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What is conflict?

The conflict is a competition or struggle between

two or more people initiated to settle perceived or
Components of a Conflict: actual significant differences or views, or allocate
resources that are perceived to be limited.
1. Awareness or beliefs
2. Attitudes and perceptions It involves the use of a variety of approaches,
3. Motivations or drivers procedures and strategies by opposing parties to
4. Emotions
compel or encourage each other to meet and
5. Behaviors and actions
6. Goals, outcomes or changes satisfy their interests and needs. Parties in conflict
generally have strong feelings about the people,
issues and desirable outcomes; and often engage

Circle of conflict


PS ( Discuss and reach agreement on what information is relevant or
important for deliberations and decision making
( Have each party share perceptions ( Negotiate a process for how data will be be collected
about what happened in the past to ( Discuss and reach agreement on how data will be interpreted
move toward a mutual Understanding
( Identify and ask for information from a credible and unbiased
of history
( Conduct mutual education or sharing third party (not a mediator)
of views develop understanding of ( Discuss and agree upon how data will be collected for future


( Look for common values that may
supersede value differences
( Negotiate allocation of resources in
another manner
( Search for or develop super ordinate ( Jointly work to expand amount of ( Decode and separate
or overarching values that all share resources interests from positions,
( Agree on each ( Trade resources that are valued preferred solutions,
( Trade party's "sphere of influence" differently by each of the parties advocated by each party
where each one's values has primacy ( Negotiate a change in role ( Clarify the interests of
items that each party values responsibilities each party and why they
differently ( Negotiate redistribution of power and are important for them
( Build stronger relationships that may
authority (
( Negotiate new laws, rules, regulations or ( Strive to satisfy
procedures that lower structral conflict relationship interests,
( Agree on each party's "sphere of then focus on finding

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