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Photothermal spectroscopy: A promising

tool for nanofluids

Cite as: J. Appl. Phys. 128, 190901 (2020);
Submitted: 06 August 2020 . Accepted: 28 October 2020 . Published Online: 16 November 2020

Liliya O. Usoltseva, Mikhail V. Korobov, and Mikhail A. Proskurnin


Paper published as part of the special topic on Photothermics PHOTOTHERMICS2020


Photothermal characterization of biodiesel and petroleum diesel fuels—A review and

Journal of Applied Physics 128, 190902 (2020);

Nanoscale ultrasonic subsurface imaging with atomic force microscopy

Journal of Applied Physics 128, 180901 (2020);

Beyond Graphene: Low-Symmetry and Anisotropic 2D Materials

Journal of Applied Physics 128, 140401 (2020);

J. Appl. Phys. 128, 190901 (2020); 128, 190901

© 2020 Author(s).
Applied Physics

Photothermal spectroscopy: A promising

tool for nanofluids
Cite as: J. Appl. Phys. 128, 190901 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0024332
Submitted: 6 August 2020 · Accepted: 28 October 2020 · View Online Export Citation CrossMark
Published Online: 16 November 2020

Liliya O. Usoltseva, Mikhail V. Korobov, and Mikhail A. Proskurnina)

Chemistry Department, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow 119991, Russia

Note: This paper is part of the Special Topic on Photothermics.

Author to whom correspondence should be addressed:

In recent years, the demand for more efficient cooling circuits has resulted in active studies of nanofluids, two-component liquids consisting of
a base fluid, and dispersed nanoparticles with high thermal conductivity. From the viewpoint of both physics and chemistry, nanofluids are
systems that require the characterization of many interconnected thermal and chemical properties. This perspective article sums up the state of
the art and recent trends in the development and applications of nanofluids and especially carbon nanofluids. A focus of the paper is the pos-
sibilities of photothermal and photoacoustic methods—as techniques combining molecular spectroscopy and thermal characterization—for the
assessment of thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of nanofluids. The possibilities of photothermal spectroscopy for wider characteri-
zation of nanofluids and related materials are discussed and compared with other techniques. As nanofluids are one of the examples of
complex objects dedicated to photothermal spectroscopy, more general outlooks of phototermics are also discussed.

Published under license by AIP Publishing.

I. INTRODUCTION summing up nanofluid composition and properties2,3,7–12,14–17,19–26

as well as their applications2,3,18 or dedicated to specific types of
Many state-of-the-art industries as well as critical technologies
such as nuclear and solar energetics, microelectronics, and com- NFs such as CNFs.14,23,27–29
puter technologies require efficient cooling systems, which mainly From the viewpoint of both physics and chemistry, nanofluids
rely on liquid circuits.1–5 Most often, the coolant fluids in such cir- have many interconnected properties. For both technological and
cuits are water, ethylene glycol, and various oils.6–8 However, their medical applications, the key NF parameters are thermal conduc-
thermal conductivity is not always sufficient, which gives an incen- tivity, viscosity, and heat capacity of dispersions. It is thus impor-
tive to search for ways to enhance the heat transport. Over the past tant to have methods that can adequately determine these
15 years, two-component liquid coolants consisting of a base fluid parameters. Moreover, the application of NFs in industry and at
and dispersed nanoparticles (NPs) with a size range of 1–100 nm, some facilities require the chemical composition, size, and concen-
nanofluids (NFs) have been actively studied and implemented.4,5 tration of nanoparticles along with thermal parameters. Finally, an
Such coolants increase the heat-transfer efficiency due to high important practical task is the constant control or monitoring of
thermal conductivity of the disperse phase. Of special interest are thermal parameters, concentrations, and the composition of the
carbon nanofluids (CNFs), which are very advantageous due to dispersed phase during their prolonged operation as the chemical
their high thermal conductivity and chemical inertness. transformation, aggregation, or other processes may seriously
In the past three to four years, the number of papers in this change the properties of the nanofluid.
field has increased significantly, both in the field of new materials A single method is incapable of solving all these tasks; thus, the
to create NFs and in approaches to use NFs for solving topical development of methods that provide a comprehensive diagnosis of
problems. According to Web of Science®, there has been an expo- NF is required. Photothermal methods combine the possibilities of
nential increase in the number of publications on this topic, and both optical/IR techniques of molecular spectroscopy and thermal
over the past five years, more than 12 000 publications have been characterization. Photothermal spectroscopy (PTS) has a high sensi-
issued. The research on NFs has resulted in numerous reviews9–18 tivity for the determination of small amounts of substances, provides

J. Appl. Phys. 128, 190901 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0024332 128, 190901-1

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Applied Physics

a high accuracy of thermal parameters, and is not destructive.30–37 thermal conductivity of the water shell adjacent to the nanoparticle.55
Photothermal spectroscopy is promising for the characterization of However, some scientific groups are interested in systems, in which
disperse systems of various nature, from natural to engineered nano- thermal diffusivity decreases with nanoparticle concentrations.
size objects.30,38–43 Thus, the development of the methodology of Studies reveal carbon56 and CdTe57 quantum dots to be promising
photothermal spectroscopy for nanofluids and their use in nanofluid candidates as thermal insulating materials.
applications is relevant. Thus, to be considered a practical heat-conducting nanofluid,
The aim of this perspective paper is to review the recent trends a disperse system must have not only a high thermal conductivity
in development and applications of nanofluids, especially carbon but also a low viscosity, ideally equal to the viscosity of the base
nanofluids, and discuss the outlooks of photothermal methods in the fluid. The latest advances in nanoscale fabrication make it possi-
characterization of thermal parameters of nanofluids as well as in a ble to produce metallic and nonmetallic particles with a wide
more comprehensive characterization of these materials. range of mechanical, optical, electrical, and thermal properties,
which can be used as a disperse phase of nanofluids.2 The main
II. NANOFLUIDS types of nanoparticles and NFs and their applications are pre-
sented in Fig. 2.
The term “nanofluids” is somewhat ambiguous as it may refer Metal nanoparticles usually include but not limited to alumi-
to heat-transfer nanofluids as well as “nanofluidics” as the minia- num, copper, silver, and gold since they were quite widespread and
turized flow techniques in nanometer-size channels (We avoid the well-known colloidal systems.4,5,58,59 However, they are chemically
term “nanofluidic” in this paper due to this ambiguity.). Moreover, active, which leads to the impossibility of using them in a number
nanofluids used for heat transfer are divided into two types: heat- of areas, as well to their rapid deterioration.1,2,23,60 Their use is
conducting and heat-accumulating (thermal storage) nanofluids. most widespread in nuclear energetics and closed circuits.1,61 For
Heat-conducting nanofluids provide an explicit gain in the thermal noble-metal particles, the disadvantage of NFs is the price of large
conductivity in comparison with the base fluid, thus improving the volumes of nanoparticles. The second type of NFs is nanoparticles
critical heat flux. Thermal-storage nanofluids are used for heat of metal oxides, such as Al2O3, Fe3O4, CuO, TiO2, etc.4,58,59 They
accumulation by the fluid followed by their release after a certain are less expensive than metal particles but also have lower thermal
time or in a specific place of the circuit by forced heat transfer.44,45 conductivities.
An increase in the thermal conductivity of the medium as a In the past decade, the number of publications devoted to the
whole in a NF may be explained by the contribution of the disperse study of thermally conductive CNFs increased dramatically.4,9,23,62–73
phase through an effective medium theory, with the most conven- Here, main carbon nanomaterials—single-wall (SW) and multiwall
tional static model based on Maxwell’s equations,46 (MW) carbon nanotubes (CNTs), nanodiamonds, graphene oxide,
carbon dots, etc.—serve as the disperse phase. They are less reactive
3wnp (x  1) in comparison with metals and oxides69,74–81 and are stable and
knf /kbf ¼ 1 þ : (1)
(x þ 2  wnp (x  1)) environmentally friendly;82,83 thus, they cause less corrosion, are less
prone to sedimentation, do not clog communication lines, etc. They
Here, the increase in the thermal conductivity of NF knf over the are discussed in more detail in Subsection II D.
base fluid kbf is determined by the volume fraction of nanoparti- The above-mentioned nanofluids belong to the single-phase
cles wnp and the constant x ¼ knp /kbf , where knp is the thermal class. In recent years, a novel NF class consisting of two solid mate-
conductivity of nanoparticles. The developed model considers sta- rials dispersed in a fluid has appeared, hybrid nanofluids.12,16 These
tionary spherical nanoparticles in the base fluid and take into NFs lead to a further increase in thermal conductivity. Among
account only the volume fraction of nanoparticles.47,48 However, hybrid NFs are all mixtures, of the same or different types of nano-
in many cases, the effect of nanoparticle concentrations cannot be particles: from metals and oxides to CNTs, carbon dots, and micro-
described by this simple equation as the heat transfer in encapsulated phase-change materials (MEPCMs).12,16 For example,
nanofluids may be the result of nanostructures formed (Fig. 1) the authors of the paper73 succeeded in producing nanofluids
involving multiple heat-transfer mechanisms: Brownian motion based on hybrid nanoparticles from functionalized MWCNTs and
(still controversial since it is too slow in comparison with heat graphene in de-ionized water and ethylene glycol without stabil-
diffusion; however, it could have an important indirect role in izers. For a system on de-ionized water, an increase in thermal con-
particle clustering), liquid layering at a liquid–particle interface, ductivity of 20% relative to the base fluid was observed at a volume
heat transport in nanoparticles (ballistic conduction), or nano- fraction of hybrid nanoparticles of 0.05%.73 However, hybrid nano-
particle clustering.49–51 fluids, even more than single-phase ones, require the research of
Sometimes the dispersed nanoparticles act as thermal insula- combinations of nanoparticles, their mixing ratio, the stability of
tors; for example, even metallic powders can be as insulating as hybrid nanofluids, etc., as well as understanding the mechanisms
ceramic powders.52 Also, aerogels are considered one of the most that contribute to the total heat-transfer enhancement.12,84
promising insulation materials.9 For nanoscale objects, interfacial As a whole, three major research directions of NF are (1) the
contact resistance plays an important role in heat transfer. search for systems of new potential nanofluids; (2) applying the
Basically, certain attempts are made to reduce the resistance and well-studied nanofluids in various industries, e.g., in the field of
enhance thermal conductivity. Molecular-dynamics simulations energetics; and (3) describing and predicting the thermophysical
reveal that ordered water layers around nanoparticles53 and polar properties of nanoparticle-based fluid systems using models such
functional groups54 lead to a low Kapitza resistance and enhance local as the Maxwell or Hamilton–Crosser models.25,58,69

J. Appl. Phys. 128, 190901 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0024332 128, 190901-2

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FIG. 1. Nanofluid types: TEM images of the microstructures of (a) ordinary and (b) functionalized nanofluids of silica nanoparticles and (c) an Al2O3–water nanofluid.
Reproduced with permission from X.-F. Yang and Z.-H. Liu, Nanoscale Res. Lett. 6, 494 (2011). Copyright 2011 Author(s). Reproduced with permission from
Khaleduzzaman et al., Procedia Eng. 105, 406 (2015). Copyright 2015 Author(s).

A. Methods for nanofluid preparation If producing nanofluids by a two-stage method is difficult,

e.g., due to the impossibility of direct “dissolution” of nanoparticles
Regardless of type, two-stage or one-stage approaches are
in the base liquid, a one-stage method is used, which omits the
used to produce nanofluids. Naturally, depending on the nature
of nanoparticles and the base fluid, the conditions, e.g., the treat- stage of nanoparticle isolation after their synthesis. This involves
ment protocol, time, or concentrations, may change, but the prin- several approaches to producing nanofluids.
ciple does not. Most often, a two-stage production approach is
used. Here, nanoparticles are first synthesized in a dry form by a (a) The method of direct evaporation consists of the evaporation
chemical or physical technology. At the second stage, the result- of the material and the subsequent condensation of nanoparti-
ing nanoparticles are dispersed into a liquid by stirring, solvent cles right in the base liquid, which produces more stable dis-
replacement, or sonication.5,7,58,59,85 To increase the system stabil- persions due to a decrease in aggregation.5,7,25,58,59,85
ity, cationic or anionic surfactants are often used as additional (b) Chemical reduction is mainly used for nanofluids based on
components. metals and metal oxides. For this, a solution of a metal salt in

J. Appl. Phys. 128, 190901 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0024332 128, 190901-3

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FIG. 2. Types of nanofluids, their disperse phases, and their common applications and limitations.

the base fluid is obtained, and then a reduction reaction is B. Nanofluid applications
carried out, leading to the formation of the solvate into the
The main areas of application of nanofluids are presented in
nanoparticle phase.25
Fig. 3.9 In recent years, there has been a tendency toward the
(c) Nanofluids based on noble metals, silver, and gold are pro-
miniaturization of already existing devices and machinery, which
duced by laser ablation. A metal plate is placed in a base liquid
also leads to a decrease in cooling circuits, in which a small
and a laser beam is focused on its surface, as a result of which
amount of refrigerant can no longer cope with the task of remov-
the metal evaporates and condenses in the base fluid.25
ing heat. The development of methods for obtaining energy from
(d) Interfacial transfer is also used, which consists of dissolving the
alternative sources, in particular, the use of solar energy, is also a
precursor and its further transfer by carrier reagents (usually
prerequisite for the study of nanofluids and their application in
amines) into the base fluid, where the chemical reaction of
this field.
nanoparticle synthesis occurs.25,59
One of the industries in need of better cooling systems is
nuclear energetics, as the low thermal conductivity of water and
The main disadvantage of a one-stage method is the difficulty of mineral oil, which are often used as base fluids, is a major limiting
removing impurities of unreacted substances from the resulting factor toward greater compactness and efficiency of reactors.
nanofluid, which can affect the stability, thermal parameters, and Now, NFs with nanoparticles of metal oxides, copper, or aluminum
chemical and environmental properties.25 are often used.1,61

J. Appl. Phys. 128, 190901 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0024332 128, 190901-4

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FIG. 3. Widespread application fields

for nanofluids. Reproduced with permis-
sion from Qiu et al., Phys. Rep. 843, 1
(2020). Copyright 2020 Author(s).

The next topical task in the development of NFs is solar

energetics. In this area, such NFs as Cu–water, Al2O3–water, CuO–
ethylene glycol, carbon nanotubes–oil, and Fe3O4–water are being
developed.2,86 Here, commercial solutions such as JJ Bioenergy Ltd
(UK) have appeared in the market.
Third, the power of computers constantly increases and the
advances in instrument making results in more and more miniature
electronic devices. However, during the operation of these devices,
a large amount of heat is produced, and the existing systems of air
and water cooling are not efficient, which leads to reduced stability
and a shortened service life of expensive computing systems. The
replacement of water with nanofluids results in a 10 ° lower tem-
perature of the processor (Fig. 4).4,5 NFs used in computer cooling
circuits include some commercially available solutions such as Ice
Dragon Cooling (
NFs are considered promising for various industrial appara-
tuses (evaporators, concentrating installations, etc.) and in many
chemical-industry processes to increase the efficiency and reduce
operating costs.87 To improve the cooling system, nanoparticles
such as Al2O3, Cu, and CuO can be used.60 As well, commercial
solutions such as HTF Compact Nano Thermo Fluid (HTF
FIG. 4. Maximum temperature of the CPU surface in terms of the Reynolds Compact, TCT Nanotech, Italy) and Advanced Thermal Solutions,
number in different liquid blocks for the water and a hybrid nanofluid containing Inc. (USA) have entered the market recently.
graphene nanoplatelets decorated with silver nanoparticles. Reproduced with Nanofluids can be used as thermally conductive lubricants
permission from M. Bahiraei and S. Heshmatian, Appl. Therm. Eng. 127, 1233
for electric motors and other mechanisms as contributing to the
(2017). Copyright 2017 Elsevier Ltd.
reduction of friction than traditional lubricants, which leads to

J. Appl. Phys. 128, 190901 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0024332 128, 190901-5

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Applied Physics

the increased lifetime of mechanisms.23,60 Also, they start to find pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffi
eT ¼ kρCP ¼ ρCP DT : (3)
applications in deep-hole drilling as heat sink and lubricant
In the regions where the average daily temperature is quite Thermal effusivity is somewhat undervalued in NF research,
low, heating systems for houses are used. They work due to the cir- but it is very important as a measure of ability of the sample to
culation of, most often, a mixture of water and ethylene glycol. exchange heat with the materials in contact and determines the
The use of nanofluids in such systems makes them more compact contact temperature Tc of two objects that touch each other as
without a loss of efficiency of heat transfer; also, due to the lubricat-
ing properties of nanofluids, the service life of pumps for the circula- T1 e1 þ T2 e2
Tc ¼ , (4)
tion of the liquid increases.59 This direction is interconnected with e1 þ e2
the next stage of development of Internet of Things, in which smart
cooling circuits at the appliance and house levels are required.89 where T1 and T2 are temperatures and e1 and e2 are thermal effu-
Finally, tests of NFs in two-phase thermosyphons as advanced sivities of objects. It is important that this property can be directly
heat-transfer technologies in applications from energy conversion measured by photothermal techniques such as photopyroelectric
systems to electronics cooling have started.90 A closed two-phase (PPE) and thermal-wave resonator cavity (TWRC) techniques as
thermosyphon utilizes the countercurrent flow of a liquid and a well as photoacoustic (PA) modalities (Sec. IV A).
vapor for heat transfer and consists of a liquid pool contained in The volume fraction of the dispersed phase is one of the
the heated section or evaporator, an adiabatic section, and a cooled parameters that can be varied to obtain disperse systems with the
or condenser section.91 NFs may play a crucial role in thermosy- required thermophysical properties. This parameter affects the
phon efficiency. thermal conductivity of the colloidal system, which begins to
The use of heat-conducting nanofluids is not limited only increase starting from a certain concentration of nanoparticles,
to the tasks of efficient heat removal. Many nanofluids, espe- while below which the thermal conductivity remains indistinguish-
cially CNFs based on carbon nanoparticles, are considered able from the base fluid.5,29,47,106 With a large volume fraction of
potential biocompatible thermal or photothermal materials for the dispersed phase, sedimentation processes begin to occur, which
thermal-transport drug delivery, therapeutic purposes,92–94 or as result in a decrease in the stability and efficiency of NFs. The con-
theranostic agents—bio-nanofluids.95–98 Bio-nanofluids based centration of nanoparticles as well as the conditions for preparing
on nanodiamonds and carbon dots are advantageous due to dispersions affect the size of nanoparticles,108 which alters the ther-
their low cytotoxicity, high water solubility, favorable biocom- mophysical properties of NFs. Typically, thermal conductivity
patibility, and good photostability;99 in several cases, they increases with a decrease in the nanoparticle size.5,47,106 Thus, it is
provide other important properties such as light absorption, IR necessary to determine the volume fraction of the dispersed phase
emission, or fluorescence.100,101 Due to these features as well as and monitor its change during NF operation (Fig. 5).
easy bioconjugation and a high specific surface area, they are The introduction of the dispersed phase into the base fluid
perspective materials in biomedical imaging and sensing. This makes it possible to aim other properties of the fluid.5–8,24 An
requires reliable and much more detailed information about the important parameter of nanofluids that has received less attention
physicochemical and thermophysical properties of bio-nanofluids. In compared to thermal conductivity is the volume heat capacity.
particular, precise values of thermal diffusivity and thermal conduc- Different nanoparticles may decrease or increase the specific heat
tivity are required for understanding the mechanism of laser therapy compared to the base fluid.21,85 Also, the nature of nanoparticles
and theranostics, e.g., for switching between photochemical and pho- affects the temperature dependence of Cp; it can either increase or
tothermal modes,102–104 calculating the dose and irradiation parame- decrease with temperature. The Cp value is also affected by the
ters, predicting the risk factors, etc.105 volume fraction of dispersed particles in the nanofluid. To date,
there is no fully reliable model for the heat capacity of nanofluids.
Nanoparticles increase the dynamic viscosity of the fluid,
which is a negative effect for any heat-sink and heat-transfer appli-
C. Nanofluid target parameters cations. Thus, the dynamic viscosity is the second most important
parameter that determines the applicability of nanofluids.109,110 As
The main characteristics of both technological and biomedical a rule, the dynamic viscosity increases with a decrease in the size of
purposes of thermally conductive NFs are thermal conductivity nanoparticles.
and thermal diffusivity.9,11,19,85,106,107 The latter characterizes the Even if a disperse system has thermophysical parameters that
rate of heat transfer throughout the material; thus, it is usually ensure an efficient heat transfer, it cannot be called a nanofluid if it
obtained from the measurements (transient methods), and it is has a low sedimentation stability.10,70 The aggregation leads to sedi-
directly related to thermal conductivity. Thermal conductivity k mentation and may reduce the thermal conductivity due to a lower
and thermal effusivity eT can be calculated from the experimental mobility of nanoparticles. The presence of a stabilizer (dispersant)
thermal diffusivity DT and from the specific heat and density increases the stability of the colloidal system and makes it possible
(or volume heat capacity CV ¼ ρCP ) of the test sample, to obtain dispersions with a larger volume fraction of the dispersed
phase.5,29 However, the amount of dispersant also affects the
thermal conductivity; as the dispersant concentration increases, the
k ¼ ρCP DT , (2) thermal conductivity may decrease.5,29 For this, the methods of

J. Appl. Phys. 128, 190901 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0024332 128, 190901-6

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Applied Physics

FIG. 5. The intrinsic mechanisms for

the influence of various factors on the
thermal conductivity of nanofluids.
Reproduced with permission from Qiu
et al., Phys. Rep. 843, 1 (2020).
Copyright 2020 Author(s).

light scattering, sedimentation, or spectrophotometry are used, and environmentally friendly. Nanodiamonds and fullerenes and their
the electrokinetic potential is also measured.10,15,22,25 This parame- aqueous dispersions raise even a more serious interest as promising
ter provides a value characterizing the stability of nanofluids and biocompatible materials.95–98
also shows the surface charge of nanoparticles in the system.25,85 Clinical studies impose other requirements on CNFs. Of
Thus, an important task is to find the optimum content of special control is the chemical composition and purity, toxicity,
nanoparticles and extra reagents and the conditions for obtaining etc.; thus, CNFs with the optimum thermophysical properties
the most efficient system with the highest possible stability. Most cannot be directly proposed as bio-nanofluids.99,111–114 However,
studies are directed toward devising new nanofluids rather than many target properties of carbon nanofluids for heat sink and
finding the optimal parameters for the efficient use of already medical problems match (stability in time, concentration of nano-
designed dispersed systems. particles, low aggregation, etc.). Today, the research of CNFs is pro-
gressing in the following directions:
D. Carbon nanofluids (a) Techniques for preparing CNFs with different concentrations
The special interest of CNFs results from high thermal con- of nanoparticles are developed; the attempts to increase the
ductivities of carbon nanomaterials and chemical properties concentration in different ways (surfactant admixtures, ultra-
(Fig. 6).64 This also makes CNFs more stable in time and sound treatment, etc.) are made; and the stability of CNFs

J. Appl. Phys. 128, 190901 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0024332 128, 190901-7

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Applied Physics

FIG. 6. Thermal properties of carbon

allotropes and their derivatives (the
diagram based on average values
reported in the literature). Reproduced
with permission from A. A. Balandin,
Nat. Mater. 10, 569 (2011). Copyright
2011 Nature Publishing Group.

reveals itself as an important and not fully investigated assess the increase in the thermal conductivity coefficient, it is nec-
problem. It is noteworthy that stable aqueous CNFs find wide essary to measure the base fluid with the same amount of the sur-
applications in biomedical research. Carbon nanoparticles that factant. In general, the addition of a surfactant does not affect
are stable in water are used for drug delivery, as contrast thermophysical properties; however, up to 6 wt. % cetyltrimethylam-
agents, in photodynamic therapy, etc.115,116 monium bromide may lead to a decrease down to 5% in the thermal
(b) The studies of the effect of concentration, size, shape, surface conductivity coefficient.65 An important parameter of carbon nano-
condition, type of nanoparticles, solvent, temperature on tubes is the length-to-diameter ratio; prolonged ultrasonic treatment
thermal conductivity, heat capacity, and viscosity of CNFs are can decrease it and, as a consequence, degrade the thermal conduc-
performed;14,80,81,117,118 however, the systematic research in tivity coefficient. As a rule, an increase in the number of walls also
this direction is almost not carried out. negatively affects thermal conductivity.118,125 However, this regularity
(c) Methods of physicochemical characterization of CNFs are devel- is not observed in all the experimental studies.65 Since carbon nano-
oped, in particular, reliable measurements of thermal conductiv- tubes are two-dimensional flat structures rolled into a tube, the
ity in a wide range of concentrations.11,48,119,120 A challenging models for the thermal conductivity of nanofluids need to be seri-
task is the measurement of particle size in colloidal solutions ously modified compared to other nanoparticles.9 Finally, CNTs are
and monitoring the inevitable aggregation of nanoparticles in toxic, which significantly limits their use.
CNFs. The existing methods (e.g., dynamic light scattering) For dispersions of hydrophilic nanoparticles, nanodiamonds
sometimes do not provide reproducible results.121 are widely used among CNFs capable of forming stable aqueous
(d) Physical models that seek to describe the observed patterns, solutions. Diamond has many unique properties,99 including a
especially the dependence of thermal conductivity of CNFs on high thermal conductivity coefficient (up to 2000 W/m/K).64
the type, concentration, shape, and size of nanoparticles, and However, nanodiamonds are sp3 diamond cores covered with sp2
the properties of the base fluid are in development.9,20,107 graphite-like phase shells, which are responsible for lowering
Noteworthy is the proposed models that do not give an ade- thermal conductivity.126,127 Therefore, the thermal conductivity of
quate description of the thermal properties of CNFs and, in nanodiamond-based CNFs directly depends on the purity and the
most cases, are adapted for the description of systems contain- method of production of both nanodiamonds and the nanofluid.
ing metal rather than carbon nanoparticles.122,123 Also, it is not entirely correct to translate the thermal properties of
bulk materials to nanostructures since the contact resistance is of
Carbon nanotubes are the most widespread materials for producing paramount importance, and the thermal conductivity regime can
CNFs. The disperse phase in this case, most often, is a mixture of change from a diffuse to a quasi-ballistic (collisionless heat trans-
multi-walled carbon nanotubes as most accessible and cheap.124 fer). In addition, nanodiamond is a powder, and the heat-
However, single-walled CNTs are characterized by the highest (up conducting properties of the powder are formed by surface contacts
to 6000 W/m/K)64 thermal conductivity coefficient. As CNTs are of spherical particles and the thermal conductivity of the gas gaps
hydrophobic, stable dispersions (up to 1% v/v) require ultrasonic in the vicinity of thermal contacts. The thermal conductivity of
treatment and a stabilizer surfactant.9 In this case, to correctly powders is much lower (by a factor of 10–100) than the bulk

J. Appl. Phys. 128, 190901 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0024332 128, 190901-8

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Applied Physics

material. Not many studies deal with the thermal conductivity of phase are much lower than assumed.143 This is due to the fact that
nanodiamonds. Composites obtained from detonation nanodia- the size of small sheets of graphene in solution can be less than
monds sintered at pressures of 5–7 GPa and temperatures of 1100– the mean free path of quasi-particles, phonons responsible for
1900 °C were studied; rather low (of the order of 10–50 W/m/K) heat transfer. In addition, the contact resistance is high, and the
values of the thermal conductivity of detonation nanodiamonds oxidation leads to the appearance of defects at which, as well as at
were found.126 They used a home-made setup for measuring the boundaries of the nanostructure, phonons are scattered, which
thermal conductivity by a stationary heat flux. Another research prevents heat transfer. Estimation of the thermal conductivity of
group used a commercial analyzer based on a modified transient in-plane graphene and graphene oxide resulted in rather small
plane source (TPS) method and equipped with a special kit for (4.9 ± 0.6 and 6.8 ± 0.8 W/m/K, respectively) values.143
testing powders and liquids.127 Even lower (tenths of W/m/K for a The addition of fullerenes to water does not lead to an increase
porosity of 88% or a relative density of 12%) values of thermal con- in thermal conductivity as the thermal conductivity coefficient of
ductivity for nanodiamond powders were obtained. The authors fullerene is lower (0.4 W/m/K) than the values typical for water.
theoretically calculated the thermal conductivity according to the An increase in the thermal conductivity of toluene upon the addi-
modified Maxwell model. The calculations are in good agreement tion of fullerenes (a mixture of C60 and C70, less than 0.4% v/v)
with the experimental data, and the extrapolation of the model to was less than 1%,148 and the addition of 5% v/v C60 to a mineral
low (0.1%) porosity indices showed that the thermal conductivity oil (0.1 W/m/K) led to an increase in the thermal conductivity by
strongly increases when the nanodiamond powder becomes a solid 6%.70 A fullerene–mineral oil system turned out to be promising
material. The values are in good agreement with the previous for use in compressors of freezing systems since it has good lubri-
data.126 The thermal conductivity of nanodiamonds was also calcu- cating properties, which increases the compressor life, and also has
lated by molecular dynamics.127 The thermal conductivity of nano- a higher thermal conductivity than the mineral oil, which is neces-
diamonds decreased from 28 to 10 W/m/K with a decrease in the sary for more efficient cooling.72
sp3 carbon fraction until the number of sp2 bonds exceeded the Still, the potentialities of carbon-based dispersions are an
number of sp3 bonds. Furthermore, the thermal conductivity is less open discussion. First, their application demands assessing the con-
sensitive to a further increase in the sp2 fraction of carbon. centration of the nanophase and total composition of the disper-
Due to a developed surface of nanodiamond particles, it is sion as well as the knowledge of the characteristic size and the
possible to control their physicochemical properties. The thermo- aggregation state. Their thermal parameters, first of all thermal
physical properties of ND nanofluids based on water,69,75–80,128,129 conductivity, are sometimes rather contradictory and doubtful.1,60
water–glycol,81,130–137 and other organic solvents were The accuracy and precision of the existing data often suffer from
studied.68,80,81,138–140 However, the heat-conducting properties of the errors in calculation, changes in the sample by an immersible
two-phase systems containing nanodiamonds have not been measurement system,11,119 and convective effects at long measure-
studied systematically, and one of the recent reviews on nanodia- ment times or for large volumes. Understanding heat transfer in
mond nanofluids14 shows a clear tendency of a relative increase in carbon-based dispersions still lacks experimental techniques pro-
thermal conductivity with concentration and temperature; however, viding the accurate data in situ.
the values are quite scattered showing a rather contradictory 5%–
20% increase;69,74–78,80,141 therefore, it is almost impossible to III. NON-PHOTOTHERMAL TECHNIQUES FOR THERMAL
determine a priori how effective would be the addition of nanodia- CONDUCTIVITY AND DIFFUSIVITY OF NANOFLUIDS
monds to a base fluid. The same situation is with other carbon
Measuring the thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of
nanofluids. Of importance is the fact that the majority of studies
nanofluids is carried out with various methods. Experimental tech-
relied on a rather unprecise implementation of the non-stationary
niques are divided usually into two principal groups: (i) the steady-
hot-wire method (a KD-2 pro instrument proposed for technical
state techniques performing a measurement when the sample
solutions), which requires a large volume of the solution, is
reaches the thermal equilibrium and (ii) transient methods.26
convection-dependent in low-viscosity solutions, and provides the
Among the latter, photothermal techniques will be considered sep-
accuracy of ±5% at best.
arately (see Sec. IV). In this section, the most common techniques
Over the past decade, an increasing number of studies
are briefly listed. They are the transient hot-wire (THW) method,
on CNFs have been associated with colloidal solutions of
the 3ω method, the transient plane source (TPS), the temperature
graphene,142,143 graphene oxide,117,137,144,145 and their hybrid nano-
oscillation, and laser flash (LF) methods.11 The relevance of these
fluids.27,28 A rather high (5000 W/m/K)146 coefficient of thermal
methods depends on the availability of commercial equipment,
conductivity was experimentally determined for this material.
price, versatility, and practical simplicity.
Ultrasonic treatment is required to produce graphene-based nano-
fluids; less often the stabilizers are used. Still, there is an acute
problem of producing stable dispersions147 containing sufficient A. Hot-wire method
quantities to change the thermophysical properties of the base The most common is THW (both commercially available and
fluid. As in the case of nanodiamonds, the maximum achievable homemade apparatuses);9,11,19,20,26 however, this method should be
concentrations and the corresponding increases in thermal conduc- considered more critically. Even for a homogeneous medium,
tivity differ greatly between the reports, which may be a conse- certain conditions must be fulfilled to eliminate forced convection;
quence of the use of different methods for producing nanoparticles. e.g., the fluid sample and the thermal sensor must be kept
Also, the actual values of the thermal conductivity of the dispersed completely still during the measurement. Thus, it may be necessary

J. Appl. Phys. 128, 190901 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0024332 128, 190901-9

Published under license by AIP Publishing.
Applied Physics

to place the sample on a vibration-isolation table and shut down help eliminate the effect of heat convection, but the better the
heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems in the measure- parameters, the higher the instrument price.162
ment room. Thus, the water bath should be turned off before the
data acquisition and the temperature must not exceed 50 °С for D. Temperature oscillation method
aqueous solutions. The method suffers from practical drawbacks
due to the need for a large volume of liquid; also, the accuracy may The purely thermal technique—the temperature oscillation
be affected by the presence of ions of the conducting fluids around method—is not widespread, perhaps, due to its specific principle,
the hot wire so often that the wire should be electrically insulated instrumentation, and theory. The setup consists of a hollow insulating
(usually implemented in a transient short hot wire, an improved cylinder and the central hole is closed from both sides by two metal
design of the method).149 discs leaving a central cylindrical cavity for the test fluid. A sinusoidal
In the case of nanofluids, additional problems appear. Gravity temperature input is applied at the outer faces of the metal disks. To
effects can cause inhomogeneous nanoparticle dispersity over the find the thermal conductivity of the test fluid, the amplitude attenua-
fluid producing a temperature gradient along the hot wire, which tion and the phase shift in the temperature wave at the inner face of
increases the measurement error. Such complications may lead to a the disk and at the center of cavity are measured.
serious measurement bias: an anomalous enhancement of the effec- This technique was used to measure the thermal diffusivity of
tive nanofluid thermal conductivity and as a result to large discrep- metal-oxide fluids in water,163 ethylene glycol, and transformer
ancies.119 To avoid these problems, a standardized methodology for oil.164 The following advantages are claimed: (i) the use of a small
nanofluid measurement is on demand. The information on sample oscillation amplitude (1.5 K) to retain constant fluid properties and
preparation, sample size, all measuring conditions, as well as the to avoid natural convection and (ii) electrical components of the
number of replicate measurements, the data on the basic fluid, and apparatus are away from the test sample; therefore, any liquid, irre-
uncertainty must be pointed out. spective of its electrical conductivity, can be measured.

E. Laser flash method

B. 3ω and hot ball methods
The laser flash method is implemented as the most expensive
Other transient techniques find applications on nanofluid commercially available technique and is commonly used for solid
characterization, but they are not so widespread. Just as THW, the substances. Measurements of thermal diffusivity and specific heat
3ω method uses a radial flow of heat but applies a temperature allows the calculation of the thermal conductivity with an external
oscillation instead of a time-dependent response. Basically, a short measurement of the bulk density of the sample material only. A
wire immersed in the test fluid or liquid is placed on a quartz sub- special sample holder and more complicated data processing with
strate on which a thin metal heater is attached, thereby allowing the additional data on thermophysical parameters of the sample and
use of small (droplet) liquid volumes.150 Another advantage is the container material are required to work with fluids.165 The main
possibility of studying the gravitational effect on the thermal con- disadvantage of the method, especially for low-viscosity liquids, is
ductivity of disperse media by changing the orientation of the test convection due to a strong increase in the temperature in a short
system. Low heating (0.5 K) and fast temperature-dependent mea- period of time. Also, LF lacks precision when measuring fluids
surements help suppress convection interference for which the with low thermal conductivities.48
effect decreases with frequency.151 All nanofluid measurements are It was used for some nanofluids containing metal–oxide nano-
done by home-made instruments.150–156 Examples are Al2O3–H2O,150 particles in water13,140,166 and water–alcohol mixtures,167 nanodia-
TiO2–H2O,151,152 SiO2–H2O, ethanol, EG,151 CuO–H2O,153 hybrid monds in silicone oil,140 carbon nanotubes, exfoliated graphite, and
nanofluids (numerous CNTs attached to an alumina/iron oxide heat treated nanofibers in a poly-alpha-olefin oil.168 LF was com-
sphere in poly-alpha-olefin oil),154 Bi3Te2 nanorods–oil,155 and pared with TPS (a good agreement between the two methods)166
single-wall CNTs–H2O (the convective heat-transfer coefficient is and THW (results by LF were significantly lower).13 The collision-
also measured).156 Similar to the wire in THW, a hot ball sensor is mediated heat-transfer models were applied for explaining the dif-
applied to assess thermal diffusivity and conductivity of an ference in thermal conductivity values by various experimental
aqueous Ag nanofluid.157 methods. The authors169 showed that Brownian motion of the
nanoparticles is limited because of the small liquid volume result-
C. Transient plane source ing in the reduction of the collision frequency of nanoparticles.
The transient plane source method is attractive for NFs
because test instruments are commercially available.11 TPS was F. Steady-state techniques
applied for various nanofluids: Al2O3–H2O, Cu–H2O, and carbon Steady-state techniques can be classified into a coaxial
nanotubes–R113 refrigerant.158–160 Manufacturers continue to (concentric) cylinder method and a parallel plate method (including
upgrade the measurement system by offering a special cell (a modi- a cut-bar method). The latter has been implemented commercially
fied transient plane source).161 It should be mentioned that without in two types of equipment: guarded hot-plate instruments and
prior knowledge of density and isobaric heat capacity, thermal con- heat-flow meters (measurements of the electrical power and heat
ductivity is calculated with the iterative method by the software. flux, respectively). Only the second is adopted to measure liquids;
Fast response (0.8 s), small (1.25 ml) sample volume, low energy however, to date, there are almost no experimental data on the use
power, and horizontal presentation of the sample to the sensor of this liquid cell. Some metal–oxide nanofluids were measured by

J. Appl. Phys. 128, 190901 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0024332 128, 190901-10

Published under license by AIP Publishing.
Applied Physics

home-made instruments.170,171 Home-made apparatuses of the These features of PTS are quite relevant for heterogeneous
concentric-cylinder method was commonly used for fluids172 but objects or dispersions, where the classical thermophysical or chemi-
is rarely seen in the research on nanofluids.120,173 Steady-state cal methods result in averaged parameters of the whole sample
methods have a simple theory based on Fourier’s law providing the only. A current trend is the application of photothermal and photo-
assessment of the thermal conductivity from the measurements, acoustic methods to the objects, for which other methods of optical
but they are time-consuming. and thermal characterization are difficult to use,—such as complex
Fast, often portable, and relatively affordable equipment of heterogeneous condensed systems in situ and in vivo.30,38–40
transient methods is generally more widespread. Under the right Photothermal studies of nanoparticle-containing materials show
conditions, they guarantee good characteristics (precision, 1% and that the nature, the particle concentration, and their size make a
accuracy, 5%). Still, the measurement of thermal conductivity of critical effect on the development of the thermal profile in the
liquids, especially nanofluids, showing the complexity of the sample and on the formation of the photothermal response of the
thermal transport mechanism, is a challenging task.174 material.41–43,208–212
PTS is an umbrella term for several techniques. They are com-
monly classified according to the result of the photothermally
excited heating because of energy absorption and thermal relaxa-
IV. PHOTOTHERMAL SPECTROSCOPY IN NANOFLUID tion. This leads to some processes in the whole sample or its (sub)
STUDIES surface layers: (1) the photothermal generation of thermal waves,
Methods referred to as photothermal spectroscopy (PTS) are (2) the formation of a non-uniform spatial field (profile) of temper-
based on the detection of thermally induced changes in the sample ature manifesting itself as a refractive-index or density fields, and
upon its interaction with electromagnetic radiation (photothermal (3) the emission of secondary radiation by a heated sample surface,
effects). This is an established group of methods, which is used photothermal radiometry (PTR).
for the characterization of various materials.30,34,175–177 Thermal Regardless of the detection approach used, photothermal tech-
relaxation of spatially encoded electromagnetic radiation absorbed niques can be categorized as frequency-domain and time-domain
by an object under excitation leads to its nonuniform and dynamic (transient grating, forced Rayleigh scattering, laser flash, and
heating. thermal lensing).213 Also, the methods of PTS can be divided into
PTS is suitable for assessing all the thermophysical parame- two main categories: (1) contact techniques, in which the sample is
ters governing or associated with the heat distribution (thermal in contact with the detection system, and (2) non-contact techni-
conductivity, thermal diffusivity, specific heat, refractive index, ques, involving a remote detection system.214 The relevant feature
density, etc.).36,178–188 Also, PTS complements optical methods: of PTS is its non-destructive character, and both for optical and
transmission spectrophotometry, diffuse-reflection spectroscopy, thermal parameters of materials, high precision of measurements
and many IR modalities. While these methods measure transmis- is attained.
sion or reflection of the incident electromagnetic radiation The format of this perspective paper does not allow the dis-
(i.e., its non-absorbed part), PTS is based on non-radiative cussion of general possibilities of the methods; therefore, below are
transitions of excited molecules, i.e., on the absorbed part of the brief description of photothermal methods that have already found
radiation.30,37 Thus, PTS is used to assess extinction and absorp- their use in the studies of NFs and related materials.
tion coefficients in liquid and solid samples down to the level of
10–9–10–6 absorbance units. Also, using Beer’s law, PTS makes it
A. Photopyroelectric and thermal-wave resonator
possible to assess the concentrations down to 10–11 M and detect
countable numbers of molecules.30 A small influence of the scat- cavity techniques
tering matrix on the signal compared to purely optical techniques The best example of a contact technique is the photopyroelec-
makes photothermal and especially photoacoustic spectroscopy tric (PPE) technique based on the use of an opaque pyroelectric
invaluable tools for complex samples and in biomedical transducer in thermal contact with the test material to detect the
research.189–195 Moreover, the sensitivity of photothermal temperature variations caused by light-induced periodic heating.
methods excels both purely optical as well as purely thermal-wave The signal depends on the optical and thermal parameters of the
methods because PTS is based on the interdependence of changes test material and the PPE plate in a complex way, which is why
in optical and thermal properties acting cooperatively to enhance usually some approximations and calibration are used. Usually
the sensitivity196 and makes it possible to get the excitation thermal diffusivity and thermal effusivity of the sample are evalu-
spectra of photothermal properties.197–203 ated by making an excitation frequency scan and fitting the experi-
Photothermal spectroscopy can be used to assess both thermal mental curves for the dependence of the signal amplitude and
and optical sample properties with a locality governed by the char- phase on the frequency.
acteristic rates of nonradiative heat transfer.30,34,175–177 Thus, PTS The back and front PPE techniques (BPPE and FPPE, respec-
works with both volume- and surface-absorbing samples, as well as tively) allow the measurements of the thermal diffusivity and
layered and discretely absorbing materials. As the excitation source thermal effusivity of fluids, and the experimental uncertainty is as
is usually a laser, which can be focused to down to the wavelength- low as 2% and 1% for thermal diffusivity and effusivity, respec-
confined space (diffraction limit), all photothermal methods have a tively.215,216 Other advantages of this method include its relatively
merit of being implemented as a microscopic, imaging, or micro- low cost, and only a small (0.2–0.3 ml) volume of the sample is
spectroscopic techniques.203–207 required with a short measurement time, where the concentration

J. Appl. Phys. 128, 190901 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0024332 128, 190901-11

Published under license by AIP Publishing.
Applied Physics

thermal diffusivity is assessed by thermal-lens spectroscopy (Sec. IV E)

and thermal effusivity by PPE. The cases include Au NPs in water, eth-
ylene glycol, and ethanol;226 TiO2 NPs in water;227 biodiesel containing
Au NPs;212 and hybrid nanofluids (L-cysteine in combination with Au
nanoparticles and protoporphyrin IX).228 NFs based on Fe3O4 and
CoFe2O4 in water were investigated by both BPPE and FPPE photo-
pyroelectric configurations with the TWRC technique as a comple-
mentary high-resolution scanning procedure.229,230

B. Photoacoustic spectroscopy
The photoacoustic (PA or optoacoustic) effect consists of a
change in the pressure (acoustic pulse, PAS signal) caused by thermal
expansion of the sample upon the absorption of electromagnetic radia-
tion by its molecular structures and subsequent nonradiative relaxa-
tion. This change in pressure is detected with a microphone or
piezotransducer. PA detection first used for thermal parameters for
gases and solids214 can be applied to liquids231,232 as the physics
underlying the photoacoustic effect has been developed.233
In the assessment of parameters of liquids, usually, an open
photoacoustic cell, OPC is used: a front configuration to measure
the thermal effusivity234 and a thermal-wave transmission configu-
ration for thermal diffusivity measurements.235 Conventional PA

FIG. 7. Cross section of the photopyroelectric experimental system.

Reproduced with permission from López-Muñoz et al., Nanoscale Res. Lett. 7,
667 (2012). Copyright 2012 Springer.

of the nanofluid remains constant in the measurement process,

thus making this technique suitable for nanofluids.217 The limita-
tion of these techniques is that not all the types of liquid samples
can be used, as a reactive sample in direct contact with the trans-
ducer may damage it.
Thermal wave resonator cavity (TWRC or thermal-wave inter-
ferometry) is a simple, versatile, and accurate technique.218,219
TWRC is a kind of back-detection PPE when a thin metal foil front
wall serves as a laser-induced oscillator source (a thermal-wave gen-
erator), while a pyroelectric PVDF back wall acts as a signal trans-
ducer and a cavity standing-wave-equivalent generator. In contrast
with the frequency scans employed in conventional PPE techniques,
TWRC uses a PPE detector with a variable sample-to-source dis-
tance, usually with a micro-linear stage, which provides the cavity
length to vary with a micrometer step resolution (Fig. 7).220 The
signal phase is a linear function of the sample thickness, and the
thermal diffusivity of the sample can be determined from the slope.
Because the cavity-length scan employs a selected thermal-wave fre-
quency, it improves signal-to-noise ratios.221
A liquid-state compatible design of the TWRC was first applied
for the measurement of the thermal diffusivity of one-phase liquids
(15 ml); precision, 1% and accuracy, 1%–2%.222 Later, it has been
employed for nanofluids: TiO2 nanoparticles dispersed in polyvinyl
alcohol223 and water,224 Ag NPs in water,225 and urchin-like colloidal
gold nanofluids in water, ethanol, and ethylene glycol.220 FIG. 8. Cross section of the photoacoustic experimental system. Reproduced
with permission from López-Muñoz et al., Nanoscale Res. Lett. 7, 423 (2012).
Sometimes, these techniques are applied for nanofluid
Copyright 2012 Author(s).
characterization in combination with other photothermal techniques:

J. Appl. Phys. 128, 190901 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0024332 128, 190901-12

Published under license by AIP Publishing.
Applied Physics

methodologies for thermal diffusivity measurement purposes in properties can be extracted. This technique can be used in the front
solids rely on the scanning of the PA signal as a function of the (photothermal emission) and rear configurations (photothermal
laser modulation frequency f. On the contrary, the PA methodology radiometry), a setup similar to the laser flash technique.213 In this
for liquids236 makes use of linear relations among the photoacous- case, it is necessary to deposit a black layer on both surfaces of the
tic amplitude (on a semi-log scale) and phase as functions of the sample to improve the laser absorption and increase the backside
sample thickness. As in TWRC, the thermal diffusivity pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiof
ffi the infrared emission.213 Apart from the features common to all the
sample can be determined from the slope as B ¼ πf /DT . The photothermal methods, the advantages of PTR are remote sensing,
laser source is immersed in the sample, and the PA chamber (cell) the relative simplicity of the experimental setup, and a high time
consists of a cylindrical cavity in a stainless-steel body and commu- resolution (10–8–10–7 s).248–250 The latter makes it possible to
nicated with a microphone (Fig. 8). The layer of a glass sealer of measure the spectra of intermediate products and to monitor
the PA chamber helps avoiding the limitation of PPE techniques to fast processes.
the kind of the liquid sample to be used because there is no contact Front-face modulated PTR was proposed for the estimation of
with the transducer.235 PA techniques and the front PPE configura- thermal conductivity of liquids (water and sunflower oil) by fitting
tion confine the majority of photothermal methods for direct the experimental points of phase lag vs frequency measurement.
assessment of thermal effusivities. The system consists of three layers. The first layer is constituted of
The method was applied for two-phase liquids; e.g., the steel (absorption of the heat flux), the second layer (thickness
thermal diffusivity of water-based Au236 and Al2O3237 nanofluids 500 μm) is the test liquid (opaque for thermal radiation), and the
was determined. The instrument was improved by an accurate last one is made of glass, transparent in the visible range and
sample temperature control and verified the possibility to detect opaque in the infrared. A small temperature oscillation (2 K)
slight (around 1%) thermal-diffusivity variations.237 Due to the ensures that no natural convection occurs in the liquid layer.251
development of the theory, the method was used to evaluate the Rear PTR was applied for thermal diffusivity measurements of
thermal effusivity of a Fe3O4–ethylene glycol nanofluid (a high- Ag NPs in water by a calibrated scanning depth profile of the heat
density suspension)238 and biodiesel filled with Au and Ag.239 wave μs from the amplitude and phase signals.252 Thermal diffusiv-
Thermal effusivity and the refractive index of Al240 nanofluids in ity is estimated using the dependence of the penetration depth on
ethylene glycol were measured using PA spectroscopy and the excitation frequency f,
minimum deviation methods, respectively. A closed PA cell was sffiffiffiffiffiffi
applied for thermal diffusivity and effusivity measurement of fluids DT
with low concentrations of TiO2 and Al2O3 NPs in water.241 A PA μs ¼ :
technique with piezoelectric detection was used as a non-
destructive and noncontact tool to study thermal transport in
nanofluids formed by carbon flurooxide mesoparticles;242 this tech-
nique was also adopted for the study of heat transport across the D. Optical beam deflection techniques
interface of a nanostructured solid (porous silicon) and a fluid.243 These remote techniques are well suited for investigation of
PA and thermal-lens techniques (Sec. IV E) sometimes were used thermo-optical properties including thermal diffusivity and nonde-
together for thermal effusivity and diffusivity evaluation of a nano- structive evaluation of solid samples: bulk materials, thick films as
fluid (Ag NPs in ethylene glycol and ethanol); in this case, thermal well as thin films or multilayers.213 The concept of this method is
conductivity can be calculated from this experiment alone, without based on the deflection of a probe beam due to changes in the
external data.244 Similarly, the TWRC technique was used to assess refractive index of the contact medium—a gas (more seldom,
the thermal diffusivity of samples and an OPC PA to the thermal liquid) layer adjacent to the surface of the test sample—induced by
effusivity of Ag nanowires in water.245 The thermal diffusivity and a temperature change produced by an absorbed excitation laser
effusivity were found by fitting the theoretical expressions for each radiation (Fig. 9). Depending on the relative position of these
modality as a function of the sample thickness and frequency to beams, two configurations can be distinguished: perpendicular
the experimental data. The cell was calibrated with water to
compare with the values reported in the literature.245 Likewise, the
thermal characterization of a carbon-nanofiber–silicone based fluid
was performed using these two photothermal techniques.219

C. Photothermal radiometry
Photothermal radiometry is common in studies of solids due
to the possibility of studying the surface structure, detecting a
variety of defects, damage, heterogeneous areas in materials, etc.
The incident modulated or pulsed radiation causes fluctuations of
the temperature of the sample surface, which are dictated by the
material underneath the cover layer and are recorded by an IR FIG. 9. Schematics of the probe-beam deflection near the sample surface.
Reproduced with permission from Saadallah et al., Sens. Actuators A: Phys.
detector.204,213,246–248 By comparing the phase shift between the 138, 335 (2007). Copyright 2007 Elsevier B.V.
original signal and the temperature variation, the thermal

J. Appl. Phys. 128, 190901 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0024332 128, 190901-13

Published under license by AIP Publishing.
Applied Physics

∼300 μm, and it is measured with a high-precision gauge); the beam

deflection is measured by a position-sensitive detector (Fig. 10).257
The detector and heater are separated from each other providing
potentially more accurate data. Thermal conductivity and thermal
diffusivity are obtained by fitting the experimental data to the
numerical simulation data.
This hot wire–laser beam displacement technique was applied
for five homogeneous liquids: thermal conductivity, thermal diffu-
sivity, and the temperature dependence of the liquid refractive
index were measured.258 The same technique was used for measur-
ing the thermophysical properties of Al NPs suspended in water,
FIG. 10. Optical path of a probe laser beam in a hot wire–laser beam displace-
ment technique. Reproduced with permission from Ali et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum.
ethylene glycol, and ethanol.257 Thin-film metal lines/heaters and
81, 074901 (2010). Copyright 2010 AIP Publishing LLC. beam deflection applied for measurements of the thermal diffusiv-
ity of fluid mixtures (ethanol–water) and suspensions of nanoparti-
cles (fullerenes C60 and C70 in toluene and Au NPs in toluene and
ethanol) provided a precision of better than 1%.148 Thus, such a
(mirage effect) and collinear (photothermal mirror). The former can configuration can be considered a prototype for the nanofluid test
probe the contact medium at the front or rear surfaces, whereas the measurements.
latter preferentially probes the material. Theoretical models are
complicated; however, slopes of simple linear relations between two
measurable parameters can be used to assess thermal diffusivity;
for a more detailed information, see the paper.253 E. Thermal-lens spectrometry
Despite the history and abilities of this method, only few
investigations were associated with liquids, especially heteroge- Techniques referred to as thermal-lens (photothermal-lens)
neous. A technique based on a mirage effect (Fig. 9) was demon- spectrometry (TLS) are based on the formation of a lenslike
strated to determine the thermal diffusivity and, indirectly, the element (refractive-index field) upon the absorption of excitation
absorption spectrum of nonabsorbent liquids (paraffin oil) by radiation. TLS belongs to slow photothermal techniques: the attain-
fitting the experimental curve to the theoretical model of amplitude ment of a stationary photothermal state or on mid- to long-scale
vs the square root modulation frequency.254 In a glass cell fulfilled (milliseconds to seconds) transient measurements. The signal is
with paraffin oil, a plexiglass plate covered with a thin black carbon calculated as a relative change in the probe-beam intensity Ip at a
layer (radiation absorbent) is introduced. Since the thermal diffu- far-field detector plane at the moment t,30
sion length in liquids becomes lower than the probe-beam diameter
for high frequencies, only one part of the beam is deflected. (Ip (t ¼ 0)  Ip (t))/Ip (t) ¼ Pe α  B(t)/tc  (dn/dT)/λp k: (5)
Therefore, a new mathematical expression of the deflection related
to the probe-beam dimensions was established to calculate the Here, Pe is the excitation laser power, α is the linear light-
“effective” deflection in liquids.254 The photothermal mirror tech- absorption coefficient of the sample, dn/dT is the temperature gra-
nique was used for the thermal diffusivity measurement of ferro- dient of the refractive index (thermo-optical constant), k is thermal
fluids. The samples were encapsulated in cuvettes of 0.5 cm thick conductivity, λp is the probe laser wavelength, and B(t) is the spec-
on the side and 1.0 cm large. The authors applied a linear relation trometer constant determined by the geometry of the optical
when plotting a phase collinear deflection as a function of the sepa- scheme (the ratio of the waists of the laser beams and confocal dis-
ration between the excitation and probe beams at a fixed fre- tances). The geometrical parameters can be either strictly stable or
quency.255 The collinear configuration was used for detecting the controlled with the use of standard software tools; in any case, they
Soret (thermodiffusion) effect in ferrofluid samples with two differ- are known. In optical and spectrochemical studies, TLS is used for
ent surfactants. Thermodiffusion effects depend on the charge of measuring light absorption30 or assessing low concentrations,259,260
the coating that covers the magnetic grains; however, refractive- especially in small volumes (thermal-lens microscopy).261–265
index gradients for both ferrofluids presented the same trend for Among all the photothermal methods, thermal-lens spectroscopy
the same variation of particle concentration.256 and microscopy have the largest pool of chemical applications, and
In the photothermal displacement technique, an intensity- in biomedical studies, it is second only to state-of-the-art photoa-
modulated excitation laser beam impinges onto the sample along the coustic tomography techniques.
normal direction like in other optical beam deflection techniques, In thermophysical studies, such slow photothermal techniques
whereas the probe laser is incident to the surface at an oblique angle. are used for (i) estimating macroscale thermal parameters of
However, for liquids, the setup is more like in mirage-effect measure- various liquids266,267 from steady-state signals and (ii) assessing
ments. The cell is fixed on a three-dimension position mechanism heat-transfer parameters between the phases of a disperse system
stage. The temperature field is produced by heating a thin metal wire from transient signals. The thermal diffusivity is assessed from the
immersed in the fluid and oriented vertically and perpendicularly to characteristic time tc (usually, a micro- to millisecond scale) of the
the probe beam. It causes the probe beam to deflect from its original thermal-lens development, which is calculated from the time-
position (the distance between the probe laser beam and the wire is resolved (transient) curve of thermal-lens measurements, Eq. (5),

J. Appl. Phys. 128, 190901 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0024332 128, 190901-14

Published under license by AIP Publishing.
Applied Physics

and the radius of the excitation beam ωe , of the time-resolved signal for a homogeneous solution.
Therefore, a reference sample is sometimes used,
tc ¼ ω2e /4DT : (6) water57,244,268–271 or toluene.272 For them, the characteristic time
is determined, and to determine the thermal diffusivity of the
The absorption of the sample α is measured with high accu- sample, the ratio of the characteristic times and the known coeffi-
racy simultaneously with the time-resolved curve but represents cient of thermal diffusivity are used. Occasionally, the thermal conduc-
a separate information channel. For the calculation, the radius tivity coefficient is obtained from a stationary thermal-lens signal;
of the probe laser in the sample should be known, the measure- however, in this case, it is necessary to know the thermooptical cons-
ment of which introduces inaccuracy. Usually, thermal-lens tant dn/dT with respect to temperature for each sample.273 As men-
characteristic time is defined as a target parameter when the tioned above, TLS is combined with pyroelectric detection; therefore,
experimental data are approximated by the theoretical equation the thermal diffusivity and thermal effusivity are determined from

TABLE I. Thermal diffusivity DT of nanofluids and related systems by thermal lensing.

Nanoparticle Base fluid М Results Reference
Au + Rhodamine 6G Water 5.5 × 10 DT increases with the addition of NPs 274
Ag + Rhodamine 6G Water 1 × 10−3 The average DT is lower than that of water 275
Ag/Au + neutral red Ethanol 6.8 and 3.7 × DT decreases with the addition of NPs 276
Au Water 6.6 × 10−4 DT increases when the particle sizes increase 277
Au Cellular culture medium 6.6 × 10−4 DT increases with the addition of NPs 278
Au Water, ethylene glycol, 6.6 × 10−4 DT enhanced by 9%, 1%, 8% 42 and
ethanol 226
Au Biodiesel 1.0 × 10−2 DT increases with the addition of NPs 212
Au Water 1.0 × 10−4 DT decreases with the addition of NPs 268
Au Ethylene glycol : water, 50 1.5 × 10−9 DT increases with the addition of NPs 269
: 50
Au Polyvinyl alcohol–water 2.9 × 10−4 DT increases with the addition of NPs 279
Au Water 2.31 × 10−9 DT increases with the addition of NPs, depends on 271
the shape
Au, Ag Water 2 × 10−4
, 5× DT enhanced by 16%, 20%, 280
Ag Water 2.6 × 10−9 DT decreases with the addition of NPs 281
Ag (rod-shaped) Water 1.4 × 10−6 DT depends on the aspect ratio 270
Ag (25–38.5 nm) Polyvinylpyrrolidone– 3.4 × 10−3 DT increases when the particle sizes increase 282
Ag Ethylene glycol–water 1.6 × 10−4 DT and effusivity (by PA) measured, conductivity 244
Ethanol–water calculated (5% and 3% enhancement)
Cu Polyvinylpyrrolidone– 5 × 10−2 DT increases with the addition of NPs 272
TiO2 Water 4.7 × 10−2 DT and effusivity (by PPE) measured, conductivity 227
calculated (12% enhancement)
SiO2 (100–600 nm) Water 6.2 × 10−3 DT increases when the particle sizes increase 209
TiO2 4.7 × 10−2 DT increases with the addition of NPs
TiO2 Water No information DT increases with the particle size and the 283
calcination temperature
Fe3O4 (6–63 nm) Water 1.7 × 10−11 DT increases when the particle sizes increase 284
Na2C2 Water 2.9 × 10−3 DT enhanced by 87% 285
CdTe quantum dots Water 2.1 × 10−4 DT is less than that of water and decreases when the 57
particle sizes increase
A mixture of carbon Acetone 0.2 mg/ml DT enhanced by 95% with soot annealed at 300 °C 286
Silicone Ethanol 4.5 mg/ml DT is less than that of ethanol and decreases with 287
the addition of NPs

J. Appl. Phys. 128, 190901 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0024332 128, 190901-15

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Applied Physics

FIG. 11. Transient thermal-lens curves

(a) fullerene C60, blue line and a molec-
ular dye (Sudan) in toluene, red line; (b)
for fullerene C60, blue line and a molecu-
lar dye (ferroin) in N-methylpyrrolidone,
red line; (c) for fullerene C60, blue line
and a molecular dye (ferroin) in water,
red line; and (d) for ND (1.0 mg/ml,
NanoAmando), blue line and a molecu-
lar dye (ferroin) in water, red line;
532 nm, 150 mW. Irel (t) ¼ (Ip (0)  Ip (t))/
(Ip (0)  Ip (1)).

both methods, and then the coefficient of thermal conductivity is cal- (NMP, C60 aggregates), and water (aggregates are formed and are sta-
culated from these parameters.212,226–228 bilized by charge-transfer complexes) show that the aggregation and
Due to simplicity and rather easy interpretation, thermal-lens stabilization processes change thermooptical parameters (Fig. 11).
spectrometry is often used to determine the thermal diffusivity of col- In toluene [Fig. 11(a)], the transient curves, Eq. (5) (normalized
loidal solutions, especially two-phase systems containing nanoparticles values of Irel, the inital probe-beam intensity is set to 1, the equilib-
of metals and their oxides (Table I).42,57,209,212,226,227,244,268–272,274–287 rium, to 0) for fullerene C60 and a dye of approximately the same
Not all the cases gathered in Table I are established NFs, but this molecule size (1 nm), are nearly identical. This correlates well with
collection shows the possibilities and problems of thermal lensing the theory of thermal lensing, and the estimation of the characteristic
of disperse systems. In addition to the fact that for similar systems, time [Eq. (6)] shows that the values for fullerene and the dye differ
the increments of thermal conductivity differ considerably, and the insignificantly from one another and from the value calculated using
regularities of thermal properties on concentration and size differ. the reference data for toluene.197 However, in NMP [Fig. 11(b)], the
Unfortunately, this is typical for measurements of all the dispersed situation changes drastically: the curve for fullerene C60 shows a
systems regardless of whether thermal or optical methods are used slower heat transfer (a less steeper transient curve) and differs from
and may be associated with different physicochemical properties of the characteristic curve of a molecular dye. This is accounted for by
two-phase liquids. the formation of a coarse dispersion of fullerene in NMP, which sig-
Nevertheless, inconsistencies in thermal-lens assessment of nificantly decreases the rate of heat propagation. This is confirmed
NFs may result from incorrect data processing; two-phase systems by the same effect of the second part of the curve (dissipation after a
require either a correction in standard homogeneous models of the mechanical chopper switches off the excitation beam). In water
thermal-lens signal or brand-new approaches. If for homogeneous [Fig. 11(c)], the result is contrary to the case of NMP: the curve for a
systems, transient curves are largely symmetric, for disperse fullerene solution shows a characteristic time lower than a molecular
systems, the local heating at the initial time is located around solution of a dye (ferroin) and a quicker decrease in the probe laser
absorbing particles followed by the heat transfer to the bulk, which intensity due to thermal-lens effect. This can be attributed to the for-
leads to much more rapid heating and reduction of the characteris- mation of a finely dispersed solution with a cluster size of 50–
tic time of the thermal lens. On the contrary, dissipation of the 150 nm,288 which exhibits short overheating near the clusters fol-
thermal lens changes less significantly because for small heating lowed by a longer period of thermal equilibration of the whole solu-
(10–2 K, which is characteristic for solutions used in thermal-lens tion.289 The same behavior, though with larger changes, is
spectrometry), it is possible not to consider the dispersion medium. characteristic to nanodiamond aqueous dispersions [Fig. 11(d)]. It is
As an example, studies of fullerene C60 solutions in toluene interesting that the behavior of the dissipation part of the curve for
(no aggregate formation, molecular solutions), N-methylpyrrolidone fullerene is nearly the same as for a molecular dye, which is contrary

J. Appl. Phys. 128, 190901 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0024332 128, 190901-16

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Applied Physics

to the behavior of the ND dispersions. Overall, this cannot be pre-

dicted using the generic theory for homogeneous thermal lensing,
and the new approach should be based upon, e.g., single-point
approaches.41,290 This area has not been fully studied; however, it is
crucial for thermophysical characterization of nanofluids as the
majority of information is not used in full or may be inaccurate.
The advantage of TLS in NF assessment is the simplicity of
equipment relative to other photothermal methods (for liquids,
only a cuvette is needed). There are no restrictions on the range of
determination of the thermal diffusivity; due to high accuracy and
precision (1% and 5%), it is possible to determine small differences
(of the order of 2%–3%)288 in the thermal diffusivity, which is
especially important in the analysis of nanofluids. There is a possi-
bility of measurements at different temperatures and the time range
(milliseconds) makes it possible to simultaneously record the
uneven heating of the dispersion medium and the dispersed phase.
The method is non-contact, and the effect of convection is
minimal due to low heating per cycle (10–2 K).30
The disadvantage of TLS for NFs is that any thermal-lens
spectrometer is characterized by a certain concentration region in
FIG. 12. Typical signal from a TG measurement. The acoustic response (inset)
which the signal linearity is observed; therefore, to work with is finished within 400 ns. The slower exponential response can be fit to extract
highly concentrated (highly scattering) solutions, it is necessary the thermal diffusivity of the sample. Reproduced with permission from Schmidt
either to reduce the length of the optical path (it is impossible to et al., J. Appl. Phys. 103, 083529 (2008). Copyright 2008 AIP Publishing LLC.
infinitely decrease the thickness of the cell) or to decrease the
power of the exciting laser. The processing of the time-resolved
curves is time-consuming and, in the case of heterogeneous media,
requires significant improvements in the theory. Also, while absor- thermoreflectance response as a function of the time delay between
bance measurements by thermal lensing are calibration based and the arrival of the probe and the excitation pulses at the sample
linear, thermophysical characterization, even for one-point calibra- surface. In FDTR, the thermoreflectance change is a function of the
tion using a reference solvent, requires several conditions (cell excitation modulation frequency.312
length, cell wall length, measurement time, excitation beam radius) Only a few studies have been made for liquids and they are
to be selected carefully as incorrect parameters may lead to devia- based on the transient-grating technique.313,314 This time-domain
tions from the one-dimensional heat-transfer model;291–300 thus, method relies on the thermal decay of a periodic variation in the
the use of this model for estimation of thermophysical parameters refractive index generated by the interference of two picosecond
may lead to rather serious errors. light pulses. Optical absorption also causes thermal expansion,
which launches acoustic waves (within a few hundred nanoseconds)
into the sample; thus, the sound velocity can be measured. From
F. Thermoreflectance and forced Rayleigh scattering the signal decay (Fig. 12) at longer times (tens or hundreds of
techniques microseconds), thermal diffusivity is determined.315
These techniques belong to the group of fast (micro-, An impulsive stimulated scattering technique in a heterodyne
nanosecond, or shorter timescales) photothermal methods: diffraction detection configuration was used to study the depen-
transient-grating (TG) methods,301–303 optical heterodyne detec- dence of the speed of sound and the thermal diffusivity on the con-
tion, or impulsive stimulated scattering (ISS)157,304,305 and centration of silver nanoparticles in water with a precision better
related techniques.306 These fast transient modalities of PTS are than 1%.157 Al2O3 particles suspended in decane and isoparaffinic
used for investigating dynamics of charge transfer,307,308 poly(alpha-olefin) were assessed by TG for thermal diffusivity deter-
thermoelastic properties,304 or ultrafast heat transfer inside mination, and thermal conductivity was calculated using theoretical
nanoparticles.309–311 effective volume heat capacity.315 The results on thermal conductivity
Thermoreflectance techniques (time-domain, TDTR and were compared with data obtained by THW (Sec. III A) , and good
frequency-domain, FDTR) have been typically used to measure the agreement between these two dissimilar techniques was observed.
thermal conductivity of both bulk and thin films along with inter- An interesting, though not fully implemented idea is the use
facial thermal conductance.213 The excitation laser focused on the of fast techniques such as ISS or TG with thermal-lens measure-
sample generates a periodic temperature change through the ments for NF characterization. This would provide a simultaneous
sample, which is detected by changes in probe-beam reflectivity. use of the fast technique for the assessment of thermophysical
The sample must be covered by a thin metallic layer highly reflect- parameters of the base fluid and building the whole timescale for
ing at the wavelength of the probe laser. The obtained phase signals heat transfer using ISS by acoustic and photothermal responses in
are fitted with the heat-transfer model to extract thermophysical the nanosecond–microsecond range (Fig. 12) followed by thermal
properties of solid samples.312 TDTR measures the lensing in the microsecond–second range.

J. Appl. Phys. 128, 190901 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0024332 128, 190901-17

Published under license by AIP Publishing.
Applied Physics

Forced Rayleigh scattering is an approach that shares similar- possible to purposefully design and create new nanofluid
ity to the TG technique but takes place on a slower (millisecond) systems and increase their efficiency. The development of
timescale; the amplitude of the temperature modulation is small approaches to the production of new types of nanofluids
as well (≤10 mK). The technique was applied for thermal diffusiv- with tailored properties is rather topical.
ity measurements in a citrate-stabilized Au NP suspension in (ii) Noteworthy is that the proposed models of NF action do not
water and an Al2O3 NP suspension in a petroleum oil at a temper- give a whole description of the thermal properties of nano-
ature range of 25–75 °C. The sample (should be transparent) was fluids and, in most cases, are adapted for the description of
contained between optical windows separated by a Teflon spacer systems containing metal rather than carbon nanoparti-
having a nominal thickness of 1 mm. The samples were mounted cles.122,123 Also, to date, there is no working model for the
in an aluminum block through which oil from a temperature- change in specific heat during the production of nanofluids.
controlled bath was circulated maintaining the sample within Thermal effusivity, though playing an important part in the
±0.1 K of the desired temperature. In contrast to experimental NF action, is not considered in full.
results obtained using THW, forced Rayleigh scattering shows (iii) The necessity for new technologies of nanofluids with better
that a small (2%) thermal conductivity enhancement is indepen- cost efficiency and reliable upscaling is still required. With
dent of temperature and is consistent with effective medium increasing volumes of produced nanofluids and their limited
theory predictions.316 lifetime, the questions of costs become more and more
serious and are a concern of many industrial and production
(iv) Increasing amounts of nanofluids in an increasing number of
Thus, the interest in nanofluids as advanced heat-conducting
cooling circuits of various scale inevitably raise the problem
and heat-accumulating materials is growing constantly. The effect
of NF wastes or restoration. This requires studies on the envi-
of nanofluids in the advanced heat-transfer applications is signifi-
ronmental impacts of nanofluids, which include but are not
cant, and particles of different nature are considered dispersed
limited to biocompatibility, biodegradability, the impact on
phases for nanofluids tailored for industrial, fast-transfer, or bio-
soils and marine environments, and long-term effects on
medical applications. The impact of carbon and hybrid NFs com-
nanoparticle accumulation. Certainly, the progress in issues
bining the advantages of nanoparticles of various types of
of engineering nanoparticles and their biohazards is studied
nanoparticles and CNFs is increasing due to several advantages
for a long time,317–319 but nanofluids as a specific type of
over NFs of metals and metal oxides.
nanoscale systems requires certain work especially for hybrid
The well-developed technology of nanofluids is reflected in
and core-and-shell particles.12,16,320,321
several established production technologies of the fabrication and
(v) Of all the dispersed systems based on carbon nanoparticles,
characterization of common and tailored nanoparticles and nano-
the most studied are systems with carbon nanotubes due to
fluids. This is reflected in the appearance of the innovative market
their extremely high values of thermal conductivity; however,
and several R&D and production companies such as PLiN
other CNFs, especially hydrophilic ones based on nanodia-
Nanotechnology (Greece), Synano (the Netherlands), JJ Bioenergy
monds, graphene, and graphene oxide, are probably more
Ltd. (UK), TCT Nanotech (Italy), Advanced Thermal Solutions,
versatile and promising; however, the values of thermal con-
Inc. (USA), Meliorum Technologies, Inc. (USA), and others.
ductivity of CNFs and carbon hybrid NFs are contradictory
Notable is the “Nanouptake” action initiative (the European
and must be estimated with a standardized technology and
Cooperation in Science and Technology, http://www.nanouptake.
high accuracy. Also, the stability of CNFs is an important
and not fully resolved problem.
uptake/), a Europe-wide network of research, development, and
industrial institutions, which get together to develop and foster the
As a whole, nanofluids require both precise measurement and cons-
use of nanofluids to increase the efficiency of heat-exchange and
thermal-storage systems. tant monitoring techniques, and the development of methods for
However, all this progress and relevance of nanofluids makes their comprehensive characterization becomes crucial. The accuracy
the problems in NF research and production that remained and precision of the existing data suffer from the errors in calcula-
tion, changes in the sample by the measurement system,11,119 and
unsolved or not fully unsolved rather topical. These challenges may
convective effects. Thus, measurement techniques for thermal con-
be summarized as follows.
ductivity of NFs are continuously developed or improved. Among
(i) In many studies, empirical approaches to the estimation of those, non-contact heating methods are of importance as they bypass
the working parameters of NFs prevail, with primary a frequent source of errors characteristic to contact-based thermal
attention being paid to the “front row” of characteristics, i.e., measurements and thermal-contact resistances, which can be domi-
thermophysical parameters. The chemical and physicochemi- nating in nanoscale materials. A standardized methodology for
cal properties of nanofluids have been studied to a much nanofluid measurement is on demand.
lesser extent. However, the knowledge of such properties The progress in the development of photothermal and photoa-
(exact chemical composition, size, shape, surface properties coustic methods and the results obtained for the last 10–15 years
and limiting concentrations of nanoparticles, temperature show that they are fairly promising for such non-contact thermal
dependences of physicochemical parameters, etc.), along with measurements when heating is generated by incident UV/vis/IR
the information on thermophysical properties, will make it radiation.213 Apart from high sensitivity, accuracy, reproducibility,

J. Appl. Phys. 128, 190901 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0024332 128, 190901-18

Published under license by AIP Publishing.
Applied Physics

small required quantities or volumes of the test sample, and relative provides detecting, monitoring, and characterizing such objects. In
simplicity of the detection cells and laboratory instrumentation are the simplest concept related to thermal lensing (Sec. IV E) and cor-
other advantages of photothermal techniques, as compared to clas- relation spectroscopy,324,346,347 a single absorber particle acts like
sical thermophysical methods.35 In addition, being both thermal an analog of a “macro” thermal lens, a nanolens, which can be
and optical techniques, photothermal methods provide an extended detected using a scattering pattern of the probe radiation from a
pool of information with a small influence from a scattering “halo” of the thermally induced field around the heated particle.
matrix. As the density and thermal expansion coefficients of nano- The combination of the nanolens concept and a differential
fluids are determined by the base fluid, it is possible to find espe- mode-mismatched excitation-probe schematics30,291,348,349 is a very
cially important features of the test object connected with the promising microscopic technique called twin-focus photothermal
heterogeneity effect of NFs. The latter is particularly important as correlation spectroscopy.350 This technique detects two spatially sep-
the majority of classical thermophysical methods can provide arated volumes of the sample and reference building two autocorre-
average characteristics of the sample only,37,288 thus forcing empiri- lation functions for each of the volumes separately. It provides a
cal approaches in designing nanofluids mentioned above. tool for precise measurements of a slow motion along the beam
The advantages of photothermal spectroscopy are not limited axis or very slight changes in heterogeneities at nanometer scales in
to the information on the base fluid and the possibility to assess the sample. Such measurements beyond the diffraction limit can be
the disperse phase more accurately. In many cases, including NFs used for probing nanoparticles tailored to NFs from the viewpoint
and their biomedical applications, the actual spatial heterogeneity of the mechanism of heat transfer.
and the mechanism of heat transfer are quite important. Here, Finally, as we showed in Sec. IV, nondestructive and fast char-
various microspectroscopic photothermal modalities can be of acter of many photothermal techniques such as photoacoustic
serious value. They provide images of tissues,31,322 cells,197,323 and modalities and thermal lensing along with relative simplicity of
single and assembled nanoparticles206,324 with a high resolution instrumentation make them very robust monitoring techniques.
challenging the diffraction limit due to joint use of optical as well This is currently used in biomedical studies, both in vitro and ex
as thermal imaging governed by the characteristic rates of nonra- vivo (flow cytometry)192,351–353 and in vivo.246,354,355 Such modali-
diative heat transfer.33,207,325 This provides both thermal and ties can be very valuable for monitoring the workability of nano-
optical sample nondestructive quantitative mapping with a nano- fluids in industrial scale (such as nuclear and solar energy), while
scale locality.30,34,175,177,326 Recent results show that photothermal the development of compact photothermal instruments356,357 may
microspectroscopy is capable of non-destructive characterization of be of value for small-scale and widespread NF applications in com-
carbon nanomaterials and nanoparticle dispersions.209,228,327–333 puters, appliances, etc.
Photothermal imaging and microscopy techniques are closely Certainly, photothermal spectroscopy is not free from some
related with another state-of-the-art trend in photothermics, the drawbacks and limitations. First, as major photothermal methods
development of single particle photothermal modalities. These (thermal lensing, optical beam deflection, photothermal radiome-
methods include photothermal difference interference contrast,334,335 try) are based on thermal diffusivity, to assess the thermal conduc-
photothermal heterodyne microspectroscopy,311,336,337 and photother- tivity coefficient of NFs, other methods for the density and specific
mal correlation microspectroscopy32,338,339 and are capable of mea- heat are required. These are no single measurements, as these
suring single submicrometer particles. Nowadays, these techniques values are required for each concentration in the desired range at
mainly target biomedical research but may be even more relevant all the working temperature range of a NF or rely on some detailed
for nanoparticle systems with multiple phase composition (like preliminary data or precise regularities. This certainly degrades or
hybrid NFs) or complex structural properties (like microencapsu- at least questions both accuracy and precision of the final values of
lated phase-change materials).340 thermal conductivity by photothermics. Certainly, this is a disad-
In these microspectroscopic modalities, the photothermal vantage of all the methods for NFs based on thermal diffusivity
effect upon the absorption of an excitation beam by a single nano- and may be a reason behind differing data for the same nanofluids
object (a heated large molecule or a nanoparticle) causes the scat- in the literature. Thus, it seems expedient to use several comple-
tering of a probe beam, which can be detected as a fluctuation of mentary photothermal techniques based on thermal conductivity
its power due to the interference of the initial beam and scattered and thermal diffusivity229,230 or thermal effusivity and thermal dif-
radiation around.341 Photothermal heterodyne microspectroscopy fusivity. In principle, this can be implemented in a single setup;
was introduced as imaging310,311,342,343 and spectroscopy344,345 of therefore, it would provide all the key parameters of a nanofluid (as
nano-size particles. Photothermal correlation microspectroscopy, we discussed above, in two-modality PTS measurements, thermal
an advanced technique based on photothermal heterodyne spectro- conductivity can be assessed or calculated from photothermal
scopy,32,338,339 is based on building an autocorrelation function experiments only, without external data).
G(τ) for time-resolved photothermal signal S(t), As we have shown in the main body of this paper, the applica-
tion of the methods of photothermal spectroscopy to determine the
G(τ) ¼ hS(t)S(t þ τ)i/hS(t)i2 , thermal properties of liquids and, moreover, dispersed systems have
many merits. Still, a reader may say that they are rather scarce still,
which provides characteristic times τ of the heat-releasing processes and they demonstrate the possibilities for a rather limited set of
of the underlying photothermal phenomena. As the photothermal nanofluids. In our opinion, this is caused by two main reasons: (a)
processes for nanoparticle solutions depend on the thermal and lack of methodology and (b) lack of standardized photothermal
optical properties of nanoparticles and their motion velocity, this instruments.

J. Appl. Phys. 128, 190901 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0024332 128, 190901-19

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Applied Physics

The analysis of the data shows that building a methodology using photothermal techniques in the same run of the
for nanofluids requires solving the following issues. experiment.
• As nanofluid thermophysical properties are used in other
(i) In many photothermal modalities, the theory is based on applications such as thermally resistant lubricants and fuels
either homogeneous media or a single nanoscale object.30 (a nanoparticle-filled biodiesel mentioned above212), photother-
Thus, it necessitates either to develop a theory of the genera- mal methods may be used for testing the two-phase thermally
tion of the photothermal signal in complex objects or correct conductive liquids with the same type and concentration of the
the existing theories. This is especially important for disperse phase but with a varying composition of the base fluid.
ensemble-based slow techniques such as thermal lensing and • As photothermal spectroscopy may provide the spectra of
optical beam deflection. thermal properties,186,356,374–376 this could be especially valuable
(ii) The issues related to the experiment planning also require con- for photothermally induced NFs, e.g., in solar energetics.
sidering new factors both connected with nanofluids and the
possible operation modes. Therefore, the setups should be All these features of photothermics may be combined in developing
based on flow techniques and should provide both transient areas of nanofluid research. In our opinion, new types of nanofluids
and steady-state measurements. Thermal-lens spectrometry will be a subject of research. They are NFs based on natural nano-
would require a minimum change; for other photothermal particles such as clay minerals377 and core–shell nanoparticles.
techniques and modalities, some work is in order. Also, double-action heat-accumulating nanofluids such as microen-
capsulated phase-change materials should be mentioned,340 which
Instrumentation issues are more general as such a situation is char- are introduced into building materials but may be extended to
acteristic for any types of photothermal applications. In our many heat-transfer applications.
opinion, it requires the following: Other promising NF-related materials for photothermal
(i) The first important issue is the unification of photothermal methods are thermal slurries and thermally conductive pastes that
apparatuses. Despite several companies in the market and are used in various industries such as computers and energy
industrial applications and many excellent prototypes,357–362 storage. Microencapsulated phase-change material slurries improve
many photothermal apparatuses are home-built for certain the value of critical heat flux by as much as 100%–200% as a result
research applications. This results in difficulty in comparing of nanoparticle deposition on the surface of the component.378
apparatuses, even those based on the same principle. This in Also, nanolayers formed at nanoparticle–liquid interfaces,122,379
turn results in the lack of standard samples and no detailed nanoparticle clustering, and some other mechanisms of heat trans-
uncertainty data in photothermics. fer that improve the workability of NFs in addition to the primary
(ii) As the measurements of dispersed systems require a special increase in thermal conductivity are interesting concepts that await
set of time, concentration, and excitation powers, the special- instrumental control and evaluation. A combination of thermal-
ized setups built for specific types of nanofluids are probably lens and mirage modalities can be a concept of controlling both the
required. The techniques such as photoacoustic modalities, solution and the surface.
optical beam deflection, and PTR require special cells or Anyway, the complex problem of nanofluid design, develop-
compartments for liquid media. ment, and application will undoubtedly advance and progress in
(iii) A broader comment is appropriate here. The serious progress the nearest future, and it will find many new ideas and concepts.
in photothermal methods in many branches of industry By the phenomena beneath, abilities, and the current status as well
and research already demands a special initiative—alike as the theory and instrumentation, photothermal spectroscopy
“Nanouptake” action for nanofluids—to photothermal undoubtedly provides very promising tools for nanofluids.
market-uptake due to large possibilities for photothermal
Despite rather difficult and serious tasks of methodology and L.O.U., M.V.K., and M.A.P. contributed equally to this work.
instrumentation, they are resolvable, and they are required
for nanofluid research in photothermal spectroscopy. Witnessing ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
the boom in multi-spectral optoacoustic tomography
This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic
(MSOT),193,194,200,203,355,363–373 the area neighboring to photo-
Research (Grant Nos. 18-33-00586mol_a and 19-08-00498 a).
thermal techniques, we believe that it will be made in the nearest
Moreover, our experience in photothermal spectroscopy allow DATA AVAILABILITY
us to state that the complex character of photothermal techniques The data that support the findings of this study are available
makes them a valuable tool, and disadvantages could be turned to from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
advantages. The examples below can possibly serve as other fea-
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Applied Physics

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J. Appl. Phys. 128, 190901 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0024332 128, 190901-26

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