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‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬ SECOND YEAR ECONOMY AND MANAGEMENT 0202-0202 ‫التدرجات السنوية للتعلمات‬


Level: Secondary Education: Year Two(SE2)

Streams: Economy and Management
Time devoted: 3 Hours a week

At the end of SE2, the learner will be able to produce oral/written messages/texts of descriptive, narrative,
argumentative, expository and prescriptive types of about 150 words, using written or oral support.

Theme Unit
1. Peace and Conflict Resolution - Make Peace
2. Poverty and World Resources - Waste not,want not
3. Disasters and Safety - No Man is an Island
4. Management and Efficiency - Business is Business

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬ SECOND YEAR ECONOMY AND MANAGEMENT 0202-0202 ‫التدرجات السنوية للتعلمات‬

Theme and Targeted Assessment and

Learning Objectives Resources SuggestedTasks Time
Unit Competences Remediation

Peace and Interactive -Define the word conflict and list -ability and possibility using -interact about conflicts, 1- Assessment should occur
Conflict types of conflicts (family, “can” peace, solutions, using at regular intervals during
Resolution classroom, community, world). - verb idiom “be able to” in pictures, video... the sequence and at the end 7 weeks
-Recognize bias and prejudice different tenses of the sequence in addition
- Identify and discuss the sources -could/managed to” - oral interaction about to designated exam periods
of conflict. daily conflicts and their 21hours
- Express obligation, prohibition, - Criticize/ apologize context (about conflicts at 2- After 3/4 weeks of
Unit 1: absence of obligation - Should (not) have + PP(v) school, between teaching, learners must be
Interpretive -Express appreciation classmates...) trained on how to mobilize
Make Peace -talk about abuse of human rights - obligation: Must / have to / - write a poem for a their resources and reinvest
-discover and use lexis related to had to + stem/ need to UNESCO competition to them in a problem-solving
peace and conflict denounce prejudice. situation, through pair work
-discover and discuss the role of absence of obligation: mustn’t, or group work (project
intern. Org. (UNO) in settling don’t have to/needn’t to *Teacher may choose a work).
Productive these issues video to clarify the theme
-State point of view and discuss it. prohibition (review) (wrong actions.)
-figure on ways for conflicts
resolutions - expressing concession:
-Analyse what a charter is; however, although
focusing on form and context/
analyse style -Homonyms...
- distinguish between duties and -Topical lexis
-write a poem denouncing Phonology:
prejudice - Intonation in polite requests
-set a list of school regulations

Example: write a statement of achievements about Nobel Peace Prize winners. Or refer back to the textbook for alternative projects.

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬ SECOND YEAR ECONOMY AND MANAGEMENT 0202-0202 ‫التدرجات السنوية للتعلمات‬

Theme and Targeted Assessment and

Learning Objectives Resources Suggested Tasks Time
Unit Competences Remediation
-express purpose
- Passive voice Modals: could/ -Explain the concept of
Interactive 1- Assessment should occur
must/ should/ ought to… sustainable development.
Poverty and - Identify natural resources in at regular intervals during
World your country and in the world -Recognize the greatest the sequence and at the end
- in order to/ so as to /
Resources conservation challenges of the sequence in addition
- Demonstrate awareness and so that...
-Discuss the reasons of to designated exam periods 7 weeks
understanding of the issue of
sustainable development - Why don’t you? poverty in the world and
- If I were you… list reasons and ways for
Unit 2: - Explain the concept of - expressing condition: 2- After 3/4 weeks of 21hours
the preservation of natural
Interpretive sustainable development If conditional type (0/1) teaching, learners must be
Waste not, and its relationship with Conditional type 2 trained on how to mobilize
Want not environmental issues - You’d better… -Write a press release their resources and reinvest
- Discuss and suggest a fair way It would help if… -Write the presentation of them in a problem-solving
of sharing non-renewable sources - Present perfect; solar home situation, through pair work
of energy Present and past simple or group work (project
Productive -Analyse the impact of work).
-Discuss the issue of equality and - Suggesting: could/ may/ might technological development
sharing wealth (solidarity towards on people
deprived people). -Form nouns (poor/ poverty)
-Write a paragraph using
hungry/ scarce / homeless
- Explore ways natural resources the four types of sentences
are shared in your country and in - ‘The’ (before collective nouns studied in the reading
the world (the poor) passage
- Enrich their lexical memory - relative pronoun “whom” - class debate
with new words related to the Pronunciation:
-Final ’s ‘as /s/ - use advert / commercial
topic of the unit.
- stress in words ending in: - -newspaper / magazine
tion, -sion article
-Stress in two syllable words

Project Example: Write a charter against poverty

Outcome Make a poster with alternative energies. Or refer back to the textbook for alternative projects.

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬
SECOND YEAR ECONOMY AND MANAGEMENT 0202-0202 ‫التدرجات السنوية للتعلمات‬

Theme and Targeted Assessment and

Learning Objectives Resources Suggested Tasks Time
Unit Competences Remediation

Interactive - List types of disasters and where -Reporting statements / -listening to a radio 1- Assessment should occur
Disasters they occur questions / orders (past tenses) interview. at regular intervals during
and Safety the sequence and at the end 7 weeks
- Quote someone - Managing through a of the sequence in addition
-Link words expressing cause conversation. to designated exam periods 21hours
- Explain the importance of safety
Unit 3: rules and conduct (especially in - expressing cause / effect - Taking turns in an 2- After 3/4 weeks of
disasters) relationship with interview. teaching, learners must be
No Man is Interpretive Link words:as a result, so, trained on how to mobilize
an Island - Express interest and surprise consequently - Reading a report their resources and reinvest
them in a problem-solving
- Disagree politely - Phonology: intonation in - - Interpreting a pie chart. situation, through pair work
indirect questions or group work (project
- Ask for and give advice and - Writing a public work).
Productive information on the right behaviour -Topical lexis announcement.
during a disaster
- Writing an opinion article.
- conduct an interview and report -Final /ed/
its results (Write a report)

-Write a report using a pie chart.

- Write a public announcement on

earthquake safety measures.

-Write an opinion article

Project Example: Conduct a survey on people’s readiness to deal with natural or man-made disasters. Or refer back to the textbook for alternative projects.

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬ SECOND YEAR ECONOMY AND MANAGEMENT 0202-0202 ‫التدرجات السنوية للتعلمات‬

Theme and Targeted Assessment and

Learning Objectives Resources Suggested Tasks Time
Unit Competences Remediation
-Present perfect
Interactive -Define and explain the concept -Identify types of 1- Assessment should occur
Management of efficiency and explain how it -The best way to…is I don’t correspondence at regular intervals during 7 weeks
and helps in company success. think… I can’t agree on this the sequence and at the end
Efficiency point; You’re right, but think… -Read a text to deduce the of the sequence in addition 21hours
-List basic marketing principles. meaning to designated exam periods
- Disagreeing:I’m sorry to
-List different forms of disagree with you but… -Summarise a dialogue 2- After 3/4 weeks of
management: web-management -Passive: the meeting will be teaching, learners must be
Interpretive vs pyramidal management. held… point was disc … -Act out dialogues making trained on how to mobilize
Unit 4: comments their resources and reinvest
-Describe the positive spirit of -Past and future Imperatives: do them in a problem-solving
Business is management. this/do that/ I want this to be -Write a facsimile and a situation, through pair work
Business done /want that to be done today reply or group work (project
-Explore the concept of work).
Productive innovation in management -Be capable OF -Have -Write an annual report for
confidence IN -Deal WITH - a company
-Enrich their lexical memory Conscious OF -Interested IN
with new words related to the Ready FOR -Write a business report.
topic of the unit.

Project Example: Write a business portfolio or the profile of a good manager. Or refer back to the textbook for alternative projects.

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