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Name : __________________ D.

C Montessori School
Class – 6th
G.K (M.M-50)


1. _________________________________ is the current Prime Minister of India.

2. The first Test tube baby was introduced by _____________________________________.

3. ___________________ and ____________________are the two main brands of computer toady .

4. A ______________________________ can peck twenty times a second.

5. _________________________________is the oldest of the four Vedas.

6. Cresco graph was invented by _________________________________.

7. ______________________ and _______________________ are the two words invented by Shakespeare.

8. A male swam is also known as __________________________________.

9. ___________________________________ is the current President of India.

10. Plants need _____________________________________ gas to make sugar.

11. ________________________________ is a form of energy which our sense of sight can detect.

12. _________________________________ is known as the father of computer

13. Radio was invented by __________________________________.

14. ______________________________ is the tallest type of grass.

15. Ramcharitmanas was written by ___________________________________.

16. Our earth takes __________________________ to spin about itself.

17. ___________________________ is the biggest participant sports in the world.

18. Atom bomb was invented by _________________________________.

19. ________________________________ is our present Health Minister.

20. _______________________ from Japan became the first woman to reach the top of Mount Everest.

21. A ___________can’t find tidbits on the floor because it can’t see directly under its _____________.

22. The three headed image of Brahma is enshrined in ___________________________________.

23. _________________________________ is known as the father of zoology.

24. The study of trees is called _________________________________________.

25. There are ______________________ bones in human body.

26. __________________________________ was the first artificial satellite.

27. The earth is shaped like a ________________________________________.

28. War and peace was written by ___________________________________.

29. A rocky object orbiting the sun is called __________________________________.

30. _____________________________ is known as the father of zoology.

31. Japanese art of growing very small shrubs and trees is called _____________________________.

32. __________________________________ snake is a venom less snake.

33. Lemon juice contains __________________________ acid.

34. __________________________ is the Education Minister of India.

35. Broccoli is a ________________________________ rich food.

36. ______________________________ is known as the flying fairy.

37. The process of making food by the plants is known as ___________________________________.

38. _________________________________ was written by Vishnu Sharma.

39. A _________________________________ can see ultraviolet lights.

40. If the sound waves are reflected back it causes ________________________________.

41. ________________________________ is the longest poem in the world.

42. Westchester cup is related to ___________________________________.

43. ______________________the first colored comic. It was introduced by ________________________.

44. Devil dances are popular in ____________________________.

45. __________________________________ soil is best suited for good crops.

46. ________________________________ is a rocky object which orbits around the sun.

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