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A- Read the text and circle the correct answer. /6

1- Susan is FOR/ AGAINST children using smartphones.

2- Mark is FOR/ AGAINST children using smartphones.

Should kids have smartphones?


I think it's totally irresponsible of parents to buy smartphones (mobile phones with internet access) for their children. I
know that many kids have smartphones these days and people will call me old-fashioned, but there are some very good
reasons why parents should think carefully before allowing their children to carry smartphones.
Since they became widely available, smartphones have prevented kids from concentrating on their schoolwork, both at
home and in class. Kids aren't allowed to use mobile phones in class, but they can find ways to keep their phones out of
sight. For example, there's one kid in my class who doesn't focus on lessons because he's always using social
networking sites on his phone.
It’s not just that, though; there are serious security risks connected to many of the apps (programmes) you can
download. I´ve read somewhere that 25% of apps require access to things like user names, location data and even
phone numbers. This means that when kids think they are just downloading the latest cool app, they may also be
handing over personal information.


It's unfair to tell children that they can't have a smartphone. Most new mobile phones are smartphones and the whole
world is on the internet these days. We can't go back in time or pretend they don't exist!
I think the fact that smartphones have made long-distance communication easier is really important. For instance, in
some families children don't see their mum or dad for long periods because they travel for work. Children with
smartphones can chat more easily to their parents when they are away. People don't think about situations like that
when they say that kids shouldn't have smartphones.
Finally, people seem to be unaware of the fact that smartphones are just as useful to kids as they are to adults. We do
more than just play games on them and my smartphone has really helped me on many occasions. For example, just
last week my dad was driving me to a friend’s house and we couldn’t find it … but I just entered the address and it gave
us directions. The smartphone helped both my dad and me!

B- Are these sentences TRUE or FALSE? Correct the FALSE ones. /24
1 Susan says that smartphones should be illegal.
TRUE FALSE ___________________________________________________________

2 According to Susan, kids use social networks in class.

TRUE FALSE ___________________________________________________________

3 Mark thinks that children should be allowed to use smartphones.

TRUE FALSE ___________________________________________________________

4 According to Mark, smartphones have prevented kids from concentrating.

TRUE FALSE ___________________________________________________________

5 Mark says that smartphones haven´t arrived to be here for ever.

TRUE FALSE ___________________________________________________________

6 The statistic in Susan shows that some apps need personal information.
TRUE FALSE ___________________________________________________________

7 Mark´s first example shows that smartphones have improved communication between little children.
TRUE FALSE ___________________________________________________________

8 Mark´s second example shows that kids need smartphones for serious reasons and not just for entertainment.
TRUE FALSE ___________________________________________________________

C- Complete the text with the correct word. /15


Digital devices have caused problems for me in the past, so I've learned to protect mine. One of the most
important things I've learned to do is (1) ____________ any important files I keep on them. There's nothing
worse than when you've written a big project for school and you lose all of your work at the last minute
because your computer breaks down. You also have to be careful about what files you
(2) _____________ from the net as files sometimes contain viruses – don't (3) ____________ on links to
websites that you don't trust. It's a good idea to (4) ____________ your device when you've finished using
it so that it doesn't get too hot. It's also important to protect yourself online. Make sure you've got a strong
password for your email and always (5) ____________ when you finish using it – it's not safe simply to
close the page.

D- Complete the text with the word(s) in brackets. Use the present perfect simple form of the verb. /15
Hi David, I'm so excited! My parents (1) ____________ (give) me a new smartphone for my birthday. It's the same
one as you've got, but mine’s silver. I can't wait to show you it! This is my first message!
(2) ____________ (you, see) how many apps you can get online these days? I (3) ____________ (not,
download) any yet but plan to get loads! I love the camera too – my brother and I (4) ____________ (already,
take) loads of pictures! I'm going to upload them later today – they're so funny! By the way, what (5)
____________ (the teacher, ask) us to do for our maths homework? I've forgotten!

E- Choose the correct options to complete the text. /15

I (1) has tried / have tried to do my homework ever since we last spoke. I can't believe how much the teacher
has given us this week. I suppose it's my fault for starting it so late. I
(2) have never been / have been so busy all week, though. I can't concentrate today either because my sister
and her friends have a Latin dance performance next week and they (3) ´ve practised / ´s practised for it all
afternoon (and they’re still at it …! ). I've asked them to turn the music down at least ten times! I still (4) haven't
managed / haven't managing to finish Exercise 1 yet! What about you? What (5) you have done / have you
done for the last few hours? Send me a message when you get this.
F- Imagine that you are helping a friend to fix his laptop and complete the dialogue. /25

ME: __________________________________________?
FRIEND: No, I have never downloaded that app.
ME: How long ____________________________________?
FRIEND: I´ve been on that social network for more than 10 hours.
ME: Has your little sister played online games?
FRIEND: ______________________________.
ME: Mmm… It could be the problem. How long has she played?
FRIEND: ________________________________________.
ME: I think that this is the problem. I can help you! ______________________________________?
FRIEND: Yes, I have just turned on my laptop.


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