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Assignment No: 1

Present To: SIR Prof. Haseeb Khan

Present By: Syed Amar Abbas Zaidi
Roll No: BCHM 024
Topic: Future of Pakistan
Future of Pakistan is very bright we can hopeful that Pakistan will revive its progress and employment
opportunities will definitely increase because current pandemic of covid 19 will Insha’Allah be end very
soon and industry will revive businesses start again and businesses definitely need people to run its
operation effectively so I am very hopeful that future of Pakistan will be bright because people will get
employment and business will definitely get progress and living standard of people will improve.

Army of Pakistan is very discipline and very managed organization and working for the defense of
Pakistan. They have good system of management and they are actually saving Pakistan from any threat
of enemies.

Terrorism is the bed evil it is very worst evil actually it is bringing disappointment in our country it is
hallowing the roots of Pakistan. We are very much hopeful that the terrorism will end soon Insha’Allah
because Pakistan army and other law enforcement agencies are working together to eradicate the evil
of terrorism it is very bed evil it bring disappointment unemployment and economic disaster .

Water resources are getting down day by day all over the world water is very important and very
precious resource we must take care on the usage of water is a very precious gift of god we must take
care to use it in the best manner should focus on dams especially Pakistan must focus on dams to
restore water and to preserve the water and dams are the need of the day and most importantly people
must be trained that do not excess water and use only the necessary because it is precious gift of god.

Corruption is making over country very much destroying we must fight against this evil because
corruption can destroy a country and corruption must be eliminated from the country because is not
possible if corruption practice are on top.

Price must be controlled because if prices are high people cannot buy necessity of life and we must
consider the purchasing power of every person we must keep and I on majority of over population
which consist of poor people and necessity of life is right of everyone government must take initiative to
control the price through price control comity and through magistrate and through different law making

Pakistan is a Muslim country here a lesson of sacrifice must be taught to everyone we must practices
sacrifice in every aspect of life because our prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) sacrifice tell us that the
main essence of Muslim hood is sacrifice.

International relation are very much important in the development of country because international
relation bring lot of investment in our country when investment come in our country its means our
country gets more business more industries more employment opportunities more employment
opportunities means they have good living standards.

Education is the best investment in world education can bring progress and good future for a country.
Without education countries are nothing education is a very vital role in the development and structure
of country so education is most important toll in the development of a country.
Sports activate are the good for the country because sports get relaxation and it develops the
personality of our youth.

Patriotism is a great emotion is a great passion because in our Islam it is said that living your country
mean you have save half of your Eman.

Love should be for every one love should be for the poor love should be for the rich in Pakistan we must
practice love for the whole nation

Pakistan Economy will progress Insha’Allah if we all work hard we will focus eradication of corruption
and if we paying investment in our country we will build international relation defiantly economic will

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