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Regulatory Filter Status: In transaction Inquiry tab, select Status regulatory filter from


We will get the list of transactions with status “Regulatory Filter”.

Now select one of the transaction. We can see the payment details of it. Now we will execute
commands to change the status.

To change the status from regulatory filter to complete , we will manually execute few
commands. User1 will release transaction and user2 will approve it.

1. User1 will execute “Release from OFC Hold”.

2. Now we logged out and relogin with another user id and execute “ Approve Release From
OFC ”. Then status will be changed.

You can see status has been updated now to Completed.

Duplicate Payments: Duplicate payments occur when a company pays the same invoice twice.

e.g Like two transcations with same currecy, same amount, same date etc.

From work summary, we could find all the duplicate payments.

Similarly, we can apply duplicate content filter from status drop down in Transaction Inquiry.

Here are the results after applying filter in status field. Open payment details by selecting
transaction id.
We can see the stage and status of selected transaction is Duplicate and Duplicate Content,

To release it from duplicate status, we again execute the actions from two user id like we did in
regulatory filter above.

1. User1 execute: Release from Duplicate Hold and next user will approve the duplicate hold.
We can see stage and status is updated to Complete and Cancelled , respectively.

Status is cancelled because it was outdated payment date(greater than value date).
Internal Filter: To stop a payment, we apply conditions and it is called internal filter. System will
automatically reject the payments on meeting the filter condition.

In below screenshot, we can view the internal filter conditions.

On meeting the internal filter conditions, we will see the message of rejection in red.

We can execute the actions to approve the payment manually as the auto refresh is continously
running at the end.

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