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Mutli-attribute attitude model

Submitted To:

Mrs. Sima karn

Lecturer, Consumer Behavior.

Nepal Business College

Submitted By:

Sonam purbe


Bachelor in Business Administration

Nepal Business College

Lincoln University

Author Note

This assignment was prepared for fulfillment of course study of Consumer Behavior,

BBA 2433, Department of Management, taught by Mrs. Sima Karn

Multi- attribute model 2


The successful accomplishment of this report is the outcome of contribution of a number of

people to whom I am grateful and thanked them from the very deep of my heart. At the
beginning, I would like to pay our humble gratitude to the almighty for giving me ability to work
hard under pressure.

Foremost, I would like to thank Lincoln University College affiliated Nepal Business College of
Management and Secondly the credit of thanks goes to our honorable Founder Chairman of NBC
Dr. BheshaParsadDhamala for making good study environment likewise, I am very much
thankful to our respected Academic Director of NBC Prof. Dr. Ved Raj Acharya moving forward
a big thanks to our respect Managing Director of NBC Mr. Deepak Koirala

I would like to convey my sincere gratitude to my honorable lecture Mrs. Sima karn Nepal
Business College of management lecture department of Bachelor of Business Administration,
Lincoln University College. Without guidance and assistance this report would not have seen the
light of day.

I want to acknowledge my family and friends with great respect. Their love, encouragement and
support have been exemplary. All of the above I want to acknowledge and thank god that I have
been able to complete this expedition successfully.
Multi- attribute model 3

Multi attribute model

Attitudes are the summary assessment a consumer makes about a product or brand or firm. It’s
the result of their personal experiences, positive and negative, which endure. Psychologist Daniel
Katz described attitudes as being functional in his Functional Theory of Attitudes, meaning that
they can explain how consumers arrive at their decision. For eg. two consumers who both have
positive attitudes about a particular toothpaste may have arrived at their decisions for different
reasons. They may have different motivations. For example, one may believe that the toothpaste
is the best at providing whiter teeth and fresh breath. They believe that it does far better than any
other product or brand, thus they’re motivated to select the product for its utilitarian function.
While the second customer, who also has a favorable attitude about the product, may prefer it
because they’re concerned that not using it would expose them to stained teeth and bad breath.
Thus, they are motivated to select the product to protect their ego (ego-defensive function).

Marketers measure and assess consumer attitudes, using the multi-attribute attitude model, to
improve the positioning of products and brands and firms. To begin, the model has three
components: attributes, beliefs, and weights. Attributes are the characteristics of the product or
brand or firm. Beliefs reflect how much a consumer believes that the product or brand or firm
will deliver the attribute. For instance, if a toothpaste brand advertises that it freshens breath
(attribute), a consumer may judge that to be true or untrue or even true on a relative scale
compared to other toothpastes (belief). Simply, the manufacturer is making a claim and the
consumer is reflecting how much they believe the claim is credible. Weights are the significance
of the attribute. So, in the case of our example, consumers could strongly agree (belief) that a
toothpaste freshens breath (attribute), but prioritize that lower than brightens teeth or protects
teeth from gingivitis (weight). In this case, the multiple attributes (freshens breath, brightens
teeth and protects gums from gingivitis) are weighted differently.[ CITATION www11 \l 2057 ]

Multi-attribute attitude model can also help marketers understand how well marketing messages
are being understood or their relevance for a segment. That is, much marketing communication is
intended to differentiation products or brands or firms from their competitive set. If the output of
the multi-attribute attitude model implies that consumers don’t believe or value the
differentiation, it may imply that a change needs to be made to the messaging or strategy, such as
points of differentiation or target consumer segment. The multi-attribute attitude model provides
a framework for understand and assessing consumers’ attitudes about a product or brand or firm.
Not only does it help reflect the multiple dimensions, against which consumers make inferences
and judgments, but it also helps show how consumers value elements of differentiation. And,
with this perspective, marketers can make changes to their communication and positioning
Multi- attribute model 4

Multi attribute model of management colleges in Biratnagar

As we know there are many management colleges in Biratnagar. Students have to make their
choice regarding their higher studies. However, they are stuck into many thoughts regarding the
reputation and summary given by others about the colleges. As students are to be satisfied with
various facilities not only the external or unnecessary needs but also the major need which is
quality education .many colleges are focusing n money rather than student growth.

Multi attribute models not only help others colleges but also student to know about the colleges.
Students get to know the attribute, patteners and many more.

The basic multi attribute model of management colleges in Biratnagar is shown below:

Importance Beliefs
Attributes Nepal Marryland Mahendra Zenith Edenburgh
Business college morang college international
College college college
University Lincoln Wolverhampton Tribhuvan Purbanchal Purbanchal
Private or Private Private Government Private private
Price 8 9 5 4 2
Quality 9 8 9 6 4
Academic 8 7 8 7 6
Location 8 5 8 8 8
Library 3 8 9 7 7
Faculty 9 7 9 7 7
Facilities 6 8 6 6 7
Total 51 52 54 45 41

From above table, it is clearly shown that Mahendra Morang College has the highest attributes
total as comparing to others colleges. So many students choose this college due to its various
facilities and attributes. As the number are given are rated under 10. Many colleges have
something good and average but overall mmamc has the best among them.
Multi- attribute model 5

Bibliography (n.d.). Retrieved from

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