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Symposium technique is also one of the techniques of higher learning. It

is also an instructional technique, which is used to achieve higher cognitive and
affective objectives.This is still another type of forum. By providing two or three
speakers, each charged with the duty of presenting a different point of view, the
symposium consciously attempts to direct audience attention to various
approaches toward the problem under consideration. In this it leaves less to
chance than does the informal discussion or the panel discussion. It is to be
preferred to the single speaker forum unless the single expect can make a brilliant
presentation. Naturally its success will also depend upon the competence of the
symposium members.

The word “symposium” has several dictionary meanings. Firstly, Plato has
used this term for “good dialogue” to present the views towards the god.
Another meaning of the term is the intellectual recreation or enjoyment. The
recent meaning of the term is meeting of persons to discuss a problem or theme. The
views on a theme are presented in a sequence. The specific aspect of a theme is
presented by an expert of the theme.


“Symposium technique/form serves as an excellent device for informing an

audience, crystallizing opinion and general preparing the listeners for arriving at
decision, policies, value, judgments or understandings.”


- To identify and understand two various aspect of theme and problems.

- To develop the ability to decision and judgment regarding the problem.
- To develop the values and feelings regarding a problem.
- To enable the listeners to form policies regarding a theme or problem.


- To investigate a problem from several points of view.

- To boost students ability to speak in group.
- To make the students to study independently.


 It provides a broad understanding of a topic or a problem.

 The opportunity is provided to the listeners to take decision about the
 It is used for higher classes to specific themes and problems.
 It develops the feeling of cooperation and adjustment.
 The objectives as synthesis and evaluation are achieved by employing the
symposium technique.
 It provides the different views on the topic of the symposium.


organizer speaker

 Organizers
 Chairperson
 Speakers
 Participants


Role of Organizers:

Organizers of the symposium decide the topic. Usually topics are related
to controversial issues in a field of interest. For example, Gender issues in Nursing.
After the topic has been selected, objectives are formulated. Organizers search for
a suitable Chairperson who is well versed in the topic. If needed the topic is
modified after consultation with Chairperson and finalizes the topic and select
speakers. Date and time is fixed according to the convenience of the Chairperson
and Speakers.

Role of Chairperson:

The Chairperson should possess the in depth knowledge regarding the

topic and his duty is to guide the symposium in a fruitful manner. He will give an
introductory speech, which justifies the topic selection by stating its relevance and
importance. He will introduce the speakers by highlighting their achievements and
invite them for the delivery of speech according to the order. When one speaker
completes his speech, chairperson briefs summary of it and invites the next speaker
to present his view points. Once all speakers complete their presentation, the
Chairperson opens the discussion session by inviting the participants to come out
with their doubts, clarification and contributions. He exerts more control over the
speakers to restrain them from crossing the limit while expressing or exchanging
opinions. He has to maintain a non judgmental attitude. He will direct questions to
various members of the group to give all individual an equal opportunity. More
time is allotted for the discussion involving participants compared to the time
allotted for the speakers. The consensus is reached after verifying the pros and
cons of the different viewpoints expressed by the speakers and participants.

Role of Speakers:

Success of a symposium depends on how well the discussion session

is utilized by the participants and this is determined by the performance of the
speakers. The quality and quantity of the information presented by the speakers
have a direct role in preparing the participants in the discussion session. Speakers
should prepare and hand over the study materials to organizers in advance so that

they can compile it in a user friendly way. Speakers have to present the
information in an interesting and comprehensible manner.

Role of Participants:

Always participants make the symposium more live and interesting. Study
material will not be issued to the participants, so they have to prepare well in
advance. Thus symposium demands more preparation from the side of participants.
The participants will exchange their opinion with the chairperson and also
converse directly with the speakers. They have to utilize the discussion session by
asking questions, seeking clarification and expressing their viewpoints. They
should use discussion to enrich their knowledge rather than testing the knowledge
of the Speakers and Chairperson.


We suggest three conditions in the use of the symposium technique.

1. The moderator should be sure to prepare the speakers or see that they are
prepared. They should know the rules of procedures, sequence o speaking,
and way in which the forum will be conducted, and they should be awake of
the ideas background of other performers. Like panelist, they might benefit
from a brief warm-up.

2. The chairman or two ever is responsible for preparing the agendas, should
not attempt to stack the cards by omitting or ignoring vital phases of the
problem as he selects or delegates his speakers. It is not good to face up to
an inadvertent misinterpretation or omission.

3. The chairman in all the forum situations must plan very carefully for the
questioning period that followers the prepared speeches, unless he withes to
risk boredom or bedlain.


The symposium technique is used to realize the higher cognitive and affective
objectives. The following are the main topics on which symposium are used:

 Use of television for education.

 Scope of distance education in our education.
 Use of essay and objective type tests.
 Semester system in education.
 Cause of student’s unrest.
 Quality control of educational research.
 Use of micro-teaching in teacher education.
 Use of term teaching in the schools.
 Use of action research in classroom teaching.
 Scope of education technology in our education.
The nature of the topic should be such that the audience should be interesting in
the theme.


 Teacher should be plan the program ahead of the time.

 Each member of the class, as well as the student speakers should know
the objectives of the symposium and breadth of the topic.
 Each student should prepare on the given or accepted topic.

 The teacher should have a conference with each of the student speakers.
 The teacher or a student may function as a chairman.
 The symposium starts with the chairman introducing the topic.
 Next chairman introduces the speakers.
 Then the topic is presented by the students taking 15 to 20 minute’s times

As a conclusion at the end the chairman gives brief summary of all speeches and
opens the discussion to the students.

Any question or contributions addressed through the chairman.


The symposium is a type of discussion, in which two or more speakers,

talk from ten to twenty minutes, and develop individual approaches or solutions to
a problem or present aspects of policy, process or program. The speeches are
followed by questions or comments from the audience, as in the panel forum. The
speeches may be persuasive, argumentative, informative or evocative. Each speech
proceeds without interruption. The chairman of the symposium introduces the
topic, suggests something of its importance, something indicate the general

Since there is no need for symposium interaction other than careful listening,
all members of the performing group can sit in a straight line behind a table or an
adjoining chairs, with the chairman in the middle or to one side of the speakers. Or,
if the symposium is to present two conflicting points of view, the seating
arrangement can separate the speakers on the platform in order to indicate
difference in opinion or in order to preserve peace.


 It is suited to a large group or classes.

 This method can be frequently used to present broad topics for discussion
symposium at conventions and organization meetings.
 Organization is good because of the set speeches prepared beforehand.
 Gives deeper insight into the topic.
 Directs the students to continuous independent study.
 Lends itself to the teaching of clinical subjects.
 This method can be used in political meetings.

 Inadequate opportunity for all the students to participate actively.
 The speech is limited to 15 to 20 minutes.
 Limited audience participation.
 Question and answer limit ed to 3 or 4 minutes.
 Possibility of overlapping of subjects.


 The chairman has no control over the speakers as they have full freedom to
prepare the theme for discussion.
 There is probability of repetition of the conduct because every speaker
prepares them as a whole. The different aspects of them are not prepared
separately. It creates difficulty of understanding to the listeners.
 The different aspects of a theme are presented simultaneously. Therefore,
the listeners are not able to understand the theme correctly.
 The listeners remain passive in the symposium.

 The discussion and presentation of theme is not summarized at the end. The
participants take decision according to their own. Hence mature persons can
make use of this technique.

This technique is employed to achieve the higher objectives of cognitive domain

but affective objectives are not emphasized properly.


1. Sankaranarayanan.B. (2009). Learning and Teaching Nursing. (2 nd edi.).,

Calicut Brain fill Publishers

2. Basavanthappa .B.T. (2003) .Nursing Education, (I st Edi.)., New Delhi,

Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) ltd.

3. Neeraja .K.P. (2003). Text of Nursing Education. (I st Edi.).,New Delhi,

Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P ) ltd

4. Loretta Heidgerken. (2006). Teaching and Learning in Schools of Nursing,

(15th edi)., New Delhi, Konark Publishers (P) ltd

5. Young. (2008). Teaching Nursing. Lww publishers.

6. Mariner (2008) Teaching Nursing (second edition), New Delhi, Elsevier


7. Sankaranarayanan.B. (2009). Learning and Teaching Nursing. (2 nd edi.),

Calicut Brain Fill Publishers.

8. Loretta Heidgerken. (2006). Teaching and Learning in Schools of Nursing,

(15th edi)., New Delhi, Konark Publishers (P) ltd

9. Neeraja .K.P. (2003). Text of Nursing Education. (I st Edi.).,New Delhi,
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P ) ltd




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