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IA 1.1 | Nature of occupational health........................................................................................................3
1. Identify what SEQOHS stands for. (1)............................................................................................3
2. Outline how SEQOHS operates. (5)...............................................................................................3
3. Give the meaning of the term ‘occupational health’.(2)...............................................................3
4. Outline the four stages of occupational health and hygiene practice. (4).....................................3
IB 1.2 | The principles and benefits of the management of return to work and vocational rehabilitation. 4
1. (a) Outline the meaning of the term ‘vocational rehabilitation’. (2)
(b) Outline the benefits to the employer of vocational rehabilitation. (5)
(c) Identify health care practitioners who may be involved in the vocational rehabilitation of a worker.(3)
2. (a) Outline the meaning of the term ‘vocational rehabilitation’. (2).............................................4
3. (b) Outline the benefits of vocational rehabilitation to:...............................................................4
(i) the employer; (4).............................................................................................................................4
(ii) a worker. (4)...................................................................................................................................4
4. Outline what the employer can do to assist the worker BOTH.....................................................4
during the absence and at the time of their return to work. (10).......................................................4
5. Give the meaning of the term ‘vocational rehabilitation’.............................................................5
6. 5
Using the bio-psychosocial model, outline possible barriers to..........................................................5
the worker’s rehabilitation..................................................................................................................5
IB 1.3 | Managing occupational health........................................................................................................5
An organisation is concerned about the level of absence arising........................................................5
from work related injuries and ill-health. Suggest practical ways.......................................................5
in which the organisation’s occupational health department could...................................................5
assist in the management of this problem. (6)....................................................................................5
Outline the possible functions of an occupational health service within a..........................................5
large manufacturing company. (10)....................................................................................................5
Context: You are a health and safety advisor to a bus operating company. You.................................5
have been asked to prepare a company policy on drug misuse..........................................................5
Outline the key points that such a policy should include. (20)............................................................5
Outline the role and functions that an occupational health service could..........................................5
have within a large chemical processing company.(20)......................................................................5
Other than assisting health and safety practitioners outline...............................................................6
additional functions an occupational health nurse may have in a.......................................................6
large organisation. (10).......................................................................................................................6
Outline practical ways in which the organisation’s occupational........................................................6
health department could assist in the management of this................................................................6
7. Identify the functions of the distribution company’s occupational health department when:.....6
a. recruiting new workers; (5)...........................................................................................................6

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b. a worker returns to work after ill-health. (5)................................................................................6

8. Outline other ways in which the occupational health department can assist the management team to
improve health and safety within this organisation. (11)..............................................................6
9. (a) Outline the purpose of a health promotion programme. (2) (b) Identify issues the health promotion
programme should address AND outline the way in which EACH issue could be promoted. (10) (c) Identify
FOUR occupational health specialists who may be involved in the health promotion programme, AND
outline how EACH specialist could contribute to the programme. (8)..........................................6
(a) Outline how the use of drugs or alcohol can adversely affect a worker’s fitness to work. (5).......6
(b) Outline circumstances when drug and alcohol testing should be used at work. (4)......................6
(c) Outline how the use of drugs or alcohol problems at work can be managed effectively. (7).........6
(d) Identify FOUR disciplines or agencies that may assist in assessing or managing the use of drugs or alcohol at
work. (4)........................................................................................................................................6
Outline ways in which the employer can assist workers to return to work. (5)...................................6
Outline options that the occupational health department can suggest to the employer if the occupational health
doctor decides that the worker cannot return to the work that exposes them to vibration. (5)..7
Outline TWO benefits to a worker of having access to an occupational health service at work. (2)...7

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IA 1.1 | Nature of occupational health

Context: A large organisation is outsourcing its occupational health service to a contractor. It has been advised to
choose a contractor that carries the SEQOHS logo.
1. Identify what SEQOHS stands for. (1)
2. Outline how SEQOHS operates. (5)
SEQOHS stands for Safe, Effective, Quality Occupational Health Service

SEQOHS stands for 'Safe, Effective, Quality Occupational Health Service' and is a professionally led accreditation
scheme. It is based on a set of standards for occupational health services in the UK and beyond. Occupational health
services must demonstrate they meet these standards before they can be awarded SEQOHS accreditation.

SEQOHS standards are categorised into six domains:

A: Business probity
B: Information Governance
C: People
D: Facilities and Equipment
E: Relationships with Purchasers
F: Relationships with Workers

3. Give the meaning of the term ‘occupational health’.(2)

Occupational health should aim at

the promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of physical, mental and social well-being of workers in all

the prevention amongst workers of departures from health caused by their working conditions;

the protection of workers in their employment from risks resulting from factors adverse to health;

the placing and maintenance of the worker in an occupational environment adapted to his physiological and
psychological capabilities and;

to summarize: the adaptation of work to man and of each man to his job.

4. Outline the four stages of occupational health and hygiene practice. (4)

The first stage in occupational health and hygiene practice is

Recognising and identifying hazards(Physical, Chemical, Biological, Ergonomic & Psychological) that can cause harm
in the workplace.

This would be followed by

taking measurements to determine who might be affected and to what extent.

Once the measurements have been completed,

an evaluation of the level of risk posed by the identified hazards will have to be carried out and this will point to

the need to introduce control measures to eliminate or minimise the risk.

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IB 1.2 | The principles and benefits of the management of return to work and
vocational rehabilitation

1. (a) Outline the meaning of the term ‘vocational rehabilitation’. (2)
(b) Outline the benefits to the employer of vocational rehabilitation. (5)
(c) Identify health care practitioners who may be involved in the vocational rehabilitation of a worker.(3)

Context: An employer has an occupational health department that carries out vocational rehabilitation.
2. (a) Outline the meaning of the term ‘vocational rehabilitation’. (2)
3. (b) Outline the benefits of vocational rehabilitation to:
(i) the employer; (4)
(ii) a worker. (4)

(c) A worker is required to take 12 months away from their work to

receive treatment for a long-term medical condition.
4. Outline what the employer can do to assist the worker BOTH
during the absence and at the time of their return to work. (10)
This question required candidates to have knowledge and understanding of what
vocational rehabilitation is, how recognising it could be of benefit to both employer and
worker, and to know what an employer could do to practically implement it into their

Part (a) required candidates to know what the term ‘vocational rehabilitation’ means.
Candidates were able to provide a response answer that included whatever helps
someone return to work or remain in work following an absence or injury. A few were
able to go on to state that it includes provision of support or access to treatment and
some responses included that this might involve psychological support and overcoming
physical barriers such as a new disability. Some common pitfalls were to drift off into
answering part (b) and candidates are reminded to read and re-read the whole question
prior to providing a response and to pay attention to the marks available.

There was some confusion between the benefits to the employer versus the benefits to
the worker and candidates were generally better able to provide responses to the latter.
Candidates were able to more easily discuss the direct benefits such as in part (b) (i)
benefits to the employer, reduction of costs due to sickness absence with improved
productivity. A few candidates were able to discuss benefits such as improved morale
of the workforce. Answers to part (b) (ii) benefits to the worker, were better, with
candidates able to envisage the scenario relating to a rehabilitated worker. Responses
provided included that the worker would receive support during their return to work and
as they remained in work. They were also able to outline that they would receive a full
salary. Aside from the financial benefits, there was little awareness of the psychological
benefits to the worker of the rehabilitation process such as interaction with other
workers increasing their sense of belonging, self-worth and work satisfaction. Some
candidates were able to see the benefits of the care expressed by an employer.

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Answers to part (c) of the question were limited. Candidates did not demonstrate a
depth of understanding of the topic, therefore not providing a breadth of responses and
instead focused on the financial issues and return to work interview process.
Candidates discussed the need for a phased return to work with adjusted duties and
hours in the early stages of the rehabilitation process. This encompassed adjustment
to working hours and work patterns.

Better answers explored the different elements that make up the return to work process
and took into account the need for additional equipment, medical appointments and in
some cases, homeworking/flexible working arrangements. Most candidates were not
able to appreciate the strategic management approach adopted by the employer, such
as the need for a single point of contact and to work with others in the organisation in
planning the return to work. There were also few responses that represented the
administrative arrangements and principals such as gaining consent and the relevance
of keeping records and reviewing risk assessments.

5. Give the meaning of the term ‘vocational rehabilitation’.

A worker has been absent from work for eight months following a back injury. This was a work-related manual
handling injury. This worker is due to return to work.
6. Using the bio-psychosocial model, outline possible barriers to the worker’s rehabilitation.

IB 1.3 | Managing occupational health

An organisation is concerned about the level of absence arising
from work related injuries and ill-health. Suggest practical ways
in which the organisation’s occupational health department could
assist in the management of this problem. (6)

Outline the possible functions of an occupational health service within a
large manufacturing company. (10)

Context: x2 You are a health and safety advisor to a railway train operating company.
You have been asked to prepare a company policy on drug misuse.
Context: You are a health and safety advisor to a bus operating company. You
have been asked to prepare a company policy on drug misuse.
Outline the key points that such a policy should include. (20)

Outline the role and functions that an occupational health service could
have within a large chemical processing company.(20)

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Other than assisting health and safety practitioners outline

additional functions an occupational health nurse may have in a
large organisation. (10)

An organisation is concerned about the level of absence arising from work related injuries and ill-health.
Outline practical ways in which the organisation’s occupational
health department could assist in the management of this

Context: A distribution company employs 300 workers as drivers, warehouse

operatives and office staff, processing telephone and internet orders.
7. Identify the functions of the distribution company’s occupational health department when:
a. recruiting new workers; (5)
b. a worker returns to work after ill-health. (5)

Context: A distribution company employs 300 workers as drivers, warehouse operatives and office staff, processing
telephone and internet orders.
8. Outline other ways in which the occupational health department can assist the management team to improve
health and safety within this organisation. (11)

In answering part (b), candidates were expected to outline other ways in which the occupational health department
could assist management in improving health and safety in the organisation such as maintaining health records of
workers and carrying out monitoring of sickness absence; providing first aid treatment and training for workers
appointed as first aid personnel; providing information and advice to workers on weight management, exercise and
smoking cessation; undertaking immunisation, health surveillance and environmental monitoring; providing
training, for example in manual handling and the management of stress; providing an input to the development of
policies and procedures and participating in management team meetings and meetings of the health and safety
committee; making a specialist input to risk assessments and liaising with the enforcement authority on health

Context(x2): A large manufacturing company is to introduce a health promotion

9. (a) Outline the purpose of a health promotion programme. (2)
(b) Identify issues the health promotion programme should address AND outline the way in which EACH issue
could be promoted. (10)
(c) Identify FOUR occupational health specialists who may be involved in the health promotion programme,
AND outline how EACH specialist could contribute to the programme. (8)

(a) Outline how the use of drugs or alcohol can adversely affect a worker’s fitness to work. (5)
(b) Outline circumstances when drug and alcohol testing should be used at work. (4)
(c) Outline how the use of drugs or alcohol problems at work can be managed effectively. (7)
(d) Identify FOUR disciplines or agencies that may assist in assessing or managing the use of drugs or alcohol at
work. (4)

Context: A worker has been absent from work for eight months following a back injury. This was a work-related
manual handling injury. This worker is due to return to work.
Outline ways in which the employer can assist workers to return to work. (5)

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A construction worker has been off work for a period of time suffering from HAVS and the employer’s occupational
health department wants to find out if they are fit to return to work.
Outline options that the occupational health department can suggest to the employer if the occupational health
doctor decides that the worker cannot return to the work that exposes them to vibration. (5)

A large organisation is outsourcing its occupational health service to a

contractor. It has been advised to choose a contractor that carries the
SEQOHS logo.
Outline TWO benefits to a worker of having access to an occupational health service at work. (2)

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