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Theory of Lubrication With

Ferrofluids: Application to Short

The momentum equations are written for viscous fluids exhibiting magnetic
Nicolae Tipei stresses. The velocity profiles are deduced; then from continuity, a pressure dif-
Mechanical Research Department, ferential equation, equivalent to Reynolds equation is obtained. This equation is
General Motors Research Laboratories, discussed with emphasis on the case when magnetic stresses derive from a potential,
Warren, Mich. 48090
also when the pyromagnetic coefficient vanishes. The boundary conditions for
lubrication problems are then formulated. In particular, short bearings with
ferromagnetic lubricants are considered. A numerical example yields the pressure
diagrams at low and moderate eccentricity ratios and for different speeds. In
conclusion, it is shown that ferromagnetic lubricants may improve substantially the
performance of bearings operating under low loads and/or at low speeds. However,
a correct variation of the magnetic field, toward the center of the lubricated area, is
required. Under such conditions, the extent of the active area of the film is increased
and bearing stiffness and stability are improved.

The ferrofluids are colloidal suspensions of ferromagnetic newtonian fluids. The velocity and pressure fields for thin
particles in a base fluid. The carrier fluid may be a diester ferrofluid films are then obtained, thus allowing viscosity,
base, a hydrocarbon base, an ester base and even a water magnetization, and magnetic field strength as coordinate
base; other base fluids, less important for lubrication, are also functions. A separate study of the energy equation, not shown
available. The particles are very small in size (about 100 A) in this paper, would provide a complete solution for the
and coated with a surfactant (oleic acid) to prevent coupled momentum and energy equations, as was already
coagulation; therefore, the ferrofluids are very stable and done for viscous, nonmagnetic films. Meanwhile, the short
practically no separation or precipitation occurs. Under an bearing case, studied in the following analysis yields, besides
applied magnetic field, the particles are oriented and become particular aspects, some general trends and clues for the use
the loci of magnetic forces. The contact phenomena at the of ferrofluids as lubricants. Therefore, the objective of this
surface between the solid particles and the liquid carrier paper is to show whether or not they are proper for use in
disseminate the magnetic stresses in the mass of the ferrofluid. lubrication, and determine the range of their applications,
Therefore, a new kind of body forces is introduced when the with emphasis on the bearing load-carrying capacity.
motion of the fluid is considered. The density and the
viscosity of magnetic suspensions differ from those of the Momentum Equations for Magnetic Viscous Fluids
base fluid, as the particle concentration and magnetization A fluid containing small particles of magnetic materials in
increases. suspension is subject to electromagnetic forces when an
Ferrofluids were prepared during the last decade and electric field is applied. Assuming the direction of
studied first by Neuringer and Rosensweig [1], Cowley and magnetization is in the direction of the local field, the force
Rosensweig [2], and Rosensweig, Kaiser and Miskolczy [3], per unit volume is [1], [2]
Rosensweig [4], and later by Shliomis [5]. Although many
possible applications were considered, only a few and in- / m = ^(M'.V)5C = Mo(MV3C)(JCV)3C (1)
cidental references were made to the field of lubrication. A and if the displacement current is negligible V x 3C = 0, then
paper of Tarapov [6] deals with the motion of a magnetizable (1) yields
fluid in the lubricating films of infinitely long bearings, also
taking into account the energy equation under some drastic f 1
approximations. fm= -Mo(M*/3C)V(3C.3C) = ^0M*v3C (2)
In the present work the general momentum equations are Therefore, the Navier-Stokes equations are, in a vectorial
analyzed under the assumption that ferrofluids still behave as form, [7], [8]
p —- + ( W ) v = - V/7+[V(2/iV)]v+V X(/*V xv)
Contributed by the Lubrication Division of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF
MECHANICAL ENGINEERS and presented at the ASLE-ASME Joint Lubrication
Conference, New Orleans, La., October 4-7, 1981. Manuscript received by the
Lubrication Division, March 10,1981. Paper No. 81-Lub-39. •V[At(W)] + /to-^*V3C (3)

510/Vol. 104, OCTOBER 1982 Transactions of the ASME

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The magnetic particles are usually very small solid particles as BT dX dT dx\ . / ar dx dX\ dT
a suspension in a non-magnetic liquid. Therefore, V «v = 0, 2 3 ) ) OO)
V dx3 d.^ dX\ dx3/ V 3^! dx2 9x2 d*i
and if inertia forces are small with respect to viscous forces,
equation (3) becomes In order to take advantage of the effects of both
magnetization and applied field, usually a field variation is
Vp = 2(V/xV)v+ VjiX(V Xv)-/*V X(V Xv) + ^ 0 M*V3C taken upon a direction either parallel or perpendicular to the
(4) relative motion of the film boundaries. Therefore, dSC/dx2 is
Under the usual assumptions for thin fluid films, we have small with respect to dX./dxl or dSC/dx^, while dT/dx2 > >
dp d / dVi \ . ... dX dT/dxi > dT/dX) and equation (10) is approximately
, (n-^-)+noM*- ; i = i,3. (5)
dxt dx2 \ dx2 / oXj
dT dX dT dX dT , , (^ 2»
In the equations above, p is the effective pressure in the V T x v3C = i, I V3Cle
fluid, i.e., the pressure p ( 0 ) obtained when X = 0, and the dx2 dx? dx-, dx. dx2
contribution of normal stresses due to magnetization [2]
• 3C
tana= (dK/dxi)/(dX./dxl). (11)

1 ft) Pi :

Equations (3)-(5) show that pressures are induced by the

(6) Assuming now (dp/dx2) = 0, v2 = 0 the pressure gradient
lies in the plane O x , ^ ; with respect to the pressure
distribution and to the velocity vector the problem becomes
magnetic field in the direction of the field variation and no bidimensional, and the normal component of V x v is
magnetic forces are generated if the applied field is constant negligible. Hence the viscous forces are likely to derive from a
[1]. The last term of equation (5) is affected by the integrand potential, as shown immediately by the expressions of the
HQM*, which is a coordinate function and is generally velocity components, with a parabolic variation across the
represented by a compound lamellar vector. However, it may film [9]. Similarly, equations (5), (7), and (11) show that by
be assumed as deriving from a potential if neglecting the component of ix0M* V 3C and V x {/*0M* V X}
Vx(/i 0 M*V3C) = 0 (7) upon the x2 axis and considering again a bidimensional flow,
7 the components of the electromagnetic force in (5) can be
The value of /t0 = 47r»10" is constant, while M*(JC,T) is a considered as deriving from a gradient containing x2 as a
function depending both on the field intensity and tem- parameter
perature, thus
„ dX dp*
VAf* = (3M*/33C)V3C + ( 9 M * / a r ) v r (8) llQM*T-=-^-; /=1,3, (12)
OXj dX)
After elementary manipulations, from (7) and (8), we obtain
the condition where M* is a function of X and x2 or only a function of X
dM* averaged across the film.
—— V 7 X V 3 C = 0 (9)
dT Velocity Profiles
which can be fulfilled either if the pyromagnetic coefficient is Let us consider the expressions
zero or the gradients V T a n d V3C are parallel [1]. The last
condition is generally not satisfied in thin hydrodynamic dx2
— dx2;I\ =IX2=o\h =IX2=h', h = j —:
films, for the main temperature variation is across the film
while the field varies upon the other two directions. However, /oi=/o(0);/ 0 2 =/o(/0
the magnetization may be considered temperature in- (13)
dependent for certain magnetic fluids. #o; = /*o M^-r-dx2;Vi = —dx2\vu = v, (.v 2 =0)>
Let us consider the components of AT x VX J OX; J U.
/ dT dX dT dX\
v r x VJC \ dx2 dx3 dx-i dx2 ' then, from (5) the velocity is

i = unit vector, dimensionless
A = nondimensional relationship, defined in ; = subscript for coordinate or for magnitudes
(18) and components referred to x,
B = nondimensional relationship, defined in 30i = integral defined in (13), H A 2 w " 3
(18) j = subscript
b = bearing width; extent of the active zone (p /=bearing length, m
>p0), m M=ix//xl = nondimensional viscosity
c = bearing clearance, m M* = magnetization vector, AT m " '
fm = magnetic force per unit volume, N m - 3 M* = magnetization strength, ATm ~'
G(Xi ,X3) = expression defined in (26), dimensionless M*„ = magnetization component, normal to a
H=h/h2= dimensionless film thickness surface, ATm " '
h = film thickness, m n = exponent
h2 = minimum film thickness, m P=ph2/6ixi Vb = dimensionless pressure
X = magnetic field vector, A m " 1 P0 = dimensionless ambient pressure
JC = magnetic field strength, A m " 1 P* =p*h2/6jx.\ Vb = dimensionless value of p*
3C0 = magnetic field strength at bearing ends, A p = pressure, Pa
m"1 p0 = ambient pressure, Pa
X = magnetic field strength in the median p* = pressure induced by the magnetic field, Pa
section of the bearing, A m " 1 p=p—p* = effective pressure due to magnetic stresses,
/ = integral defined in (13), m 4 N " 1 s " 1 when V3C = 0, Pa
A./j =values of I, defined i n ( 1 3 ) , m 4 N 1 s " 1 p^0) = film pressure when X = 0, Pa
^01.^02 = values of I, defined in (13), m 4 N ~ 1 s " 1 r, = journal radius, m

Journal of Lubrication Technology OCTOBER 1982, Vol. 104/511

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lo — h
Vi = vu + v*u - y,* + (f2,- -£;„• + y|,- - v *u)
+r/-/,-^f (/o-/o.)if (14) Equation (17) is the counterpart of the usual Reynolds
L /02-/01 J d*; equation for nonmagnetic viscous films. The supplementary
or, when it = const, terms due to the magnetic particles are functions of the
X2 1 3/7 velocities V*, V2*, K, *, as given by equations (13).
y , = f i ; + (vv-vu) — + — —x2(x2-h) +vti-Vi* For constant viscosity, M = 1, and by assuming conditions
h 2/x dXi
usually met in lubrication Va = V2i = Va = Oand Vu = 1,
equations (17) and (18) yield
u,(0) is the nonmagnetic velocity for the same pressure 1 3
distribution, as given by the first three terms in (15), and v] is 2 JX:
[(K|,. + n + i)//)-Aj% /W2
the velocity induced by the magnetic field in a ferrofluid.
Equations (15) give the velocity distribution in the general
case; if, following the previous considerations, the 2 dX, V dX, )
relationship (12) is used, then

v* = j ( — j Vp*dx2^dx2. (16) A Particular Case

Let us assume the pyromagnetic coefficient (3M*/3T) = 0.
Equation (9) shows that the magnetic forces derive from a
Pressure Differential Equation potential p* (12); furthermore, if (dX./dX2) = 0, which is
Continuity yields the pressure equation by integration usually satisfied for thin films, then/?* is independent of X2
across the film. Using equation (14) and performing the and has properties similar to the pressure. Thus, equation (5)
differentiation under the integral sign and introducing the becomes
nondimensional values for v, v*, h, /x, xit and x2 we have d(p-p*)_dp _ d / dVi\

^vn-v^±[{vt-vu+n-m\"Adx^ ~~a^~-a^-a£V*a^ ''~1,3 (20)

and, generally speaking, all the known solutions of the

pressure distribution can be used by replacing p — p* by p.
+H This simple result shows that the pressures are higher upon the
dX, directions where a positive gradient dp*/dxt exists. Therefore
(17) it is advisable, in bearing construction, to ensure a positive
dH d
[ " d(HVu) gradient of the applied magnetic field in the regions where the
<V2i-Vu) dX2 +
dX, dX/ pressure due to viscous effects is also increasing.
Let p be the effective pressure in a nonmagnetic film (V 3C
d / dP fH \ = 0) with the same viscosity it. From (20) is obtained
p=P+p* (21)
imation and
where /' means summation and
and for a bearing of width b and length /, if the plane QXXX2
is located at the mid-section, then the usual boundary con-
Im-Ito \J° M //VJo M ) ditions are

Nomenclature (cont.)

T= temperature, K x2 = coordinate perpendicular to ' a solid

^=time, s boundary, m
V= reference velocity, m s "' Xi = coordinate perpendicular to X\ and x2, m
Vjj = Vjj/V = nondimensional velocity at x2 = 0 /3 = dimensionless coefficient, defined in (33)
(/'= l ) , a n d x 2 = A ( / = 2), / = 1.2.3 e = bearing eccentricity ratio
V* = v*/ V — nondimensional value of v* d=Xi //•] = angle measured from the center line
Vf,:= values of V* for x2 = 0 (/' = 1) and x2 = \ = l/b = bearing length-width (active zone extent)
AC/= 2) ratio, dimensionless
v = velocity vector, m s ' H = viscosity, P a s
v* = magnetic velocity vector, defined in (16), m it0 =47r»10~ = free space permeability, H m - 1

s- 1 m = reference viscosity, Pa s
u, = velocity component due to viscous forces, fil0 = dynamic viscosity of base fluid, Pa s
fils = dynamic viscosity of the ferrofluid, for 3C
v* = integral defined in (13), VAN ~' (m s ~') = 0, Pa s
yy* =values of v* defined in (13),/' = 1,2, ii 1H = dynamic viscosity of the ferrofluid, under
VAN-'(mr') an applied magnetic field 5C, Pa s
v* = velocity component due to magnetic field, v = exponent
m/s Po = density of the base fluid, kg m ~3
Xj =Xi/b = nondimensional coordinate p s = density of the magnetic suspension, kg m ~3
X2 =x2/h2 = nondimensional coordinate a (T) = temperature function in magnetization
Xi = coordinate parallel to the relative velocity formula (29), dimensionless
of the solid surfaces, m V = gradient

512 / Vol. 104, OCTOBER 1982 Transactions of the ASME

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Theory of Lubrication With
Ferrofluids: Application to Short
The momentum equations are written for viscous fluids exhibiting magnetic
Nicolae Tipei stresses. The velocity profiles are deduced; then from continuity, a pressure dif-
Mechanical Research Department, ferential equation, equivalent to Reynolds equation is obtained. This equation is
General Motors Research Laboratories, discussed with emphasis on the case when magnetic stresses derive from a potential,
Warren, Mich. 48090
also when the pyromagnetic coefficient vanishes. The boundary conditions for
lubrication problems are then formulated. In particular, short bearings with
ferromagnetic lubricants are considered. A numerical example yields the pressure
diagrams at low and moderate eccentricity ratios and for different speeds. In
conclusion, it is shown that ferromagnetic lubricants may improve substantially the
performance of bearings operating under low loads and/or at low speeds. However,
a correct variation of the magnetic field, toward the center of the lubricated area, is
required. Under such conditions, the extent of the active area of the film is increased
and bearing stiffness and stability are improved.

The ferrofluids are colloidal suspensions of ferromagnetic newtonian fluids. The velocity and pressure fields for thin
particles in a base fluid. The carrier fluid may be a diester ferrofluid films are then obtained, thus allowing viscosity,
base, a hydrocarbon base, an ester base and even a water magnetization, and magnetic field strength as coordinate
base; other base fluids, less important for lubrication, are also functions. A separate study of the energy equation, not shown
available. The particles are very small in size (about 100 A) in this paper, would provide a complete solution for the
and coated with a surfactant (oleic acid) to prevent coupled momentum and energy equations, as was already
coagulation; therefore, the ferrofluids are very stable and done for viscous, nonmagnetic films. Meanwhile, the short
practically no separation or precipitation occurs. Under an bearing case, studied in the following analysis yields, besides
applied magnetic field, the particles are oriented and become particular aspects, some general trends and clues for the use
the loci of magnetic forces. The contact phenomena at the of ferrofluids as lubricants. Therefore, the objective of this
surface between the solid particles and the liquid carrier paper is to show whether or not they are proper for use in
disseminate the magnetic stresses in the mass of the ferrofluid. lubrication, and determine the range of their applications,
Therefore, a new kind of body forces is introduced when the with emphasis on the bearing load-carrying capacity.
motion of the fluid is considered. The density and the
viscosity of magnetic suspensions differ from those of the Momentum Equations for Magnetic Viscous Fluids
base fluid, as the particle concentration and magnetization A fluid containing small particles of magnetic materials in
increases. suspension is subject to electromagnetic forces when an
Ferrofluids were prepared during the last decade and electric field is applied. Assuming the direction of
studied first by Neuringer and Rosensweig [1], Cowley and magnetization is in the direction of the local field, the force
Rosensweig [2], and Rosensweig, Kaiser and Miskolczy [3], per unit volume is [1], [2]
Rosensweig [4], and later by Shliomis [5]. Although many
possible applications were considered, only a few and in- / m = ^(M'.V)5C = Mo(MV3C)(JCV)3C (1)
cidental references were made to the field of lubrication. A and if the displacement current is negligible V x 3C = 0, then
paper of Tarapov [6] deals with the motion of a magnetizable (1) yields
fluid in the lubricating films of infinitely long bearings, also
taking into account the energy equation under some drastic f 1
approximations. fm= -Mo(M*/3C)V(3C.3C) = ^0M*v3C (2)
In the present work the general momentum equations are Therefore, the Navier-Stokes equations are, in a vectorial
analyzed under the assumption that ferrofluids still behave as form, [7], [8]
p —- + ( W ) v = - V/7+[V(2/iV)]v+V X(/*V xv)
Contributed by the Lubrication Division of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF
MECHANICAL ENGINEERS and presented at the ASLE-ASME Joint Lubrication
Conference, New Orleans, La., October 4-7, 1981. Manuscript received by the
Lubrication Division, March 10,1981. Paper No. 81-Lub-39. •V[At(W)] + /to-^*V3C (3)

510/Vol. 104, OCTOBER 1982 Transactions of the ASME

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Pt, for /3 = 0, n = ixw, hence for the basic fluid in the absence
of magnetic effects, while the dash-point curves 2 exhibit the
effect of solid particles in suspension, also without any
magnetic field. The following curves, 3 and 4 in Fig. 1, show
the total pressure variation under the applied magnetic field
for to = 180 s - ' and to = 1 8 s - 1 . The radial distance between
2 and 3 corresponds to the pressure due only to magnetic
effects, for co = 180 s _ 1 , and it shows that for speeds of this
order the magnetic pressure is about 4.6 percent of the
maximum global pressure and 19 percent of the maximum
pressure in the base liquid. At higher eccentricities, the
relative contribution of the magnetic stresses is lower, such
that for co = 180 s~' curves 2 and 3 are almost superposed.
Therefore in Fig. 2 only curve 2 was plotted.
At lower speeds, for instance co = 18 s _ 1 , curve 3 is
replaced in both figures by curve 4. Therefore, for e = 0.1 the
magnetic pressure is relatively much higher, i.e., 32.8 percent
of the maximum total pressure and 189 percent of the
maximum pressure obtained when using only the base fluid.
Although less visible, differences can be seen in Fig. 2 (e =
0.5), where the respective values are 3.6 percent and 13.6
However, it should be recalled that the diagrams concern
only the dimensionless pressure coefficient, and the real
values are directly dependent on speed; otherwise the relative
positioning of the curves at different co could be misin-
terpreted. This is due to the fact that the viscosity ratio
/^IH/^IS is speed dependent and that magnetic and viscous
136° stresses are functions of different physical parameters. Ac-
Fig. 2 Pressure polar diagram, c = 0.5 tually, at lower speeds the contribution of viscosity
diminishes, whereas the magnetic forces are constant. Similar
effects are obtained by increasing the relative clearance or by
Formulae (33), (34), and the definition relationship for P using lubricants with lower viscosity. On the contrary, by
show that the actual value of the pressure p has two parts. increasing the strength of the applied field, the absolute load-
One is due to viscous stresses and depends on the actual carrying capacity becomes higher, concomitantly with the
viscosity, relative velocity, and bearing geometry. The other magnetic stresses.
part, containing the magnetic effects, merely depends on the
Figures 1 and 2 show that magnetic stresses, in this case
magnetic field and magnetization. The ferromagnetic par-
independent of the position angle, enlarge the active area of
ticles as a suspension modify the viscosity of the fluid carrier
the bearing. Hence for co = 18 the center angle of this area
from its initial value ^, 0 to ^ l s . The value of ^u is a function
(curves 6) increases from 180 to 242 deg (e = 0.1) or 205° (e
of particle concentration [3], which also characterizes the
= 0.5). This is another effect related to the increase of the
value of the saturation magnetization. Therefore, the
load-carrying capacity. By varying (3, a maximum is reached,
saturation magnetization may be a measure for the con-
when the pressure curve becomes tangent to the zero line at
centration and a variable to define fils, the viscosity in the
one point, then the pressure resultant remains constant.
absence of a magnetic field, hence without any orientation of
solid particles. The presence of a field immediately generates On the other hand, the resulting dimension of the cavitation
an orientation; this produces a second variation of the area, as for externally pressurized bearings, and the viscosity
viscosity from /xls to n1H, which is a function of both the increase contribute to bearing stiffness and stability.
applied field and magnetization, by means of the parameter
?)^,o/M*3C, as shown in [3].
Hence, the viscous stresses largely depend on magnetic
parameters for they cause a viscosity variation. If ^ 10 is used The preceding analysis yields some relevant aspects,
for JXI to obtain the nondimensional values P of the pressure, concerning the effectiveness of using bearing lubricants with
then the nondimensional viscous terms, apparently in- magnetic particles in suspension, in the presence of a magnetic
dependent of viscosity, must be multiplied by the ratio ^ //x10 field. They can be condensed as follows:
of the actual and reference viscosities. On the contrary, the 1. Generally speaking, the effect of magnetic particles is to
magnetic parameter /3, with /x, = nw in the demoninator, increase the load-carrying capacity. Under reasonable values
remains constant, as long as the other factors in (33) do not of applied magnetic fields (105 - 106 A/m), this effect is
vary. significant for bearings operating at low speeds, or with large
On the basis of these considerations, and using the pressure clearances, or with low viscosity lubricants and becomes
formula (34) the polar diagrams in Fig. 1 (e = 0.1) and Fig. 2 relatively larger with respect to viscous forces as these
(e = 0.5) were plotted, showing the dimensionless pressure parameters are reduced in value.
variation versus the position angle measured from the cen- 2. The additional pressure is due to both magnetic stresses
terline. With the value of r/ s (Vu/c) = co^j/c) = co X and increased viscosity. Noticeable results are reached when
1 0 \ the parameter 10Sjtn 0 /M*3C = 1.226 cox 10" s (or78.4 their combined effect is compared to the pressure distribution
co in CGS units) is calculated, therefore, (JI\H/IL\S) = 1 for obtained by using the base fluid without magnetic suspensions
both co = 180 s" 1 and co = 18 s _ 1 [3]. This is due to the fact or by disconnecting the magnetic field.
that at normal shear rates the particle orientation is no longer 3. To obtain an increase of load capacity, gradients of the
stable. applied field are necessary, such that the magnetic field
The curves 1 in Figs. 1 and 2 represent the variation of P — reaches a maximum inside the active zone of the bearing. A

514 / Vol. 104, OCTOBER 1982 Transactions of the ASME

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decreased load capacity is obtained if the field strength at the References
boundaries is higher than in the active area. 1 Neuringer, J. L., and Rosensweig, R. E., "Ferrohydrodynamics," The
4. With increasing value of the magnetic field parameter, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 7, No. 12, Dec. 1964, p. 1927.
j8, the extent of the load-carrying region becomes larger. This 2 Cowley, M. D., and Rosensweig, R. E., "The Interfacial Stability of a
effect, together with the increased pressure, contributes to Ferromagnetic Fluid," J. FluidMech., Vol. 30, Part 4, 1967, p. 671.
3 Rosensweig, R. E., Kaiser, R., and Miskolczy, G., "Viscosity of
higher load values. Magnetic Fluid in a Magnetic Field," Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,
5. For an axial symmetric applied field, the pressure Vol. 29, No. 4, Apr. 1969, p. 680.
resultant reaches a maximum value at a definite value of /3, 4 Rosensweig, R. E., "Ferrohydrodynamics," The Encyclopaedic Dic-
beyond which the carried load remains constant. tionary of Physics, Pergamon Press, 1974.
5 Shliomis, M. T., "Magnetic Fluids," Sov. Phys.-Usp., Vol. 17, No. 2,
6. The bearing stiffness and stability are influenced by the Sept.-Oct. 1974, p. 153.
magnetic suspensions, and a first qualitative estimate suggests 6 Tarapov. T. E., "Movement of a Magnetizable Fluid in the Lubricating
that an improvement of both can be expected. Layer of a Cylindrical Bearing," Magnitnaya Gidrodinamika, No. 4, Oct.-Dec.
1972, p. 19.
Acknowledgments 7 Milne-Thomson, L. M., Theoretical Hydrodynamics, 5th Ed., The
MacMillan Company, New York, 1968, p. 641.
The author thanks Donald F. Hays for his suggestion on 8 Tipei, N., Theory of Lubrication, Stanford University Press, Stanford,
starting this work and for his stimulating interest in this California, 1962, p. 22, 41.
9 Lamb, H., Hydrodynamics, 6th Ed., Dover Publications, New York,
problem. Also thanks are due to Richard J. Coleman for 1945, p. 582.
providing useful data and for his help in clarifying several 10 Dubois, G. B., and Ockvirk, F. W., "Short Bearing Approximation for
aspects of the physics of ferrofluids. Full Journal Bearings," NACAT.N. 2809, Washington, D.C., Nov. 1952.


R. E. Rosensweig1 Additional References

This paper carefully analyzes the flow field of a short 1 Rosensweig, R. E., "Phenomena and Relationships of Magnetic Fluid
hydrodynamic bearing to account for the presence of Bearings," in Thermomechanics of Magnetic Fluids, B. Berkovsky, ed.
Washington, D.C.: Hemisphere, 1978, pp. 231-254.
magnetic fluid lubricant and applied magnetic field. The 2 Condiff, D. W., and Dahler, J. S„ Phys. Fluids, Vol. 7, 1964, p. 842.
principal new features taken into account over and above Recent work of Soviet authors appears in the journal Magnetohydrodynamics,
conventional bearing analyses are the existence of magnetic Translation from Russian, Consultants Bureau, New York.
field gradient forces, magnetic interfacial stress difference
when a normal component of magnetization is present, and Author's Closure
magnetically induced changes of the fluid viscosity.
A general discussion includng some analysis of broad types The author would like to thank Dr. Rosensweig for the
of new bearings made possible with magnetic fluids is valuable comments. He agrees with the fact that refinements
available in the literature [1]. Recognized configurations are of the existing theories can be obtained by a closer look at the
either hydrostatic or hydrodynamic in nature, with monofluid rheological properties of ferrofluids. The momentum and the
and bifluid types in both categories. State-of-art load support moment of momentum equations may be complemented by
of 0.15 psi in a hydrostatic monofluid bearing and 4 psi in a the introduction of the particle spin vector and the couple
hydrostatic bifluid bearing has been demonstrated; stress tensor, as for micropolar fluids.1 However, the effect
"ultimate"capability of 120 psi and 960 psi are estimated. that the applied magnetic field and the resultant particle
Both hydrostatic types operate passively. The hydrodynamic orientation have on the freedom of the particles to spin has to
types are capable of greater load support but don't support be analyzed. To complete the analysis, new material
loads passively. This is probably not important except in parameters are then introduced, whose experimental deter-
instrumentation. The hydrodynamic types can be useful in mination presents serious challenge.
applications where the magnetic fluid is attracted back to the In the general case, this may lead to developments too long
working gap thus eliminating mechanical means to achieve to be practically used in applications. In this paper, an at-
recirculation. tempt is made to present a theory of hydrodynamic
Studies such as the present one are important in quantifying lubrication under the usual approximations and existing data,
the effects to be obtained and for providing a systematic since the author feels it is still a little explored domain.
methodology. A direction for further refinement of the
analysis is to account for the field of antisymmetric stress in
the ferrofluid and the influence of shear rate on it. [2]
Nicolae Tipei, "Lubrication with Micropolar Liquids and its Application to
Exxon Corporate Research, Linden, N.J. 07036. 1979, pp.356-363.

Journal of Lubrication Technology OCTOBER 1982. Vol. 104/515

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