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Gabriela Mamani Ccoyo

Cod: 2017103319

Filial Cusco


Write a composition about your PAST VACATIONS

My last vacation was before this pandemic. I traveled with my boyfriend and his
family to the Manu National Park. We started traveling by private bus being the
interesting and fun route although it was also very tired. I had a lot of expectations
from the beginning. I don't usually travel because I don't have time while they do
travel many times. On the way we had difficulties with the landslides caused by the
rains. When we arrived at the place we stayed at “The dorado Lodge” for a week:
being here we enjoyed the warm weather, swimming in the river, exploring
macaw’s collpa, night walks to see insects, we learned more about the flora and
fauna of the place. Finally, it was a wonderful experience, I knew one of the most
visited regions in Cusco, I would love to return to the jungle for many more days as
soon as the current situation ends.

Although they've already finished their work and my boyfriend just came back, we
haven't traveled yet because we're still in a state of emergency. We're going back
to Manu next year. I’ll be prepared next time.

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