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University of the Philippines Visayas

College of Management

Erika Xim Paola Santos BSBA (Marketing) – III BA 170-4

BA 170. Marketing Management

Module: 3 Week: 8

Lesson/Topic: Defining Marketing and the Marketing Process

I used to not know about the proper process in differentiation and positioning for a

Now I know about the concepts of differentiation and positioning. We have product
position in which the product is defined by consumers on important attributes. We also have
positioning maps that aids us in showing a consumer the perceptions of the brand versus that
of competing products in some important buying dimensions. In choosing a differentiation
and positioning strategy, we have to: identify a set of possible competitive advantages to
build a position, choose the right competitive advantages, select an overall positioning
strategy, and communicate and deliver the chosen position to the market. The competitive
advantage is the advantage over competitors gained by offering the consumers greater value,
depending on their strategy. In identifying competitive advantages, we consider the brand’s
products, services, channels, people, and its image. To choose the right competitive
advantage, we should look into if our brand reflects importance, distinction, superiority,
communicability, preemptiveness, affordability, and profitability from their competitors. In
selecting an overall positioning strategy, we look into the price and the benefits and choose
which value we put into our offerings. Whether it be more for more, more for the same, more
for less, the same for less, less for much less, or the same for the same relative to its price and
offered benefits. The brand’s positioning statement should also summarize the company or its
brand positioning, which uses the form “To (target segment and need) our (brand) is
(concept) that (point of difference).” Lastly, in communicating and delivering the chosen
position, choosing a position is often easier than actually implementing the position which
usually takes a long time to establish or change one. And, maintaining the position usually
requires consistent performance and communication.

However, I am not sure how more for less positioning strategy can keep a brand’s
profitability afloat considering that they offer more benefits for a lesser price, and examples
of brands that use this overall positioning strategy.

I hope/plan to use this information to help our featured business with our marketing
plan, and in future marketing endeavors, as well.

Overall, I feel satisfied because I understood and properly grasped the concepts, and
I’m enlightened as well to discover new information about marketing.

Adapted from: Padila, P. P. (2020) EDR 221 Learning Log Guide

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