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Name: __________________________Grade ____ Section : ________________ Date: _________

The Greatest Show On Earth

Explain the different processes that occur along the plate boundaries. S10ES –Ia-j-36.3

What I Need to Do

In this activity you will identify the processes and geological formations along the tectonic plate

Gearing Up

What Happens At the Boundary ?

A. Convergent Boundary (Plates Come Together)

Three types of Convergent Boundaries

1. Convergent boundary between continental and oceanic crust results to subduction of the denser
oceanic crust , volcanoes, and trenches.
Magma rising

Subduction: sinking of denser plate into

the mantle

Trench : long narrow depressions on the

seafloor, deepest part of the ocean

2. Convergent boundary between two oceanic crust results to subduction of the older and denser oceanic
crust, and the trenches formed are deeper like the Marianas Trench, which can sink Mt. Everest. The
Philippine archipelago is a product of this type of plate movement.

Volcanic Island Arc ( Island Arc ) : curving

chain of volcanic islands located parallel
to a trench

3. Convergent boundary between two continental crust results to building up the rocks forming
mountains like the Appalachian and Himalayas mountain ranges.

B. Divergent Boundary (Plates Move Apart): Divergent Boundary Divergent Plate Boundaries occur
when two plates move apart or pull away from each other. this happens at the mid-ocean ridges, where
seafloor spreading and volcanic activity continuously add new oceanic crust to the oceanic plates on both
sides. Examples are the Mid – Atlantic Ridge and the East Pacific Rise.
Mid-ocean ridge : underwater mountain
ranges due to the uplifting of crust as
magma is extruded to the ocean floor

Divergent plate boundaries on continents are more rare, but also exist. When this happens a rift
valley is formed. An example is the East African rift. If the process of rifting on a continent continues
long enough, it can break up the continent and form new oceanic basin and develops into a linear sea such
as the Red Sea.

Rift Valley: lowland region that forms

where earth’s tectonic plates move

C. Transform-Fault Boundary (Plates Pass By): Transform Boundary The zone between two plates
horizontally past one another is called a transform-fault boundary. The concept of transform faults
originated with Canadian geophysicist J. Tuzo Wilson, who proposed that these large faults or fracture
zones connect two spreading centers or, less commonly, trenches.
Most transform faults are found on the ocean floor. They commonly offset the active spreading
ridges, producing ig-zag plate margins, and are generally defined by shallow earthquakes. However, a
few occur on land, for example the San Andreas fault zone in California, USA.

When the earth moves, the earth shakes! Earthquakes occur in all types of boundary.

Getting Better

Answer the question by choosing the diagram that best describes the situation in the left column. Write
the letter only.
1. Which diagram shows a
transform boundary? __________

2. Which diagram shows oceanic-

oceanic convergence? _________

3. The Himalayas are mountains

that are forming as a result of the
collision of the Indian and Eurasian
continental plates. Which diagram
shows a plate boundary like the one
involved in the formation of these
mountains? __________

4. Which diagram shows oceanic-

continental convergence? _____

5. Which diagram shows a

divergent boundary? ______
Gaining Mastery

Plate Boundary Match

Directions Match each of the options to its corresponding plate boundary. Place your answer on the
space provided before the number.

1. Plate boundaries
_____ Convergent boundary a. Mid-ocean ridges, rift valleys
_____ Divergent boundary b. Fault lines
_____ Transform boundary c. Subduction, trench, mountains, volcanoes

2. Plate boundaries
_____ Convergent boundary a. Tectonics plates move apart
_____ Divergent boundary b. Tectonic plates come together
_____ Transform boundary c. Tectonic plates slide horizontally past each other

3. Plate Boundaries
_____ Convergent boundary a. Himalayas and the Appalachian mountains
_____ Divergent boundary b. San Andreas fault
_____ Transform boundary c. Mid – Atlantic Ridge, African rift valley

4. Plate Boundaries
_____ Continental to oceanic a. Subduction, volcanoes, and trenches
_____ Oceanic to oceanic b. Subduction, deeper trenches, volcanoes
_____ continental to continental c. Mountain ranges like the Himalayas and Tibet

What I Need To Remember

Earth’s surface is dramatically reshaping itself in an endless, slow-motion movement called plate
tectonics. Tectonic plates or huge slabs of solid rocks separate, collide, and slide past each other causing
earthquakes, feeding volcanic eruptions, and raising mountains. Most movement occurs along narrow
zones between plates, plate boundaries, where the results of plate-tectonic forces are most evident.

Activity sourced from the following references :


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