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C) Define the four styles of listening and explain how each may be used


We do so for many distinct reasons when we engage in listening, depending on

the goals we are trying to achieve. There are four different types of listening that are

essential to understand when deciding what the listener's goal is. he four types of

listening are empathic, polite, critical, and active. Familiarize yourself with these

different types of listening so you can strengthen and improve your ability to critically

think and evaluate what you have heard.[ CITATION Kyl19 \l 1033 ]

First of all, empathy is a way of deeply connecting with another person and

empathic listening can be particularly challenging. Empathy is not the same as

sympathy, it involves more than being compassionate or feeling sorry for somebody

else. You're doing it to reflect shared interest as you listen empathically. You strive to

communicate with the speaker during this form of listening by knowing the situation in

which he or she is discussing. To get a better understanding of what it is he or she is

talking about, you step into the other's shoes. You typically want to be completely

aware at the moment or to listen closely to what the speaker is saying during this

form of listening. How we can used effectively is by seek to understand both thoughts

and feelings. Don’t consider your listening task finished until you’ve understood what

the speaker is feeling as well as what he or she is thinking. We also can engage in

equal, two-way conversation. Try to remove all physical or psychological obstacles to

equality to promote transparency and empathy . For starters, move from behind the

wide desk that separates you from your workers. Do not interrupt the speaker, which

sends a signal that what you have to say is more important.[ CITATION Mel13 \l 1033 ]

Next is polite that mean often thought of as the exclusive function of the speaker,

as solely an encoding or sending function. But, politeness or impoliteness may also

be signaled through listening. Obviously, there are times when you would not have

any desire to listen graciously. For instance, in the event that somebody is as a rule
loudly injurious or stooping or utilizing bigot or chauvinist language. In these cases

you should show your objection by indicating that you're not in any event, tuning in.

However, regularly you'll need to listen affably. Furthermore, you'll need to

communicate this neighborliness through your tuning in conduct. As you read these

you'll see that these are methodologies intended to be strong of the speaker's

positive and negative face need to avoid interrupting the speaker. Avoid trying to take

over the speaker’s turn. Avoid changing the topic. If you must say something in

response to something the speaker said and can’t wait until he or she finishes, then

say it as briefly as possible and pass the speaker’s turn back to the speaker. We also

can show empathy with the speaker. Demonstrate that you understand and feel the

speaker’s thoughts and feelings by giving responses that show this level of

understanding. For example, smiling or cringing or otherwise echoing the feelings of

the speaker. If you echo the speaker’s nonverbal expressions, your behavior is likely

to be seen as empathic.

Other than that, style of effective listening is critical listening. Critical listening is

listening in order to evaluate and judge, forming opinion about what is being said.

Judgment includes assessing strengths and weaknesses, agreement and approval.

This form of listening requires significant real-time cognitive effort as the listener

analyzes what is being said, relating it to existing knowledge and rules, whilst

simultaneously listening to the ongoing words from the speaker. How can you used it

effectively is avoid filtering out nuanced messages or oversimplifying them. Similarly,

stop unnecessary messages being filtered out. You are don't want to hear that

something is untrue that you believe in, the people that you care about are unkind, or

the values that you carry self-destructive, they are. It is critical, however that you

review by listening to these messages, the convictions. You also can recognize your

own biases. This can interfere with precise listening and cause you to misinterpret

the reception of messages through the assimilation process.

The last style of effectively listening is active listening. Active listening refers to a

pattern of listening that keeps you engaged with your conversation partner in a

positive way. It is the process of listening attentively while someone else speaks,

paraphrasing and reflecting back what is said, and withholding judgment and advice.

Active listening serves important function. As a listener, it allows you to verify your

comprehension of what the speaker said and more importantly, what he or she said.

Reflecting the speaker's assumed meanings provides the speaker a chance to

provide clarity and correct any misunderstandings. How can we used to be effectively

is by express understanding of the speaker’s feeling. Reverberation the emotions the

speaker communicated. This outflow of sympathy will assist you with advancing

check your view of the speaker's emotions. This will likewise permit the speaker to

see their emotions all the more impartially particularly accommodating when they're

sentiments of outrage, harmed, or misery and to expound on them. We also can ask

questions. Asking questions ensures your own understanding of the speaker’s

thoughts and feelings and secures additional information. Ask questions to provide

the speaker with just enough stimulation and help to feel like he or she can expand

on these thoughts and emotions. These questions should further affirm your interest

and concern for the speaker, but should not in any way challenge the speaker in

unrelated areas.[ CITATION DeV04 \l 1033 ]

DeVito, J. A. (2004). The interpersonal communication book. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.
Glenn, K. (2019, November 19). Types of Listening | Fundamentals of Public Speaking. Retrieved from
Types of Listening | Fundamentals of Public Speaking:
Melissa. (2013). Types of Listening | SkillsYouNeed. Retrieved from Types of Listening | SkillsYouNeed:

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