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Extended Work Hours
1. Statement of the problem
Extended work hours can cause:
 Increased fatigue
 Neglected social life
 More stress
 Higher safety risk
 Reduced productivity

2. Supporting Evidence
According to Harvard Business Review, Considerable evidence shows that
exhaust isn't simply unbiased — it harms us and the organizations we work for.
Various investigations by Marianna Virtanen of the Finnish Institute of
Occupational Health and her partners (just as different examinations) have
discovered that exhaust and the subsequent pressure can prompt a wide range
of medical issues, including impeded rest, gloom, substantial drinking, diabetes,
disabled memory, and coronary illness. Obviously, those are terrible all alone.
But at the same time they're horrendous for an organization's primary concern,
appearing as non-attendance, turnover, and rising medical coverage costs.
Indeed, even the Scroogiest of managers, who thought about his
representatives' prosperity, should discover solid proof here that there are
genuine, monetary record costs acquired when workers log insane hours.

3. List of solutions
 Make a precise schedule
 Delegate
 Automate what you can
 Use commute time well
 Avoid distractions

4. Actionable Items
 Ease back on meetings.
 Give employees the correct devices to work productively.
 Allow adaptable work routines.
 Watch your group's utilization rates.
 Build up your additional time strategy.

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