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Digital System Design

Verilog-Part III

Amir Masoud Gharehbaghi
Procedural Blocks
„ initial block
„ always block

„ Place in module body

„ Run concurrently with other module constructs
„ Continuous Assignment
„ Instantiation (module, primitive)

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Initial Block

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Initial Statement
„ Runs first statement at time 0
„ Runs once
„ Until reaching last statement
„ Suitable for Testbench
„ Not Synthesizable

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Procedural Statements
„ Procedural Assignment
„ Blocking Assignment
„ Non-Blocking Assignment
„ Conditional Statements
„ Loop Statements
„ …

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Blocking Assignment
„ Assign a value to Register type variables

„ <delay or event> lhs = <delay or event> rhs;

„ LHS can be:
„ A Register variable
„ An element or a range of elements of arrays and
„ A concatenation of above items

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Blocking Assignment (cont.)
„ Delay or Event control is optional
„ Delay: #delay_value

„ RHS is an expression:
„ Constant values
„ Nets and Registers
„ Operators

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Example: Blocking Assignment
reg [10:0] a, b; reg c; wire w1, w2;
integer i1, i2;

a = -23;
#10 b = a + d;
i1 = #9 a & b + {w1, w2};
#50 i2 = #10 i1 - (b + a);
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Blocking Assignment Simulation
„ #delay1 lhs = #delay2 rhs;

„ Wait for delay1

„ Evaluate rhs
„ Schedule the rhs to be assigned to lhs
after delay2
„ Wait for delay2

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Example: 2 to 1 Multiplexer
module Mux2x1 (o, i1, i2, ctrl);
input i1, i2, ctrl;
output o;
bufif0 #(2, 2, 3) (o, i1, ctrl);
bufif1 #(2, 3, 3) (o, i2, ctrl);

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Example: Test of Mux2x1
module TestMux2x1 ;
wire o; reg i1, i2, ctrl;
Mux2x1 m1(o, i1, i2, ctrl);
initial ctrl = 1;
initial begin
i1 = 0; i2 = 0;
#10 i1 = 1; i2 = 0;
#10 ctrl = 0;
#10 i2 = 1;

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Example: 8 to 1 Multiplexer
module Mux8x1 (o, inp, ctrl);
output o; input [7:0] inp, input [2:0] ctrl;
wire o1, o2;
Mux4x1 (o1, inp[3:0], ctrl[1:0]);
Mux4x1 (o2, inp[7:4], ctrl[1:0]);
Mux2x1 (o, o1, o2, ctrl[2]);
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Example: Test1 of Mux8x1
module Test1_Mux8x1 ;
reg [0:7] inp; reg [3:1] ctrl; wire o;
initial begin
inp = 3; ctrl = 0;
#20 ctrl = 3'b101
#50 inp = 8;
#10 inp = 1;
#20 ctrl = 4;
Mux8x1 (o, inp, ctrl);

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Example: Test2 of Mux8x1
module Test2_Mux8x1 ;
reg [0:7] inp; reg [3:1] ctrl; wire o;
initial inp = 0; initial ctrl = 0;
initial begin
ctrl = #10 1;
inp = #10 8'b1000_1110;
#10 ctrl = #10 4;
#10 ctrl = 6;
Mux8x1 (o, inp, ctrl);

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Non-Blocking Assignment
„ <delay or event> lhs <= <delay or
event> rhs ;

„ Same as Blocking Assignment except:

„ Does not block until execution is complete
i.e. After Scheduling goes to next statement

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initial initial
begin begin
a <= b; a = b;
b <= a; b = a;
end end

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Always Block
always <event_control>

always <event_control>
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Always Statement
„ Starts at time 0
„ Runs forever in a loop
„ When reaching last statement, begins with
the first statement
„ If event_control specified:
„ Waits until the event occurs, then starts
execution of first statement

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#10 clk = ~clk;

{c_out, s} <= a + b + c_in;
m <= n * p;
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Event Control
@ ( list_of_events )

list_of_events: or separated events

nets, registers
posedge … -> transition to 1
negedge … -> transition to 0
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@ ( w)
@ ( posedge clk )
@ ( negedge a or b )
@ ( a or b[3] or c[3:1] )
@ ( posedge a or b[1] or negedge c[1] )

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Example: 4 bit adder
module Adder4 (s, c_out, a, b, c_in)
input [3:0] a, b; input c_in;
output [3:0] s; output c_out;
reg [3:0] s; reg c_out;
always @ (a or b or c_in)
{c_out, s} <= a + b + c_in;
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Example: Alu
module alu (s, a, b, sel);
input [3:0] a,b; output [3:0] s; input sel;
reg [3:0] add, sub;
always @ (a or b) add <= a + b;
always @ (a or b) sub <= a - b;
assign s = sel ? sub : add;
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Example: Alu
module alu (s, a, b, sel);
input [3:0] a,b; output [3:0] s; input sel;
reg [3:0] s;
always @ (a or b or sel)
s <= a + (sel ? –b : b) ;

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Example: Alu
module alu (s, a, b, sel);
input [3:0] a,b; output [3:0] s; input sel;
reg [3:0] s, m;
always @ (b or sel) m <= sel ? –b : b;
always @ (a or m) s <= a + m;

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Example: Comparator
module comp8 (a, b, gt, lt, eq);
input [1:8] a,b;
output gt, lt, eq; reg gt, lt;
assign eq = a == b;
always @ (a or b) begin
gt <= a > b;
lt <= a < b;
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Example: Comparator
module comp8 (a, b, gt, lt, eq);
input [1:8] a,b;
output gt, lt, eq; reg mid_gt;
assign eq = a == b;
assign gt = mid_gt;
assign lt = ~mid_gt & ~eq;
always @ (a or b) mid = a > b;
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Example: D-FF
module Dff (q, q_bar, d, clk);
input d, clk;
output q, q_bar; reg q, q_bar;
always @(posedge clk) begin
q <= d;
q_bar <= ~d;
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Example: D-FF
module Dff (q, q_bar, d, clk);
input d, clk;
output q, q_bar; reg q;
always @(posedge clk)
q <= d;
assign q_bar = ~q;
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