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Task 1 Match the words and their definitions.

1 homeless a having or giving hope

2 engagement b the act of recognizing or understanding that something is valuable, important
3 hopeful c unemployed
4 honourable d the quality of being helpful
5 appreciation e a situation in which two people are friends
6 donation f cruel behaviour or a cruel action
7 jobless g the state of being silly or unwise
8 employment h the area of town that surrounds someone's 
home, or the people who live in this area
9 friendship i to have a job
10 cruelty j easily upset by the things people say or do, or causing people to be upset,
embarrassed , or angry
11 stupidity k the quality of being kind
12 neighbourhood l used to describe someone who  shows , especially  by what they say, that they
understand and care about someone else's suffering
13 kindness m money or goods that are given to help  a  person  or organization, or the act of
giving them
14 helpfulness n honest and fair, or deserving praise and respect
16 sensitive o an agreement to marry someone
17 sympathetic p without a home
1p 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Task 2 Fill in the blanks with proper parts of speech (formed with the help of suffixes
from words in brackets)
1) John was a 1 ______________ (home) man, who lived on the streets in Peter’s 2
______________ (neighbor). Peter decided to help him out. He gave him a laptop, some
books about computing and and offere to give him classes in writing computer programs.
Peter’s friends thought he was crazy – they predicted that John would sell the laptop.
However Peter’s 3 _________________(kind) paid off. John studied hard. He was a
______________ _ (rely) student and he did well Now, he isn’t 5 __________ (job)
anymore – he has regular 6 _______________ (employ) from a computer software company.
He lives in a small flat. Peter and John have become friends. Their 7 ______________
(friend) is proof that when you believe in people, miracles can happen!

2) Ellen was a very _______________(create) person who worked designing adverts. She
was ____________________ (enthusiasm) about her job and worked hard at it. However,
she found it very 3 ___________________________(stress) because her boss Sally was not
a ___________________ (sympathy) person. Sally always criticised everything she did
and never showed any 5 _____________________ (appreciate) for Ellen’s hard work. She
never gave her a hand when she asked her to do extra work. Then one day everything
changed – Sally had a serious accident and nearly died. After she recovered she became a
better boss. She was more 6 ______________ (sense). When there was extra work, she
helped and she often put a smile on Ellen’s face because she told jokes. Working with her
was fun. Now Ellen is very 7 ______________ (hope) about the future!
Task 3 Watch the video about the young man who does good deeds not expecting
anything in return.
 Think about a suitable title for the story.
 Using questions as a plan, key phrases and active vocabulary (vocabulary (words
and phrases from vocabulary practice ex.-s 1,2) write a short story (up to 12
Use the following questions as a plan:
1. What random acts of kindness did a young man commit?
2. Did he expect any appreciation? Did those who witnessed his deeds approve of his
behavior? Why? Why not?
3. What changes were brought about by his kindness?
4. What lesson does this story teach everyone
Key words and phrases
to water a plant; to feed a stray animal; to give a place in the public transport; to give a hand
with a cart; to donate some money for education; to bring some food for a lonely, old person.
For example:
A young man has a heart of gold. He fed a stray dog and as a result got a true friend
whose loyalty warms his heart……
All in all, kindness makes the world a better place to live and everyone around feels
Task 4 Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets.
1) This book _______________________(write) almost 300 years ago.
2) It’s the most popular attraction here – it _______________(visit) by a million people so far.
3) These cakes _____________________________________ (love) by everyone in my family.
4) You cannot drive that car – it _______________________________ (repair) at the moment.
5) The minister has promised that a skating park ___________________(build) here next year.
6) This is the biggest library here – it______________(visit) by hundreds of readers every day.
7) I don’t believe the new stadium__________________________________(finish) on time.
8) Two suspects__________________________________________________ (arrest) so far.
9) When I last visited my home town, new street lamps _________(install) in the main square
10) I think that last night the door ____________ (lock) at around 10 p.m.
11) This book ____________ (write) almost 300 years ago.
12) The video ____________ (see) by a million people so far.
13) I can’t use my car. It ____________(repair) at the moment.
14) A new skate park ____________ (will / build) here next year.
15) The prisoner escaped while he ____________ (take) to see the judge.
16) The prison ____________ (visit) by thousands of people every day.
Home task:
Translate into English. Use active vocabulary (words and phrases from vocabulary
practice ex.-s 1,2)
1. У наш час стрічки новин переповнені інформацією про трагедії і катастрофи.
2. Часто ми стаємо свідками подій, які шокують своєю жорстокістю і дурістю.
3. Мабуть, у відповідь на таку ситуацію жителі Нової Зеландії започаткували День
спонтанних проявів доброти, який тепер святкують щорічно, 17 лютого.
4. Люди роблять добрі справи не задля того, щоб привабити вподобайки та поширення
своїх історій у соц. мережах, а щоб змусити інших почуватися щасливими.
5. Ось декілька пропозицій, як можна своїм вчинком зігріти чиєсь серце.
6. Можна відправити листівку «Думаю про тебе» людині, яку давно не бачили і це
зробить її день вдалим.
7. Гарна ідея надіслати букет квітів чи маленький подарунок своїй бабусі, старенькій
сусідці чи людині, що знаходиться у лікарні - це неодмінно викличе посмішку у них
на обличчі.
8. Багато людей, які ночують на вулиці опинилися там не з власної вини, а тому що
втратили роботу, сім'ю чи взагалі не мають ніякої підтримки.
9. Можна разом із дрібними монетами, які збирають у спеціальні «кружки для пожертв»
вкинути і побажання, що підбадьорює, а це надихне їх на добре ставлення до інших.
10.Літні люди часто відчувають самотність, запропонуйте їм невелику допомогу: купити
щось у крамниці чи принести сумку із покупками до квартири – і вони будуть вражені
вашою чуйністю.
11.Зрештою,можна просто поступитися місцем іншій людині у громадському транспорті,
посміхнутися, побажавши доброго ранку, двірнику у вашому дворі чи подякувати
продав чині за гарне обслуговування – і « вірус доброти» почне поширюватися серед
12.Марк Твен писав: «Доброта – це мова, яку чують навіть глухі, а бачать – навіть сліпі».

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