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My name is Alexander, in these times that we live through this pandemic that the world suffers,

that affects our families, we realized that it is very important to take care of each one of
them.For me something important is the family.The most amazing thing about family is love, it
is the first love we have and it will always be there for us, no matter what, no matter how or
who.This time taught us to value and love our family, they are difficult times that the only way
to take care of them is to be responsible. Now I spend more time with my mother, now I have
to take care of her.Everything will pass and we will be able to embrace each other as before. We
must be convinced that while the vaccine does not exist, the best antidote is to take care of
others, perhaps no one will thank us but it is something that you will know that you did well. We
must be convinced that while the vaccine does not exist, the best antidote is to take care of
others, perhaps no one will thank us but it is something that you will know that you did well.
Today we cannot take risks, today we only have to worry about knowing that those around us
are healthy. Take care of yourself so that you take care of everyone, I know that many do not
understand, but the only way is with social distancing and staying at home. We are living a great
lesson as a society; let's open our minds and hearts to a new stage, a stage where hope, love
and solidarity are the protagonists. Let's show that society is one big family.

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