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Salma Citra Kamila Saraswati

1802109079/PBI 4C

The Use of Multimedia Learning Materials to fix the Imbalance of English Ability in
First Grade Junior High School Students


1. Background

Language is a communication tool that used by human in their daily life as a means to
send information and arguments to others. There are approximately 65.000 spoken languages
in the world. Therefore, with so many languages in the world, of course the world needs a
language to be a liaison between countries in order that people in one country can be able to
communicate to people in other country. According to Roux (2014), English is today
considered as the global lingua franca, it dominates in spheres of international bussines,
technology, science and academies. It means that English is a main language in the world.
English is also to be a liaison language between countries. Therefore, it is very necessary for
every citizen to learn English as early as possible. In the current era of globalization, the use
of English has expanded following the times. In Indonesia, English is also a language that
needs to be used to communicate in various fields such as tourism, entrepreneurship,
technology, politics, etc. In addition, English can be found in various aspects of our lives,
such as advertisements, films, and even music. It shows us that English is not only found in
school lessons, but also in various media. English must be introduced and learned as early as
possible, especially in elementary schools as a primmary school.

Sepyanda (2017) stated that there are several reason why English teaching in Elementary
School is important. First, English widely used as intenational language that covers many
aspects in life. Second, Elementary School as young learners are the best age to learn English
as foreign language. Then, it will help students easier to learn English as the main subject in
the next school levels.

Elementary School students are young learners, where students' minds are still very fresh
and focused on learning new things including language. Suyanto (2008) says that the young
learners are the student in Elementary School that have age between six to tweleve years old.
Imaniah (2017) also stated that English for young learners at the primmary level
(approximately ages of three to tweleve years old) are cognitively primed to acquire language
skill in ways that lend themselves to an Intregated skills, content-based, and experiental
approach. Brumfit (1991) gives a list of characteristics of young learners. First, young
learners are just starting their studying at school, so that the teacher have a big opportunity to
influence them and shape their life in school. Second, they are potentially more different than
secondary or adult learners, beacuse they close to their habit at their home. Third, they are
enthusiastic learners. Fourth, their learning closely linked with their development of ideas and
concept. The last, they need physical movement as the stimulation of their thinking.

In the few years when the KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pelajar) came into force,
English subjects would certainly be one of the compulsory subjects for every Elementary
School. At KTSP, English subject really helps students in learning the four basics skills such
as listening, reading, speaking and writing. English subject is categorized as Muatan Lokal
which is taught once a week. In the first year to the third year, Elementary School students
are taught to recognize various vocabulary words and memorize them. Then, in the fourth
year to the sixth year, students are more emphasized on the four basics skills task and
practice. This is certainly very helpful for students when they start entering the Junior High
School, because the basicsare already taught in Elementary Schools.

However, in the next curriculum, Curriculum 2013 (K-13), English teaching is no longer
required for Elementary School students. The 2013 curriculum (K-13) only focuses on
Bahasa Indonesia as the national language of Indonesia, where some people considered that
Bahasa Indonesia is more important to be taught in Elementary School than English as a
foreign language. The students are no longer taught English. In some Elementary School in
Indonesia, English is categorized as specialization or extracurricular subjects, where not all
students are required to take the subject. In fact, English must be studied even though there
are some students who are not interested in English subjects.

As a result, many first grade students in Junior High School find it difficult to understand
the English subject. This is certainly caused by no longer the English teaching subjects when
they were in Elementary School. Some students get an English subject when they were in
Elementary School, but some do not get it. This certainly can cause an imbalance in English
ability among students.This problem is certainly crucial problem for eductaion in Indonesia.
Students who did not get English lessons in Elementary School would find it difficult and
feel underpressure to persue their delay in English compared to students who were taught
English in Elementary School.

Therefore, at least there must be a strategy or method that used by teachers in Junior High
Schools to overcome the imbalance. This study use learning material as a tool to overcome
that imbalance. Cunningsworth (1995) stated that learning materials are the main component
of teaching and learning process. They are used to help transfer information and skills to
others. In general, there are two kinds of learning materials, both are printed materials and
non-printed materials. The printed materials include textbook, module or course-book,
handout, while the non-printed materials are such as cassettes or audio materials, videos, or
computer-based materials. Printed material is a material using papers, which can serve for
learning purposes or submission ofinformation.

This study aims to overcome the imbalance of English ability Junior High School
especially in the first grade by using multimedia learning materials. Richard (2000) stated
that multimedia learning materials are the use of computer to present and combine text,
graphic, audio, video, and animation with links and tools that let the users interact, create, and
Ivers and Baron (2010) state that multimedia allows to convey the understanding of a
topic in a variety of ways, provides the students with opportunity to explain their ideas to
others. It also provides the students with a communication and offers them new insight into
organizing, and evaluating information. Thus, by using multimedia learning materials, the
students will be more easily understand the lesson in learning process.

This research will be more emphasized on the learning process. This study is expected to
overcome the imbalance of students’ English ability in Junior High School, especially in
terms of four skills (listening, reading, writing, and speaking).

2. Literature Review

2.1. Multimedia

According to Vaughan (2008) explain that multimedia is a combination of text, sound,

images, animations and videos that delivered by computer or digitally manipulated and can
be delivered or interactively controlled. Then according to Surjono (2014: 2) states that
multimedia is a combination of various media such as text, images, sounds, animations,
video, and others in an integrated manner and synergistic through a computer or other
electronic equipment for achieve certain goals.

The same idea was expressed by Mayer (2001) who explains that multimedia is a
mixture of several types of digital media, such as text, images, sound, and video, which are
combined into multi-sensory interactive applications or presentations aimed at bringing
information to the audience. Mayer also defines multimedia as a form of media that aims to
be displayed using text and images as presentation materials. He later mentions that
multimedia is a form of media that is usually implicitly incorporated with many components
of several different mediums, such as sound, animation, text, graphics, and video.

Based on the opinions above, it can be concluded that multimedia is a combination of

various media (file format) in the form of text, graphics, audio, and interactions and used to
convey messages or information from the sender to the recipient of the message/information.
Multimedia is media that combines two or more elements of media consisting of intregrated
text, graphics, images, photos, audio and animation

2.2. Multimedia Learning in Education.

Kanwar (2007) expressed that the multimedia learning material refers to computer-
based learning materials made available to individuals or groups either on-line or off-line and
involves the integration of two or more digital media such as text, images, sound, video,
animation, to promote an interesting and enjoyable learning process.
According to Ivers and Baron (2010), multimedia makes it possible to covey the
understanding of a topic in a variety of ways, giving students the opportunity to explain their
ideas to others. It also provides students with communication and offers them the new
insights in organizing and evaluating information. In addition, multimedia has the potential to
change the role of teachers and students and the interaction between them by allowing
students to make their own interpretations of information.

The majority of researchers reveal that the implementation of multimedia as a

learning medium can support subjects in education. It can also help students to get good
results in education. Teachers and researchers assume that the implementation of multimedia
can produce methods to achieve more collaboration. In addition, the application of
multimedia can effectively increase user knowledge and motivate them to practice deeper,
even if they operate a passive educational model.

2.3. Types of Multimedia

According to Darmawan (2017), multimedia is divided into two category, that is

linear multimedia and interactive multimedia. Linear multimedia is a multimedia that not
equipped with any controller that can be operated by the user. This multimedia runs
sequentially (in sequence), for example TV and films. While, interactive multimedia is a
multimedia that equipped with controllers that can operated by user. So users can choose
what is desired for the next process. The example of interactive multimedia is multimedia
interactive learning, application game, etc.

Based on the description above can be concluded that if the user get freedom in
control the multimedia, then it is called multimedia interactive. The most important
characteristic from interactive multimedia is students not only pay attention to media or
objects, but also required to interact during the learning. Interactive multimedia is combining
and synergizing all media that consist of text, graphic, audio, and interactivity.

Both of these multimedia can be used in learning activities. If the users want to
display continous learning, users can use linear multimedia. Meanwhile, if the users want to
display randomly learning as they want, the users can use interactive multimedia, because
there is a controller that be controlled as to their want.

2.4. The Benefit of Multimedia as Learning Material.

In general, the benefits of using multimedia learning is to make the learning process
more interesting, fun, interactive, reduce the number of hours of learning, improve students'
learning quality, and the learning process can improve the interest and motivation of the
students. The other benefits of multimedia in the learning process are to reducing the
intensity of speech or verbalism, reducing the need for learning tools such as blackboards and
markers and also involving all aspects of student learning modalities. In addition, the use of
multimedia in learning can make it easier for students to learn and the time they use will be
more effective and efficient so that students' motivation in participating in lessons will
increase. Furthermore, with the application of multimedia, students will get to know
technology as early as possible so that they will not be left behind to keep up with the flow of
technology. The ability of students' understanding certainly depends on how effective the
teacher's instructions are in being able to guide students to follow the lessons presented.

Fenrich (1997) believes that learning benefits through multimedia can apply to
students andteachers. Benefits include:

 Students have their own study room,

 They can manage their learning process according to their own needs.
 Students can also learn whenever they want. The learning process is not limited by time,
whether it is day or night.
 Students can learn with a tutor, and they can choose what is useful for their subjects.
 Students can conduct their studies actively, and they can receive quick feedback.

Najjar (1996) states that people can remember 10% from what they read, 20% of what
they hear, 30% of what they see, and 50% of what they hear and see. Besides, the use of
multimedia as a learning medium is in the process of communication, information entered
into human consciousness through the five senses and if in the process information is used by
more than one media which can touch the five human senses, the information process will be
more effective. Thus, learning using multimedia is become more effective and can be one of
the solution of problem solving in learning.

2.5. Multimedia Utilization Procedure

Utilization of multimedia basically aims to help students to achieve their learning

goals. There is some steps that must be considered by the teacher in utilizing multimtdia
learning, i.e.: First, preparation, where there are several things that must be done by a teacher,
among others make a lesson plan that includes the media to be used, study the manuals or
accompanying materials that have been provided, and prepare and arrange the equipment that
will be used so that in its implementation will not rush and looking for the equipment again,
thus students can see and hear well.

Second, the implementation or presentation, where it will be use learning media,

teachers have to consider several things, including: make sure that all media and equipment
are complete and ready to be used, explain the objectives to be achieved, explain first what
students should do during the learning process and avoid occurrences that possible can
disturb the attention or concentration and calm of the students.

Third, act further, where this activity needs to be done to strengthen students’
understanding about the material that discussed with using media. Besides, this activity aims
to measure the effectiveness of the learning that has been done. So, with steps that are
conducted by teachers in media utilization, it is expected to be facilitate the interaction
between the teacher and students.


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Vaughan, T. (2008) - Multimedia: Making it work (7th ed.). New Delhi: Mac-Graw Hill.

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