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Healing Hands

Would you like to increase the kindness and effectiveness of your healing touch?
Here’s a simple routine you can practice that brings more prana into your hands.

1. Rub the palms of your hands together briskly for 3-5 minutes. Produce heat in
the hands.

2. Then stretch your arms out to the sides, parallel to the floor, palms up, thumbs
pointing back. Do Breath of Fire for 3 minutes.
3. Then inhale, hold the breath in, and with the arms still out to the sides, bend
your wrists so your palms are facing out (away from the body) as if you were
pushing out the walls on either side of you. Feel the energy in the center of the
palms flowing to your entire body. Exhale and relax the breath.

4. Rub the hands together again for 2 minutes.

5. Then bend both elbows, keeping the forearms parallel to the floor. With the left
hand in front of the diaphragm, palm facing up, place your right palm facing down
about 8 inches above the left palm. Meditate on the exchange of energy between
the palms of the hands for a few minutes.
Practice this full routine for 11 minutes every day if you want to be able to transfer
healing energy to someone or to something such as massage oil or a glass of water.

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