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The Islamia University of Bahawalpur

Directorate of Academics
Ref #:_____________ Date:_________

Subject: TOR to Submit Quiz/Paper

Respected Sir/Madam,
Please follow the steps to submit your question bank.

1. Fill all mandatory fields first.

2. Part one will consist of 50 questions in a separate file which will be shared with the
3. Part two (Not shared with students) will be submitted in another file for use by Directorate
of Academics.
4. File Type only Word Document, no other format will be accepted.
5. Prepare all your papers as given in the shared specimen.
6. Save your file with Program, course code, title, semester and department e.g.
BS-CSIT-02101-Programming Fundamentals-02-Computer Science
7. If a class have multiple sections, please save them in other folder named sections.
8. All Chairmen/Heads are requested to collect and forward only those papers which have
followed the given pattern.
9. Please Save all papers of each semester in a folder with semester name e.g.
Program-Program Title-Semester-Department
MA-Secondary Education-01-Education
BS-Electronic Engineering-04- Electronic Engineering
10. After receiving all papers of a semester please place all semesters in a folder with Program
11. And place all program folders in a main folder named Department.


MA Secondary Education or MSC Geography or BS Social Work

Semester 01


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