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Korean assignment on movie

The Admiral: Roaring Currents

The film mainly follows the famous 1597 Battle of Myeongryang during
the Japanese invasion of Korea (1592-1598), where the iconic Joseon
admiral Yi Sun-sin managed to destroy a total of 31 of 133 Japanese
warships with only 13 ships remaining in his command. The battle, which
took place in the Myeongryang Strait off the southwest coast of the
Korean Peninsula, is considered one of the greatest victories of Yi.

ROARING CURRENTS tells the story of one of Korean history's most

astonishing military victories by its most revered strategist, Admiral Yi
Sun-shin. In 1597, the Japanese navy under Admiral Todo takes
advantage of an unsuspecting Joseon state and reinvades, decimating
the Joseon fleet in doing so. Despite losing his position for enraging the
king, Admiral Yi is reinstated and after a brazen offensive against
Todo's headquarters, leads a previously demoralized Joseon navy into
the powerful and dangerous currents of the Uldulmok Strait. While the
Japanese commanders jockey for power among themselves, Yi lures over
300 Japanese ships into a deadly trap where they meet their fate
against only 12 battleships.

Year 1597, Joseon Dynasty has been under Japanese attack for six
years. As the nation faces possibility of loss with the Japanese military
charging fearlessly to the capital of the nation, Admiral YI is
reappointed as the Chief of Naval Operations and assembles a group of
soldiers to defend the nation against Japanese attack. Japanese Chief
Commander Kurushima (RYU Seung-Ryong), notorious for his cruel
personality and clever strategies, respond by destroying Joseon's one
last hope, the Turtle Ship. With just 12 battleships and an army of
doubtful soldiers, Admiral YI and his soldiers face 330 Japanese
battleships in The Battle of Myeong-Nyang.

1597. The Japanese are attempting to invade Korea. At sea, only one man
stands in their way - Admiral Yi Sun-Shin. However, while the Japanese
fleet has about 300 ships, he has only 12. Moreover, his most powerful
ship, a "turtle" ship, has just been destroyed. Despite these odds, Yi
Sun-Shin fights the Japanese and using courage, incredible seamanship
and knowledge of the conditions, prevails. The battle would go down in
history as the Battle of Myeongnyang Strait, one of the most amazing,
against-the-odds victories in military history.

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