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9th Grade Business Foundations

Double check your personal mission

statement checklist and rubric.
Update/re-grade your rubric based off of how
prepared you feel today
Have your completed project on your desk
On a scale of 1-5 (1=not prepared; 5=
extremely prepared) how ready are you for
todays presentation? Explain.
Based off of last class, what did you admire
the most about the performances you saw
and heard?
For those who already presented, what
advice could you give to those who still need
to present?
For those who need to present today, what
are you going to make sure you do during
your presentation to express your best self?
SWBAT present their personal mission
statement and visual
SWBAT turn in their personal mission
statement, mission description and visual
Provide your graded rubric and personal
mission statement description to me before
Present your personal mission statement at
the front of the class loud and proud!
Present or explain your visual to the class
Turn in your written/typed personal mission
statement& visual before sitting down
If you were to redo this project, what would
you change and why?
If you were to redo your presentation, what
would you change and why?
Whats one thing you learned about yourself
through this project & presentation?
Whats one thing you learned about someone
else through this project and presentation?

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