revenue of $70,000.00 of the type of customers he has al- Mrs. Charles E. Walsh, 106 Grayling
ways prayed for. avenue•

',- ,; , . ,',' .: ' , :.. , . . 0,
.,: ,; ',', ";", - ,
"'O',: .,:;"

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