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Dampak Pandemi Covid-19 Terhadap Dunia


Indonesia is one of the countries infected with the Covid-19 pandemic. Corona virus 2019
(COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by acute corona virus 2 respiratory syndrome
(SARS-CoV-2). So that the impact on the community and students can not meet directly on
campus or in public places. Based on Nielsen's research entitled "Race Against the Virus, the
Indonesian Consumer Response towards COVID-19" revealed that as much as 50% of
Indonesian people began to reduce activities outside the home, and 30% of them said that they
planned to shop more frequently online. Likewise, teaching and learning activities are carried out
from home and even work is done from home with the aim of reducing Covid-19 epidemi
Key Words: Pandemic Covid-19, Distance Learning/Onlne, Education,

1. Introduction

It's been almost three months of staying at home (staying at home) and working from home
(working from home) as well as E-Learning for students in accordance with the government's
program to break the chain of the covid-19 pandemic (corona virus disease) which is very
deadly when people get infected with the virus. not only in Indonesia but throughout the
world. There are many problems that Covid-19 is a warning to mankind so that all care about
God's creation, Indonesia is one of the countries infected with the Covid-19 pandemic. Corona
virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the acute respiratory
syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The disease was first identified in December 2019 in
Wuhan, the capital of China's Hubei province, and has since spread globally, resulting in the
ongoing 2019-20 coronavirus pandemic. Common symptoms include fever, cough, and
shortness of breath. Other symptoms may include muscle aches, diarrhea, sore throat, loss of
smell, and abdominal pain. While most cases result in mild symptoms, some progress to viral
pneumonia and multi-organ failure. As of April 5, 2020, more than 1.2 million cases have been
reported in more than two hundred countries and territories, resulting in more than 64,700
deaths. More than 246,000 people have recovered.

Humans are social creatures that allow each other to interact directly so that the rate of spread
of the Covid-19 pandemic is increasing rapidly. So that the Government is preparing regional
quarantine rules or lockdowns to break the chain of spread of the corona virus or COVID 19.
According to Mahfud, regional quarantine is regulated in the rule of law number 6 of 2018
concerning health quarantine. Aims to limit the movement of people limiting crowds, limiting
the movement of people for the sake of mutual safety. Most people infected with COVID-19
will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness, even causing difficulty breathing and
eventually death. This virus can heal by itself because of the body's immunity. However, older
people are more susceptible to this virus. Especially parents who have diabetes. Chronic
respiratory and cancer.

Because of this virus, people's activities in various countries have been disrupted, making
people around the world have to stay at home to break the chain of the corona virus so it
doesn't spread further. Then the economy in various parts of the world is also declining due to
this virus. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) predicts that the national economy will grow
only at 2.5% in 2020 or cut in half after growing at 5.0% in 2019. This is due to the corona
virus pandemic that is infecting various regions of the archipelago.

1.Research Method

1.1.Observation: In this study, the author made direct observations

about the impact and feel of the Covid-19 Pandemic at this time.

1.2. Literature: In this writing the author reads and listens a lot

the development of the Covid-19 pandemic from Social Media and from television information
that is continuously updated by the Covi-19 task force office

2. Results and Discussion

2.1.Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic

At this time technological disruption occurs in the world of education, face-to-face learning which
is carried out 100 percent in schools, suddenly undergoes a very drastic change. And, it is
undeniable that more than 50 percent of students and college students come from low and
middle income communities.

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, various policies have been implemented to break the
chain of the spread of the COVID-19 virus in Indonesia. One of the efforts made by the
government in Indonesia is to apply an appeal to the public to practice physical distancing,
namely an appeal to maintain distance between people, stay away from activities in all forms of
crowds, associations, and avoid gatherings that involve many people. This effort is aimed at the
community so that it can be done to break the chain of spread of the COVID-19 pandemic that is
currently happening.

The government implements a policy of Work From Home (WFH). This policy is an effort that is
applied to the community so that they can complete all work at home. Education in Indonesia is
also one of the areas affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. With the limitation of interaction, the
Ministry of Education in Indonesia also issued a policy, namely by closing schools and replacing
the Teaching and Learning Activities (KBM) process by using an online system. By using this
online learning system, sometimes various problems faced by students and teachers arise, such
as subject matter that has not been completed by the teacher and then the teacher replaces it
with other tasks. This is a complaint for students because the tasks given by the teacher are

Another problem with this online learning system is that access to information is constrained by
signals that cause slow access to information. Students are sometimes left with information as a
result of an inadequate signal. As a result, they are late in collecting an assignment given by the
teacher. Not to mention for teachers who check the many assignments that have been given to
students, making gadget storage space increasingly limited. The application of online learning
also makes educators think again about the learning models and methods that will be used.
Initially, a teacher had prepared a learning model to be used, then had to change the learning

Behind these problems and complaints, it turns out that there are also various lessons for
education in Indonesia. Among them, students and teachers can master technology to support
online learning. In this era of increasingly sophisticated technological disruption, teachers and
students are required to have the ability in the field of learning technology. Mastery of students
and teachers of learning technology that varies greatly, is a challenge for them. With the Work
From Home (WFH) policy, they are able to force and accelerate them to master digital learning
technology as a necessity for them. The demands of these needs make them able to find out
online media that can support as a substitute for direct classroom learning, without reducing the
quality of learning materials and achievement targets in learning. Various distance learning
media were tried and used. Facilities that can be used as online learning media include e-
learning, zoom application, google classroom, youtube, and whatsapp social media. These
facilities can be used optimally, as a medium in carrying out learning such as in class. By using
these online media, indirectly the ability to use and access technology is increasingly controlled
by students and teachers.

After educators are able to master various online learning facilities, ideas will be created about
more varied learning methods and models that have never been done by educators. For
example, teachers create creative video content as teaching materials. In this case, the teacher
is more persuasive because it makes students more interested in the material provided by the
teacher through the creative video. Students will certainly be able to understand what the
teacher explained through the creative videos made by the teacher. So that with the application
of this home learning model, students do not feel bored in participating in online learning.

The use of technology in completing assignments to students can also lead to creativity among
students in developing the knowledge they already have. With various learning methods from
teachers, they can create a creative learning product that can develop thinking through their own
analysis, without leaving the subject matter that has been delivered by the teacher. The
existence of the COVID-19 pandemic also provides other lessons. Learning done at home can
make it easier for parents to monitor or supervise children's learning development directly. It is
easier for parents to guide and supervise their children's learning at home. This will lead to more
intensive communication and will lead to a closer relationship between children and parents.
Parents can provide direct guidance to children regarding learning materials that have not been
understood by children. Where in fact parents are the first institution in the education of children.
In online learning activities provided by the teacher, parents can monitor the extent of their child's
competence and ability. Then the ambiguity of the material provided by the teacher, makes
communication between parents and children increasingly well established. Parents can help
with material difficulties faced by children.

The next lesson is that the use of media such as cellphones or gadgets can be controlled for
children's learning needs. The role of parents is increasingly needed in supervising the use of
gadgets. This has a positive impact on children, in utilizing technology for useful things. Children
tend to use mobile phones to access various learning resources from the assignments given by
the teacher. So that it will make children avoid using gadgets in things that are less useful or

Although education in Indonesia has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, behind all of this
there are lessons and lessons to be learned. The existence of a government policy to conduct
distance learning through online, can provide benefits, namely increasing awareness to master
current technological advances and overcoming problems in the education process in Indonesia.

2.3.Action Steps


The government at this time has changed the policy from Large-Scale Social Restrictions
(PSBB) to NEW NORMAL conditions with strict protocols based on social distancing or physical
distancing policies which are the basis for implementing learning from home by using technology
as a learning medium which suddenly, does not surprised to make educators and students
shocked, including parents. From the various complaints above, it can be a challenge for
educators, how do they continue to motivate students in doing this online learning. An educator
must be able to innovate himself and students, meaning that the teacher/lecturer here must be
able to arouse the motivation of students by explaining different materials and tasks with various
interesting learning methods.

Currently, it is very necessary for government social media such as TVRI to shift its function
from entertainment to a national learning space and private television, which can be used so that
students gain more knowledge with the same quality in cities and villages. The millennial
generation, now it may be safer to study at home, rather than bother with a myriad of rules when
leaving the house. Therefore, the government immediately took action to provide leeway to
provide cheap credit for students, so that they could be online at any time, this also reduces the
burden on parents. Because for millennials, pulses/packages are more important than eating or
other snacks..


As an educator, you must continue to be responsible for developing the Tridarma of Higher
Education in order to achieve its target of delivering teaching assignments, where courses must
be completed according to the specified time, In various ways it can be done to deliver material
online, and questions and quizzes are given and discussed in discussion forums. Likewise with
research that will be carried out to find solutions to problems faced by the community such as the
Covid-19 pandemic so that people feel the results of research conducted by academics so that
the community can actually feel the benefits of the solutions presented by academics. 3
Community Service should also be able to be carried out even during this Large-Scale Social
Restriction period, by implementing Social Distancing and Physical Distancing it may not be
optimally achieved but at least it has participated in reducing the burden on the community so
that they wake up from this adversity.

This is what academics continue to explore deeper, of course, will continue to be facilitated by
the campus, or help the government to distribute social assistance or participate in helping the
government to monitor whether the social assistance reaches those who deserve to receive the
assistance by re-registering the data.


From the parents' point of view, it is the most difficult, because they think about the costs for
daily life plus they have to pay attention to accompanying children to study, maybe they have to
increase the cost for credit, so that children continue to study online. Parents must be able to
transform and adapt first, so that parents are able to become companions or mentors for change
for their children at home? This pandemic period is an opportunity to make every parent aware
that the burden of children's education cannot only be left to the teachers/lecturers. Learning is
actually a process of changing one's attitudes and behavior through teaching and training efforts.
Parents who become mentors and companions at home are role models for changing attitudes
for students in behaving and dealing with current problems. Parents should be able to re-learn
with their children at home. At the same time, instilling a positive mindset so that we can face
this pandemic, as a new pattern of life that we must get used to because it has become the New
Normal, even with strict protocols.


With the government closing schools to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Students are now
required to study at home. This policy has been in effect for more than three months, students
are getting bored and even complaining about the many assignments from the lecturers, so that
on average they ask for time to back off to complete these tasks. The problem is that there are a
lot of power failures, internet problems, packages running out, so as a Lecturer, I often take sides
with difficult conditions like this. Meanwhile, students are also less focused because they are
bored at home, and often have bad time because they sit in front of their computer or cellphone
for hours.

Many students also feel stressed because while studying, students also still have to help their
parents with homework, cooking, cleaning the house and others, because it is uncomfortable to
see parents doing this. This was conveyed by my students during a discussion via Whatapp.
Lecturers ask students not to give too many assignments, if there are assignments, they should
be given a little more time so that they can focus and maintain their immune system, because if
the load is too heavy, they will do it carelessly. Because they also need time to rest so they can
stay concentrated so that the knowledge they receive can be absorbed. What they like is
answering questions that provide them with entertainment, so that they are interested in reading
or in the form of videos/ppt. Actually they also want to build a high discipline at home. With the
formation of a mindset that is ready to excel in the face of complexity and complexity that will
arise in the future, it becomes an important provision for every individual. Conscious or not
aware that competition is getting tougher in the future. This Covid-19 pandemic period will enter
the new normal, even though students are still full of limitations, they are still trying hard for a
brighter future.


Although many educators, students and the public are not ready to face the era of the industrial
revolution 4.0, online learning in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic seems to force all humans
to be ready for current technological developments. If viewed from a sociological perspective,
this policy is the right step to take in these conditions. For example, there is an acceleration so
that people can progress more quickly, with internet technology now, for example by shopping
with an online system, people prefer and reduce transportation time and costs, especially during
the Covid-19 period. Because it's safer and healthier. We hope that the covid-19 pandemic will
end soon, all citizens of the nation will always be healthy and the process of life can run normally
again by creating new human beings who have a positive mindset that is full of social solidarity.

Daftar Pustaka

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Wabah Virus Corona. JPMB: Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Berkarakter.
Mufid Luthfi, M. (2020). Menelusuri Bagaimana Dampak Virus Corona (COVID-19) Bagi
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terhadap ekonomi. Jurnal Ekonomi Islam(JE Islam).
Siregar, P. P., & Zahra, A. H. (2020). Bencana Nasional Penyebaran COVID-19 sebagai Alasan
Force Majeure, Apakah Bisa? Direktorat Jenderal Kekayaan Negara Kementerian
Watnaya, A. kusnayat, Muiz, M. hifzul, Nani Sumarni, Mansyur, A. salim, & Zaqiah, Q. yulianti.
Teknologi Pembelajaran.
Wibowo A, & BNPB, K. P. D. I. dan K. K. (2020). Empat Strategi Pemerintah Atasi COVID-19.
Gugus Tugas Percepatan Penanganan COVID-19.
Zahrotunnimah, Z. (2020). Langkah Taktis Pemerintah Daerah Dalam Pencegahan Penyebaran
Virus Corona Covid-19 di Indonesia. SALAM: Jurnal Sosial Dan Budaya Syar-I.

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