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Classroom Expectations

 Safety
 During labs, all safety precautions will be adhered to
 Minor offense – student will receive a zero on the lab and be removed from the
 Major offense – student will receive a zero on the lab and be removed from class
(3 Sat. school points)
 Lab Partner(s)
 You will be expected to work with anyone in your class without complaint
(unless there is a legitimate excuse which can be mentioned in confidence)
 Calculator
 A calculator is REQUIRED for class every day!
 Cell phones do NOT count
 Does not have to be a graphing calculator, but must have basic operations like
parentheses, exponents, log function, etc.
 Grading Scale
 90.00% & up = A
 80.00% & up = B
 70.00% & up = C
 60.00% & up = D
 Cheating
 Both/All parties will receive a zero
 Parents may be notified
 Examples of cheating include, but are not limited to working together, checking
answers, copying off the internet, sending a picture of your work to others, using
the internet when not allowed, etc.
 Missing Work
 Get in as soon as possible; will receive partial credit
 Teacher will decide final cut off date depending on individual basis; anything past
that will be a zero
 Make-up Work (Homework ONLY; NO LAB MAKE-UPS)
 Sick: have one day to get it done (i.e., missed class on a black day…gold day is
catch-up day…assignment due on the black day)
 Sports: try to make-up in advance
 Check Website for Assignment (
 Hand in paper assignments to class folder; Hand in electronic assignments to Google
Classroom or teacher e-mail (

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