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Task 1 – Discuss detailed good & bad points of the iOS

What Works Well Even Better If

- -
Task 2 – Look at the example and on the next page, create
your own iOS system, stating the improvements you have

Improvements to the IOS System GUI:

- More apps appearing on screen

without the need for swiping
- Profile picture on top right, so you
can customise your profile and
have easier access to your setting,
rather than finding it in the apps
- Video calling can be maximised
and minimised on the top-left, so
you could get on with other tasks
on the iPhone.
- Easier access to utility apps on the
top, without having to go through
the menu screens. Which can be
swiped though.
- Redesigned clock, which can chow
analogue or digital.
- Each app contains a preview
screen so that users can see
beforehand any changes to their
apps e.g. twitter feed, without
click on the app.
- Redesigned toolbar to include
more information with less space
and can access other things like
camera or pictures.
- Easily access calendar and see
what date it is from menu screen.
- Bottom menu with more options
to choose, which can also be
hidden if users need more space.
Improvements to the IOS System GUI:
Task 3 – Extension – complete answer at bottom

Extension – What do you think is a better operating system – A Graphical User Interface (GUI), Menu
Driven Interface (MDI) or a Commend Line interface (CLI)? Explain your answer below, mentioning
why you chose it, why it is better than the other choices:
Task 4 – Question from actual exam paper
Complete the exam, question below

2. One of the functions of an operating system is multi-tasking

[a] Explain one reason why multi-tasking is needed in an operating system – 2 marks

[b] State two other functions of an operating system – 2 marks


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