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Feedback Protocol

Praise, Question, Suggest Critique

1. State something you like, love, admire about the business idea 
“I really like…” 
“I really love…” 
“I admire how you…” 
2. Play the role of a "Shark" and ask 1 or more questions onto Padlet 
from the ​question bank​ to better understand the startup idea 
3. Provide suggestions for how to enhance business idea, marketing or 
financial strategies 
“I wonder if you considered…” 
“Have you thought about…?” 
“One suggestion to consider is…” 
* If you're a student, try your best to look out for your name or the name 
of your product, service, or app and respond back to questions pointed 
at you as if you were in the same room with this "Shark" or investor. 

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