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(ACV-S06) Homework – Holidays

Course: English IV

Teacher: Garrido Choccña Susana

Student: Chambi Cari, Edilberto

Lima, octubre del 2020

Knowing Cuzco

Hello teacher
my last vacation was a lot of fun, we went with my wife and son.

The destination was Cuzco.

We had a very interesting itinerary from the departure by air with a stopover in
I really wanted to know that beautiful city until I was able to do it.
The departure was at 6 in the morning from Lima and we arrived in Cuzco at 8 in the
The weather was a bit cold, but a beautiful landscape, that same day we went to the
ruins of Machupichu, a city built based on stones, it was fantastic!
In 2022 we plan to travel to the jungle and discover its tourist charms.

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