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Una preposición es una palabra usada junto con un sustantivo (con un nombre o un
pronombre) para formar una frase, mostrando la relación de ese sustantivo al resto de la
oración. El sustantivo es el “objeto” de la preposición, es lo que sigue a la preposición, por
eso decimos “pre-posición”.

I live in London

This present is for you

La preposición se usa para expresar una relación espacial, temporal, causal,

intencional, etc., entre el objeto y el resto de la oración.

Call me in the morning

It is behind the house

He cried because of his daughter

That book is for the teacher

Una preposición siempre tiene un “objeto” (normalmente un nombre o su sustituto, como

un pronombre, etc.), y juntos, preposición y objeto, forman una “frase preposicional”. Las
frases preposicionales de los ejemplos anteriores serían: “in London”, “for you”, “in the
morning”, “behind the house”, “because of his daughter”, “for the teacher”

Como puedes comprobar, en inglés las preposiciones funcionan prácticamente igual que
en español, y la forma correcta de aprenderlas es siempre integrando preposición +
objeto, formando una frase.

Observarás que, igual que en español, a veces la misma preposición se usa en varios
sentidos diferentes.


about at for 

Adverbio to 
10. Conjunción 
abo e beca se of from on to ards
above because of from on towards
according to before in on account of under

across behind in spite of onto until
after below inside of out of up to
against beside instead of over with
ago between into past within
ahead of but like since without
along by next through
among down next to throughout
around during of till




Dinosaurs are a group of prehistoric reptiles that lived on the earth 231 million
years ago.

For 135 million years they were the dominant land vertebrates, but then they
became extinct about 65 million years ago.

Many scientists claim that prehistoric birds were a subspecies of dinosaurs, and
that some of those birds did not become extinct.

So, the birds that we see today have evolved from dinosaurs.

There are more than 10,000 known types of birds, the largest and most diverse
group of vertebrates, after fish.  8. Adverbio 
10. Conjunción 
There is now lots of fossil evidence from all 5 continents, which shows that
dinosaurs lived all over the world. They made themselves at home everywhere. 
Some physical characteristics, like horns and crests, were common to all
dinosaurs, all of which made nests and laid eggs.

Although it is generally believed that all dinosaurs were huge -and some were 58
metres long-, that is not he case, and many species of dinosaurs were quite small.

One of the smallest known dinosaurs only measured about 50 centimetres. It is

called the Xixianykus, but I bet that you cannot pronounce it: Xixianykus.

And, by the way, one final thing: The word “dinosaur” means "terrible lizard". I am
sure that you did not know that. I did not. The funny thing is, dinosaurs are not
actual lizards!

 8. Adverbio 
10. Conjunción 

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