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11 Exercises the forms of the infinitive 1/ Exercises the forms of the infinitive

11. Clюose the sentences wheгe tl1e foгms of the infinitive 12. А. Use the iпfiпitive iп diffeгeпt fогшs iп the active voice.
1. TI1eie is по пecessity (to pick up) the papeis, 1'11
1) an action simu1taneous witl1 о г posterioг to the action
biiпg them.
expiessed Ьу tl1e finite veib,
2) an actioп ptioi to the actioп expгessed Ьу tl1e finite vetЪ,
2. Не is said (to tl'ave1) fш а шопth апd I1e hasп't
3) an action tl1at 1asted а ceitaiп time befoie the action come back yet.
expiessed Ьу the finite veib. 3. Wlшt they waпt is (to have) Eпglish twice а week.
4. TI1ey al'e Iepшted (to discuss) it dшiпg the сопfе-
[] lt is vety kind of you to lшve done it fol' us. rепсе.
2. 1 asked Jane to cut saпdwicl1es fol' all of us. 5. Не is in tl1e gaiage апd must (to Iepaiг) llis cal'.
3. Heie's the saucepaп to boi1 wateг iп. 6. We expect him (to aпive) iп а day Ol' two.
4. I've got а list of foodstufts to Ье bought befol'e Chailes 7. She mнst Ье lнcky (to meet) sнcl1 а woпdeifнl
mап апd (to шапу) ltiш. .
5. Giаппу seems to have Ьееп cookiпg siпce Fathei Ieft.
8. Tl1e boys seem (to play) football siпce шошiпg.
6. She is said to have Ьееп takeп to hospita1.
7. Не was to1d to he1p llis youпgei sistei and uпbuttoп
9. 1 doп't kпow what sl1e is doiпg. SI1e шау (to sleep)
hег coat. 110W.

8. Не smokes а 1ot апd is sше to Ье IUiпing his hea1th. 10. Не seemed (to watch) hei as I1e lюped (to attiact)
9. She waпts to take ап Eпglisl1 сошsе. hei atteпtioп at some шошепt.
1О. 1 kпow llim to have Ьееп ап outstaпdiпg po1iticiaп. 11. All 1 waпt is (to fiпd) tl1e Iig11t diet (to sliш dowп).
11. We believe ош шапаgег to Ье lшviпg а ta1k with ош
Eпglisl1 ра1·tпегs. В. Use tl1e iпfiпitive iп the active ог passive voice.
12. Уош pl'oposal is certaiп to Ье accepted. Tiaпs1ate iнto Rнssiaп.
13. The gieeп blouse doesп't seem to fit you.
14. Tl1e gгoup is kпоwп to Ье aпiving tошопоw. 1. Му уоuпgег bгothei 1шtes (to· Iead) but he 1ikes (to
15. Tl1ey sееш to l1ave Ьееп chattiпg all day loпg. теаd to).
16. She happeпed to Ье passiпg Ьу tl1e chemist's when 2. l've got soшethiпg (to tell) lliш апd he has tl1e
she saw lteг lшsbaпd. тigllt (to tell) what happeпed to llis sоп.
17. W е kпow Ed to l1ave Ьееп saviпg шопеу sirice last 3. People нsнally pгefei (to tгeat) but Motl1e1' likes
yeai to buy а пеw саг. (to tieat) апуЬоdу who comes to see us to soшethiпg
Рнt the пшnbeis of the seпteпces you have choseп iп the delicious.
coпespoпdiпg Ьох. 4. 1 woп't l1ave (to speпd) the шопеу he gave ше
thoнgh nюпеу is sнpposed ( to speпd).
2 3 5. Teacheгs 1ike (to ask) studeпts апd stнdents hate
(to ask).
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