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Wave function in a periodic potential and Bloch The-


To study the motion of an electron in a periodic potential, we must

solve Schrodinger wave equation for an electron in a periodic poten-
tial which is

d 2 ψ 2m
+ 2 [E −U(x)ψ(x)] = 0 (0.1)
dx2 h̄
where ‘m’ is the mass of electron,
‘E’ is total energy of the electron,
h̄ = 2π where h is the Planck’s constant
ψ(x)is the wave function associated with electron,
U(x) is the periodic potential which has the periodicity of lattice,
such that:

U(x) = U(x + a) (0.2)

Here ‘a’ is period of potential function U(x). It means potential

energy at x and x+a is equal Clearly, ’a’ is lattice constant.
In case of periodic potential, Bloch has shown that the one dim-
solution of Schrodinger wave equation takes the form:

ψ(x) = eikx uk (x) (0.3)

In three dimensions, it is given as

1 Lecture notes prepared by Dr. Saji S K, Dept.of Physics, University College, Thiruvanantha-

ψ(x) = ei~r uk (~r) (0.4)

The equation (0.3) and equation (0.5) expressed Bloch function

in one dimension and three dimension respectively. The Bloch func-
tion represents the free electron wave eikx or eik~r , by the periodic
function uk (x) or uk (~r)
Here uk (x) has the periodicity of the lattice given by

uk (x) = uk (x + a) (0.5)

Clearly, uk (x) depends upon wave vector ‘k’. The ‘k’ represents
the state of motion of electron. kth state corresponds to an electron
having momentum,

p = h̄k = . (0.6)

and a deBroglie wavelength

λ= (0.7)

We must note that in one dimensional model ‘k’ is considered to

be directed along r-axis and in general, k has to be treated as a vector
and so, it is also called wave propagation vector.
The wave function in equation (0.3) or equation (0.5), which are
known as Bloch functions, are the solutions of Schrödinger wave
equation considering periodic

potentials. These wave functions can be expressed as a product of
a plane wave or travelling wave function eikx and a periodic function,
uk (x), with the peridocity of crystal lattice. It is known as Bloch

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