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Lesson 2

Linear and Non – Linear Text

The key difference between linear and nonlinear text is their reading path. In a linear
text, a reader can make sense of the text by reading sequentially, from beginning
to the end. However, in a nonlinear text, the reading path is nonlinear and non-
sequential; thus, the reader can choose his own reading path.

A reading path is the path or the way the reader’s take through a text. There are two
paths as linear and nonlinear texts depending on this reading path. This article explains
these two reading paths, providing examples to give a clear understanding of the
difference between linear and nonlinear text.

What is Linear Text?

Linear text refers to traditional text that needs to be read from beginning to the end.
Here, the reader makes sense of the text according to
the grammatical and syntactic arrangement of the words.
Moreover, this type of text has an order or sequence; it’s typically the author of the text
who decides the order of the text, or its reading path. Generally, texts printed on paper
are considered as linear texts. Novels, poems, short stories, letters, educational texts,
all those texts we read from the beginning to the end, are linear texts.

What is Nonlinear Text?

Nonlinear text is the opposite of linear text. As its name suggests, it is nonlinear and
non-sequential. In other words, the readers do not have to go through the text in a
sequential manner in order to make sense of the text. This type of text has many
reading paths since it’s the readers who decide the sequence of reading, not the author
of the text.

Some examples include f lowcharts, charts, and graphs (ex: pie chart, bar graphs),
graphical organizers such as knowledge maps and story maps.

What is the Difference Between Linear and Nonlinear Text?

Linear text refers to traditional text that needs to be read from beginning to the end
while nonlinear text refers to text that does not need to be read from beginning to the
end. As their names imply, linear texts are linear and sequential while non-linear and
non-sequential. Thus, there is only one reading path in linear texts, which is determined
by the author. However, nonlinear texts can have multiple reading paths depending on
the readers.

Some of the examples of both reading paths. Some examples of linear texts include
novels, poems, letters, textbooks, etc. In contrast, flow charts, knowledge maps, digital
texts with hyperlinks, and encyclopedias are some examples of nonlinear text.
Furthermore, non-linear allows readers to you to find specific information more quickly
and efficiently.

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