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Addis Ababa Institute of Technology

School of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Energy-Depth relations
2.1 Specific Energy

 Specific energy is the energy at a cross-section of an open channel

flow with respect to the channel bed.
 Bakhmeteft (1932)- introduce concept of specific energy and it
was very useful in analysis of open channel flow
 Total energy(datum), H= Z+ Ycosθ + αV2/2g
 Specific energy (E) : if datum coincides with channel bed
 E= Ycosθ + αV2/2g
 When cosθ =1 and α =1, the equation of specific energy is
further simplified as , E= Y + V2/2g.
 It indicates that the specific energy is equal to the sum of the
depth of water and the velocity head.
2.1 Specific Energy
 Therefore, we defined:
 Specific energy is the energy at a cross-section of an open channel flow with
respect to the channel bed.
 Specific energy is the height of the energy grade line above the channel bottom.
 In other respect, since V=Q/A, the equation of specific energy may be
written as:
Substitute v=Q/A, E= Y + Q2/2gA2
Here, cross-sectional area A depends on water depth y and can be
defined as, A = f(y) and also there is a functional relation between the
three variables as, f ( E , y , Q ) relates E,Y and Q. In the most general case, of
course, all three quantities vary, but particular interest attaches to those instances
in which Q is constant while Y and E vary, and those in which E is constant while
Y and Q vary.
 These two cases are :
2.1 Specific Energy

1. Constant discharge: Q = Q1 ⇒ E = f (y, Q). Variation of the specific energy

with the water depth at a cross-section for a given discharge Q1.
2. Constant Specific Energy E = E1 ⇒ E = f (y, Q). Variation of the discharge
with the water depth at across-section for a given specific energy, E .
Generally, most of time in open channel flow (Canal), we have
regulated flow. Which implies Discharge, Q is constant.

E = y + Q2/2gA2
1. Constant discharge situation

Fig. Specific Energy Diagram/ Curve

Specific energy
 For a channel of known geometry E=f(Q,Y), Keeping Q = constant, the
variation of E with y is represented by a cubic parabola. (Figure 2.1) is
called specific energy diagram.
 It is seen that there are two positive roots for the equation E1 indicating
that any particular discharge Q1can be passed in a given channel at two
depths and still maintain the same specific energy E1
 PR = y1 or PR` = y1`, two possible depths having the same specific energy
are known as alternate depths

Fr = 1; Critical, Fr < 1; Subcritical and Fr > 1; Supercritical. Physically, subcritical flow is deep
and the velocities are slow. This means subcritical flow has high potential energy and low
kinetic energy. Supercritical flow on the other hand tends to be shallow and the velocities are
fast. Supercritical flow has low potential energy and high kinetic energy.
2. Variable Discharge Situation
 In this condition Q1<Q2<Q3< ------ Qn.
 Consider a section PP’, the ordinate PP’=E=E1=constant. Different Q curves
give different intercepts. Thus the alternative depths of a given Q can be
computed by considering constant specific energy.
 It is possible to imagine a value of Q = Qm at a point C at
which the corresponding specific – energy curve would be
just tangential to the ordinate PP’. The dotted line in fig. 2.2
indicating Q = Qm represents the maximum value of
discharge that can be passed in the channel while
maintaining the specific energy at a constant value (E1). Any
specific energy curve of higher Q value (i.e. Q>Qm) will
have no intercept with the ordinate PP’ and hence there
will be no depth at which such a discharge can be passed in
the channel with the given specific energy. Therefore, the
critical flow condition also corresponds to the condition
for maximum discharge in the channel for a fixed specific
Specific Energy

 Example 2.1: A rectangular channel 2.50 m wide has a specific

energy of 1.50 m when carrying a discharge of 6.48 m3 /sec.
Calculate the alternate depths and corresponding Froude

 Example 2-2: A flow of 5.0 m3 /sec is passing at a depth of

1.50 m through a rectangular channel of width 2.50 m. What is
the specific energy of the flow? What is the value of the
alternate depth to the existing depth?
2.2 Critical Depth
 For a given Q, as the specific energy is increased the difference between the
two alternate depths increases. On the other hand, if E is decreased, the
difference (y1` – y1) will decrease and a certain value E = Ec, the two
depths will merge with each other (at point C in Fig. 2.1). No value for y
can be obtained when E < Ec denoting that the flow under the given
conditions is not possible in this region. Thus this condition of minimum
specific energy is known as the critical flow condition.
 At critical depth, the specific energy is minimum, if differentiating the
equation of specific energy with respect to y (keeping Q constant) and
equating to zero,

It is the basic equation governing the critical flow conditions in open

channel flow.
2.2 Critical Depth
It may be noted that the critical flow condition is governed solely by the channel
geometry and discharge. Other channel characteristics such as the bed slope and
roughness do not influence the critical flow condition for any given Q.

 The critical flow corresponds

to the minimum specific
energy and at this condition
the Froude number of the
flow is unity.
2.2 Critical Depth

 This is the criterion for critical flow, which states that at the critical state of
flow the velocity head is equal to half of hydraulic depth.
2.2 Critical Depth
Computation of Critical Depth
A) Rectangular Channel
2.2 Critical Depth
B. Triangular channel

For triangular channel having side slope of m or (H:V= m: 1)

The Froude number for a triangular

channel be
2.2 Critical depth
C. Circular Channel
Let D be the diameter of a circular channel and 2θ be the angel in radians subtended by the
water surface at the center.
2.2 Critical Depth
Example 2_3
Calculate the critical depth and corresponding specific energy for a discharge
of 5.0m3/sec in the following channels:
a) Rectangular channel B=2.0m
b) Triangular channel m=0.5
c) Circular channel D=2.0m and θ =600
Example 2_3…
Example 2_3…
2.3 Discharge-Depth Curve
 Alternative way of viewing change in flow is discharge function. The
discharge function, given constant specific energy(E1) is defined by

 The plotting of the variation of discharge with water depth is called

Discharge-Depth curve
2.3 Discharge-Depth Curve
 Hence the critical flow condition also corresponds to the maximum
discharge in a channel for a fixed specific energy.
 Consider Rectangular channel section for a given Specific Energy E =E1,

Maximum discharge for the critical water depth for rectangular cross-section
2.3 Discharge-Depth Curve

 Figure 2-4 (E-Y) and (Q-Y) diagram for the rectangular

2.3 Discharge-Depth Curve

Therefore Critical Depth

 A depth of water flow at minimum specific energy
 A depth of flow water at maximum discharge
 It is a position sate of flow changes
2.4 Occurrence of Critical Depth
 The analysis of open channel flow problems usually begins with prediction
of points in the channel at which the critical depth yc will occur. Those
points feature a change from subcritical to supercritical flow, are known as
controls since their occurrence governs, or controls, the liquid depths in the
reach of channel upstream from these points. The most obvious place
where critical depth can be expected are :
A) change from mild to steep slope in a channel
2.4 Occurrence of Critical Depth

B) Entrance of flow from a reservoir into steep slope

2.4 Occurrence of Critical Depth

C) Free-fall from mild slope channel

2.4 Occurrence of Critical Depth

D) Free-fall from steep –slope channel

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