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August 8 , 2017

After 5(Jh birthday:BoostASEAN'sown security web

any analysts have writ- demand equal atte ntion from re-
INSIGHT ways. As such, we now have a would be better posit ioned to e r than e mbarking on new extra.-

M ten about ASEAN's ac-

complishments and
deficienc ies ove r the past week.
Some believe that ASE.Ai\!has
gional armed forces.
As complexity and connect iv·
ity grows, As ia needs an inclu-
sive regional architecture. One
patchy architecttu ·e unsuitab le for
day-to-day securit y challenges.
Littlewo nderthatsomeASEA.,\l
membersturn to m)n-ASEA.1'\l se-
do so if it had first strengthened
intra- regional security arrJnge-
ments. This was after all one of
the original strategic rntionales
regional engagemen ts, why don't
we better weave the intra-ASEAN
security web? Why don't we first
hammer out spec ific and action-
fared well given its tum ult uo us that integrates a wider set of po- curity solutions. Consider the Suh, for the ASEAN political security able intra -ASEANsecur ity coop-
Cold War history. Others think litical, securityand economic in· Sea trilateral patrols involving Ma- conununity project. eration plans,from maritimese·
it isn't doing tmough on critical stil utions . One that can manage Evan A. laysia, Indonesia and the Philip- We don't have to start from curity to counter-terrorism?
challenges like the South Ch ina strategicchallenges, maintain re· Laksmana pines; 01· how other members use scrntch. We could revive and These aren't simple ques-
Sea or North Korea. gional order ,u1d expand shared JAKARlA ASEAN as a ch ip to extract great speed up older ideas, such as the tions one would ask at a birthday
Such a "glass half full/half prosperity. powerfavorsor a tool to serve do· creat ion of an ASEAN defense party; let alone a golde n jubilee.
empty" debate is not surp rising Since the 1990s, ASEAN has mestic political goals. Think of industr ial council or a regional These questions also assume that
am id ASEAN'sgolden ann iversa· tried to push and shove the res t of have not been well-integrated the debates over Cambodia"s2012 peacekeeping force. We can also ASEAN can act in unison. The
ry. But the debate also speaks to Asia in that clirection. The group with one another. They then set- ASEA.i'lchairma11ship. debat e new ones, like how to pool members' divergent int erests, the
questions surrounding Ac;ia~sbur- sought to export its "consensus- tled for snail-pace d meetings and If ASEANmembers think little military reso urces for reg io nal Chair 's ro tatio nal nahir e, the Sec ·
geon ing security architecture. seeking" and "dialogue-building• processes rather than concrete of the group, why should we ex- contingencies at sea. 1·etary General's under-developed
For one thin g, Asia is now an habit th rough regional fora. S<ime strategic o ul<."<>mes
. pect regional powers to see it as a The growth of regional de- powers, and Indon es ia's miss ing
integrated comp lex system rtm · had hoped that this '~\SEAN way'' 1\SEAl\l's secuJ'ity multilater - sn·ategic asset worth investing in? fense diplomacy - where offi- leadership should all give us rea-
ning on geopolitics and globaliza- cou ld be the arch itecture 's orga- alism has neither rendered other One way to stem this tide is for cers are stakeholders along with son to pause.
tion. It is hard to argue that today nizing principle. regional security arrangeme nts ASEAN to consider temporar - diplomats - cou ld help us better Nonetheless, ASEAN's strate-
South, East ,md Southeast Asia But functional different iat ions obsolete. The Five Power De- ily halting the growth in ext ra- translate those ideas into prac- gic value depe nds on how well it
are independent areas. Develop· eventual ly grew througho ut the fense Arrru1gemcnts involving regional security engagements. tices. It's about time 1\SEAN fo. can design, construct, and mru,..
ments in New Delhi sha pe the re- various ASEAN-led mechan isms. Commonwealth members Unit- These engagements (more than cuses on actio nable ideas and age an inclusive security architec-
gion as much as those in Beijing. Some have focused more o n re· ed Kingdom, Austra lia, Malaysia, a dozen a year) have left officials policies rather than spend· ture, first within Southeast Asia
Singapore or Jakarta . gional security (e.g. ASE.Ai\!Re- Singapore ,md New Zealand, or less time and resources to devel- ing countless hours debating if and then beyond the region.
Fu1ther, the line hctwee n "tra · gional Forum) or defense (e.g. the US alliance system, for exam· op actionab le mechanisms. Over "m.ilitarization '" shou ld be in a
ditiona l" and "non-tradition- ASEANDefense Ministers ' Meet- pie, continue to flourish. Nor could time, they have come to favor joint statement. And it would be
al" security challenges has dis· ing Plus). Others have tack led ASEAN-lecl mechanisms crowd quant ity- more m eeti ngs - ove r easier to do so without involv· Thewriter is a senior1·esearcher
appeared. Illegal fishing has economic (e.g. Asia Pacific Eco- out other regional powers offering quality regarding more concrete ing the rest of the region beyond at the Centrefor Strategicand Inter-
strategic rJm ifications . Geopo- nomic Cooperation forum) or co ntending strategic visions . policies. Southeast Asia. nationalStudies (CSIS) in Jakarta
litical 1·ivalriesshape infrastruc - polit.icalquestions (e.g. East Asia 1\SEAN. was neve,· the sole 1·e· Engaging the region beyond In short. as 1\SEAN contem- and currentlya visitingfellow at the
ture spe nding. Te rro rism, border Summit). These institutions have gional security architect - and Southeast Asia is at the core of plates its next decade, it might National Bureauof Asian Research
disput es and natural disasters taken on a life of their own and whatever it designed went side- ASEAN centrality. But ASEA.N be wise to return to basics. Rath- in Seaule, ivashiJ,yton.

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