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The Effect of Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Coronavirus disease 2019 or abbreviated as COVID-19 is an infectious disease

caused by SARS-CoV-2, a type of coronavirus. Patients with COVID-19 can experience
fever, dry cough, and difficulty breathing. Until now there is no vaccine or drug that can
cure this disease. Prevention that can be done is to diligently wash hands, cough ethics,
avoiding close contact with sick people.
In the situation of the corona virus outbreak in Indonesia, it has an impact on the
world of education, the central government to the regions provide policies to dismiss all
educational institutions. This is done as an effort to prevent transmission of the corona
virus. However, education does not just stop for example, now all universities implement
online lectures.
This is actually not a problem for universities that have online-based academic
systems. However, this will be a problem for universities that do not yet have online-based
academics, but every activity undertaken must have positive and negative impacts as well
as online learning systems that are being implemented in several countries, including
Indonesia. Online lectures are conducted to provide opportunities for all Indonesian
citizens to enjoy education wherever they like.
Positive impact :
We can get material easily and learn to evaluate our own learning at home according to
the desires of our hearts - each. While lying down, while eating, while joking with family,
what is certain while implementing social distancing and staying at home / boarding house
following the government's recommendations.
We can learn either in a closed room or an open room (Terrace House / Boarding House),
in addition we can study freely without any usual time limits set for each course on
campus so that we are easier to understand the material delivered by the lecturer. We can
adjust our study hours at will without pegging to the schedule of courses.
Negative impact :
Many people misuse online learning time or don't use online learning a lot, we find a lot of
time studying online opening Instagram, playing online games. While E-learning is only
open for absences, not for reading material or for learning
If there is no guidance by an expert, many students will not learn the maximum. maybe
there is only 1 target that the student wants to achieve, such as absence. if it is absent then
yes, there is no attempt to look for learning in the online. The lack of independent learning
intentions like this can have an impact on material that is not understood by students. And
when they go back to take the exam or study again, students miss and do not understand
the material. In addition, the internet network is sometimes unstable which leaves students
with material, as well as the amount of internet quota that must be provided for each

Not only the impact on education, but on the economy. The impact has a domino
effect where this phenomenon has damaged all aspects of our lives. For example, our
economic aspects are disturbed where the prices of basic goods are soaring due to
increasing public demand because of the tremendous panic since the first Covid-19 case
was announced in early March. This also affects the social aspects where people tend to be
selfish because they both want to protect themselves. Citizens' panic and anxiety were
seen when the Covid-19 case was first announced in Indonesia, several supermarkets were
attacked by residents who wanted to buy basic necessities. Some even buy instant noodles
for up to 7 boxes. They did this because they were afraid that the government would
implement a lockdown policy at any time. This situation is further exacerbated by the
emergence of mask hoarders who make these items rare in the market. Worse yet, these
hoarders sell it at sky-high prices in order to earn more income. It is truly an act that
threatens human life because there are many sick people out there who need masks so that
the disease is not contagious. If this phenomenon continues to occur, the spread of the
virus would be even more widespread. Another thing arising from the outbreak of the
corona virus is the scarcity of handsanitizers on the market. The price also skyrocketed
because of the many public requests for this item. Handsanitizer itself is useful for
removing germs and bacteria in the hands and is well suited to prevent the virus from
coming. So, it is very natural for people to flock to find these items. Corona virus has
caused panic and anxiety in the midst of society.
In addition, the impact of the corona virus (Covid-19) in the social life of the
community, including the emergence of suspicion and loss of trust in the people who are
around us or who we just know. For example, when we buy food, in both the labeled stalls
and the street vendors, we will definitely find out whether it is clean or not. Are there
servants in contact with people who have contracted the virus or not, is there an officer or
servant who washed his hands when processing or processing the food we ordered or not,
so that doubts arise.
When we talk or meet both in the office environment and in the home environment
and with the local community we are reluctant to shake hands, even though they are
parents, as we teach our children to always respect elders. However, the current situation
requires us to avoid shaking hands and must maintain a distance of ± 2 meters if we want
to talk to other people, especially people we don't know.
Therefore the Government always urges its citizens to always apply a clean
lifestyle by always washing their hands and always keeping a distance in every interaction
known as social distancing. And always stay at home, if necessary to travel in important
circumstances it is expected to always wear a mask, so that it can prevent covid-19
transmission. All must start from self-awareness to always maintain cleanliness.

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