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Solution Assignment No.

1 Total Marks: 20
Semester: Fall 2020
CS408 – Human Computer Interaction Due Date: Expired

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It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:

o Assignment is submitted after due date.

o Submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupt.
o Assignment is copied (From internet/students).
The objective of this assignment is to:

(a) Enables you to understand modes of cognition

(b) Enables you to understand user experience goals

Assignment Submission Instructions

You have to submit only.doc/ docx file on the Assignments interface of CS408 at VULMS. Assignment
submitted in any other format will not be accepted and will be graded zero marks.

For any query about the assignment, contact through email at
Question No.1 10 Marks
a) Experiential cognition is the state of mind in which we perceive, act, and react to events around us effectively
and effortlessly. It requires reaching a certain level of expertise and engagement. Examples include driving a
car, reading a book, having a conversation, and playing a video game.
How “driving a car” is an example of experiential cognition? Explain with solid reasons in 3 to 4 lines.

Answer: Your skilled behavior and knowledge leads you to Experiential cognition. Once you are skilled
enough to drive a car effortlessly you will immediately respond to all the responses needed. But this is only
possible when you are trained enough to drive a car and goes into the flow effortlessly.

b) Reflective cognition involves thinking, comparing, and decision-making. This kind of cognition is what leads
to new ideas and creativity. Examples include designing, learning, and writing a book.
How “writing a book” is an example of reflective cognition? Explain with solid reasons in 3 to 4 lines.

Answer: Writing a book requires adaptability, research skills, editing, discipline and organizational skills.
Reflective cognition requires critical thinking which reflects the way the other thinks, reasoning and thoughts.
So, writing a book is an evident example of reflective cognition.
Question No. 2 10 Marks
As we know that Facebook has updated lots of features in its every new-updated version to improve usability
goals and user experience goals to make the user experience more efficient.
Your task is to write down any “Five” recent updated features of Facebook that has increased user

There are several recent updated features of Facebook. Some of them are listed below:

Dark Mode:
Facebook introduced a site-wide dark mode that has increased user experience. The Facebook look has totally
changed with this feature.

Oversight Board:
If your content blocked by Facebook and you feel that this is wrong and unfair now you can appeal to oversight
board which consist on independent expert.

Vanish mode available in Facebook Messenger:

Disappeared messages can be accessed using vanish mode.

New “Mood” frames come to Facebook Stories:

The new Mood features on FB Stories, which harnesses the power of GIFs for self-expression.

Express yourself with customized avatar stickers:

Facebook is now introducing personalized humanoid stickers for use in comments, Messenger Stories and posts.

The deadline to submit your assignment has been Expired.

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