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Journal Name : In Vitro Inhibition Capacity in Ca Oxalate Formation by Lemon ( Citrus

Lemon) Juice
Author’s Name : Endang Tri Wahyuni Maharani, Jatmiko Susilo, Arifiani Agustin Amalia
Number of Authors : 3
Proposer Status : first author/……… author/corresponding author*
Scientific Journal Identity: a. Journal Name : In Vitro Inhibition Capacity in Ca Oxalate
Formation by Lemon ( Citrus Lemon) Juice

b. ISSN Number : 2460-4453

c. Volume, Number, Month Year : Vol. 1 No.2 (2015) 41-45, 41
d. Publisher : J. Nat. Scien. & Math. Res.
e. DOI (if any) :
f. Indexed in :

Scientific Journal Publication Category (mark suitable category with √)

Reputable International Scientific Journal (indexed on reputable international
databases and impact factors)
International Scientific Journal indexed on reputable international databases

International Scientific Journals indexed on international databases outside of
reputable categories
Peer Review Result:
Maximum Grade of Scientific Journals
International International indexed International indexed in Final
Assessed Components Reputable and database of international databases Grade
impact factor internationally reputed outside the reputable Obtained
a. Completeness of the content of the
4.0 3.0 2.0
article (10%)
b. Scope and depth of discussion
12.0 9.0 6.0
c. Adequacy and up-to-date data /
information and methodology 12.0 9.0 6.0
d. Completeness of elements and
quality of publication / journal 12.0 9.0 6.0
Total = 100% 40 30 20
Proposer Grade ….% x …. = …
Notes on the articles assessment by first reviewers :
1. Element completeness and suitability :
2. Scope and depth :
3. Adequacy and up-to-date data and methodology :
4. Completeness of the quality elements of the publisher :
5. Plagiarism Indication :
6. Field of Science Suitability :
Day, Month, Year Percentage of Author's Credit Score for:
Reviewer , - journal and proceedings :
1. First author as well as corresponding author = 60%
2. Consists of: The first author; Correspondence; Co-author = :
40% ; 40%; 20%
……………..(signature) 3. Consist of : First Author; Corresponding author= 50% ; 50%
- Other scientific work: First author; Co-uthor= 60%;40%
* Cross the unnecessary ones
Field of science :

* Cross the unnecessary ones

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