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Make creative
ideas emerge

Creativity cannot be produced to order. It requires a state of mind, an openness

that is favorable to the emergence of new ideas. This means first of all accepting
the discomfort of the creative challenge and venturing into uncharted terrain.
Next, it means setting a reasonable framework that is neither too strict nor
too vague, one that represents the right level of motivational constraint.
Lastly, it means adopting new approaches, tools and means of expression so
that new possibilities may arise.

Accepting the discomfort

Accepting the challenge less consciously—in a sense allowing ourselves to

be inhabited by it. Rather than rushing to try to find
Coming up with new ideas or providing creative immediate answers, it is better to allow time for the
solutions involves thinking outside the box and question to develop so that creative ideas can form.
self-analysis. This does not necessarily happen by They can arise when least expected, such as when
itself, especially in a business environment where Archimedes had his famous "eureka" moment, finding
immediate performance relies as much as possible on the answer to the question the king had put to him
proven processes with predictable results. about the metal in his crown.
The risky nature of a creative role may generate
a feeling of anxiety; this should be accepted and
overcome. It means accepting the challenge of being Accepting the initial confusion
creative, and the uncertainty that goes with it: "I think
outside the box and I won't be boxed in!" The new question that arises may cause a feeling
of losing one’s bearings. This is normal! We must
accept the confusion that comes with the search
Living with the question for a creative idea.
Accept not knowing which way to go, be happy to
A creative role will take the form of a question to receive apparently contradictory information without
which an answer must be given. trying to make sense of it, consider that divergent
paths are an integral part of the process. When we
Example: What new approach should we take venture into new territory, no existing map can tell
towards the customer? us which way to go. We must explore!

Having to learn to live with the question means that

we must keep it in mind and think about it more or

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Make creative
ideas emerge

Setting a framework

Setting motivating constraints to anything other than the minutes that are passing.
If he arranges to meet his friend in 2 hours, he has
Creativity thrives on constraints that are appropriate the time to stroll in the park and come up with
and then immediately adopted and integrated. something new. He can then have a more creative
It means setting deadlines and objectives that discussion with his friend by sharing with him what
encourage commitment. Once the destination has he has discovered.
been fixed, you can concentrate on how to get there,
on what people say, on what new ideas emerge.
The difficulty lies in finding the right level Doing your homework
of challenge for these objectives and deadlines.
If too pressing, they stifle creativity and discourage Clearly, preparation encourages creativity. This means
people. If too loose, they cause procrastination and acquiring information and immersing yourself in it
disinterest. in relation to the question posed, without letting
An analogy can help with understanding this idea of yourself be discouraged at the start by disparate data
"appropriate constraints.” A man decides to go and and apparent paradoxes.
see a friend while walking across the park. If he says Enriching your knowledge about the question
he will do it one day, the odds are that he will never enables you to create the breeding ground where
do it. new ideas can emerge. Associations and new ideas
If he arranges to meet his friend in 10 minutes, he will be nourished by all the research undertaken
will run through the park without paying attention during this preparatory phase.

Letting the ideas emerge

"Wasting time" every day that have little that is new about them. When it
comes to creativity, you must know how to waste
This means avoiding being obsessive about time in order to save it later on.
The person who is stuck at their desk, staring at a Example: Innovative companies such as 3M or Google
blank sheet of paper or an empty computer screen, allow employees to devote 20% of their work time to
painfully aware of the time that is passing, has little side projects, which in the end generate many ideas
chance of having an innovative idea. This obsession for their main occupation.
with productivity naturally leads to existing solutions

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Make creative
ideas emerge

Lightening up Trying out new tools

Taking a break can often help you make progress There is no better way of expressing your new ideas
in your search for a solution. Many innovative ideas than to use all the different means at your disposal:
spring up around the coffee machine with colleagues. drawings, models, cutouts and collages (e.g. the
More broadly, it means opening up to other worlds mood boards used by designers or graphic designers
outside of work: other functions within the company, to show the direction they want a project to take),
other jobs, other professional environments, other origami, etc.; there are so many opportunities for
creative fields, etc. A new idea can often emerge you to break with your working habits, avoid taking
out of a need or practice observed in a different field. too analytical an approach, plunge into a more
playful world and let your imagination soar.
Example 1: The Post-it® was invented by a member
of staff at 3M. He sang in to a choir and needed
a bookmark that would not damage the score.

Example 2: Taking pharmaceutical packaging

(tablets contained in a blister pack) as inspiration
enabled an aerospace supplier to come up with
a solution to confirm the correct number of
special screws used for high-tech assemblies.

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