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The Motivated


Based on three years of extensive in-depth research

on the greatest minds in history
*See Back for Details

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Sean Alexander Graves
Copyright ©2014 by Sean Alexander Graves

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be

reproduced, copied, stored, or transmitted in any
form or by any means-graphic, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or
information storage and retrieval systems-without
prior written permission of Sean Alexander Graves,
except where permitted by law.

The information contained in this book is intended

to be educational and not for diagnosis,
prescription, or treatment of any health disorder
whatsoever. This information should not replace
consultation with a competent healthcare
professional. The content of the book is intended to
be used as an adjunct to a rational and responsible
healthcare program prescribed by a healthcare
practitioner. The author and publisher are in no way
liable for any misuse of the material.

Manufactured in the United States of America.

To contact Sean Alexander Graves email him at

The personal mission of

Sean Alexander Graves:

To inspire people’s belief in themselves

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
You may have failed a
thousand times, but you will
not fail today
Do today what can be done
Reap today what you’ve sown
Forget tomorrow, for it does
not yet know you
But sow new seed in case you
-Sean Alexander Graves

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
This is dedicated to the doers in life,
to those who never believe there is
enough in life and always have a
thirst and hunger for the pursuit of
more. This is for those who believe
that perfection is not a destination,
but only a reflection of the ongoing
pursuit to perfect the greatness
within. This is for those who
dedicate 100% of their time outside
of sleeping and eating to unfolding
their greatness. This is to those who
focus on growing in life, never
resting on their past victories. This
is dedicated to you, great reader, for
you are the greatest being ever
imagined, if only you’ll develop the
necessary mentality to manifest
your greatness.

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest

The Secret to Manifestation
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Pages 7-83:
The Motivated Mindset

Pages 73-180:
The 34 Day Motivated Mindset
Sustainability Guide
Day 1 Kevin Kruse Day 18 Chinese Proverb
Day 2 Napoleon Hill Day 19 Socrates
Day 3 Albert Einstein Day 20 Woody Allen
Day 4 Robert Frost Day 21 Steve Jobs
Day 5 Florence Nightingale Day 22 Vince Lombardi
Day 6 Wayne Gretzky Day 23 Stephen Covey
Day 7 Michael Jordan Day 24 Pablo Picasso
Day 8 Amelia Earhart Day 25 Christopher
Day 9 Babe Ruth Day 26 Maya Angelou
Day 10 William Clement Stone Day 27 Jim Rohn
Day 11 Kevin Kruse Day 28 Mark Twain
Day 12 John Lennon Day 29 Frank Sinatra
Day 13 Earl Nightingale Day 30 Zig Ziglar
Day 14 Mark Twain Day 31 Anais Nin
Day 15 Charles Swindoll Day 32 Vincent Van
Day 16 Alice Walker Day 33 Aristotle
Day 17 Buddha Day 34 Jesus

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
I wrote this book because at 22 years old I wanted to
take control of my life and learn how to live in
complete independence. I wanted to free myself from
dependence on a boss, job, parent, government, or
anyone/anything else as a source of income. I wrote
this book as a way to prove to myself what’s possible
when you set aside all doubt and fear and step out on

This book is intended not only as a demonstration of

proof of the power of faith to myself, but to all those
who read it. Know that the mentality I’ve developed
through the continuous reflection on my own work
has been the driving force of my ever unfolding
entrepreneurial spirit. The Lion on the cover is
symbolic of what it truly takes to become successful
in life.

The fierceness and dedication it takes, the complete

reliance on your own instincts, the unshakeable
confidence each time you show up, and the title we all
deserve to proclaim, King of the Jungle. In my eyes life
truly is a jungle, and we all exist as some form of
animal. My aim in life, is that when all is said and
done, I go to bed with a smile and belief that “Today,
I showed the world I am King, tonight, the Lion rests
in preparation for a new hunt.”

Never Be Less. Always Be Best.

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation

This book is intended for those for you

who desire to continuously acquire more for
yourselves out of life. More of everything,
more wealth, more love, more health, more
fun, more happiness, more of everything
desirable in life. To those of you on this path
in life you know that there is no such thing
as enough. There’s no such thing as having
met your full potential, no such thing as
satisfaction, the only thing there is, is the
continuously forward push for excellence.
Because for you the purpose of your life has
become for the continuous expression of
excellence through all that you do.

As a reader of this book you’re the

type of person where people need not ask you
how you’re doing. People look at you in all
that you do and know wholeheartedly that
you’re doing well. Because your actions
surpass the ability to question. You are a
lion, a hunter. You go out into the world
with a recognizable fierceness that only
another lion is able to see. As the saying
goes, game recognizes game, and as a
person dedicated to the continuous
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
betterment of yourself, I applaud you and
would like to take a moment to say to you.
Hi, I love you.

I love you because you are amongst

the fearless in life. I love you because you are
amongst the minority group of people
unafraid to take a chance on yourself. I love
you because you are the type of person who
recognizes that life is indeed a game of risk.
And that in that game of risk there is only
one certainty, and that is that right now in
this very moment, you’re breathing. As a
result of your breathing you have basic
human needs which you will meet on the
back of your own efforts. Why? Because
you’re a lion through and through. You’re
never afraid to risk it all, as long as you’re
betting on yourself. Because you know if it
goes bad, you’ll always be able to bounce
back. The hunt may fail. But you will
always be a lion. And the lion is always
King of the Jungle. And because we together
are lions. We are family. And in that I say
with utmost sincerity. I love you.

Now some of you may be allowing

your inner Lion to rest dormant waiting to be
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
unleashed. If that is you, you have a special
place in my heart, because I feel I know you
very closely. You are me, before my Lion
was unleashed, so follow me, you’re in for a

As people we must fully accept that

we do have our moments of weakness. Even
as lion’s we have moments were a setback,
let down, or shortcoming may negatively
2`affect our focus and confidence. The
intention of this book is to make sure that
even if something gives you this experience,
you simply pick up this book, get your
confidence boost and get back to work
reinvigorated. The way to do is that is
through a complete shift in your life, from
the inside out. You can’t change your outlook
on a circumstance until you make a
complete change in your mentality. This
book has been written to give you the exact
mentality you need in order to achieve true
success and greatness in your life.

Read this book every day. It is not

necessary that you complete this book in one
setting. This book is a motivational book that
will give you all the knowledge you need to
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
develop the wherewithal within yourself to
accomplish anything and everything you
want to accomplish in life.

Motivating yourself is not something

that you do in one day nor for one day. It’s
something that you do every day for the rest
of your life, you have to stay committed to
being motivated. Dedicated to your
dedication. If you finish this book in a day
and put it down and never open it again it
will not serve its true purpose for you.

This book is separated into two

sections, the first half talks to you about how
to get up and make life happen for you. The
second half consists of 34 quotes from some
of the world’s most successful people,
explanations of their quotes and how you
can apply those quotes to your life in a way
that will enable you to live your life to its
fullest potential. To get the best use out of this
book I would recommend that you read it
every 34 days. Once you’ve completed the
first section you may want to revisit it
throughout the year, though the quotes you
should read one each morning at the start of
your day. Read the quote of the day its
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
explanation and explanation for application
and enter your day with a greater
understanding. If for the rest of your life you
read this book every day, and apply the
knowledge within these pages I can
guarantee you that you will manifest true
greatness in your life.

This book is an easy read and the

concepts are not entirely deep, they are deeper
than the concepts you will encounter in day
to day conversations but you will come to
find that success truly is simple to achieve,
the key is to do what is necessary to achieve
success every day. Every day you don’t
move forward you move backward, there is
no such thing as standing still. Remember
that. That is the first lesson of this book. You
will find many things in this book to be
redundant. If you are paying attention to this
book you will hopefully come to find that
each message is saying the same idea in a
different way, if you read and don’t feel that
way, keep reading, once you begin to feel
that way you will know that you’re
grasping the meaning.

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
The trick is that once you feel that
way, you must continue to make a daily
habit of reading one section of this book
every day. Why? Because the effects of
motivation only last a day, a week at most.
By continuously feeding your mind this
information eventually the information will
become your inspiration and that will create
your internal motivation, you will find one
day years from today that you feel you don’t
need to read this book anymore, that you
find your motivation internally. That day
you need to read a section still. Because you
need to remember that you only came to that
point through making the reading a daily

It takes 21 days to form a habit. Habits

are what separate the successful from the
unsuccessful. Successful people have a habit
of doing things which make them
successful, unsuccessful people have a habit
of doing things which make them
unsuccessful. Yes it’s simple, but that’s
because becoming successful is simple, once
you know how to do it, turn the page and
begin learning how to do it. This is going to
be an amazing journey for you, I promise
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
you if you adhere to what I share with you
in this book and you continue to feed yourself
these messages on a daily basis each
morning before you start your day, you will
live a successful life.

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Let’s Begin
So right off the top you' re probably
wondering well who is Sean Alexander
Graves and what right does he have to tell me
how to gain focus and accomplish my goals,
and how can he be so certain of his ability to
help me do that? Well guess what, I' m not
even going to tell you who I am. All I' ll say
is this, it doesn' t matter. Why? Because you
can learn something valuable from anyone,
whether I' m a bum or a billionaire, read this
book and I guarantee you' ll learn something

First let' s make something clear, the

things that I share with you in this book are
universal laws, truths that you learn either
through being told them from someone who
has lived enough to learn them, or by living
enough to learn them yourself. And well the
third option is being like 99% of people in the
world and never learning the lessons at all but
rather falling down by the wayside and
blaming all your problems on " the man"
holding you down.

You’ll find that this book has been

divided into two sections, the first is going to
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
be an instructional guide from me to you on
how to get up and go get it, how to get up and
make life happen for yourself. The second
section is your daily motivation, it’s a
compilation of 35 motivational quotes from
some of the world’s most successful people.
I’ve taken those quotes and broken down for
you what they actually mean and how you
can apply them in your life.

The idea is this, first read this section

straight through, it’s not long so if you can
manage try to accomplish it in one sitting, it
will provide you with the basis that you need
in order to maximize the benefit you see
through reading the daily exposure section.
Why do I call it the daily exposure section?
Because motivation isn’t something that
exists in permanence, it’s something that you
have to give yourself exposure to everyday in
order to continuously live out its effects, in
time it will become a part of you, but that will
take years. Even as you begin to feel like you
are truly getting it and it is taking effect, you
will still need to maintain continuous
exposure to continue experiencing the positive
effects of the motivation.

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
So once you’ve finished this section, the
second section you read one quote section per
day for 35 days, then you start the process all
over again. Continue to read one each
morning and in time the concepts will become
ingratiated in your brain, this is a lifelong
commitment to self-improvement and
development, so don’t expect instant results
and don’t let your results deter your from
continuous development.

Now let' s go back to this idea of “the

man” holding you down. Let’s make it clear
who is " the man" ? Well hopefully your first
thought was “I’m the man!" If not, keep
reading you' ve definitely got a lot to learn. So
of course here we' re talking about anyone
who you' ve metaphorically assigned literal
control over your life. The " man" could very
well be a woman, maybe she' s lying in bed
next to you as you' re reading this. Maybe
it' s your boss that hasn' t given you a raise
in five years, or your teacher who hasn' t
recognized your full potential, a coach that
doesn' t see that if he put you in the game
you' d be the top scorer, it' s any person who
you claim is making your life difficult.

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
But here' s the catch, let me tell you
who " the man" really is. YOU. You really
are the man (or woman, the MAN is a
metaphorical reference to you being the
person in control so ladies don’t take it the
wrong way)! What do I mean? You' re the
person making your life difficult! Now I
know, that' s harsh but let me sum of this
entire book in one sentence for you and as you
read on it' ll make sense.

In order to change your life, you have to

change your mind.

Sounds simple? It is. Now of course

you can look at this in a couple ways. Here' s
the way I intend for you to look at it, when
you read that statement In order to change
my life, I have to change my mind, and then
I want you to think about this.

Now if you' re reading this I' m going

to make an assumption that you' ve went
through high school already. If you haven' t
more power to you! I' m about to make your
future a hell of a lot easier if you' re willing to

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Anyway, let' s get back to high school. So I
want you to remember two specific kids, I
know they were at your school because
they' re at every school, because that' s how
life is. One kid spends every night and
weekend studying and doing homework
relentlessly. One kid smokes pot occasionally,
drinks when he can get away with it, gets
laid often enough, and is regarded as pretty
popular overall.

Then test day comes. And guess what

happens... NO, it' s not one gets an A one gets
something less. NO that would be too perfect,
too fair. Both of these kids get A' s on the test.
Why? Because it isn' t rocket science its 10th
grade history and it isn' t an essay it' s
essentially a trivia test to see how much of the
stuff from the book you can remember. And
test after test one kid works his butt off, and
one kid slacks it, at the end of the semester
maybe the hard worker fairs slightly better,
but it’s probably somewhere in the same

Why is this significant?

Well let' s fast-forward these kids to

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
college, of course both of them got accepted,
but for very different reasons. Why? Well the
hard worker got accepted because he works
hard, the slacker got accepted because of his
grades. But wait didn' t they both get
accepted for their grades? No! Definitely not,
of course they both received grades, but the
grades reward the effort. The slacker was
rewarded for skating by, the hard worker
was rewarded for hard work.

Now on to college, the work starts to get

more challenging. Handworker is managing
to keep his 4.0 average because he' s used to
grinding out hard work on a routine basis,
he' s been doing it for years now. On the other
hand, the challenge is starting to prove too
difficult for Mr. Cool, he' s partying it up with
his frat buds, showing up late to class and
missing a good many of them as well. Now
he' s skating by with a B-/C+ average.

What' s happening? Hard work is

starting to excel where unapplied raw talent
is beginning to fail. In the end, hard worker
goes on to earn his degree and now armed
with the ability to engage in sustained focus
for extended periods of time, he' s got one of
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
the most critical assets to becoming successful
already ingrained in his hormone infused
mind. Handworker goes on to land a high
paying job, and then on to open his own
successful business. He sees a couple years of
famine in the beginning. But he persists
through as he knows his hard work always
pays off. At 40 he takes monthly vacations
around the world and parties with the jet set
crew. He sacrificed his young life for the
betterment of the rest of his life.

On the other hand, Mr. Cool ends up

barely graduating. Getting a half-wit job
pushing papers for some company one of his
frat buds linked him up with. He parties it up
until his late twenties at which point he
spends most of his time conversing about
" the good ' ole days" and this will be the
bulk of his conversation through the rest of his
life, as the best of his days are now behind

So how does this all tie into changing

your mind to change your situation? Well
look, if Mr. Cool had looked at high school and
said to himself " I don' t need to party now, I
need to focus on achieving my goals and
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
dreams now, and once I achieve them I can
party all I want!" he would' ve made those
years work for him, laid his path and enjoyed
the best years of his life that were ahead of
him. But instead he chose temporary
happiness which resulted in a permanent loss
of opportunity.
Did you catch that?

He chose temporary happiness which

resulted in a permanent loss of opportunity.

See what this is alluding to is an idea

that I' ve only recently in my adult life
become aware of and that' s this happiness is
to be chased, and always replaced by a come
down. What does this mean? Well recall the
last time you were happy about something. I
mean really happy, like kiss a stranger smack
your mother happy. Now recall the feeling
that occurred after that happiness subsided.
There was a come down, much like when
you come down from a caffeine high.
Because that' s all happiness truly is, a high.

The pursuit of happiness in my opinion

is one of the lousiest statements known to
man. Why? Because people as they read and
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
hear it miss the true essence of the statement.
The Pursuit! You' re left always chasing
more happiness, always looking for your next
fix. When you go too long without it you sink
into depression which is rarely good for
propelling yourself into success.

So why is it that we have the right to

the pursuit of happiness and not simply
happiness? Well because happiness is a
fleeting emotion, as are all emotions.
Anything based in emotion is fleeting, it’s a
temporary feeling as emotions never last, they
come and they go. So what should you really
be seeking instead? Don' t pursue happiness,
seek calm. Calm is the one thing that can be
allowed to persist through any and all things.
Why? Because calm is unreactive it isn' t up
it isn' t down, it' s right in the middle. It' s
what' s required to sustain any prolonged
engagement of energy into an activity.

Think about it like this. Imagine

yourself at a football game. Or if your sport is
baseball take that, whatever your sport the
example works. So you' re at the game,
you' re with your friends everyone' s hyped
up and energized and your team scores a
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
point. Of course because you' re cheering for
that team and you' re all excited, you get
more excited. And the game continues your
team is up by a wide lead and you' re feeling
pretty confident that your team is going to

What happens at this point? Well that

excitement begins to run down, because
seeing a score is no longer exciting because
you' re confident you can predict the outcome.
Where does that excitement go? Nowhere it
just subsides and is slowly replaced by calm.

Holy cow! The other team just scored!

Boooooo!!! But hey no big deal, its one score
and we' re still up by a comfortable margin.
However that calm that was once excitement
now turns over into disappointment. Until...

What the hell! Another damn score!

How' d we let that happen team! Okay still
not a big deal, we' ve got our lead, that
disappointment is starting linger, but it' s
soon replaced by laughs because you' re still

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
But then the other team catches fire,
somehow they' ve managed not only to score
several consecutive unanswered points, but
they' ve somehow managed to win the
freakin game! Imagine how you feel at this

That excitement that was one bustling

deep down in your heart and pulsating out
through your cheers claps and high fives, is
now replaced by the agonizing feeling of
disappointment, sullenness, and defeat. You
don' t even remember the excitement, it
seems it doesn' t even matter now that
you' ve ultimately lost the game.

But what really happened here? Why

were you so excited about something that
didn' t matter? It didn' t matter because
although in the moment it seemed like a
victory, it was really just part of the overall
process of losing. And in the moment
although now you' ve lost why are you
disappointed? It doesn' t matter they' ve lost
the game, sure in the moment it does, but in
reality they may go on to win the super bowl,
world series, etc.

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
You see by not maintaining control
over your emotions, by letting them control
you in allowing them to excite you, depress
you, anger you, agitate you, etc. All you' re
doing is giving your emotions control over
moments in your life which truly mean
nothing. Your life is not a life and a moment
is not your life, a moment is always and will
forever be only a part of the process.

So what does this have to do with

being calm? Well the calm person although
they may not know the high of excitement,
they also do not know the down of
disappointment. Why? Because they are not
outcome dependent, they simply exist in the
process and accept the process as a necessary
feature in life.

So how does this relate back to our two

kids in high school? Well Mr. Hard worker
isn' t chasing after an emotion, he' s heading
towards a tangible result. His work is
rewarded with a measurement, what we call
a grade. He' s not chasing an emotion, he' s
pursuing a goal. A goal is attainable an
emotion is fleeting. On the other hand Mr.
Cool was constantly chasing after an emotion,
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
his chase took on different forms and as years
went on the chase grew stronger as the simple
highs of yesterday were no longer enough to
sustain the same high.

As a result when it comes time to do

something challenging, he doesn' t have the
ability to focus because he needs to be
emotionally stimulated. And here in lies a big
difference between the successful people of
and those that lead mediocre lives. Successful
people chase tangible results, they control their
mind body and spirit and put them to work in
a way that allows them to receive a tangible
lasting result.

Unsuccessful people chase the

intangibles, they are at the beck and call of
their emotions. When an emotion tells them
they' re too tired to work, they stop. When an
emotion tells them they' re happy they keep
going. When an emotion tells them anything,
they act on that emotion and only on that
emotion. And the worst part of the situation is
that they don' t actually realize what it is
that' s taking place! How awful!

So then how do you get ahold of your

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
emotions so that you can take them and use
your mind to guide your life as oppose to your
emotions. And don' t get me wrong this isn' t
to say that emotional involvement is never
necessary ever for anything, but rather what
I' m saying is that you want to make your
decisions based on what makes sense for you
overall not on what feels good right now.
Because that moment will pass and so will the
opportunity to use that moment to achieve
something tangible.

The way to get ahold of your emotions

is simple, ignore them. Now I know most of
you reading this are probably thinking okay
this guy is an idiot you can' t simply ignore
you emotions it just doesn' t work. Well
you' re wrong. And to the person that says
that it’s not healthy to try to suppress your
emotions, you' re wrong too. Is it healthy to
suppress all emotions all the time? Maybe not,
although you would be a highly efficient and
undistracted goal achiever, but that' s
another argument. But more importantly,
it' s not healthy to live a life in which you' re
constantly desiring stimulus from your

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
The environment will always be there,
it will never go anywhere. People have been
receiving stimulus from the environment
sense Eve ate the apple, and will continue to
receive stimulus from the environment long
after you finish this book. The point is
somewhere along the line you probably heard
live as if today is your last day. NO! What the
hell! That' s got to be the worst advice out and
borderline insane!

Consider this, you' ve likely heard the

saying insanity is repeating the same thing
every day and expecting a different result.
Well if you' re living everyday as if it your
last that means you' re living everyday
expecting it to be your last. If you' re not
doing the latter you can' t be doing the
former. Now if you' re expecting every day to
be your last, and every day you wake up to
see tomorrow... Well... What the heck is
wrong with you? Don' t you get it? It' s not
your last!

Do people die every day? Yes. Do people

die at 21? Yes. Do they die at any and all ages
for any and all reasons and causes? Yes. So
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
People die! That' s what we do! If
there' s anything you can bank on someone
for it' s that one day that life insurance policy
is going to pay out, that' s the nature of the

So what' s that mean? If we know

we' re going to die at some point, what
should we do in the meantime? Expect the
best and plan for the worst. What' s that
mean in the given situation? That means
when you' re going about your everyday life,
expect that you' ll live tomorrow. Expect that
you' ll still be around in six months, and
expect to make it to 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, etc.
But plan for the worst! How do you plan for
death? Exactly. You don' t. It just happens,
and the beauty of it is, you don' t need to! It' s
all taken care of for you, arrangements have
been made and your soul will be well taken
care of (hopefully).

So if you' re expecting the best, how

would that change anything you' re doing
now? Well if you' re 26 and you truly expect
to be alive at 35. PLAN ON BEING ALIVE AT
35. What do I mean by that? I mean make
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
plans so that at 35 you have an idea of what
your life is going to be like. And don' t fall
prey to the idea that " hey if I think about it,
and talk about it, it' ll just happen that way" .
That' s silly. You can think and talk about
winning the lotto all day long but if you never
play a ticket, lady luck will be riding home
with someone else. Conversely you can buy a
ticket and never speak a word about it and hit
it big!

What' s that mean? That means life is

in the actions you take. Everything is in the
actions you take, and when you realize that
that' s when you' ll gain complete control
over your life. If you want to be a millionaire
in 5 years. You can do it. But the only way
you can do it is by going out and actually
DOING it. It' s like my mother used to tell me
when I was growing up " Son, all those books
you' re reading aren' t worth the paper
they' re written on if you don' t go out and
apply the knowledge you' re picking up."

When I was a kid I thought that if I

read a thousand books, a million dollars
would drop out my bottom next time I used
the restroom. You wouldn' t believe the big
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
smile on my young face when I finished that
last book slammed the cover closed ran into
that restroom dropped my drawers squatted
over the toilet and focused my energy.

PLOP! To my surprise it was as brown

as the day before, with not a squint of green
(that' s a good thing maybe). Years later I
told my Mom about the disappointment I' d
felt when I took that glorious bowel
movement and came out empty handed. Her
response was " Son I told you it' s in the
doing, the book doesn' t do much more than
inform you. But an informed rock is still a
rock. Better to be ignorant with definite
purpose, than to be knowledgeable with
definite lack of purpose" . I didn' t really get
what my Mother meant by that until years

What she meant was you don' t need

to know everything today, you just need to
know what you want. You don' t need to
even know how to get it, not yet anyway, just
know what you want. Then start running
towards it. Whatever it is. Drop everything
else, lose all the distractions forget all other
focuses and just hone in on that definite
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The Secret to Manifestation
purpose. And something magical will
happen. Somehow someway you' ll go from
being ignorant with a definite purpose to
knowledgeable. But you won' t just be a
knowledgeable person. You' ll be
knowledgeable about your purpose! Imagine
how powerful you' d be if the only
information in your head right was all
directed towards one end goal. If all the
mistakes you made were learning
opportunities towards one end goal and all the
successes you achieved were towards one end

I don' t know about you, but I' d better

my first dollar with my last that you' d hit
that goal. You couldn' t help but hit it,
because hitting it would be all you knew. You
wouldn' t know failure, you wouldn' t know
misery, you wouldn' t know stocks, you
wouldn' t know news, you wouldn' t know
about the media, you wouldn' t read the
newspaper, and you wouldn' t spend a
minute doing anything that wasn' t in direct
relation to you achieving your goal. Because
in reality that' s all you need, is a goal and
the unrelenting desire to hit the mark.

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The Secret to Manifestation
Doing that, setting one goal and
spending all your energy working towards
that one goal will bring you into calm. Why?
Because what excites you? What disappoints
you? What angers you? What arouses any
emotion in you if you' re only focused on your
goal? Nothing. No person, no opinion, no
experience, nothing else matters aside from
achieving that one goal. And until you
achieve that goal you appreciate that you' re
simply in the process and that the process only
ends when the goal is achieved.

You' re now forced to stop considering

moments and to live in a stream of
consciousness that revolves around one
thought. Not because you realize that
moments no longer matter if you' re still on
the path, but because you no longer consider
moments at all. You only consider the path!

Imagine life like a set of stairs. At the

top of the staircase is whatever you want.
Anything, all you have to do is climb the
staircase to get it. Would you care if you' re
on the 587th step if when you look up you see
what you' re walking towards? No! You
wouldn' t even know you' re on the 587th
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The Secret to Manifestation
step, because it doesn' t matter at all. It
doesn' t matter how far you' ve come or how
far you have to go because all you' re focused
on is getting to the top.

That' s your life. Literally. The only

problem is that you haven' t taken the time to
first define your purpose, what is that one
goal you want to achieve that one thing you
really want, what is it that' s sitting at the top
of the stairs? Then next you have to take some
time to visualize what it looks like, if it’s a
change in your life then you need to visualize
what that change will look like. You need to
be able to see it and really access that
visualization at any point in time because
that' s the top of your staircase. Whenever
you find yourself counting a step just look to
the stop of the staircase and remember that
you' re walking straight towards it.

Once you' ve got your goal, you' ve

got your vision, now you need to start
thinking about what it’s going to take to
actually accomplish that goal. And don' t
think about getting all the answers, because
you' re not ready for all the answers. It' d be
like worrying about what you' re going to
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
wear to prom when you' re in middle school.
It doesn' t matter, you' re not there yet.
Prepare for what' s in front of you and
always be the best at what' s in front of you
and you' ll always come out ahead.

What this means is focus on the first

step. That' s all you need to do. If your goal is
open a business and earn a million dollars.
Don' t focus on how to earn a million dollars
as a business owner, focus on opening your
business. And you don' t need to master any
of the steps, all you need to do is do them.

How many times have you seen a

basketball player throw up a shot
haphazardly and it still go in? All the time.
How? Because he knew the goal and he took
the shot.

Once you know the goal, it' s time to

start shooting. So figure out what that first
step is and just go out and nail that first step.
Once you' ve done that focus on the next step.
It' s like back in math class, when the teacher
gave you an equation she didn' t expect you
to spit out the answer, she expected you to
follow the steps and then came the solution.
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The Secret to Manifestation
That' s all life is really, a stair case, a
math problem, however you need to see it, life
is a set of steps that arrive at a solution. The
ultimate set of steps is birth, growth, death.
And that' s the steps that any and everything
follow it' s the natural law of life. The only
problem arises when the growth step is
skipped. So many ideas are born and dead
before they were ever given the opportunity to
grow. If you want your way in life you have
to follow the design, and the design says that
after you birth an idea or goal into existence
you now have to grow that idea, at some
point it will die, but if you water it regularly
it' ll live a long healthy life.

So how do you water your goals?

Simple! Do the steps, that' s it. That' s
literally the solution to everything in life is
identify what you need to do next and do that.
You don' t ever need to really worry about
what' s after that until you' ve done what' s
immediately required. And if you
continuously give your focus only to the thing
that is immediately required eventually
you' ll have attained your end goal just
because, that' s what comes of the process.
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The Secret to Manifestation
Another problem people have is
quitting too soon. You see the thing with life
is just like we identified that people die at any
age at any time for any reason and cause.
You can attain your goal at any age at any
time for any reason and cause. But the only
way you can attain the goal is if you continue
to water it. The moment you quit on your goal
is the moment it quits on you. It can' t die as
long as you breathe life into it.

For some of you this may be a stretch

but you have to really view yourself as an
independent God of your own universe. And
don' t consider this egotistical because we are
all God' s with the same divine powers,
creation. Consider how God created the
universe, if you' re not Christian don' t take
offense, you' ll see the point in a minute. First
he thought of an idea " ah, why not make a
universe" Second he spoke it into existence
" Let there be some stuff" Third it was there!
Then he took a day off to recoup.

You create your universe in the exact

same way, you visualize your idea, you
speak it into existence, and then you create it.
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The Secret to Manifestation
Now consider this too, when God was
creating the universe, at least according to
what I' ve read he never said " Let there be...
Ah wait let me do that later, something good
might be on TV." or " Let there... hmm
should I say let there be or there will be or
hmm..." No!

He didn' t waste time thinking about

the perfect way to do it, he just did it and it
was perfect because it was done. Perfection
comes from having something to show and
taking pride in owning what you have to
show. The only way you ever get to show
anything is by putting in the energy required
to create that which you want to show. Just
as Newton said every action has an equal and
opposite reaction, this is the way you design
your universe.

If you take no action, there is no

reaction. When you take no action on your
goals, you are simply being dragged into the
dirt by gravity and eventually it has its way.
However when you take effect on the
universe, when you use your body to bring
about some sort of action, no matter what
that action is there is a reaction caused in the
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The Secret to Manifestation
universe. Many people acknowledge this
reaction to be " karma" really whether you
name it or not doesn' t matter, the idea is all
the same " karma" is simply the equivalent
reaction to your action.

Newton when he identified this law,

never really explored the full ramifications of
the power within the law itself. It is a worldly
law in that if you push something it will roll.
However he didn' t explain fully that the law
is actually true of any and all things. The
reason for that is it' s often too hard to identify
exactly what is reacting to what, because it’s
a continuous chain of ongoing actions and
reactions called life. Which in part is all life is,
a series of actions and reactions.

So the next time you think about where

you are in life think about it this way. You' re
where you are either because you took no
action or you took action and this is the
reaction. And initially this can be hard to
accept especially if you' re currently
impoverished or in an otherwise poor state of
being (mentally, physically, emotionally, etc.)
however the truth is the truth. Whether you
were birthed into your state or living in the
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
result of a series of unfortunate events, the
only way you' re going to be able to change
that is first accepting full and complete
responsibility for your life.

Why? Because it' s you' re doing.

How do you know it' s you' re doing and no
one else’s? Because as good or bad as your
situation is there is always someone else’s
who' s is better or worse. How could that be?
Because there is always someone or
something who is acting more positive or
negative than you. And acting positive
doesn' t mean smiling and being cheerful.
Acting positive means acting in accordance
with your goal. Any action that you take in
the direction of your goal will be rewarded
with a reaction in the direction of your goal.
A negative action is any action that you
take in any direction other than your goal.
You could even be performing a good deed.
Maybe you give a homeless guy $1.00. Well
if your goal is to get $1,000,000.00 you may
be thinking you' re creating some positive
karma for your life but guess what, YOU' RE
NOT! Why? Because giving $1.00 to the guy
directly went against your goal, that didn' t
help you get towards $1,000,000.00 even if it
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The Secret to Manifestation
temporarily made you feel good. Because
remember, if you' re doing something to feel
good, you' re not acting in a positive notion,
you' re again chasing a high.

Now for a lot of people this whole idea

may sound like all of a sudden you have to
become this selfish unemotional person to
become successful. Well the truth of it is to a
degree you do. Why? Because no one is going
to do the work for you. As hard as it is to
make $1,000,000.00 I damn sure know you
won' t be giving yours to me once you make
it. You don' t have to be a jerk to people, but
you do have to have a degree of self-
centeredness which simply means that you
put your goal before everything else. Even
before your own personal desire for emotional

When you look at it this way you

might be able to see that you' re not actually
being a jerk to anyone at all, because everyone
including yourself is receiving equal
treatment. If you live your life to appease
others, you' re never going to appease
yourself. If you live for yourself first, you' ll
likely help others by way of helping yourself.
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
What does this mean? Well again if you' re
goal is $1,000,000.00, the only way you' re
going to get that is by giving a lot of other
people what they want in exchange for their
money. So your helping people becomes
different. You help people only in such a way
that it directly benefits your end goal. Which
what else really makes sense in life?

Considering that we' ve already

accepted that you can die at any point in time
how disappointing would it be if you died
giving away your time as opposed to
achieving your dream. What' s required of
you is to change your frame of thinking to one
based on satisfying the desires of a few to
those of the many. See if you turn down your
friends and family every weekend and every
holiday because you' re working on your
dream, eventually those people are going to
turn their nose up at you. Why? Because
you' re never available and you seem like you
don' t really care about them. However in the
way of achieving your goals, you' re going
to help hundreds if not thousands MORE
people! How truly selfish and inconsiderate of
you it would be to decide that spending
" quality" time with someone is more
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The Secret to Manifestation
important than leaving a lasting impact on
the world.

And even consider the notion of what

" quality" time is. In redefining your life in
order to change your mind to change your
life, you have to change some of your
accepted definitions for commonly used and
abused terms. Quality time is simple. Gauge
the quality of your time by the result of your
time. Why? Because that' s how we measure
the quality of everything else. A quality pair
of shoes last a long time, a quality car handles
well and rides nice, a quality shirt feels great
looks great. With everything we judge its
quality based results it produces. So if you
know you have one goal, one purpose, one
thing you truly want to achieve in life. How
could anything that does not produce results
in line with that goal be considered quality?

See if you really want success, the first

thing you need to do is become your own best
friend. That' s the very first thing you need to
do if you want to become successful. And I' m
going to repeat it once more because it' s the
most important thing in the entire book. If you
want to become successful the first thing you
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
need to do is become your own best friend.

Why is that? Well take a moment and

think about the saying " dog is a man' s best
friend" . Dog is man' s best friend because
what, because he' s furry and bites? No of
course not, he' s man' s best friend because
man can tell him anything he wants to tell
him without recourse and judgment and the
dog will always be in his company as long as
the man keeps it well fed. Become your own
dog! Feed yourself well every day, take
yourself outside for walks, talk to yourself,
and spend time with yourself. When you can
spend long periods of time with yourself
you' ll be amazed at how much your
productivity increases. Why? Because
you' re not wasting time talking to people
that don' t believe or understand your goal.
They don' t get why you' d work 12 hours a
day 7 days a week on your goal, and guess
what, they never will and more importantly
they don' t need to.

The only person that needs to truly

believe in your goal beyond a shadow of a
doubt is you and the person looking at you in
the mirror.
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The Secret to Manifestation
And here' s something magical. Most
of us when we look at a homeless person
talking to themselves on the street corner we
develop this preconceived notion that talking
to yourself is crazy. Or some of us may have
heard the " its okay to talk to yourself as long
as no one answers" . Well if you have a
question and no one is around to answer it,
how else are you going to figure it out if you
don' t do it yourself? The magic is, when you
talk through things out lot, not only do you
get a sense of relief far more powerful than
just thinking things over, but you actually are
able to think critically far more effectively
when you' re talking out loud than when
you' re thinking inside of your head. There
are several reasons for this but I' ll only relay
one here.

I' m sure you' ve had moments where

you' re talking to someone saying one thing
but you' re thinking something different in
your head. Maybe you' re saying something
positive while thinking something negative.
Whatever the case, you' ve had this kind of
experience and know fully well that it’s
possible to think and talk on two different
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The Secret to Manifestation
tracks. Well when you' re simply thinking
you become totally unaware of a different set
of possibilities. This is why when we' re
depressed we get into rumination patterns
that are difficult to break, the mind gets on a
track and likes to stay on it. However as
experienced by anyone who' s had a
conversation, when we speak we tend to
move between different subjects. Speaking
seems to engage more of our working
memory and triggers our brain to link
concepts from our memory to our current
situation. The reason for this is the brain has
a tendency to like to continue doing whatever
it is doing. So once you begin talking your
brain wants you to keep talking, however it
also realizes that saying the same thing over
and over again serves no purpose, as a result
it continuously supplies you with new
information to talk about.

This is why it' s so important to get out

of your head when experiencing a creative
block or even when out socializing. When
you' re in your thoughts you' re operating in
one dimension, and it' s difficult to break
through that dimension because your brain
isn' t giving you the sudden rush of
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The Secret to Manifestation
memories that trigger new tracks in your
mind. So how can you get out of your head
and focus back on where you are? My secret
is counting. Whenever I' m walking around
and not needing to actually think about
something, I count. I go in order from 1 to
infinity until I reach a social interaction, at
that point I break count and engage in the
conversation. My conversation comes off very
fluid and natural because it’s totally
unscripted, unplanned, and is based off my
brains natural flow which is far more
effectively than something that we can
consciously comprise in the confines of our
inner thoughts. Try it out sometime!

Okay here' s another huge shift you

need to make in your thinking if you' re ever
going to really break out of this cycle of living
in mediocrity and break into greatness. You
need to dream bigger! When you' re talking
to people about your dreams and you say
" hey next year I' m going to get my stuff
together, I' m going to buy a new house,
make a hundred grand and buy a luxury
vehicle." What the person just heard you say
is " I' m going to get an apartment, make
about 25 to 30 grand and maybe get a new
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Honda" . And what happens? They react to
that! They don' t react to the stuff you don' t
even believe, they react to what they perceive
to be reality, why? Because that' s reality for
them! What do I Mean?

No one accomplishes 100% of what

they set out for. And when I say no one I mean
no one you know, because they don' t know
how to do it, they aren' t reading this book
they aren' t investing in themselves and their
dreams and goals in the way necessary for
them to actually see the realization of their
plans. So what happens is you tell this
average Joe your small goal, they shrink it
even more and each time you talk to that
person they shoot you down, then you start to
doubt yourself and in the end what happens?
You' re at about 30 grand with a new Honda
and still living at your parents’ house.

So how do you break the chain? First

you need to terminate all your current
friendships. All of them. 100% of them. I
don' t care if you' ve been friends for 10
years, you need to cut all friendships. Why?
Because the people around you aren' t going
anywhere and you are. You don' t need their
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
negative energy tainting your thoughts,
because like I said before you need your goal
at the top of that staircase to be 100% of your
focus if you' re going to attain it. It' s tough
sure, but again remember we' re not here to
make emotional decisions chasing some
high. We' re here to get rich, gain the
confidence of a champion break through
barriers, shatter expectations of us, and
accomplish our wildest dreams! So man up
or woman up and cut those ties, trust me
you' re doing yourself a favor. And if you
won' t do yourself that favor, you likely
won' t ever get to accomplish 100% of that
dream, so it becomes that great question of
which is more important? Your dream which
will help you help 100s if not 1000s of other
people, or those 5-10 friends that aren' t doing
stuff but holding you back anyway.

Okay so after you' ve cut those friends,

and please put this book down until you' ve
done that last step. Honestly, I' m very serious
about this. The only way you can keep a
friend is if your friend is where you want to
be. That is the ONLY type of friend you can
have! Because that' s the person that will
encourage you and help motivate you, why?
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Because they' ve been where you are before
they know what it' s like to be at the bottom
and be struggling to climb that staircase, they
know what it takes and they' ve made the
sacrifice before. They' ll respect you because
they' ll see you doing the right things and
they' ll likely give you pointers and
connections to help move you in the right
direction. Any friend that is not where you
want to be needs to be cut off now.

Now after you' ve done that and trust

me I know it' s one of the hardest steps, but if
you can do that then you really do have what
it takes to get where I' m trying to get you to
go and that' s to the top of the staircase. Now
it' s time for you to learn how to talk and
dream and communicate your desires. First
let me ask you, who really wants a house a
car and a 100 grand? A guy or gal with no
direction in his or her life that' s who. What
do I mean? Well 100 grand sounds good.
That' s it. That' s all 100 grand is, it isn' t
any money, you can spend 100 grand in a
day/week/month if you' re mackin it hard
and you' re a real player. 100 grand is for the
kid who doesn' t know much more than
getting a good salaried job for some other
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
square who isn' t really going big either.

So what do you want? Now I bet a lot

of you are thinking well hey if not 100 grand
maybe I should shoot for a million or ten
million or a billion. No! Forget that! Forget all
of that! Forget limits! Remember the title of
this book " The Motivated Mindset” Keyword
in the title The “Motivated” Mindset. That
means never again can you settle for less,
never again can you allow someone to tell you
your worth has an hourly value, never again
can you let your value be determined by
someone else. You truly can’t put a number
on your worth. Your true worth is in constant
growth and your goal is infinite! When
someone says to me Sean Alexander Graves
what do you want out of life this is how I

“Listen what I want out of life is

indescribable, it' s bigger than anything
you' ve ever imagined. I' m going to make
more money than a banker can count, I' m
going to achieve so much success the word
itself will devalue my status, I' m going to
live an unlimited life, what I want out of life
is to be God. Not of you. But of me”
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
That' s how you talk to people! Why?
Because people can respect that, that sounds
like a person who' s truly going somewhere.
That' s a person that isn' t being restricted
and held back by facts and figures and
numbers and manmade factiousness. Why?
Because all of that meaningless, what' s a
million dollars if someone else can make
more? What' s a goal if you can shoot for
something bigger? What you' re going to
come to realize along your journey to
greatness, is that once you truly get moving
and truly start achieving the best in life which
you will, the staircase never ends. There is no

Your goal is just another step. And once

you reach that step you need to do something
bigger, there is no standing still, if you' re not
climbing you' re falling. Time continues on in
infiniteness and waits for no man. Any
moment you spend not moving to the next
step is a moment that you' ve now fallen

What do I mean? Well consider this.

The staircase, which is literally the best
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
example of life that you' ll ever encounter,
works like this. When you' re born you are
on the first step, but there' s only 1 step.
You' re on top of the world when you' re
born, you' re the greatest thing in your own
universe and truly nothing else matters. The
moment after you' re born the next step
begins to form. By the time you' re 18 there' s
100 steps and most people are still on
somewhere between the first and tenth, as
time goes on more and more steps are added,
those steps will continue to be added forever.
You can never get to the top of the staircase
because you can' t catch up with lost time.

What this means is that the sooner you

realize you' re on the staircase and the sooner
you start running in the right direction, the
sooner you stop falling behind on the
staircase. Which means that you begin to run
with time. Your life because a series of
indefinite moments strung together in one
chain we call life but you' ll call infinite
happiness. Now remember before we said
that you don' t chase happiness you seek out
calm. Well when you begin to continuously
achieve your goals and begin to see less and
less stress in life as you run with time you
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
become happy with your calm. Or should I
say you become at peace. Peace is the ultimate
goal, and it’s achievable through two
methods. One I' ll call the Buddhist or Zen
method, don' t quote me, but basically
finding enlightenment through releasing
your obsession with the material world. The
problem I have with that is that whole theory
banks on something better happening to us
after we die, and sure maybe it will, but then
maybe it won' t. No one truly knows no
matter how much they claim to.

The second method to achieving peace

is to live a life of calm in pursuit of a goal,
achieving that goal, setting a new one and
achieving that. Once you begin to
continuously set and achieve new goals you
begin to realize that you are living a limitless
life that anything you think out, speak out,
and act on becomes real. You find peace in
knowing that you have absolute 100% control
over your life. You come to realize that the
external world is simply what you exist in,
that it has no control over the direction of
anything in your life. It can' t make you
happy it can' t make you sad it can' t do
anything except give you a realm to play in.
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The Secret to Manifestation
And that' s what life becomes for you, it
becomes play.

Remember when you were a kid how

much happiness you found in just using your
imagination. You didn' t actually have
anything you just had these thoughts in your
head and they gave you pleasure. Well that
was the first step, but somewhere along the
way growing up you decided not to put that
imagination into reality. Well as kids
imagination brings us peace and happiness.
As adults it’s the realization of our
imagination which brings us that same
peace and happiness and that is what we' re
talking about here, taking your thoughts and
morphing your reality out of them.

In this way you can achieve the best of

both worlds you can live a life of material
wealth and financial freedom, while
simultaneously living an enlightened life.
You' ll be able to live as God in this life and in
your afterlife. That is true greatness that is
living in a true limitless form. And if you do
everything I tell you to do within this book
that is the type of life you are going to create
for yourself.
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
A huge key that is going to determine
how far you' re able to take all of these things
I' m telling you in this book and how great
you' re truly going to be able to become in life
is your ability to not quit what you start.
What this means is you' ve got to have some
tenacity some grit some stick-to-it-ness.
Something that keeps you climbing the
staircase. And that has to be the reason why
you' re climbing. Knowing your goal and
being able to visualize is has to be the reason
you get up in the morning and the reason you
go to bed at night. When I go to bed, I don' t
go to bed for sleep, I go to bed for the dream.
Because my dreams are, as are yours, a
projection of my subconscious. My dreams
are always of me doing amazing and great
things because that' s the only sort of
thoughts that I allow into my subconscious.

People ask me sometimes, Sean

Alexander Graves how do you develop that
never give up never back down kind of
attitude. And there' s only one answer, this is
the real and honest answer and there' s
nothing else anyone can tell you that is
otherwise. You just have to do it. Yes that' s
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
right the Nike motto has some real sustenance
to it. In order to not quit you just have to not
quit. When it hurts, keep going, when it' s
not working, keep going, when it breaks, keep
going, when there' s no hope in site keep
going. Why? For no other reason than you
know at some point one day at some point in
time somehow your dream is going to
become a reality. It' s the way of the world,
like I said before " Think it, Speak it, Create
it" .

Have you ever noticed that in the Bible

it never says how long it took God to create the
universe? See we have this thought that it
was just poof instantly. Which is exactly
what it is but I don' t think most people have
a real concept of what poof actually is. See
think about this, one day I was born, one day
I went to school, one day I started a business,
and one day I became a millionaire. If you
look back at my life and at most successful
people' s lives it looks like somehow they just
poofed into riches. Because we never really get
to see and feel the experiences that they had to
go through in order to get to where they were.
So it just looks like poof.

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
In actuality everything, even God' s
creations (think about pregnancy) take time to
create. But once you' ve achieved your
dream, once you' ve arrived to that stair, it
will feel like poof. Here I' ll prove it to you,
because the only reason people don' t
understand this is they don' t understand
how time really works. Like we have this
notion of hour’s minutes weeks and months.
But there is really only one moment in time
and it’s ongoing. See you' ve lived many
years now, 20 30 40 something, you' ve lived
a long time. But today it feels like it all
happened in a flash, you can remember a
year ago like it was yesterday, and somehow
you miraculously poofed into this moment
we' re in now. And you' re going to poof to a
year from now pretty soon.

So why don' t we think about time as

an everlasting moment? Well because for
some reason someone decided that we needed
to be able to measure this immeasurable
concept. Time doesn' t matter. Time isn' t a
real thing, it’s a manmade concept that
doesn' t really exist. You' re not running out
of time because there is no time, all there is is
right now. That' s all there ever will be.
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
When someone asks you what time is it you
should start saying " it' s right now" that' s
the only time it ever is. When you remove this
idea of time forget about days and weeks and
hours and just start living in what you' re in,
a moment that is leading to you to your
dream, then you' ll be able to enter into this
shift of mentality which will leave you with
no reason to quit at anything.

You see people quit things now because

they don' t see the return on their time. People
say things like " I' ve been trying for a year
now and nothing" or " I' ve been trying for a
week now and haven' t got anywhere" .
What they' re really saying is that they' ve
bought into this idea of time as a concept and
because they aren' t living in the moment
they wish to be in they' re giving up failing
to realize that they' re living in an everlasting
moment and that right now they actually
even if they aren' t where they consciously
want to be, they are exactly where they need
to be they are in the flow of the universe.
When take on a new endeavor you enter the
flow, some people pick things up quicker than
others not because they are more adept to
learn something but because their life
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
experiences have allowed them to enter into
the flow at a different point than another
person. See if you simply remain and go with
the flow in whatever endeavor you decide to
embark upon, the universe will carry you
toward whatever it is you' re aiming for.

When will you achieve your goal?

Right now. Not a week from now not a year
from now, right now. You literally achieve
your goal right now. I guarantee you that if
you start today and the day you achieve your
first goal you read this book again you' ll get
what I' m saying. Because what does time
matter if it happens? What does it matter if
you worked 20 years to make a billion dollars
if you made the billion dollars? I mean you
were going to spend those 20 years doing
SOMETHING weren' t you? Unless you plan
to spend the rest of your life asleep, wake up
every day and live your dream. And it' ll all
unfold right in front of your eyes right now.
Though the only way for this to truly work is
if you gain momentum in your life by
continuing to live in a positive fashion.

Remember previously we discussed

that living in a positive fashion doesn' t mean
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
smiling at everyone you pass by or giving a
bum a dollar just because it made you feel
good. That stuff is all chasing a high
remember. Living in a positive fashion means
that you' re making sure that all of your
actions everything that you do is in alignment
with your dream. That you' re not wasting
any time, that you' re embarking on this
journey one step at a time without sitting on
any one step because you know that when
you' re not living in the flow of the universe,
the universe is flowing onward without you
and all that is happening is you are drifting
further and further away from your goal.
They say what doesn' t kill you makes
you stronger. Imagine this, at 22 I was kicked
out of your mother' s home on a whim and
had nowhere to go nowhere to turn. But did I
cower? Did I back down from a challenge of
my dignity and integrity and return home?
No, of course not. Because life comes down to
choices, life is whatever we choose it to be and
to choose to back down from a challenge is to
choose to be a coward. Once you' ve made a
choice in a direction, the life that entails from
that choice is based in that decision. So a
decision to act in cowardice will be followed
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
by cowardly living. As a man you have to be
willing to struggle, as a champion you have
to be willing to struggle you have to be willing
to grit your teeth and experience some really
tough stuff sometimes, because no one is
going to do it for you.

How do you make it through those

periods? You acknowledge that the life you
are living is based on choices you are
consciously and subconsciously making each
and every moment of every day. The
thoughts you have today are creating the
reality you live in tomorrow, which is why it
is required by anyone desiring greatness to
consciously monitor their thoughts. You
can' t allow any negativity to persist in your
mind, you have to only believe in the positive
and let the positive guide your life. Now of
course people would argue well this is easier
said than done, but in actuality it is quite easy.
When life hits you in the face you have to
change the way you look at it. You can look
at it as " wow I just got hit in the face this
hurts I should cry now" or you can look at is
as " wow next time I' d better duck and
counter punch quickly" or you can look at it
as " wow I got hit in the face, this hurts, but I
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
needed this, I' m going to be stronger in life
because of it and I won' t ever let myself get
hit in the face like that again."

Now why did I italicize like that?

Because life is always going to hit you in the
face, there' s no way around it no way to
avoid it and ultimately nothing you can do
about it but learn from the experience. What
learning from the experience means is looking
at the experience for what it is, something you
drew into your life through the creative power
of your conscious and subconscious, and from
there take as objectively a view point on the
matter as you possibly can. As humans most
of our decisions and choices are so
emotionally driven that we lose out on the
understanding that our choices are actually
driven by us, we are living the results of our
thinking, our thinking is not the result of our
living. Life is confirmation of your inner
thoughts. When you get hit in the face,
consciously or subconsciously, you decided
you needed to be hit in the face.

Once you recognize that you chose to

receive the hit in the face, you can begin to
question why you would do such a thing.
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Relating back to me getting kicked out of my
Mother' s house at 22, I immediately in the
moment knew exactly what was taking
place, because I had been preparing for that
day all my life. What do I mean? My Mother
kicking me out signified a critical turning
point in my life, it was the point in which I
realized that if I don' t make my dreams
happen on my own, then my dreams are
going to die. No one is going to make
anything happen in the world for you. No one
is going to get up and go to work for you, no
one is going to quit and start pursuing your
dream for you. People will in a heartbeat sell
you on their own dream in order to advance
their situation and have you living within the
realm of their reality and forget about the
creation of your own.

You can' t ever allow this to happen. I

once allowed this to happen to myself, in so
far as I' ve always had my own dreams, but
I attached those dreams and became
emotionally dependent on a young woman I
was dating at the time, Hayley. Hayley and I
got engaged after nine days of dating and
stayed together for almost four years, she was
the love of my young life, and taught me
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
some of the most valuable lessons I' ve
learned in life. As in love as we were and as
perfect as things had been for a long time, as
is the nature of things, there came a point
where we out grew each other and she left
me. When she left it broke my heart, I spent
the entire year at 21 recovering from the
emotional heart break I experienced in her
leaving me. She knew me better than any
other person in the world at the time, and as
a result when she left I felt true rejection for
the first time in my life. It wasn' t like a
person on the street rejecting me or someone
at school or work, I could always deal with
that rationalizing that they had a problem not
me, I mean they didn' t even know me.

But because she had such intimate

knowledge of me and my life, when she left I
took it extremely personal, I went from this
arrogant cocky extraordinarily confident guy
to this passive timid extremely shy guy
almost overnight. And it took me six months
to even realize what had taken place. And
then another six months to actually move
passed it and regain my confidence in life.
This is why you have to hold your dreams to
yourself and not attach them to anyone else’s
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
and not get attached to anyone else’s, because
no one no matter how much you think they
love or care for you, can accomplish for you
what you desire for yourself.

Now let’s touch on something briefly

here that is a common point of conversation,
what is confidence and how do you develop
more confidence. Confidence is knowing your
worth. It' s that simple, when you know your
worth you' re confident in your worth and
are able to share that worth with other people
in a healthy open way. You' re not afraid of
what people think about you because you
know your strengths you know your
weaknesses and you' re secure in knowing
that everyone has both strengths and
weaknesses and you' re no different. So how
does this tie in with the above?

One way to instantly change your

confidence in life is to know, not believe, not
imagine, not dream up, but to know exactly
what you' re moving towards in life. Your
dream has to be so clear cut that if you told
me about it I' d think you lived it once before,
because that' s what it takes, you have to
have lived it once before, in your mind. Most
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
people go through life in reverse. They need
an experience to confirm something they
thought about in their head and then they can
claim knowledge of the fact based on the
receipt of the experience. However truly
successful people, people that understand how
success works in all walks of life, live this
cycle in reverse order.

These people know, beyond a shadow

of a doubt what is going to take place.
Consider Muhammad Ali professing to
millions at 18 that he was the greatest the
boxer of all time. He was 18 years old and had
never boxed before. Where did such
confidence derive from? The only place
confidence like this could ever come from is
deep in his soul. His soul was able to see him
and project into his vision the image of him
being the greatest of all time, in a way as
though he were predicting the future. Which
brings me to an interesting point, you cannot
predict the future, because the future is not set
in stone, the future is exactly what you can
create it to be. You can create the future, if you
decide to describe in exacting detail exactly
where you want to be in 5 years and exactly
how you' re going to get there you' ll be at
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
that exact point in exactly 5 years. Why?
Because life is the result of cause and effect.

Cause and effect is one of the key

driving factors of the universe we live in. In
order to receive an effect there are only a few
causes which will result in that exact effect. If
you' re looking to attain a goal, first
determine your goal then do a little research
on what causes have in the past for other
people led to that effect. If you are thorough in
your research you' ll find a pattern. This is
another major difference between people who
are astronomically successful and people who
live mediocre lives. Successful people
recognize patterns in seemingly random
events. Think about life, to the untrained eye
everything appears to happen at random, and
we' re often left asking the question " why
did that happen" when in reality nothing,
absolutely nothing happens at random. How
do we know? Well remember you' re actively
creating the entire world in which you live,
independent of the creations of all others, in
fact you are actually co-creating the world in
a unified manner with every person you' ve
invited to share in the realm of your
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
What do I mean by this? Well maybe
you' re reading this book in a park, maybe at
a coffee shop, or maybe you' re just at home,
maybe at work, wherever you are if there are
people around you, you put them there. Yes,
every single one of them you put them there
to satisfy a specific purpose in your life. Now
what do I mean by put them there, okay so I
don' t mean you literally created these people
or that your mind somehow poofed them into
existence in that moment. What I do mean is
something based on a simple concept that
many of you are already familiar with, the
law of attraction.

Now most of you when thinking about

the law of attraction are familiar with the
idea that you attract what you think about or
like attracts like. Well let me actually explain
to you what is truly happening in your life
and how you can start taking complete
advantage of the law of attraction
immediately and have it act in your favor in
life. So first

The Law of Attraction, Explained

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
This is how the universe works. First
you must accept the idea that your thoughts
create the world around you. I' m going to
explain to you how; so that you can instantly
create the life you want. The world around
you is merely a reflection of your
subconscious mind. The body is the gateway
through which we experience the thoughts of
the mind. Everything around you is a
reflection of your subconscious mind. The
only reason anything happens is to satisfy or
attempt to satisfy the desires of your
subconscious. What does this mean attempt
to satisfy?

Every day the thousands of people that

you see and never remember, those people
were placed there by your subconscious. More
clearly stated, your subconscious mind
attracted these people into your life in order for
you to satisfy the desire of the subconscious,
which is influenced by the conscious mind.
Now if you' ll accept this idea, that one: your
thoughts create the world around you, two:
that the world around you is merely a
reflection of your subconscious, and three:
your subconscious is a part of your thoughts
just as your conscious mind is. Together they
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
work to create your world.
What happens is this.

You consciously think of an idea " I

want to open a new clothing store" paint the
idea in your mind. Describe it as though the
clothing store is already real, as though you
are walking in it, it is something in existence
and you already own it.

As you describe and paint the idea of

what you wish for, your subconscious goes to
work arranging the pieces needed for you to
achieve this goal. The very next day you
consciously think of an idea, once you' ve
painted it, go out and to each person you see
simply say " Hi, something told me to talk to
you, what do you do for a living?"

They' ll tell you, and maybe they' ll be

able to help you immediately, but regardless
you say " Listen, I don' t know why, but
something told me I should talk to you, I' m
thinking about opening a clothing store, do
you or any of your close friends happen to
know anything about that industry?"

Go through the day, keeping in mind

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
that some people may not be able to satisfy
the desire to open a clothing store, but they
will certainly be there to satisfy some desire of
the subconscious mind. You' ll find that every
person you talk to enhance your life, and that
by painting the idea in your mind and
bringing it to the forefront of the attention of
the subconscious you' ll find that many
people you speak with will immediately be
able to help you achieve your goal.

You often hear successful people say

they " caught a break" all that simply means
is their subconscious finally got around to
attracting the person necessary to give them
the " break" . In writings like " The Secret" or
" Think and Grow Rich" they talk about
needing to think long and hard about things
and continuously thinking about that idea.

The reason for this is they do not

understand what is actually happening. You
don' t have to wait for life to unfold, it will if
you don' t act on it, it will slowly unfold as
the subconscious prioritizes your daily desires
over what you truly desire. But if you' ll paint
the idea, and act immediately, you' ll quickly
find that this is the true secret to moving
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
through life.
This is the secret to time traveling.
Anything you want, you can instantly
achieve. You simply create the idea, describe
the idea, and begin engaging people with
your idea. Realize that even you reading this,
is a creation of your subconscious mind.
You' ve had a desire to gain more out of life
quicker, you' ve wanted to have the ability to
wake up and instantly have anything you

This moment is simply the unfoldment

of your subconscious. You were meant to read
this information, as your subconscious mind
decides this is the next priority for you. Read
this over one more time, then immediately
begin applying it. Start small, and as you see
instant achievements on small things, you' ll
realize the infinite magnitude of your power.

I' m a philosopher. I explore the

purpose of existence, and look for how the
system of life can be played to an advantage.
I aim to simplify this into a method anyone
can use to live any kind of life they want. Life
is a dream, and essentially I am helping you
dream lucidly, becoming conscious of your
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
freedom, and creating the fascinating lives
you imagine.

Look around, every day you see

hundreds if not thousands of people that
unless you engage them, you' ll never see
them again. Think about what happens
when you meet a new person, invite them into
your consciousness, and develop a
relationship with that person. You are
opening a pathway to your life that
previously would not have existed had you
not opened that pathway.

Think about this, rather than

considering a person to be a human, consider
that person to be simply a portal to a new life.
Inside that portal lies an entire world. The
function and growth of people is similar to
that of the universe and to that of ideas.

The growth of the universe started

with an initial birth, and continues to expand,
existing parts of the universe have a life
expectancy and die out but the universe itself
never ceases to grow. Consider the death of a
star can result in either a massive explosion of
energy, or a massive implosion of energy,
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
resulting in a black hole.

This is the same way our population of

people has grown. From the initial birth of
two people, we have continued to grow,
existing people have a life expectancy and die
out but the population itself never ceases to

The major difference however is with

the death of a person there is no explosion of
energy, only a massive implosion of energy.
And much like with the black whole we have
no knowledge of where this process of death
takes us.

Considering that every day you see

these people and never see them again, it can
be considered that as long as you' re action
has no negative affect on anyone no one
particular moment in life must carry
significance. You choose whether or not a
moment has any significance.

The way you choose whether or not a

moment has any significance is by how you
choose to interact with that moment. Positive
interactions open portals, negative
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
interactions close portals. You create the life
you want, through the moments you choose
to invite into your consciousness.

Now it has to be discussed as to what

that means, you create the life you want.
What you use your mind to conceive, is what
your reality becomes. Think about this. When
you are in a dream anything is possible,
correct? And if you are able to remain
conscious in your dream you are able to do
anything you want correct?

What if you never woke up from your

dream? Much like the feeling of waking up
from a dream you were sure was real, you
would accept this dream to be reality. The
problem is that unless you were conscious in
your dream. You wouldn' t take complete
control of your ability to manipulate your

This is your life, you are in a dream

state, put here by what many people refer to
as “God”. Your life is being observed by an
intelligent creator, and those of us who bring
ourselves to a consciousness that we are in the
dream, are selected by the creator to enter into
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
a new reality, what we believe to be

There is only one way to truly awaken,

you must continue to expose yourself to the
ideas and thought process that you have no
limitation. Every day you can accomplish
anything you want, but you must learn to
utilize the portals.

You must first bring yourself to a level

of consciousness that you are in complete
control of the design of your universal life,
then you must realize that in order to design
your universal life you must take advantage
of portals into other people' s lives.

You must live a fear free life, you must

not be afraid to step through new portals, to
open yourself up to a new realm of possibility.
Accept that the worst thing that can happen
is that portal will fade back into the universe,
for you to never visit again.

You have the ability to awaken into a

new life. But in order to shift into this new
reality, you must leave your old way of
thinking behind completely. The mindsets
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
don' t go together, and if you keep any part
of your old mind, your new reality will never
truly unfold. Together we will unlock the
secrets to our world.

Consider this. People are placed here by

your imagination in order for you to achieve
your goals. Think about your life right now,
consider that you see people about as often as
you consider them useful. This is likely
directly proportional across the board.

People you consider very useful you see

daily or on a weekly basis. People you see only
when you need something from them, you
may once a month or a few times per year.

Now you must accept that everyone

who is currently in your life, or has been a
part of your life you have created. You have
created them to fulfill the needs of your
subconscious. This is why it is important to
monitor your thoughts. Thoughts of
negativity, lack, and limitation lead to a life
filled with negative energy, lack, and

The reason being, your reality becomes

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
what your subconscious believes it should be.
You create the people necessary for your
reality to unfold. Then you meet them
through the nuances of daily life and foolishly
believe that some things just “happen”.

If you will accept the above to be true,

you can move on to the next step in creating
your reality. By accepting that everyone in
and that has been in your life was and is
being created by you, you can accept that the
people you will meet in the future will be
created by you as well.

Here is where you begin to take true

control over your life. Create an idea in your
head of something you want. Now go into
descriptive detail of that idea, describe it as
though you were looking at the realization of
it and describe every detail of what you would

Now the next time you go out, talk to

10 people about this idea. Describe it to them
as you' ve described it to yourself. 1 of these
10 people will have part of what you need in
order to realize that idea.

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
They may have everything you need,
maybe not. But certainly they will have the
next step for you.

You must bring yourself to a true

acceptance and belief in this in order for this
to work. If you consciously tell yourself it
works, but don' t believe it in your
subconscious, your subconscious may not
create the reality of your desires.

Here is an interesting concept for you,

now that you' re coming to an
understanding that the key to your future is
held within the portals of others. Have you
considered the idea of time traveling? Now for
most people the idea of time traveling involves
entering some sort of magic box and racing
off into the past or future.

Time traveling is a reality. But it will

never be a reality in the sense of getting into a
magical box and racing off into the past or
future. When you walk down the street, as
you look forward, you look at hundreds of
portals. Each one with the potential to unlock
your new life.

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Pair this with the understanding that
you create the people you need to come in
contact with. When you are looking out over
these hundreds of portals. You are quite
literally, looking into your life.

Come to a conscious level of this in your

interactions to realize the truth in this. You
will find that as you are talking to people,
communicate to them your ideas, and they
will be able to help you with them.

You will enable yourself to make use of

every person you come in contact with. If you
realize that the only reason they are there is to
fulfill a need of your subconscious. If you
introduced yourself to 10 new people today,
and made earnest connections with all ten,
each one would fulfill a different need of your
Now one of them will fulfill a need
required to move forward in your idea. At the
same time remember you have more needs
than simply moving your idea forward. Do
not turn a blind eye to those that cannot move
your idea forward, otherwise you' ve missed
nine opportunities to fulfill other needs.

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Also keep in mind a portal contains
portals within itself, increasing its value by
the value of the portals it has chosen to
associate with. Realize that in order for you to
travel through time, create an idea and see it
immediately move in the right direction, you
must open new portals, with the knowledge
that you created them.

You only exist as you are in

relationship to someone else, the way you
view yourself is only a reality if you act it out
in relation to someone else.

So now you have the two steps required.

First focus on what you want, second open the
portals to your future. Combining these two
things in time will transmit you into
becoming among the focused and

Section 2:
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
The purpose of this section is to provide you
with the daily motivation you need to stay
focused and keep fighting on your path to

The section is broken down into 34 quotes

which are comprised of 4 parts. First the
quote and a brief statement about who said
that quote, second what the quote means,
third how the quote applies to your life,
fourth your daily motivational affirmation.

For this to truly take shape in your life you

must read one passage every day and truly
exert full energy in reading your affirmation.
Call into the universe demand of the universe
what you want to see in yourself.

Do this every day and you will become the

focused champion you wish to become.

Day One Kevin Kruse, Multimillionaire

specializing in the tech industries and
business leadership
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Life isn’t about getting and having, it’s about
giving and being. –Kevin Kruse

What’s he mean?

Life isn’t about what you can take from people

and what you have as a result of what you’ve
taken from others. Life is about what you’re
able to give, and not necessarily financially
but in terms of energy, and through your
giving you become something. A giver gives
him or herself to the universe and as a result
becomes something within the universe. A
taker gets things from what others have
given into the universe, a taker has things but
is no one and ultimately lacks fulfillment. A
taker’s benefits are short term, while a givers
benefits are lifelong.

How does it apply?

Many students think about “getting good

grades” so they can “have a 4.0”. This is
flawed thinking, they are in essence
attempting to take knowledge and use it to

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
gain a letter grade and this may work in the
short term but never in the long.

The focus in school needs to be “give 100%

energy and effort” so you can “become a
person that pursues a goal relentlessly”. Why
is this important? Because if you make it a
habit of always giving your 100% in your
studies, this will carry over into other aspects
of life and come to define you as a person.
This simple change in your mentality will not
only change your grades, but change your
overall happiness in all aspects of your life.
When you begin to give 100% of your energy
and effort towards everything you invest your
time in you’ll find that you no longer have
those feelings of doubt, regret, sadness and
disappointment. Why? Because even if the
outcome isn’t what you may have
anticipated, you’ll know you gave everything
you could, there was no way you could’ve
possibly done better, and you’ll find happiness
in that. As a result you’ll actually stop having
anxiety because you’ll no longer anticipate the
results, you’ll be happy with whatever comes
knowing you’ve done all you can.

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Affirmation Day # 1
(Remember for this to truly take shape and
affect in your life read it five times out loud
with high energy, and repeat it through the
day in moments of stress or mental

Today I am the greatest version of myself ever

imagine! Today the me of before is today no
more! Today my weaknesses have been
destroyed in this moment and my strength
has been magnified to its greatest height! In
this moment and forever more I am my
superior self, living in a superior mental,
emotional, and physical state! Today I am
focused, confident, and empowered!

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Day Two Napoleon Hill, famous for his book
Think and Grow Rich which has sold over 20
million copies

Whatever the mind of man can conceive and

believe, it can achieve. –Napoleon Hill

What’s he mean?

This means that whatever you think you can

do is what you can do. It’s been said before
that a person who says it’s possible and a
person that says its impossible are usually
both right. Why? Because believe it (or not
haha…) life is exactly what you think it is.
Whatever you think it is. And life becomes
what you think it is the moment you think it
is that. Consider this, wake up every morning
and think life is great, make it a habit and
you’ll come to convince yourself life really is
great and eventually you’ll find you’ve
actually created a great life for yourself.

How does it apply?

Well first and foremost right now, whatever

grades you are receiving, if you’ve been
receiving those grades for more than a couple

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
semesters as in this is an ongoing pattern for
you, you likely identify yourself as I am a C
student or I am a B student, or perhaps a D or
F student. Now consider that this is likely true,
and that you’ve probably held this thought for
a long time. You probably even have the
thoughts as you study. Whatever your
grades are, when you study for tests those
grades probably influence to a degree the
amount of effort you put into your studies. If
you’re a D student you’re likely thinking
“what’s the point of studying I’m not going to
get it anyway” so as a result you quit. When
little did you know if you changed your beliefs
and thought “I’m going to just read over
everything because although I’ve gotten D’s
in the past I know I’m going to get an A this
time” you’d be surprised how instantly your
grades would change, simply by changing
your mind about them!

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Affirmation Day # 2
(Remember for this to truly take shape and
affect in your life read it five times out loud
with high energy, and repeat it through the
day in moments of stress or mental

Today I great each moment with the

knowledge of my own excellence! Today I
fear nothing for I embrace the challenges of
life with the knowledge I shall overcome even
the greatest barriers to my own success!
Today nothing will hold me back from the life
I am destined to live! Today I am focused,
confident, and empowered!

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Day Three Albert Einstein, Nobel Prize
winning Physicist known for his famous
formula E= MC2

Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of

value. –Albert Einstein

What’s he mean?

What Einstein is saying here is a crucial

lesson, one that you need to really understand
if you’re ever going to pick yourself up and
take yourself from a D student to a B or even
A student. When you’re in school, your goal
isn’t to get a B or to get an A. Your goal isn’t
to be a high performing student, your goal is
to accumulate knowledge so in the future
you’re able to prove yourself as valuable to a
future employer. Or even better yet, you’re
able to accumulate so much knowledge that
you’re able to actually be the employer!

How does it apply?

Next time you’re sitting in class I want you to

do yourself a favor. Whatever the subject is, I
want you to play a little game with yourself.

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
And guess what, once you get good at this
game you’re actually going to HAVE FUN in
school! Holy cow! Yes you’re going to actually
have fun in school. Okay so here’s the game,
next time you’re in class I want you to play
act as if. What’s act as if? Act as if means
whatever the class is, no matter if its math,
science, philosophy, psychology, etc. I want
you to act as if that class has the information
that’s going to make you your first million
dollars. Now this is only going to work if you
play by the rules. There is only one rule,
embrace your character and truly act! Think
about it, how hard you would pay attention
how many notes you would take how many
questions you would ask if that information
was the information that was going to make
you your million. Think about it and go play!

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Affirmation Day # 3
(Remember for this to truly take shape and
affect in your life read it five times out loud
with high energy, and repeat it through the
day in moments of stress or mental

Today I began today in new standing, the

successes and failures of yesterday are
forgotten for today they matter not! Today I
am that which I was always meant to be!
Today I am a powerful creator in active
creation of my own beautiful life! I am the
director of my own life. I write the script, I edit
it, and I live it! I live for greatness and accept
nothing less! Today I am focused, confident,
and empowered!

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Day Four Robert Frost, one of the most
popular and respected poets in American
History, winning 4 Pulitzer Prizes for his

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took

the one less traveled by, And that has made
all the difference. –Robert Frost

What’s he mean?

Well what Robert is saying here is that he

wasn’t afraid to be different. And think about
it you’ve already taken the first step by
picking up this book and taking a serious look
into how to improve your life. What this
means is that you have to not only not be
afraid of taking a path different from your
peers, you have to embrace that path and
know that its taking that path that’s going to
make the difference between being a
millionaire at 30 and working a 9 to 5 until

How does it apply?

This book is filled with amazing advice that I

promise you will truly change your life, that

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
if you practice what I am telling you to do in
this book, and if you revisit this book
continuously over the years, you will not only
improve your grades, but you’ll be equipped
with the knowledge you need to change your
life. But you have to actually use it, you have
to fearlessly plunge into life starting now and
take the road less traveled. Remember back to
playing the game act as if. Guess what! Your
friends aren’t going to play with you, why?
Because they haven’t read this book, they
aren’t serious about what they want out of
life, they are living distracted, but that’s not
your problem, you need to be fearless, you
need to branch out and be a leader. When
you’re told you’re weird or different or strange
or made fun of for any reason that has to do
with you caring for your future different from
your friends, simply reply “so what?” and
keep it moving. You know where you’re
going, and that’s straight to the top!

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Affirmation Day # 4
(Remember for this to truly take shape and
affect in your life read it five times out loud
with high energy, and repeat it through the
day in moments of stress or mental

Today I accept myself with absolute love and

adornment! Today, I will act out only in
absolute love for life and all those around me!
Today I will perform at my absolute best in
all circumstances! Today I will speak to others
in kindness and respect! I will see only the
good in others and present only the good of
myself! Today I am focused, confident, and

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Day Five Florence Nightingale, considered to
be the mother of nursing for her contributions
to the field

I attribute my success to this: I never gave or

took any excuse. –Florence Nightingale

What did she mean?

Well this is an easy one, its nearly self-

explanatory, but I’m going to explain it to you
anyway. This means the next time you fail a
test you don’t say its because you were sick
and didn’t have time to study. You don’t say
its because your dog ate your homework, or
because you lost your book or because a bomb
went off at your neighbor’s house and you
had to save them (yes I’ve heard it before…).
So what do you do? You get the job done!
How? However you need to! You do what’s
necessary! And if you absolutely can’t, or if
you failed, you accept it like a man or woman
and move forward, people make mistakes,
cowards and failures make excuses.

How does it apply?

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Stop! Right now! Stop making excuses for
why you’re going to put this book down, stop
making excuses for why you’re only going to
study for an hour, stop making an excuse for
why you can’t do your homework right now,
stop making excuses for why the quiz doesn’t
matter because the test is worth more points
anyway, stop rationalizing why you’re being
lazy! That’s it! Accept it! When I was in high
school a kid named Joseph was hospitalized
for 3 months. He completed every single
assignment from a hospital bed and still
maintained a 3.8 gpa! That’s dedication! So
stop making excuses, if you want to get from
D’s to B’s you might be mentally slow, you
might be financially disenfranchised, you
might come from a broken home, you might
be poor, you might even be homeless (I was
from 11th to 12th grade) guess what, it doesn’t
matter! The moment you stop making
excuses for yourself, you stop feeling sorry for
yourself, and you start making a difference
for yourself!

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Affirmation Day # 5
(Remember for this to truly take shape and
affect in your life read it five times out loud
with high energy, and repeat it through the
day in moments of stress or mental

Today I recognize and embrace my ability

to choose my reactions, to take control of my
life and maximize my output without
constraint of fear, doubt, or worry! Today I
choose growth through perseverance rather
than comfort through complacency! Today I
choose to be successful in every area of my
life. Today I am focused, confident, and

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Day Six Wayne Gretzky, regarded as the
greatest hockey player of all time

You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. –

Wayne Gretzky

What did he mean?

How many times have you wanted

something out of life but didn’t try for it and
you’re left with the thought “what if”? “What
if I tried out for the basketball team at 4’0,
what if I went out for the robotics team even
though I’m terrible at math and science, what
if I followed my passions fearlessly and didn’t
let perceived limitations hold me back!” Guess
what! You’d fail a lot! A whole lot! You
probably wouldn’t make the team! You
probably would get left behind in robotics,
you’d probably be terrible at your passion!


only succeed 1% of the time, what’s the 99%
of fails matter? My parents were both in real
estate, in real estate they’d make 200 phone
calls to get a single meeting with someone
about selling their home. Then it’d take on

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
average 4 or 5 meetings with different people
to close a single sale. They’d have to hear no
and not interested and essentially “fail” 999
times literally! In order for that 1 sale. But then
that 1 sale made them upwards of
$15,000.00. Growing up I don’t know of a
single month either of my parents
independently made less than $25,000.00 a
month. You know what that means? THEY

You think we cared about that when we were

in Cancun or China or Paris? No. The Yes’s
paid for that, the No’s, well we tend to forget
about those.

How does it apply?

The next time you want you have even the

slightest interest in pursuing something new
at school, a new club, a new project, a new
team, starting an organization, whatever it is,
try it. And don’t just try it on a basic “well I
tried” level. No take the mentality we talked
about in number 1, give it 100% of your
energy! If you’re going to fail, fail big! Think
about this, lion’s are successful in 17% of their
attempts to kill gazelle’s. But they have to give

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
100% effort each and every time, why?
Because if they don’t they wouldn’t even get
the 17% that was they get now! My Mom
and Dad had to bring 100% enthusiasm to
every single one of those 1,000 phone calls.
Why? Because the one time they were off
their game was the 1 sale that got away, and
then guess what, 1,000 more calls to the next
one! You’re going to fail many times over, fail
greatly, fail big, fail tremendously, and hold
your head high knowing success is around
the corner.

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Affirmation Day # 6
(Remember for this to truly take shape and
affect in your life read it five times out loud
with high energy, and repeat it through the
day in moments of stress or mental

Today I enter the day with a new found

courage for I know that I am capable of the
impossible! Today I no longer believe there is
anything holding me back from my goals, I
embrace my goals with the feeling of my
own infinite power and know that through
embracing this power I will have the strength
to overcome any barrier to the attainment of
my desires! Today I am focused, confident,
and empowered!

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Day Seven Michael Jordan, regarded as one
of the greatest basketball players to have
played the game

I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my

career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times
I’ve been trusted to take the game winning
shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and
over again in my life. And that is why I
succeed. –Michael Jordan

What did he mean?

Failure is a crucial requirement if you’re

going to be great. For two reasons, for one no
one is born great. Sure some people are born
with natural talent, but no one is born great
at anything, even the most talented person
has to practice and develop skill or they’ll be
surpassed by someone else that does. For two,
the failures are where you learn what you’re
made of and where you learn the most about
yourself. Think about it, each time Jordan
missed that game winning shot, did he get
discouraged? No it encouraged him, why?
Because he missed the last one now he’s got
to prove to himself he can really do it! When

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
you don’t accomplish your goal you only fail
if you stop, learn from your mistakes. My
favorite quote and its one I came up with
myself is “I don’t have failures, I just have a
lot of notes”.

How’s it apply?

After you read this book let me tell you what’s

going to happen. You’re going to be
amazingly psyched up you’re going to be
excited you’re going to tell all your friends and
family about it you’re going to all excited and
think you’re ready to conquer the world. Then
what’s going to happen is within the next 3
tests you take you’re going to fail one. And
you’re going to feel like the book didn’t work,
you’re back to being hopeless and things are
never going to change. Well here’s how we
stop that from happening. Keep the
excitement, but put everything in perspective,
each test from now until you’re done with
school is practice, practice for the next one.
You play the game, you act like that’s the
million dollar mission and sometimes you’re
going to miss the million, sometimes you’ll go
bankrupt sometimes you’ll hit a half million
sometimes you’ll hit 850,000.00. Regardless
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
you’re going to learn a lot and continue to
grow and develop yourself. This is the first
step on that road less traveled, get ready for a
long successful painful walk, you’re going to
hate it sometimes, but ultimately you’re
going to love it.

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Affirmation Day # 7
(Remember for this to truly take shape and
affect in your life read it five times out loud
with high energy, and repeat it through the
day in moments of stress or mental

Today I pay attention to the lessons life

sends in my directions! Today I learn from
yesterday and am prepared to overcome all
that comes my way! Today I will work with
an unrelenting fierceness! Today I will give of
myself as though I have infinite energy and
infinite presence! Today I am focused,
confident, and empowered!

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Day Eight Amelia Earhart, the first female
pilot to fly alone across the Atlantic Ocean

The most difficult thing is the decision to act,

the rest is merely tenacity. –Amelia Earhart

What did she mean?

Well imagine this. Imagine you’re standing

in front of a staircase, a genie tells you at the
top of the staircase is everything you want out
of life. However this staircase is 50 miles high
and set at a 70 degree angle. The genie tells
you it’s going to take you five years to get to
the top of the staircase. Not only that but
you’re going to have to leave behind your
family and friends while you climb. Not only
that but you’re not going to be able to return
home while on the stairs, you’re going to have
to live on the stairs. Not only that but once you
start to climb, you’re going to have to walk
every waking moment for the next 5 years, if
you decide to rest on a step you will be placed
back at the bottom of the steps. If you get tired
you have to wait until bed to sleep.

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Now the genie then points to a street next to
the staircase, this street is endless, the genie
tells you if you don’t want to take the staircase
to the top, you can take the easy street, you
can do whatever you want on easy street, but
you’ll never make it to the top and you’ll never
have everything you want out of life.

The hardest decision for you to make will be

to take that first step on that staircase, from
that point on the rest is merely staying the

How’s it apply?

Consider that right now you are at that point,

you are literally at the bottom of the staircase
looking up, if you’re willing to put to work
everything that I share with you in this book,
you will be equipped to begin your ascension
to the top of that staircase and attain
everything you want out of life, however if
you don’t if you decide that you want to take
easy street, you’re never going to possess
what you truly want in life. The first step to
getting the grades you want is to follow what
I tell you in this book, the rest is simply
staying the course.

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Affirmation Day # 8
(Remember for this to truly take shape and
affect in your life read it five times out loud
with high energy, and repeat it through the
day in moments of stress or mental

Today I invite freedom into my

existence and live absolutely free from all
mental restrictions! Today I release all fear
from my life, I recognize that through my
mental strength I am safe in secure in this
unsafe and unsecure world! Today love drives
my thoughts and fuels my actions, for I know
that love in action will trump all other actions!
Today I am focused, confident, and

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Day Nine Babe Ruth, regarded as one of the
best baseball players to ever lived

Every strike brings me closer to the next home

run. –Babe Ruth

What did he mean?

Well Babe Ruth was a huge fan of the law of

averages. What the law of averages states is
basically if there are two ways for an event to
play out, run enough times eventually the
event will show both outcomes. Flip a coin 100
times, you’ll see both heads and tails. My
parents in real estate, make enough calls
you’ll hear a yes. Babe Ruth, swing that bath
enough times and at some point you’ll hit.
Consider that even the best baseball players
only hit 1 in 3 pitches, and that’s a top notch
hitter! Babe Ruth knew that each time he
missed a ball he was one step closer to that
hit, because he understood this law of

How’s it apply?

Well consider this, if you’re not happy with

how your life has been and how your grades

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
have been, your life has two ways to play out.
One the way you want it to and one the way
you don’t want it to. Now live long enough
and no matter who you are both of those
events are going to show up, I mean even
Donald Trump had to file bankruptcy. So if
you’ve been failing your tests or
underperforming in any aspect of your life,
know that that is simply bringing you a step
closer to the positive outcome, because live
long enough and both will be forced to show,
it’s a natural law!

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Affirmation Day # 9
(Remember for this to truly take shape and
affect in your life read it five times out loud
with high energy, and repeat it through the
day in moments of stress or mental

Today I am the designer of my own life, I

create the field on which I play and the
attitude in which I play with! Today my
energy is infinite and my joy is overflowing!
Today I am mentally of superior intellect,
emotionally of divine calm, and physically of
absolute health! Today I am focused,
confident, and empowered!

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Day Ten William Clement Stone, serial
entrepreneur born poor died a self-made

Definiteness of purpose is the starting point of

all achievement. –W. Clement Stone

What did he mean?

Purpose is your reason why. Purpose is the

answer to why am I doing this. When you
know why you are doing something, tenacity
is simple, you don’t get tired you don’t quit
you don’t give up you don’t ever stop your
pursuit because you know exactly why
you’re doing it. Think back to when I told you
to play act as if, what I was doing there was
basically giving you a why. So whenever you
wondered well “why should I study” you
could answer to yourself or anyone else “I’m
studying because this is the information I
need to make my first million” or “why
should I pay attention” “I should pay attention
because this is the information I need to make
my first million”. Once you’ve given yourself
a purpose you remove all doubts, doubts come
from not knowing why you’re doing
something, because it’s not what you’re doing
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
that you’re doubting, you’re doubting
whether or not you should actually be doing
something else, so you begin to formulate
excuses to excuse yourself from that activity
to begin another.

How’s it apply?

In reading this book ultimately you’re going

to see a new purpose for your education.
You’re not going to school to get an education,
you’re not going to school to get a good job,
you’re not going for your parents, you’re not
going for me, you’re not even going for you.
You’re going for your first million! Literally,
that’s all you need to think about, and
remember that what you think and believe
you achieve! It’s amazing, by playing this
little game you’re actually going to make
your first million, using the information,
because you believe you will. It’s a self-
fulfilling prophecy that works perfectly.
Imagine that! God I should definitely have
charged more for this book, but I’m just
happy to know this is really going to change
your life, once you let it change your mind!

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Affirmation Day # 10
(Remember for this to truly take shape and
affect in your life read it five times out loud
with high energy, and repeat it through the
day in moments of stress or mental

Today my old life is dead and gone. Today

I have relinquished myself from my weaker
self! Today I am the strongest version of
myself the world has known. Today and
forever I live a life of success and power!
Today I am a master of myself and guide
myself to see through my goals and realize
new accomplishments! Today I am focused,
confident, and empowered!

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Day 11 Kevin Kruse, Multimillionaire
specializing in the tech industries and
business leadership

We must balance conspicuous consumption

with conscious capitalism. –Kevin Kruse

What’s it mean?

Well conspicuous consumption means to

consume in a way that you’re able to
demonstrate your own financial standing.
This is like buying a Rolex watch or a
Maserati, you don’t buy those sorts of things
because they make economic sense, their
simply status symbols. Conscious capitalism
means looking at the effects of your actions on
others and the environment.

How’s it apply?

Well in college we do a lot of things because

it looks cool, we spend a lot of money on
alcohol, dating, partying, fraternities,
sororities, and many other things simply
because they increase our social status on
campus. Now I’m not saying that any of this

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
is a bad thing, but there must be balance, if
you’re going to spend excessive amounts of
energy on improving your social image,
make sure you’re also spending the same if
not more energy on activities that are going
to have a positive impact on society, why?
Because you’re going to want to enter the
work place at some point, and although some
fraternity and sorority connections may help
you land a couple jobs here and there, and if
you’re in a top frat like the skull and bones
you may get some connections to the CIA the
reality is after college you’re going to be
largely on your own, and you need to make
sure you’ve taken time to make your resume
strong, so that frat brother or not, you just look
like the best choice over a sea of options.

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Affirmation Day # 11
(Remember for this to truly take shape and
affect in your life read it five times out loud
with high energy, and repeat it through the
day in moments of stress or mental

Today within me are infinite powers

pleading to be expressed! Today I allow my
infinite power to flow out through my
physical environment created through my
subconscious! Today I begin to see life as my
own design! Today I celebrate my design,
love my design, and forever will live in love of
my power of creation! Today I am focused,
confident, and empowered!

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Day 12 John Lennon, founder of the world
famous band the Beatles

Life is what happens to you while you’re busy

making other plans. –John Lennon

What’s it mean?

This quote is alluding to something that is of

critical importance to you in your success not
only as a student but in life, and that is to live
in the moment. Often time we find our minds
wandering off day dreaming about what
could be and what might be one day, as a
result the day we’re living in passes us by.
What ultimately ends up happening is this
becomes a continuous cycle and we never end
up actually living out our dreams because
we’re too busy having the dream rather than
putting it into action.

How’s it apply?

Well often times as a student you find

yourself caught up in this fantastical lie that
next semester you’re going to start really
studying, next semester you’re going to get a
4.0, next semester you’re going to do all your

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
homework on time, next semester you’re not
going to skip any classes, next semester
you’re going to start doing what you should
be doing right now. And as a result you put it
off, next semester comes and goes and you’ve
never put your plan into motion. That’s life,
life is the stuff that goes on while you’re busy
planning for what’s not happening. You have
to live your life in the here and now, because
that’s all that is real. It doesn’t matter whether
or not tomorrow is promised, because if
you’re unhappy today, you’re going to be
unhappy tomorrow unless you make a
change in your outlook, a change in your
production, and ultimately change your life
from the inside out. And I hope you reread
that last part and really catch what I’m
saying there, you have to change your life
from the inside out. The life you observe
yourself living won’t change until the creator
of that life changes what he/she is creating,
and that means you changing what your
thoughts are. Whatever you want out of
tomorrow start living today and watch it

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Affirmation Day # 12
(Remember for this to truly take shape and
affect in your life read it five times out loud
with high energy, and repeat it through the
day in moments of stress or mental

Today I am superior to my negative

thoughts and small action! Today I am a
champion! Today I am in possession of
endless talents! Today I will pour out
everything I have to offer, I will hold back
nothing! Today all negative feelings have
been replaced with love in my heart! Today I
am focused, confident, and empowered!

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Day 13 Earl Nightingale, has been called the
Dean of Personal Development and authored
one of the greatest motivational books of all
time the Strangest Secret

We become what we think about. –Earl


What’s he mean?

There’s been a lot of talk floating around

about these ideas of consciousness and
becoming what we think about and the
question is always well how does that make
sense or why? At the end of the day we
become what we do, if we do good at
something repeatedly we become good at it, if
we give more than we take we become givers,
we become what we do. Now what we do is
facilitated by what we think about, that’s the
birthplace of your person. This is why you are
your thoughts, now the important thing here
is to accept this but to accept it with the
knowledge that if you change your thoughts
you’ll change who you are.

In essence you must accept that literally

everything that you are as an individual,

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
successful or not, smart or not, an achiever or
not, is a result of your own doing, which is a
result of your own thoughts. Of course you
can still find excuses and place blame on other
people but ultimately if you’re still doing that
you need to go back and reread number 5.
Now if you’ll accept that you are the cause of
who you are, then you must accept that you
can cause yourself to become who you want
to be, simply by thinking how you would if
you were already that person.

What do I mean?

Well if you want to be a 4.0 student who

places first in the science fair, start thinking as
if that’s already who you are. How would
you act if you were a 4.0 student who placed
first at the science fair, would you go to that
party or would you study? Would you do
drugs or would you remain drug free? How
would you act? First decide who you want to
be, then literally start being that person, start
thinking like that person, and your reality will
soon become a reflection of this.

How does this apply?

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Well, if you don’t like who you are, stop
thinking about who you are, start thinking
about who you want to be, then start thinking
and acting as that person. You literally
possess the power to change your mind in this
instant, if you truly want to.

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Affirmation Day # 13
(Remember for this to truly take shape and
affect in your life read it five times out loud
with high energy, and repeat it through the
day in moments of stress or mental

Today I love and accept myself for who I

am! Today I recognize my own greatness and
embrace my eternal belief in my ability to do
and accomplish anything and everything I
seek to accomplish! Today I know my
strongest asset is my ability to complete what
I’ve begun! Today I am my own motivation
for no one and nothing has greater impact on
me than my beliefs in myself! Today I am
focused, confident, and empowered!

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Day 14 Mark Twain, famous for his novel
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn often referred
to as “the Great American Novel”

Twenty years from now you will be more

disappointed by the things that you didn’t do
than by the ones you did do, so throw off the
bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch
the trade winds in your sails. Explore,
Dream, Discover. –Mark Twain

What’s he mean?

What Mark Twain is saying is that in life,

people that end up living with regrets are the
people who are living feeling like they missed
out on something, not the people who did
something and didn’t like the way it turned
out. Why? Because as people we have a
tendency to accept the outcome of our actions
far better than we accept the outcome of a lack
of action. You are here to live out your dreams
to fruition, to transform your deepest desire
into a reality, you’re not here to sit back in fear
of what might happen, you’re here to
experience what actually happens.

How does this apply?

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
As you continue on the journey through this
book again you have to focus your mind on
the fact that reading this book alone is not
going to set your life into motion. You must
take the principles you are discovering here
and apply them to your life in order to
advance your life to the places you want to go.
If every day for the rest of your school career
you make the intelligent decision to buckle
down and sacrifice the partying and the
lollygagging for the completion of work, 20
years from now when you’re looking back
you won’t have any regrets. Why? Because
you’ll be living out the benefits of the work
you put in today. This is how life works, you
reap tomorrow what you’ve sown today. So
many people today live a life at 40 and 50
years old wishing they had gone to college,
wishing they had got better grades, wishing
they had had more focus, etc. And the funny
part is those people feel as though time has
passed them. Well guess what! You can
make this change at ANY time in your life!
And the only time to make that change is
now! You have to make the change, start
living out your dreams, start taking action
start making sacrifice, so that tomorrow you
can live a life that has benefitted from
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
yesterday. If you always put off hard work
until tomorrow, you’re never going to reap the
benefits which would’ve come from that

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Affirmation Day # 14
(Remember for this to truly take shape and
affect in your life read it five times out loud
with high energy, and repeat it through the
day in moments of stress or mental

Today I accept my state of living, I

recognize that I am on an endless journey of
success! Today I deem the first day of my
strongest days of my life! Today I am the
architect of my life, the divine creator of my
reality! Today I am superior to the me of
yesterday, for the me of yesterday did not
have the day’s courage I possess today!
Today I am focused, confident, and

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Day 15 Charles Swindoll, famous evangelical
Christian pastor and author

Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of

how I react to it. –Charles Swindoll

What’s he mean?

What Charles Swindoll is saying is

essentially the headline of the title of this book
“Inside Out”. Life isn’t about what happens to
you, it’s about how you respond to what
happens to you and in that response you find
out who you really are. When something
happens to you that you don’t like you have
the choice of succumbing to the negative
emotions that arise from that event taking
place or you can choose to rise above those
emotions, conquer and control them and
realize that this is simply a moment that will
pass. Even in moments where you consider
something “good” is happening, you have to
understand that that moment also will pass.
There is nothing that is permanent in life
except for the fact that nothing is permanent.
And even that fact is only permanent in life
because in death permanence is ever lasting.

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
OR IS IT! Now that’s a topic that stretches
beyond the scope of this book.

How does it apply?

Life is continuously happening to you in every

moment of every day, as you’re reading this
book life is happening to you. You must
decide consciously how you respond to life.
This is how you step beyond living a life in
reactance to it as it happens to you and enter
into a life which is yours and of your creation.
You must embrace the fact that you are the
creator of your life, and as a creator you
decide your emotions you decide your
reactions and in this you gain control. Once
you have gained controlled, you begin to set
in motion what actions you wish to take and
ultimately begin to see the enfoldment of the
life you wish to have rather than living the life
that’s happening to you.

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Affirmation Day # 15
(Remember for this to truly take shape and
affect in your life read it five times out loud
with high energy, and repeat it through the
day in moments of stress or mental

Today I awaken with a heart of

forgiveness! Today I realize that those who
have wronged me have only done so to create
greater strength within me! Today I thank
those who have wished my downfall, for
proving them wrong today is my greatest
revenge! Today I am limitless! Today I am
infinitely loving! Today I am love! Today I
am focused, confident, and empowered!

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Day 16 Alice Walker, an American author
famous for her novel The Color Purple

The most common way people give up their

power is by thinking they don’t have any. –
Alice Walker

What’s it mean?

This builds on the last quote, and the central

idea that you are a divine creator, even as a
high school student, or as a 30 year old or as
a 70 year old, it truly matters not how old you
are, but that you accept that you are a creator
of your own life. And only once you’ve
accepted this can you truly embrace your
ability to create, and once you’ve accepted this
ability to create you’ll also be able to gain
further power over how you respond to life as
it happens because you realize you’ve created
that moment. This particular idea will be
hard to grasp if you are not living currently
what you consider to be an “ideal” life. If
things are rough for you right now you’ll
likely find it hard to own up and admit to
yourself that you’re living in your own
manifestation. But once you do, you’ll be able

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
to see your way out of this negative state and
into a positive state of your own creation.

How does it apply?

Once you take back your power mentally,

you’ll gain your power emotionally, and then
be able to exert your power physically. This is
the divine circumference of power, and only
when all three aspects are understood and
implemented into your life can you truly
embrace and see your power in real life.
Why? Because power is a circular energy, it’s
a self-fulfilling prophecy. What will happen
is that first once you’ve strengthened the
mental branch, this will lead to you over time
strengthening your emotional branch, once
you’ve strengthened both the mental and
emotional then you will strengthen the
physical. Now once you’ve been able to
strengthen all three and live in accordance
with a powerful mind heart and body, you’re
then able to recharge yourself through the
continuous realization of your power.

Wait what?

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
What I mean is this, once you think feel and
act in accordance with your power over
yourself and your life, your life begins to take
a new tract, you begin to see the results in life
that you’ve wanted to see. What then ends up
taking place is seeing the results you want
reinforces mentally that you are in fact a
creator, which invigorates you emotionally as
a satisfied creator which translates into
further creation through the physical.

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Affirmation Day # 16
(Remember for this to truly take shape and
affect in your life read it five times out loud
with high energy, and repeat it through the
day in moments of stress or mental

Today my life is powered by my belief

in my power! Today I break and abandon all
my old habits and take up better habits!
Today I embrace my innermost desires!
Today I seek to accomplish the defeat of fear
and defeat of pain! Today I know fear is
opposite love and pain is the step before
success! Today I am focused, confident, and

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Day 17 Buddha, the person around which
Buddhism was founded

The mind is everything. What you think you

become. –Buddha

What’s it mean?

Hopefully by now you’re going to begin to

realize a pattern in that everything comes out
of this mental emotional physical circle. The
mind is the starting point, you can feel a
certain way and act a certain way but if this
is without the power of thought, your life still
will not manifest as well as effectively as
when all three are in sync. Now this isn’t to
say that you won’t see results without the
mind, but only that with the mind in tact all
things will manifest quicker. I recommend
that if you aren’t in the right mind, move first
through action even in your wrong mind, and
as the actions return the results you desire
your mind will slowly become convinced of
the abilities of the physical.

How does it apply?

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
So above I mention that if you’re not in the
right mind start with the physical, just start
doing and watch as your mind begins to see
you as a doer. Now even to do this, it starts
with the mental thought, you have to at least
want to become a creator in order to make
any of this work. If you don’t at least at the
bare minimum have an inkling of want to see
change in your life you’re never going to even
take the first step. I’ve had many days where
I didn’t think I could do something, but
wanted to do it, so I forced my body to do it
and as I began to witness my body do what I
didn’t believe it could, my mental shifted to be
in line with the production of my body and as
a result further intensified the production of
my body. The circle completed itself but
started with the mind wanting, and allowing
my body to seek to fulfill the desires of my
body. You must do the same.

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Affirmation Day # 17
(Remember for this to truly take shape and
affect in your life read it five times out loud
with high energy, and repeat it through the
day in moments of stress or mental

Today I live entirely free of fear! Today

my mind is filled with peace and tranquility!
Today I choose happiness and allow my
internal happiness to manifest in my life!
Today I am growing, expanding, thriving as
a newly developed and refreshed version of
my previous self! Today I possess the qualities
needed to be extremely successful! Today I am
focused, confident, and empowered!

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Day 18 Chinese Proverb

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.

The second best time is now. –Chinese Proverb

What’s it mean?

Remember previously when I talked about the

30 and 40 year olds who wish they’d done
better in school who wish they’d studied
harder etc. Remember how I said the truly
unfortunate thing is that they feel that their
time has passed them. In life you get two
chances to make a change, yesterday and
today. The best time to make the change was
yesterday, just as the best time to plant the
tree was yesterday. Why? Because then
today you’d be reaping what you’ve already
sown before. Now if you didn’t do it yesterday
and you still know you want a tree, the best
time to act is NOW. So in another 20 years
you’re not still wishing you’d done what you
didn’t do before.

How does it apply?

If you’ve been wanting and wishing you had

better grades, wanting and wishing you

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
could study harder study longer, wanting
and wishing you were on the soccer team or
starting your own business or anything in
life, start right now. RIGHT NOW. Not
tomorrow not after you consult your parents
not after another semester goes by, if you
want something out of life, you get it now.
And if you can’t have all of it now, at least get
a piece of it now, work on it every day a little
bit and 20 years from now you’ll be reaping
the benefits of all the work you put in today,
tomorrow and every day in between.

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Affirmation Day # 18
(Remember for this to truly take shape and
affect in your life read it five times out loud
with high energy, and repeat it through the
day in moments of stress or mental

Today I recognize my ability to conquer

my challenges is limitless! Today I embrace
my infinite ability to succeed! Today I possess
infinite success within my being! Today I am
an indestructible infinitely positive amazingly
courageous powerfully courageous being of
amazing confidence and magnetism! Today
I am focused, confident, and empowered!

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Day 19 Socrates, Considered to be one of the
founders of Western Philosophy

An unexamined life is not worth living. –


What’s he mean?

What this is saying is that if you’re simply

living life going day to day without actually
taking the time to examine what it is that
you’re doing and how what you’re thinking
feeling and doing is translating into your
functional life, you’re life truly isn’t worth
living. Why? Because you’re not living as
you could and should be. At the end of every
day you should be recharging your mental
and emotional to prepare yourself to engage
in the physical the next day. You recharge
your mental and emotional by rethinking
over your day and what’s taken place over
that day, what you did, what you like that
you did and what you didn’t like that you did
and then examining how you feel about all of
that. The things you feel good about you
want to remember and learn pay attention to
those things so you can see what it is that
makes you feel good so you can continue to

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
live well. The things that make you feel bad
you want to examine so that you don’t
continue to relive these bad feelings day in
and day out, you want to put a stop to the bad
and continue the good.

How does it apply?

Every day when your day is finally finished

and you are at home in your personal time
you should spend some time, 15 to 30 minutes
completely alone without distraction and
think about your day. Take that time to really
go into deep thought about yourself, explore
yourself through the day you’ve just lived. As
you do that, are you really satisfied with your
day? Do you feel like you’ve lived a day in
accordance with the future you that you wish
to be or do you feel as though maybe you’ve
wasted time living a life out of line with your
future self, who is in actuality your true self.
You are your future self, because your future
self is who you truly desire to be. Your goal
must become to live today as you in the
future, in this you will begin to live the same
every day, and in this you will grow in your
happiness and fulfillment.

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Affirmation Day # 19
(Remember for this to truly take shape and
affect in your life read it five times out loud
with high energy, and repeat it through the
day in moments of stress or mental

Today I accept that all pain is

temporary! Today I realize that if I am not
experiencing the pains of growth I am never
to experience the height of my magnificence!
Today I radiate pure beauty, charm, and
grace! Today obstacles move out of my way
with minimal effort! Today I recognize I am
on the absolute path to greatness! Today I am
focused, confident, and empowered!

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Day 20 Woody Allen, famous director and
comedian his works have been nominated for
24 Academy Awards four of which have won

Eighty percent of success is showing up. –

Woody Allen

What’s he mean?

Well if you’ll recall back to an earlier section

you’ll remember that I said if you can’t
necessarily get your mental and emotional
right immediately (which is rather difficult
and will take time, it is a life long journey,
remember the stair case) then you should
focus on at least taking the actions that will
get you in line with the you you wish to be
and trust that in time your mental and
emotional will come to line up and then even
bolster these actions. What Woody Allen is
saying is that you just force yourself to want
it enough to just show up, just get in the
game, just open the book, just go to class, the
rest will slowly in time work itself out.

How does it apply?

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
If your goal this semester is a 4.0, the first step
is opening your textbook. 80% of that is
opening the textbook, and sitting down and
studying that book. If you can get yourself to
everyday open that book and study, the 4.0
will come out of that. Why? Because you’re
living in accordance with what’s necessary to
reach the fulfillment of the desires of your
internal desires. You’re now living inside out,
you’re there presently in the moment in your
mind wishing to attain your goal, and as you
live it in the inner world, your actions will
bring the manifestation of these thoughts into
your outer world. By simply showing up you
begin living inside out.

You can’t figure out how to win the battle if

you never join it.

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Affirmation Day # 20
(Remember for this to truly take shape and
affect in your life read it five times out loud
with high energy, and repeat it through the
day in moments of stress or mental

Today I am willing to sacrifice my energy,

sacrifice my sleep, and sacrifice anything and
everything which may hold me back from
my goals! Today I have everlasting tenacity,
I am an unrelenting force pushing forcefully
in the way of my dreams! Today I will not be
held back from the attainment of my
greatness! Today I am focused, confident, and

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Day 21 Steve Jobs, famous for founding Apple

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living

someone else’s life. –Steve Jobs

What’s he mean?

This quote is critical in your development and

ultimately living the fulfillment of your
desires and motivations in life. In life you only
get two choices, life for yourself or live for
someone else. And every decision in your life
comes down to these two things you either do
what you want to do for yourself, or you do
what someone else wants to do for someone
else. The only way to live in happiness is to
continuously decide to live your life for
yourself every day.

How’s it apply?

How often have you found yourself doing

something you didn’t really want to do only
to appease your Mother and Father or your
Grandparents or your Boyfriend or Girlfriend
or your Teachers or your Friends or anyone
else who truly doesn’t matter to you? Wait

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
what? What do I mean you’re Mother and
Father don’t matter to you? Well let me let
you in on a harsh reality of life. Your friends,
your family, your mentors, everyone around
you, eventually these people will leave you.
Everyone dies. And we never know when
people are going to die, as much as we live in
the assumption that that person will be here
tomorrow and the day after, in actuality
whether you decide to accept the facts or not,
that person is not guaranteed to be here

So guess what?

If you’ve been living your entire life for

another person, to make your parents happy
or to keep the peace with your friends or
anyone else, what are you going to do when
that person or those people die? You’re going
to be directionless, lost, because you’ve been
living for everyone else, you’ve been finding
fulfillment in appeasing other people, you’ve
been living outside in.

And guess what else?

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
When you start living inside out, those people
that you are currently living for, will start
living for YOU! You’ll be the person of prime
importance! Why? Because you’re important
to yourself! You’ll come to find that you can
be your own strength and that you don’t need
the approval of others to advance and do in
your own life. And in that your happiness and
ability to accomplish will grow greatly!

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Affirmation Day # 21
(Remember for this to truly take shape and
affect in your life read it five times out loud
with high energy, and repeat it through the
day in moments of stress or mental

Today I acknowledge my heart is in

possession of maximal strength and my
mind is in possession of pure clarity! Today I
am no longer vexed with worry or doubt!
Today I embrace my divine nature! Today I
am a spiritual being! Today is the first day of
the true unfoldment of my life! Today I am
focused, confident, and empowered!

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Day 22 Vince Lombardi, famous coach of the
Green Bay Packers, took them to five National
Football League Championships and two
Super Bowls in seven years

Winning isn’t everything, but wanting to

win is. –Vince Lombardi

What’s he mean?

Remember previously when we talked about

wanting is what precedes action. This is
exactly what Vince is talking about here. See
you can’t control the exact outcome that life
will deliver, what you can control is how you
think and feel about life. Believe it or not
winning is actually an internal event. You
win when you find that your physical
experience is in accordance with your mental
emotional. You literally can’t win without
wanting to win, you won’t ever win without
wanting to win. And when you want to win
you’ll still only win sometimes. That’s the
rub! See you have to be willing to fail, and
even more so you have to not think about
failing, your focus has to be solely on

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
How’s it apply?

As you sit in class with this new found

mentality remember that you’re not actually
going to instantly become a 4.0 student if
you’re at a 2.0 right now, of course you could
but that doesn’t actually matter maybe you’ll
get to a 3.0 maybe a 3.5, it doesn’t matter
where you finish what matters is that you
want something more than what you have.
When you want that something more, and
you want it bad enough to try, that will fuel
your physical exertion, and when you go to
bed in that 15 to 30 minutes that you spend
reliving your day, you’ll go to sleep a winner
because you’ll know you’ve lived in
accordance with your innermost desires, and
in that you find your completion.

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Affirmation Day # 22
(Remember for this to truly take shape and
affect in your life read it five times out loud
with high energy, and repeat it through the
day in moments of stress or mental

Today nothing can break me. Today I

am the CEO of my life, I enter the arena a
champion before the battle has been fought!
Today I use my power of choice to choose
greatness for myself! Today I believe in
myself and cause my self-belief to cause
others to believe in me! Today I smile at the
world as it smiles at me! Today I praise those
around me as I praise myself! Today I am
focused, confident, and empowered!

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Day 23 Stephen Covey, most known for his
widely popular book The Seven Habits of
Highly Effective People

I am not a product of my circumstances. I am

a product of my decisions. –Stephen Covey

What’s he mean?

What Steven Covey is saying here is that in

his life he isn’t the result of the outer world
around him, he’s a result of the inner world
which has projected out of him. I hope by now
if you haven’t already you start to really
notice that there is a pattern here, because
there is. More importantly this pattern is
something that’s being observed and
respoken by some of the most famous and
successful people in history. If this lesson has
helped them create themselves, imagine what
it can do for you! In 50 years, books will have
your name in them and your quotes, because
you’ve come to live a life based on your own
decisions rather than on the decisions of
someone else.

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
How does it apply?

In your day to day, remember back to what

we talked about previously about excuse
making. Excuse making is simply saying “it
was out of my control, the control was in the
environment I was in”. This is to call yourself
a victim of circumstances. You must never
allow yourself to live as a victim if you’re
going to accomplish anything. You must
always be in control of yourself. Remember
that you cannot always control your
environment, but if you always maintain
absolute control over yourself, you will
always live a life of fulfillment.

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Affirmation Day # 23
(Remember for this to truly take shape and
affect in your life read it five times out loud
with high energy, and repeat it through the
day in moments of stress or mental

Today I love and approve of myself!

Today I no longer waste time concerning
thoughts which are out of sync with my
primary focus! Today I chase my dreams
relentlessly! Today I awaken with a new
invigoration! Today I trust myself first, and
believe in honoring and respecting my
feelings, I trust my gut and use it to guide my
life! Today I am focused, confident, and

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Day 24 Pablo Picasso, one of the greatest and
most influential artists of the 20th century and
creator of Cubism

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to

remain an artist once he grows up. –Pablo

What’s he mean?

As a child you were at your most creative

point in your life, you were entirely care free
you were free from judgment you didn’t care
about what other people thought about you
and what you did, you were absolutely free.
In this free creativity you were able to come
up with fantastical ideas, you were able to
create and live in your own fairy tales without
concern for the thoughts of others around you.
This doesn’t mean you didn’t care about other
people, you simply didn’t care if they had a
negative interpretation of what made you
happy. But what ends up happening is that at
some point you begin to concern yourself with
the thoughts of others, you begin to bite into
their thoughts as they consider your behavior
and imagination to be weird or different or
ridiculous or just too different from their own

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
and you slowly but surely lose that which
made you special, you forget about your inner

How does it apply?

Unless you’re like the lucky few people who

decided they would never truly care about the
thoughts of others, that they would simply
live for themselves every day, you likely have
fallen prey into the trap of losing your inner
child. Sadly, in losing this inner child you’ve
lost your creative mind, your strongest ability
to create, your strongest ability to live for
yourself. In actuality a huge part of living out
the principles of this book is to go back within
yourself and live out your inner child, because
it is your child in the adult world that will see
the most success.

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Affirmation Day # 24
(Remember for this to truly take shape and
affect in your life read it five times out loud
with high energy, and repeat it through the
day in moments of stress or mental

Today I celebrate my uniqueness and

bring the world the gift of my presence!
Today I bring to the world my inner wisdom
and intuition! Today I live in the unfoldment
of my wonder! Today I give myself
forgiveness for my past for that was the life
of days prior and today I live solely in the here
and now! Today I am focused, confident, and

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Day 25 Christopher Columbus, in 1492 he
sailed across the Atlantic Ocean in pursuit of
opportunity not knowing what he would find.
He found America and introduced it to the

You can never cross the ocean until you have

the courage to lose sight of the shore. –
Christopher Columbus

What’s he mean?

What Columbus is saying is that you can’t

move forward until you relinquish your fear
of leaving where you are. This is such a
difficult thing because as people we have this
innate fear of change, some to a larger degree
than others but in any regard we all have this
fear of change. This is why we get stuck in a
rut and live in this pattern without growth,
because we continuously are afraid of what
may be around the corner, even if it may be
something better. We live in fear of
something bad happening rather than living
in love of the possibility of something good
happening. Christopher Columbus would’ve
never sailed to the America’s had his fear of
leaving home been greater than his love for

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
adventure. It is in your love for something
greater that you will live out your fulfillment.

How does it apply?

As you continue on in school and then into

college and into the work world and beyond,
you will always always ALWAYS have to
deal with this internal battle. The battle
between fear of leaving and love of going, and
let me help you make your decision easier for
you right now. No matter what it is, if you
have the thought of going, you must go.
Why? Because not going will always eat at
you, because the fact that the thought is there
proves to yourself that you actually have the
mental and emotional desire, however fear is
keeping you from experiencing the physical
manifestation of your mental creation. You
must always choose love over fear in order to
get where you truly belong, and you belong
in a place where you are mentally
emotionally and physically complete.

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Affirmation Day # 25
(Remember for this to truly take shape and
affect in your life read it five times out loud
with high energy, and repeat it through the
day in moments of stress or mental

Today I embrace the process! Today I

have fallen in love with the pursuit of
greatness and no longer care for the result!
Today I live in success happiness and
complete fulfillment every day! Today I say it
is the energy that I give to the world that
brings me happiness and not that which I
receive back from the universe! Today I vow
to always give twice what I receive. Today I
multiply my magnificence! Today I am
focused, confident, and empowered!

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Day 26 Maya Angelou, known for her
famous book Why the Caged Bird Sings
which was the first best seller written by an
African American woman

I’ve learned that people will forget what you

said, people will forget what you did, but
people will never forget how you made them
feel. –Maya Angelou

What’s it mean?

This is something that is very important to

understand as you come to develop your circle
of success. So the mental is what is used to
trigger your ability to action in the physical.
The emotional is your connection to other
people. Words are mental, words make people
want something, but they go unremembered
as the mental isn’t important, it’s the
precursor to something greater, to something
physical, which is the action. The action is
forgotten because the action isn’t what was
desired, remember they didn’t want to do
what you wanted them to do before you used
your words to create that want. You don’t
remember things you don’t want. What is left
is the feeling, how they felt after they did

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
what you wanted them to do, be it good bad
or otherwise. And in your internal life the
same remains, you will often forget exactly
what you said and did, but you will always
remember how you felt about something.

How does it apply?

This is something you have to keep in mind

as you go through your interactions with
people. What you say and do hardly matters
if you’re able to produce positive feelings in
other people. If you consistently are able to
produce positive feelings in other people people
will always love you and your company. In
school as you attempt to create friends and
live for yourself, remember to focus on a
positive mental, which will create positive
physical actions which will create positive
feelings within yourself which will connect to
the person you’re interacting with as people
always gravitate towards enjoy and
appreciate someone who makes them feel

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Affirmation Day # 26
(Remember for this to truly take shape and
affect in your life read it five times out loud
with high energy, and repeat it through the
day in moments of stress or mental

Today I take responsibility for my life!

Today I accept that I am where I am because
of who I’ve been! Today I realize that to get
where I want to go I must first become who I
want to be! Today I begin to live life from the
inside out. Today I seek out the good in every
situation and use it to propel me forward
through the toughest of times! Today I am
focused, confident, and empowered!

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Day 27 Jim Rohn, a famous motivational
speaker. His book Five Major Pieces to the Life
Puzzle breaks down the five components of
success, Philosophy (the way you think),
Attitude (the way you feel), Action (what you
do), Results (the progress you’re making),
Lifestyle (what you make out of the first four

Either you run the day, or the day runs you. –

Jim Rohn

What’s he mean?

Have you ever went to bed at night and felt

like you couldn’t really remember what
happened that day, or even worse just not
even really thought about the day. Or perhaps
you’ve had moments where you just felt
completely out of sync with yourself and felt
like you were just traveling through life
leisurely going through today as you did
yesterday with little actual change, although
the day is completely different and so are
circumstances, you simply fail to recognize
this, have you ever felt that way? Well that’s
because you’ve been letting your day’s run

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
you, rather than taking control of the day and
running the day.

How does it apply?

Each day in the morning you should begin

your days henceforth by making a decision
about what’s going to take place in your day.
What are you going to accomplish, how hard
are you going to try, how are you going to
respond to people, what are you going to feel
like when adversity comes your way, who
are you going to be today? And once you’ve
made that decision, stick to it. When you start
every day deciding who you’re going to be,
you take control of the day and cause it to
yield the results you desire, otherwise you will
be subject to what the day desires for you.

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Affirmation Day # 27
(Remember for this to truly take shape and
affect in your life read it five times out loud
with high energy, and repeat it through the
day in moments of stress or mental

Today I am possessed by an infinitely

powerful spirit! Today I recognize that what
does not kill me empowers me and with that
knowledge I constantly push myself to
accomplish greater feats and to ascend to
higher peaks! Today I don’t quit I never stop I
never back down from a challenge I only push
forward! Today I am motivated by adversity!
Today I see challenge as an opportunity to
display my excellence! Today I am focused,
confident, and empowered!

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Day 28 Mark Twain, famous for his novel
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn often referred
to as “the Great American Novel”

The two most important days in your life are

the day you are born and the day you find out
why. –Mark Twain

What did he mean?

What he is saying is there are only two

things important to you in life, one that you
exist, and two that you figure out what it is
that you exist to do. As we’ve discussed
previously when you know what you are
here to do, why you were actually born and
you pour all of your energy into that task that
is when you begin to truly live, when you
begin to truly see the magnitude of your true
talent. When every day you wake up with the
same goal in mind, knowing exactly the
direction you are running in, you cannot be
stopped. The single most important moment
in any activity is the moment you realize why
you are performing that activity, and that is
what will give you the energy required to
complete that activity, no matter how long
and hard that road may be.

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
How does it apply?

Right now as a student you are going to

school, you are studying to some degree, you
are paying attention to some degree you are
exert effort in your own personal betterment
to some degree, but not to your fullest extent.
Why? Because you are going through the
actions without purpose, without reason. If
you want to get the most out of what you’re
doing you have to know exactly why you’re
there know exactly what it is you’re looking
to get out of that moment know exactly what
purpose it serves, and from that you will
discover the true scope of your abilities. From
that will come your ability to exert yourself
completely. This should be your first activity
in the morning, first reason what you must
accomplish for the day, second reason why
you must accomplish those things, and third

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Affirmation Day # 28
(Remember for this to truly take shape and
affect in your life read it five times out loud
with high energy, and repeat it through the
day in moments of stress or mental

Today I am a focused person! Today

my focus is what propels me through my day
and on to the completion of my goals! Today
I am determined to maintain complete control
of my ability to focus! Today I am a mental
master and refuse to be side tracked by the
external forces of the outside world! Today I
am focused, confident, and empowered!

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Day 29 Frank Sinatra regarded as the first
modern pop superstar, he won multiple
awards for his singing and acting

The best revenge is massive success. –Frank


What did he mean?

In life you’re going to have many people that

don’t agree with you you’re going to have
many people that think you’re crazy for your
ideas, because they simply can’t see what you
can see. They’re going to throw all kinds of
hurtful words your way, they’re going to
attempt to derail you and side tract you every
chance they get because they see that you’re
going to accomplish something that they
themselves cannot. When someone tells you
what you can’t do, don’t waste time trying to
convince them that you can do it, just show

How does this apply?

As you seek to change your behavior in

school, as you change your study habits and
begin to apply yourself with greater focus

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
you’re going to have people that doubt you.
The first to doubt you will often be those
closest to you. Why? Because the reason they
are close to you is today you possess
similarities, the minute you start to become
that which you have potential to be, you will
no longer have those similarities, because
they’re going to be stuck where they are.
Don’t worry about this, you can’t allow
yourself to be distracted by their negativity,
you know where you’re going and that’s
straight to the top, you’re going in the
direction of your fullest potential, and the only
way you can get back at them for what
negativity they attempt to bring into your life
is to succeed. Actions speak louder than words
as we know, and consider this, if they tell you
that you can’t do it, and you do it, who’s

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Affirmation Day # 29
(Remember for this to truly take shape and
affect in your life read it five times out loud
with high energy, and repeat it through the
day in moments of stress or mental

Today I have everything I need to

become who I want to be! Today I am living
out my dream in real time! Today I am
inspired to bring to fruition the life for which
I have actively chosen for myself! Today I will
not be stopped by negativity! Today I will be
a positive force in the universe! Today I am
focused, confident, and empowered!

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Day 30 Zig Ziglar, a famous motivational
speaker known best for his book See You At
The Top which has inspired millions to
achieve more in their lives

People often say that motivation doesn’t last.

Well, neither does bathing. That’s why we
recommend it daily. –Zig Ziglar

What does he mean?

Well if you’ve followed the direction at the

front of this book you will be reading this book
over the period of many days, and you’ll be
experiencing a constant influx of motivation
everyday which is propelling you in the
direction you are desiring to go. Now consider
this, if you read this book one day and then
set it down, a week from now when life gets
tough you’re going to forget about all of this
and go back to your old form of thinking. The
motivation you feel now will be dead. Just as
the bath you took yesterday has no effect on
the stench of today, the motivation you feel
today will not carry you through tomorrow,
your batteries much be recharged every day.

How does it apply?

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
The only way this book is really going to
work for you, the only way you’re going to
get the maximum benefit out of this
information is through continuous exposure,
you have to exposure your brain to positive
motivating thoughts everyday, in order for
them to become more than just words but
actual parts of your internal being. Bathing
everyday keeps you clean every day,
motivating yourself everyday keeps you
motivated every day. Studying everyday
keeps you educated, trying hard every day
keeps you exerting energy in the proper way
every day. Everything you do that is in the
direction of who you want to be must be
repeated every day on a daily consistent basis.
The day you stop running is the day you
begin backpedaling. As people we don’t have
a neutral, if we are not pushing ourselves
forward we are falling backward.

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Affirmation Day # 30
(Remember for this to truly take shape and
affect in your life read it five times out loud
with high energy, and repeat it through the
day in moments of stress or mental

Today I awaken in perfect health!

Today my mind is experience superior
performance, my heart is healed from my
past and my body is capable of anything I
will it to do through the powers of my mind!
Today I act in complete control of my life, and
use my control to power through my day and
succeed! Today I am focused, confident, and

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Day 31 Anais Nin, known for having
dedicated over 60 years of her life to writing
novels, critical studies, essays, short stories,
and erotica

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s

courage. –Anais Nin

What does she mean?

Your life is going to be a direct response to

how much courage you have to embrace
yourself and trust within yourself completely.
If today you wake up with complete faith in
your abilities ask yourself this question “how
will I live today if I am not afraid” in every
action in which you feel the feeling of
uncertainty ask yourself “what will I do if I’m
not afraid” and take that action! She is saying
that your ability to grow and expand yourself
into the universe, your ability to become
something, is directly reality to your belief in
yourself and your ability to do just that.

How does it apply?

Your ability to make today the best day of

your life is tied directly to your ability to

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
relinquish your fear of failure, completely.
Don’t consider failure, it’s not an option
because it exists only in your mind and the
moment you stop fearing failure and trust in
yourself you develop an insurmountable and
uncontrollable amount of courage, and in
your courage will come your strength your
power to create the lifestyle you wish to live
within. Today you are no longer afraid of
what others will think, what they will say
and how they will judge you, because today
you are courageous, your trust is in yourself
first and foremost, and your love is for
yourself first and foremost, and through this
will it be able to be shared with everyone else.

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Affirmation Day # 31
(Remember for this to truly take shape and
affect in your life read it five times out loud
with high energy, and repeat it through the
day in moments of stress or mental

Today I am a fearless being! Today I

realize that it is fear alone which has held me
back from realizing my fullest potential!
Today I push into my fears and no longer
allow them to take hold of my life! Today I see
fear as a personal challenge that must be
overcome! Today when faced with fear I
choose to be strong! Today I am focused,
confident, and empowered!

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Day 32 Vincent Van Gogh, regarded as one of
the greatest artist of all time produced more
than 2,100 artworks consisting of 860 oil
paintings and more than 1,300 watercolors,
drawings, sketches, and prints in just over a

If you hear a voice within you say “you

cannot paint,” then by all means paint and
that voice will be silenced. –Vincent Van Gogh

What does he mean?

Remember before when we talked about

wanting to act, and that action convincing
you’re mind of your own ability to perform
that action. This is exactly what Van Gogh is
referring to. If you hear within yourself that
you cannot do something, immediately fight
against that by first creating in yourself the
want to do that which you have been told you
cannot do. You are your own greatest enemy,
for once you can conquer yourself, conquering
the negativity of everyone else will seem like
a miniscule task. The only way to conquer
your own mental is through the physical. It is
not necessary to believe in yourself initially,

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
but only to want to perform, then to simply
perform, this will cause the belief.

How does it apply?

You will find throughout your life, that your

negative thoughts will never be completely
abolished, it is human nature for these
thoughts to come up whether or not you’ve
proven them to be false a thousand times.
They always will continue to be there, it is in
our nature to question our abilities. You must
always push through these negative
thoughts by forcing action. In yourself as you
sit down for a test, as you sit down to study,
as you try out for a new team or audition for
that play, you will always have a slight
doubt, what if I can’t do this. Allow that
thought to exist, but also want to do it, and
allow your body to do that which your mind
is uncertain of and in that you will derive your
own certainty. Soon you will come to find that
you actually possess the ability to do anything
you want to do. All you have to do is want to
do it.

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Affirmation Day # 32
(Remember for this to truly take shape and
affect in your life read it five times out loud
with high energy, and repeat it through the
day in moments of stress or mental

Today I am a person of absolute

happiness! Today I bring happiness and joy
into every interaction I choose to be involved
in! Today I take complete ownership of my
actions and my choices! Today I let my heart
guide my choices! Today I am pulled towards
happiness and push away from all things
negative! Today I am love! Today I am
focused, confident, and empowered!

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Day 33 Aristotle, a famous philosopher
known for educating Alexander the Great and
his immense contributions to physics,
metaphysics, biology, psychology, and
practical philosophy

There is only one way to avoid criticism: do

nothing, say nothing, and be nothing. –

What does he mean?

No matter what you do, how great you are,

how effective you are, how smart you are,
how famous you are, how much money you
have, how much you give back to society, you
will always be criticized negatively by
someone who is not doing that which you
are. Don’t resent that person, they simply
haven’t been exposed to the information you
have, celebrate that person, for they let you
know that you are doing something worth
talking about. If you aren’t doing anything no
one will say anything, but nothing will
happen in your life either.

How does it apply?

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
As you continue to change your life on a daily
basis, people will come to dislike you. Why?
In honesty people don’t like successful people,
because successful people, smart people,
achievers, remind underachievers of their
shortcomings. And there is nothing people like
less than being reminded of their
shortcomings. Consider this, each time you
get an A on a test, each time you make a leap
to a greater version of yourself, you are
reminding everyone around you of what they
are not doing and what is possible. So you are
basically telling everyone “This is what is
possible, and what you are failing to achieve
in accordance with the way you are choosing
to live.” Your success invalidates the
unsuccessful, so they feel compelled to pull
you down. Know that when you are being
pulled down, you must push forward because
you are on the right path.

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Affirmation Day # 33
(Remember for this to truly take shape and
affect in your life read it five times out loud
with high energy, and repeat it through the
day in moments of stress or mental

Today I carry myself with absolute

integrity! Today I speak what I mean and I
mean what I speak! Today I take nothing
personally, I accept the opinions of others but
I always stand on my own thoughts and
feelings! Today I don’t make assumptions, I
constantly seek out new information! Today I
promise myself to always perform at my
absolute best! Today I am focused, confident,
and empowered!

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Day 34 Jesus, held in Christianity as the Son
of God delivered immense knowledge to the
world. The New Testament speaks of his life
and lessons he brought to the world

Ask and it will be given to you; search, and

you will find; knock and the door will be
opened for you. –Jesus

What does he mean?

What is being said here is that the only way

for you to find anything is to first decide to
look for it. Often times in life you will find that
opportunity not only is always present in your
life, but that it is right in front of you. Perhaps
you are familiar with the phrase “hiding in
plain sight”, this is often the case with
opportunity. Because you are not looking for
change in your life, it isn’t coming to you, you
have to actively be engaging your
environment with a childlike curiosity, and let
that curiosity open the door to new

How does it apply?

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Ask yourself what your true potential is,
ignore what you’ve experienced in the past, as
the past is merely a reflection of who you were
before you decided to ask yourself who you
could be. In asking yourself you will come to
discover the truth that lies within you. As you
ask the question, this will become your guide
to seek out the answer, as you seek out the
answer to your question this will cause you to
knock on the door and ultimately this is what
will cause you to experience outwardly the
answer to your internal question.

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Affirmation Day # 34
(Remember for this to truly take shape and
affect in your life read it five times out loud
with high energy, and repeat it through the
day in moments of stress or mental

Today I am a new person! Today I

awaken happy, as I am dedicated to a life in
which I live for myself! Today I feel my
presence and find joy in feeling the warmth
of my power flowing throughout my body!
Today I become an immortal being, living a
life I’ve already seen in my own mind! Today
I begin to live out my imagination and make
my dreams real! Today I am focused,
confident, and empowered!

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
Congratulations. If you’ve made it through
this entire book and read each word and have
begun to follow the instructions you are well on
your way.

But the road doesn’t stop, you’ve just begun your

journey to gaining focus and accomplishing your
goals. If you read this book it’s safe to assume that
your goal is to increase your focus and accomplish
your goals.

Focus starts with the small stuff and grows from

there. So if you’re truly committed to bettering
yourself and gaining focus to discover your true
potential and live out your magnificence you need
to continuously read the passages from section
two on a daily basis.

Not only that but don’t stop with this book

continue to read and expose yourself to these sorts
of ideas. The knowledge you put in your head will
be the foundation upon which your life is built.

Every day build your motivation, use this book to

guide you through your days and give you the
focus and resilience you need to develop your
superior mindset to create your superior lifestyle.

Superior to who? The old you!

6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation
6 Days of Work, 1 Day of Rest
The Secret to Manifestation

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