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On The Basis of Food and Beverages Manufacturing Industry

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The food and beverage industry is evolving at a rapid pace, leading way for increasing
competition and critical business challenges. Companies within the industry are searching for
new and innovative ways to excel. Control over business operations has become paramount
to deal with the quickly changing market conditions and attain a competitive advantage.

Why Food & Beverage Business Needs ERP Software?

ERP systems for food manufacturers play a crucial role in helping businesses overcome
complexities. These software solutions aid you in complying with industry regulations,
ensure product traceability and maintain control on quality.

It enables you to consolidate real-time data from different departments, into a single system,
thereby providing a birds-eye view over every operation and empowering you to control all
those processes from a single, centralized hub.

ERP solutions provide management the information they need for accurate forecasting and
planning business strategies related to inventory procurement, logistics and production. When
integrated with industry-specific tools, these systems become capable of building a cohesive
and productive organization.

How can ERP System help to F&B Manufacturing Industry?

1. Lot Tracking and Full Traceability.

It's imperative to look for an ERP system that provides automated, end-to-end traceability at
all touchpoints along the supply chain. This way, both industry leaders and grocery shoppers
alike can learn as much as possible about ingredients as they travel from farm to fork.

This includes tracking the following data for products and ingredients:

 Lots
 Dates
 Quantities
 Movements
As products move from raw ingredients to finished goods, traceability is an initiative that any
public-facing F&B leader should prioritize. This allows interested parties to follow the flow
backward to inspect ingredient sources or forward to learn more about product disposition. 

2. Detailed Record Keeping

One with excellent record keeping functionality can make it infinitely easier to pinpoint
exactly where in the supply chain the compromise or contamination first occurred.
In addition to lot tracking and tracing, look for one that also helps users maintain thorough
documentation to assist with recall preparedness efforts. The shortlist of records to maintain

 Purchase orders
 Labels
 Bills of landing
 Shipping documents
While an F&B manufacturer should also have systemic, in-house measures in place to
facilitate recall response, an effective ERP system can make the effort much easier.
Ultimately, a quick response can help impacted entities jumpstart their efforts to recoup
monetary costs, restore their brand image and rebuild consumer confidence.

3. Recipe Management
There are some iconic food items that have become almost synonymous with their brand due
to their unique taste that imitators just can't seem to replicate, no matter how hard they try.
ERP systems make it easier than ever before for F&B companies to maintain their time-
honoured techniques while inventing new products along the way.

To get there, it's important to look for an ERP system that includes integrated recipe
management resources. With these tools, users can record myriad variations of any recipe,
keeping track of any changes or updates along the way. The same system can also help

 Store and scale all recipes

 Observe and monitor the recipe development process
 Document manufacturing steps and instructions
 Manage all quality control efforts

As an added benefit, the same resources can aid in inventory management efforts. Users can
maintain a real-time recipe list alongside the associated bill of materials (BOM) for each,
with details on each recipe's:

 Physical properties
 Different versions
 Revisions
 Production notes

Users will need to look for an ERP system that includes advanced security features, including
user-based role permissions, to ensure only authorized users have access to these confidential,
proprietary details.

4. Formula Management
Along with recipe management, ERP systems in the F&B industry should also include tools
that help them ensure all food item formulas are correct and consistent.

The two differ in that recipes are sets of ingredients and instructions, while formulas are fixed
sets of certain ingredients, categorized by weight and specific processing instructions. To
make a given food item, all weights and steps must be standardized across every step of the

Not only can an ERP system help users store and update formulaic instructions, but it can
also provide a space to store important nutritional data, including:

 Lists of ingredients
 Specific allergen information
This data is critical to ensure all labelling activities are accurate. It's also a necessary step in
F&B regulatory reporting. 

5. Inventory Management
An ERP system can help leaders strike this delicate balance, especially if it includes an
integrated warehouse management system (WMS) feature.

WMS systems support daily activities that centre on planning, maintaining, organizing,
staffing, and directing company resources. At any time and from anywhere, they can obtain
instant insight into the following data points:

 Inventory numbers
 Specific serial numbers
 Lots
 Product line information
This knowledge helps them keep a close eye on inventory levels, tracking their growth or
decline as it occurs. 

6. Master Data Management

Companies must develop and maintain different kinds of programs, data, and records that are
up-to-date, accurate and accessible in an instant. In addition, any corrections or deviations
from the norm must be both validated and verifiable.
An ERP for food manufacturing takes what used to be a manual process full of spreadsheets
and external databases and transforms it into an automated platform. This switch improves
and quickens record keeping by a considerable margin.

Now, users can leverage food ERP systems to maintain, update and access records on:

 Processes, equipment, and personnel

 Inspection controls
 Data changes
 Testing procedures
An ERP for the food industry can provide the deep visibility required to meet these stringent
demands and avoid penalties down the road.

7. Material Requirement Planning

With an industry-based ERP system, F&B leaders can take their material requirement
planning (MRP) efforts to the next level. Knowing which materials are required at any given
time is crucial to keeping budgets in check, meeting buyer demand and maintaining adequate
stock numbers.

As such, the MRP step combines functions of inventory management with other resources,

 Production scheduling
 Material ordering
 Financial management
A comprehensive platform that allows users to create more accurate orders using forecasts,
sales projections, inventory levels, and information on product availability.

Using the MRP data listed above, users can more accurately calculate which materials are
required and when they'll be used.

This simple process can help them optimize inventory levels, reduce waste, prioritize
production, and better respond to shifts in customer demand and preference. 

8. Advanced Quality Control

To meet both company standards and consumer expectations, an effective quality
management system is a must. This is another reason why food and beverage ERP systems
provide full forward and backward lot traceability are a necessity. 

These allow users to monitor materials in real-time as they travel throughout the production
process. In turn, they can track, trace, monitor and report on these details to the following
interested bodies:
 Auditors
 Regulatory entities
 Consumers
When coupled with internal quality assurance and control processes, the instant visibility that
an ERP system provides can help manufacturers maintain an outstanding industry image.

Performing quality tests on all raw ingredients in every batch ensures that all production runs
are as consistent as possible. In the event that any item fails a quality inspection, leaders can
initiate quarantine procedures to ensure no other area along the supply chain becomes
negatively impacted. Then, they can hold the products without release until all corrective
actions are completed.

Many food processing software systems come equipped with both in-production and
customer-centric testing, allowing manufacturers to easily generate personalized Certificates
of Analysis (CofA) to meet their needs.
For the Food & Beverages Manufacturing Industry top three vendors are named below, which
are most suitable as per the function of the industry.
A. SysPro
B. Epicor ERP
C. Net Suits

Further, we will discuss about these three software on different parameters given below:


Established in 1978, SYSPRO is an industry-built Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
solution designed to simplify business complexity for manufacturers and distributors.
SYSPRO’s strengths lie in a simplified approach to technology, and a commitment to both
customer and partner success. With 40 years of solving manufacturing and distribution
business challenges is built into our flexible ERP software and proven services. SYSPRO is
easy to do business with and is focused on delivering increased business performance and
reduced risk. The SYSPRO software solution aspires to exceed customer requirements, is
highly scalable, and can be deployed on-premise, in the cloud, or accessed from a mobile
device. Future-proof your business and experience the power of simplicity.


Epicor Software Corporation provides industry-specific business software designed around

the needs of manufacturing, distribution, retail, and services organizations. More than 45
years of experience with our customers’ unique business processes and operational
requirements is built into every solution―in the cloud or on premises.

Currently, over 20,000 customers in 150 countries around the world rely on our expertise and
solutions to improve performance and profitability.

Epicor products are working today on a global scale, delivering impressive benefits to
companies just like yours. With a deep understanding of your industry, Epicor solutions
promote growth while managing complexity and increasing efficiency. The result is powerful
solutions that free your resources so you can grow your business. For more information,
contact us.

On November 7, 2016, Oracle completed the acquisition of NetSuite, the very first cloud

In 1998, NetSuite pioneered the Cloud Computing revolution, establishing the world’s first
company dedicated to delivering business applications over the Internet. Currently, NetSuite
provides a suite of cloud-based financials / Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and
omnichannel commerce software that runs the business of more than 22,000 customers in
more than 200 countries and territories.

The addition of NetSuite will enable Oracle to expand its ability to support customers of any
size in more industries and more countries.

Years Of Experiance and Related Success





50 40
22 20 22
Years of Experiance Customers ( In Thousands) Countries

SysPro Epicor NetSuit


 Market Share

Company Market Share

SysPro 0.23
Epicor 0.50
NetSuits 2.40

 Overall strengths


-Trust & Innovation Combined- Our customers can rest easy and trust that SYSPRO has their best
interests in mind when determining the product roadmap, and not that of a private equity
-The Power of One- SYSPRO ERP has a solid, single-code base. That means we provide a unified,
tightly knit platform, and you can be confident everything will work together seamlessly.
-Connect with the World- SYSPRO ERP was developed on the Microsoft .NET platform, which
means you can easily connect with your third-party systems and existing infrastructure to
maximize productivity.
-System Flexibility- We have designed SYSPRO ERP to be modular, so you can save money by
deploying just what you need upfront, and then add functionality as you grow or decide to expand
the solution.
-Customised Fit- SYSPRO focuses on making our software work in your operation while solving
complex business challenges with a simple approach.
-System Security- SYSPRO ERP offers robust features and multidimensional security levels to
manage your software – and protect your intellectual property.
-Fast Return on Investment- Our goal is for customers to realize ROI from their ERP
implementation as fast as possible. Decades of industry experience makes us a full solution

Our core strength define our beliefs, guide our decisions, and drive our actions. They are the
glue that connects us worldwide. They inspire us to be a powerful force in the industry and a
great place to work. Our strength are seen, heard, and felt every day in our policies, our
systems, our operations, and our service to customers.

 Teamwork
 Excellence
 Service
 Passion
 Innovation
 Integrity
NetSuite strength is that, it is the first solution that delivers a promise of intelligent,
integrated and simpler applications for growing the midsize business due to the following
 NetSuite is intelligent
All the corporate data can be held in one single database which will give access for the key
performance metrics on a customizable and real time dashboard. It helps in quick decision
making process.
 NetSuite is integrated
It’s a single and powerful application. It also combines the complete customer facing CRM
and an Ecommerce capability with a back-office Accounting/ERP and a self –service portals
for the partners. This overall will allow the companies unite the fragmented data and
automate all the end-to-end processes.
 NetSuite is simple
NetSuite has made all the implementations faster and are less expensive than the traditional
business applications. The modularity in this phase will help the implementations according
to the needs of the company. Being a web-based on-demand solution, it will reduce the total
cost of ownership (TCO).




Product Offerings- Sypro offers various business solutions. Some are:

 Supply Chain Optimization
 Business Operations
 Financial Management
 Inventory Management
 Lean Manufacturing
 Warehouse Management

Integration Strategy
The power of SYSPRO ERP software is further enhanced via 3-tier client/server setup and
SYSPRO solutions, component-based framework that provides a standard way of
directly accessing the business functionality within the SYSPRO solution while maintaining
the software's built-in business rules and security. In addition to enabling Web services,
SYSPRO solutions also facilitates the integration of other best-of-breed applications
with SYSPRO software.
Explore the various ways in which you can use a combination of Microsoft Office and
SYSPRO to deliver information, using tools like Excel and Word that your employees
already know. SYSPRO Office Integration Brochure focuses on integration methods that are
built into SYSPRO ERP and require no programming or development skills.
“Combine SYSPRO with Microsoft Office, the de facto standard for desktop product
software, and you have a great way to manage and disseminate information across the

Web Based Application Strategy

Web-based version of SYSPRO 8 in the fourth quarter of this year to proactively enhance
their manufacturing and distribution solution for business owners. SYSPRO 8 is a dual user-
interface offering, allowing for companies to selectively deploy either the Windows client or
the web-based solution at their discretion. The reason for this is that it provides business
continuity and ensures a smooth transition for users. This dual offering will provide
significant value and flexibility to organisations, deploying the rich-UI (user interface) to data
capture intensive users and the web-UI to users who prefer a web-based engagement with

New Offering
SYSPRO’s powerful new features integrated with the latest innovative technologies, paves
the way to digitalizing your business and streamlining your supply chain, providing
greater control and visibility, while simplifying and personalizing your experience.
Scalability- Whether your business growth demands high-transaction volumes or
transactional elasticity, with SYSPRO ERP, you get an industry-built technology
infrastructure that is flexible and scalable enough to grow with you along every step of your
growth journey, and is supported by technology platforms that offer the highest level of


Product Offerings- Epicor offers various business solutions. Includes:

 Supply Chain & Logistics

 Business Intelligence and Analytics

 Enterprise Content Management

 Mobile Applications

 Planning and Scheduling

 Risk and Compliance

 Service Management

 Manufacturing Execution System

Integration Strategy

Epicor B2B and EDI Managed Service On-Demand offers comprehensive Business-to-

Business Integration solutions that provides your organization with flexible data integration,
powerful electronic data interchange functionality, and database translation engines to
increase your efficiency and reduce the significant costs associated with B2B Integration. We
do so by providing a fully automated and integrated system that simplifies data sharing and
removes the roadblocks for the seamless exchange of information.

Web Based Application Strategy

Epicor offers software as a service (SaaS) in the cloud, letting you focus on core growth
initiatives instead of IT. Achieve lower cost of ownership, faster time to value, and consistent
access to data from any device—anywhere in the world. Reap the benefits of cloud ERP with
software and services that meet or exceed industry standards, including:

 Application and user support

 Version updates and continuous innovation
 Greater than 99.5% uptime
 Backup and disaster recovery

Its multicurrency management tools automate buying and selling in unlimited foreign currencies
and track exchange rates. Epicor also allows multiple locations to operate in different languages
without requiring customizations. With the scalability of Epicor ERP, there are no limits to your
international enterprise


Product Offerings- NetSuit offers various business solutions. Includes:

 Financial Management
 Financial Planning
 Order Management
 Procurement
 Production Management
 Supply Chain Management
 Warehouse & Fulfilment

Integration Strategy

At one time, only a single-instance, hub-centric approach would guarantee the ability for a
firm like Unilever to apply supplier terms consistently around the globe and deliver
“available to promise” visibility across multiple plants.
 Federated master data management and data access.
 Software-as-a-service ERP extensions.
It Provides Full two-tier ERP integration with Oracle Financials at headquarters provides
real-time global visibility and financial consolidation

Web Based Application Strategy

NetSuite empowers modern businesses, both private and public, to unlock their growth
potential. The cloud-based solution streamlines mission critical processes and reduces IT
costs, allowing you to easily scale and future-proof your business with an agile business
platform that evolves as your needs change, regardless of size. Evolve, keep pace and grow
with a fully up-to-date IT environment geared for innovation, scale and business
transformation. Scale up, spin-off, acquire new businesses, launch new business models—
NetSuite supports you at every stage of growth and evolution with a flexible, scalable
platform built for the modern-day business environment.
In NetSuits is Easily add and customize functionality as company grows by leveraging a
highly scalable business management system.


With over 40 years of’ practical hands-on experience, our Consulting Services team are
experts in enabling business capability through ERP software. We take the time to understand
your strategic business needs and desired outcomes, working as a trusted advisor, helping you
to spend more time with your customers, creating greater value for your business.

Support for application modules

 Early integration of your training needs into your overall project plan and
implementation methodology and journey is a key principle of SYSPRO’s approach. By
taking a people first approach you can be sure of a more enjoyable learning experience
and a smoother transition into live service.
 At the outset of your SYSPRO journey, your Project Manager will work with your team
to help you develop a training plan.
 Core training sessions will be established to focus on the following functional areas:
Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, General Ledger, Purchase Orders, Inventory,
Bill of Materials, Materials Requirement Planning, Sales Orders, Work in Progress,
System Administration, SYSPRO Reporting Services.
 Access to SYSPRO LearnIt education offering and the SYSPRO Learning Channel.

Technical Support for Implementation

Experts in SYSPRO performance, scalability, and best practice implementation
considerations, our experienced team are on-hand to provide advice and recommendations
around hardware, operating systems and databases, helping ensure that you are able to make
an informed, cost effective choice that works for your business.

Having the best technology is only half the battle. You also need effective people and efficient
processes to get the most out of your Epicor ERP investment.
Epicor Business Consultant Services (BCS) prepare your team to address the human element of your
ERP implementation through an interactive Change Acceleration Process (CAP) Workshop and Risk
Management Workshop.

This proven framework enables you to:

 Get faster ROI

 Identify success factors
 Overcome employee resistance
 And so much more

Expert support services are available throughout the upgrading process, including premium
services when needed.


NetSuite’s vast resources of experts, capabilities and ecosystem are at your fingertips—all
designed to accelerate and broaden your business success. The three pillars that support these
goals are:
 Enablement and Training
 Professional Services
 Support Programs

That’s why every customer gets basic support. But as your business grows, you may need
additional support. NetSuite offers a full range of support offerings, from Basic to Premium,
to Advanced Customer Support. Each option provides specific service levels and capabilities,
from online case submissions to 24/7 phone support, to manage services that help minimize
the gap between your optimal solution and your actual solution.

SYSPRO LearnIt education and training combines a digital learning experience as well as
instructor-led learning, giving your SYSPRO users total control of their own learning journey
and path to career success. Whatever your ERP business systems and technology level of
expertise or career aspirations, SYSPRO LearnIt provides a full learning experience and
management system that brings practical self-directed education to life through fully
immersive, intuitive learning experiences that are designed to be inspiring and easy-to-use –
ensuring they deliver positive results for business, employees and customers.

The NetSuite’s specialized training is designed to empower the end user of the system to
quickly reach proficiency with their day to day usage. This is always specific to your industry
and most often customized to Company configuration. NetSuite Product Managers and
solution experts, developing valuable intellectual property including courseware in multi-
modal formats. It offers product training to enable administrators, project team members,
power users and developers to participate in implementation, management and configuration
of the system.

We’ll deliver training that fulfils all of your objectives. We carefully assess the strengths and
knowledge gaps of your team, and then design customized training packages that will give
you everything you need to maximize your ROI with ERP.
In our on-site or remote training sessions, you’ll work with the same consultants who
implemented your system to:

 Walk through the possibilities for your Epicor ERP system.

 Configure a demo system using your data, which will help them determine which data
needs to be migrated from your legacy systems.
 Migrate your data, test on this data, and learn what you need to do to keep the new
system running smoothly.


Activity/ Event SysPro Epicor NetSuits

Lot Tracking & Full Traceability   
Detailed Record Keeping   
Recipe Management   ×
Formula Management  × 
Inventory Management   
Master Data Management   
Material Requirement Planning   
Advance Quality Control   

Drive business performance by leveraging Microsoft Excel to the fullest. Easily produce and
share business critical information from your SYSPRO ERP system with Insight Reporting
for SYSPRO. The Insight Reporting suite connects SYSPRO data to Excel, creating seamless
data acquisition, drag-and-drop reporting and automated communication for hundreds of

Epicor ERP software using standard reporting functions followed by a quick run through of
some carefully selected add-ons that can enhance and complement the reporting functionality
available within Epicor.  
Using Dashboards and BAQs for real-time reporting:
 Dashboards  
Dashboards provide you with real-time data in a visual format that can be viewed on any
chosen device. 
Within Epicor, there are a range of standard dashboards available to individual users and
user-groups, but Epicor also allows you to create dashboards that are tailored to your
individual needs with the help of Business Activity Queries or BAQs.

 BAQs 
Business Activity Queries, commonly referred to as BAQs, allow you to create bespoke
dashboards based on the information that is most relevant to your business – allowing you to
view information in a format that is suitable for you. 
While Epicor users can generate basic queries themselves, if your data needs are more
complex, you may require a team member with greater technical knowledge, or even an
Epicor expert, to write the BAQs you want.

With NetSuite, team gets more than automated and accurate statements. Your entire
organization gains a modern financial reporting experience that delivers real-time financial
analysis and modelling across every dimension of your business for detailed insights into
corporate performance and improved business decision making.

SYSPRO ERP is relevant to, and adapts to, every user within your organization – providing
you with the flexibility to personalize your workspace, without the need for programming
skills. It is easy to learn and run.
Users have access to a single, customizable and personalized workspace within SYSPRO. It
is intuitive and easy-to-use, providing you with a simplified, engaging and rewarding

Epicor ERP solutions ensure complete visibility into your ERP systems from any remote
location. A user-friendly applications and automation solutions make your field operations
more efficient. Seamless integration provides real-time visibility from your mobile device.

NetSuits has user-friendly tools allow for easy personalization New anchored navigational header
enables easy access to navigation tools like Global Search, Recent Records, QuickAdd, and Shortcuts.
QuickAdd enables users to quickly and easily add all key information such as upcoming tasks,
deadlines, contacts and more.

License/Subscription Cost SYSPRO ERP costs begin at $199 per user, per month. The more
additional modules are added, the more expensive the program will
be. The price of on-premise software installation starts at around

Maintenance Cost Customer support is available to users via the SYSPRO Reseller
Channel and SYSPRO Partners. In-house support is also available
from the vendor to help meet the specific requirements of each

Installation/Implementation Cost Deployment is an additional cost. SYSPRO provides implementation

services through its SYSPRO Reseller Channel (qualified
professionals) and SYSPRO Partners. The cost of this implementation
varies based on number of users, system architecture, implementation
scope and complexity, company size, industry, and if your company
requires any third-party integrations.

Customization Cost Customization and additional applications are both additional costs to
the on-premise and cloud-based versions of SYSPRO ERP.

Data Migration Cost/Change These costs are also additional and will vary depending on your
Management/Upfront Switching current software, amount of data to be migrated, availability of
Cost migration tools, complexity of data and gaps between the existing
system and the new system.

Recurring/Renewal Costs For both types of deployments, the cost will vary depending on the
number of subscription-based user licenses purchased plus the
additional cost of software updates, support, customization and

Priced competitively in the SME market, Epicor ERP pricing starts as low as $10,000 for
cloud-deployed subscriptions. On-premise licensing starts at about $30,000 for a basic
manufacturing configuration. Implementation and consulting services start at about a 1:1 ratio
in respect to the software license costs. Average subscriptions are between $10,000 to
$30,000 annually with on-premise perpetual licenses at about $4,000 to $6,000 per user for a
typical configuration (based on core and popular modules). Small job shops and other
growing manufacturers looking for a real manufacturing ERP system can get into the SaaS
product for as little as $15,000 to $20,000 first year expense (that’s software licenses and
implementation services) which is considerably lower than comparable products with a ton of
room to grow into very sophisticated functionality.

NetSuite’s price is tailored to each customer, predicated on a set of givens, including ERP
configuration, required add-on modules, and total user count and contract length. Its base
license costs $999 per month with access costs of $99 per user, per month


SYSPRO Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software is a modular system with functionality
focused completely on the needs of manufacturers and distributors.  From supply chain management
to production and scheduling, SYSPRO provides applications with industry-specific technology
designed to integrate every aspect of your business. From the front office to the back office, SYSPRO
helps your business achieve maximum efficiency and thrive.

Epicor has the ability to Integrated with other Epicor tools, MES facilitates transparency,
gives users access to critical documentation and eradicates dual data entry.
NetSuite financial management can be integrated with all NetSuite order management,
inventory, CRM, and e-commerce functions to streamline critical business processes.

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