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Hey !

Hey look, a lost dog! Do you think we should take it to the animal shelter?
Hey!, I forgot to borrow a book for my homework, sis. What ___I do?
Hi there!/Hello./Good morning.
Hi, can we talk for a moment?
Hi! I'd like to borrow a romantic movie. It's for a movie afternoon at the retirement home.
Hi! Robert. What's up?
high and
high volume)
Highligh key words you need to know so you can understand the main ideas.
his/her feedback.
Hmm...I don't think so…
HOLD (V) – to carry something using your hands or arms.
HOMELESS (ADJ) - without a place to live.
Homework. Read pages 8, 9, 10 in your Reader. Which project would you like to be part of? Why?
Compare with your teammates.
Homework. Read the information on pages 13-15 of your Reader and do the activities on page 16.
hook (n)- a curved piece of metal or plastic for hanging things on.
hose (n)- a very long tube used for carrying water to a garden or a fire.
hospital volunteer
Hot Wings
Hours open- Activities offered
hours to get the library card?
How Am I Doing?
How are the teams going to work in order to plant the trees?
How are the volunteers going to sort out the garbage?
How are you doing?
How are you?
How can I
How can I find community service opportunities?
How can I get to the library from here?
How can I help ?
How can I help you?
How can I help you?
How can I help you?”
How can volunteers help after a disaster? Who should volunteer? What jobs can they do?
How can you borrow books from the library?
How can you get to the place where the service is offered?
How can you get to the place where the service is offered?
How can you help out...?
How can you help?___
How cool!! I will finally have an adequate place to__.
How could you do it?
How did it go?
How did you feel when doing them?
How do they help your town?
How do they work?
How do we assess the following aspects of our dialogue?
How do you distinguish between formal and informal language?
How do you feel about your ability to use English?
How do you feel when you help others?
How do you know?
How do you know? What are they doing?
How do you know? What's happening with them?
How do you think Jim feels? Why do you think he feels this way?
How do you understand the main idea of what you listened to?
How do you...?
How does Ann react to Paul's ideas?
How does it change and why?
How does it end?
How does Paul express he can contribute to the project?
How does she feel about her new situation?
How does the boy sound?
How does the dialog begin?
How does the dialog end?
How easy or difficult is it for you to exchange information in English?
How important are the opening and closing of a conversation?
How long are the sessions?
How long have you been taking classes?
How long is the session?
How long will that take?
How many community services are there?
How many did you get right?
How many... are there in the neighborhood?
How might this affect people there?
How much
How much do I need to pay?
How much does it cost? It si for free./It costs...
How much does... cost?
How nice! You can change it, if you bring the receipt. I'm not sure, because it isn't for me. It's for the
Community Day festival. My class is doing a musical
How old are you?
How old are you?
how to create questions and answers about a community service.
How to exchange information.
how to have a conversation asking and answering questions about a community service.
How to listen to dialogues about community services.
how to make a list of community services, people, and activities involved.
how to research a community service and make a table with the information.
How to understand the main idea.
How useful is it to identify language functions in a dialogue?
How useful is it to make predictions before listening?
How would he or she act?
How’ve you been?
Hurricane relief: Please donate clothes and food. Collection on Saturday at Town Hall. Volunteers
I agree, and also they included important details, look, for example they said...
I agree; besides, every group could be in charge of 2 or 3 special dishes.
I almost get it!
I also added__as evidence, because__.
I always clean my room on Saturdays.
I always clean my room on Saturdays.
I always clean my room on Saturdays.
I always completed my work.
I am 13 years old. I would like to help at the Animal Shelter because I love dogs. I am worried about
the number of dogs on the street, and I want to help in any possible way. I have experience in caring for
animals as I have two pet dogs and a rabbit.
I am very friendly and helpful. I love talking to people. I am also very organized, and I love
to read. I can work after school or on Saturday afternoons.
I am very interested in volunteering at Brooklyn Hospital, but I'm not sure how to get
started. Last year, I broke my leg and stayed in the hospital for three days. The volunteers
there were so nice to me. They really made me feel better. I want to help people in the
same way.
I am very kind and patient, and I enjoy physical exercise. I can take dogs for walks, or I can brush and
feed them.
I anticipated the general sense.
I appreciate the help. Thanks.
I asked a policeman and he__nice and cool things.
I asked and answered questions.
I began work promptly.
I believe the greeting
I borrow a pen?
I can act out a dialogue related to a service.
I can adjust the volume and speed of my
I can almost always do the activities correctly, easily and rapidly.
I can almost always do the activities correctly, easily and rapidly.
I can almost always do the activities correctly, easily and rapidly.
I can almost do the activities correctly, easily and rapidly.
I can ask and answer questions about a public or community service.
I can ask help for_
I can call and ask for further information when I get home.
I can collect and classify relevante information about a public or community service.
I can communicate well when I work with others.
I can compose expressions to provide
I can correct my own mistakes when writing in English.
I can exchange information about community services.
I can frequently do the activities correctly with little difficulty.
I can generally do the activities correctly and quite easily.
I can get the main idea vfrom texts about community services.
I can help out by...
I can identify and use words to link ideas or sentences.
I can identify the attitude and intention of the speakers in a dialogue.___
I can identify the use of question words.___
I can listen to a dialogue and identify its purpose.___
I can listen to and revise dialogues about community services.
I can moderate my tone of voice to express emotions.
I can only volunteer on weekends__I have to do homework during the week.
I can participate with confidence in a dialogue.
I can practice_
I can rarely do the activities correctly and have lost of difficulties.
I can recognize the emotion or intention of a speaker from the tone of voice.
I can recognize the topic of a dialogue.
I can research about_
I can select appropriate words and expressions for different situations.
I can sometimes do the activities correctly but with some difficulties.
I can understand more when reading in English.
I can understand the structure of a dialogue.
I can use different ideas to learn phrases for a dialogue.
I can use different strategies to improve my learning skills.
I can use modal verbs to express different ideas.__
I can write sentences to give and receive information
I can...
I cannot come tommorrow

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