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----------C1 – Olfactory nerve------------------

Sensory nerve.
Olfactory bulb.
Divisions : ------------
Sub-divisions : ------------
Cribiform Plate.
Innervates : Superior nasal conchae and partly middle nasal conchae, part of nasal septum.
Responsible for : Sense of smell.

-----------C2 – Optic nerve---------------------

Sensory nerve.
Occipital lobe.
Divisions : ------------
Sub-divisions : -----------
Optic canal.
Innervates : Retina.
Responsible for : Vision.

----------C3 – Oculomotor nerve------------------

Motor nerve.
Divisions : -----------
Sub-divisions : -----------------
Superior orbital fissure.
Innervates : Levator palpabrae superioris, superior rectus, medial rectus, inferior rectus and inferior
oblicus. Sphincter pupillae and muscles of ciliary body.
Responsible for : Movement of the eye.

----------C4 – Trochlear nerve------------------

Motor nerve.
Divisions : ------------
Sub-divisions : --------
Superior orbital fissure.
Innervates : Superior oblique muscle.
Responsible for : Depression and lateral rotation of the eye.

----------C5 – Trigeminal nerve------------------

Mixed nerve.
Pons. [Nucleus spinalis, pontinus, mesencephalicus ; Nucleus motorius]
Divisions : Olphtalmic nerve, Maxillary nerve, Mandibular nerve.
Sub-divisions : (ON) Nasociliary, Lacrimal, Frontal. (MxN) Infraorbital, Zygomatic, Palatine.
(MnN) Masseteric, Deep Temporal, Meningeal, Buccal, Auriculotemporal, Lingual.
Superior orbital fissure (ON) ; Foramen rotundum (MxN) ; Fotamen Ovale (MnN).
Innervates : (ON – N) Dilator pupillae muscle, sphenoidal and ethmoidal sinuses, skin of the nose.
(ON – L) Capsule of the lacrimal glande, conjunctiva, skin of upper eyelid. (ON – F) Skin of foehead,
mucosa of frontal sinus, skin of upper eyelid. (MxN – I) Lower eyelid, upper lip and part of nasa
verstibule. (MxN – Z) Skin around zygomatic and temporal bone. (Mxn – P) Gums, Hard palate
[Major] Soft palate, tonsil, uvula [Minor]. (MnN) Medial pterygoid, tensor tympani, tensor veli
palatini. (MnN – Ma) Masseter muscle. (MnN – DT) Temporalis. (MnN – Me) Dura mater. (MnN –
B) Skin of cheek. (MnN – A) Auricle, external acoustic meatus, tympanic membrane, skin in the
temporal region, mucosa of parotid gland. (MnN – L) Anterior 2/3 of the tongue.
Responsible for : Sensation in face, taste, mastication (through masseter, temporalis, medial &
lateral pterygoid).

----------C6 – Abducens nerve------------------

Motor nerve.
Pons. [Nucleus motorius]
Divisions : ------------
Sub-divisions : ------------
Superior orbital fissure.
Innervates : Lateral rectus muscle.
Responsible for : Abduction of the eye.

----------C7 – Facial nerve------------------

Mixed nerve.
Pons (Above oliva). [Nucleus solitarius ; Nucleus salivatorius superior, lacrimalis ; Nucleus motorius]
Divisions : Greater Petrosal nerve, Chorda Tympani nerve, Posterior auricular nerve, Temporal
branch, Zygomatic branch, Buccal branch, Mandibular branch, Cervical branch.
Sub-divisions : (PaN) Auricular and occipital branches.
Foramen Stylomastoideum.
Innervates : (GPN Parasympathetic) Nasal gland, Palatine gland, Lacrimal gland, Pharyngeal gland,
Sphenoid sinus, Frontal sinus, Maxillary sinus, Ethmoid sinus, Nasal cavity. (CTN) Submandibular
gland, Sublingual gland. (PaN – A) Auricularis posterior, intrinsic muscles of auricula. (PaN – O)
Occipitalis. (TB) Auricularis anterior & superior, frontalis, orbicularis oculi, corrugator supercilii.
(ZB) Orbicularis Oculi. (BB) Superficial muscles of face, zygomaticus, quadratus labii superioris, small
muscles of nose, buccinator, orbicularis oris. (MB) Depressor labii inferioris, depressor anguli oris,
mentalis. (CB) Platysma muscle.
Responsible for : Motor innervation of face, sensation of taste, innervation of salivary (except
parotid) and lacrimal glands.

----------C8 – Vestibulocochlear nerve------------------

Sensory nerve.
Medulla oblongata. [Pars vestibularis (4n), Pars cochlearis (2n)]
Divisions : Vestibular nerve, Cochlear nerve.
Sub-divisions : ------------
Internal acoustic canal.
Innervates : Cochlea and vestibule.
Responsible for : Transmission of sound and equilibrium from inner ear to the brain.
-----------C9 – Glossopharyngeal nerve---------------------
Medulla Oblongata. [Nucleus solitarius ; Nucleus salivatorius inferior ; Nucleus ambigus]
Divisions : Tympanic nerve, Lesser Petrosal nerve, Carotid branch, Pharyngeal branch,
Stylopharyngeal branch, Tonsillar sensory branch, Lingual branch.
Sub-divisions : -----------
Jugular Foramen
Innervates : (TN) Middle ear. (TN Parasympathetic) *forms lesser petrosal nerve* Parotid gland. (TN
Sympathetic) *forms deep petrosal nerve* Blood vessels and mucous glands of head and neck. (LPN
Parasympathetic) Parotid gland (CB) Carotid glomerulus *body and sinus*. (PhB) *contributes to
pharyngeal plexus* palate and pharynx. (SB) Stylpharyngeal muscle. (TB) Palatine tonsil *soft
palate*. (LB) Posterior 1/3 of the tongue.
Responsible for : Gag reflex with vagus nerve.

----------C10 – Vagus nerve------------------

Mixed nerve.
Medulla oblongata (posterolateral sulcus). [Nucleus solitarius ; Nucleus dorsalis ; Nucleus ambigus]
Divisions : Meningeal branch, Auricular branch, Pharyngeal branch, Superior Cervical Cardiac
branches, Superior Laryngeal nerve, Recurrent Laryngeal nerve, Inferior Laryngeal nerve, Thoracic
branches, Bronchial branches, Oesophageal branches, Anterior Vagal trunk, Posterior Vagal trunk.
Sub-divisions : (SLN) External branch, Internal branch.
Jugular foramen.
Innervates : (MeB) (AuB) (PhB) Constrictor muscle of pharynx, Musculus levator velli palatina,
Musculus uvulae, Musculus palatoglossus, Musculus palatopharyngeus, Tunica mucosa of pharynx,
Radix lingua, Thyroid gland, parathyroid gland. (SCB) Thymus and thyroid gland. (SLN – EB) Musculus
constrictor pharyngis inferior, Musculus cricothyroideus, fibers of thyroid gland. (SLN – IB) Tunica
mucosa of the pharynx, superior rima vocalis, tunica mucosa of the tongue. (ILN) Tunica mucosa of
the larynx, inferior rima vocalis, all muscles of larynx *except cricothyroid*. (ThB) Extraorganic
cardiac plexus. (BrB) Pulmonary plexus, bronchies, lungs. (OeB) Oesophagial plexus, Walls of
oesophagus, Muscles of oesophagus, Tunica mucosa of oesophagus. (AVT) Anterior surface of
oesophagus, Anterior surface of stomach, Gastric branch, Hepatic branch, Liver. (PVT) Posterior wall
of stomach, Posterior gastric branches, Coeliac branches, Coeliac plexus, Liver, Spleen, Pancreas,
Small intestine, Large intestine till descending colon.
Responsible for : Control of muscles of voice and resonance ; Control of the soft palate. Dysphagia in
case of damage. Gag-reflex with glosso-pharyngeal nerve.

----------C11 – Accessory nerve------------------

Motor nerve.
Cranial and spinal roots. [Nucleus ambigus]
Divisions : ------------
Sub-divisions : --------
Jugular foramen.
Innervates : Sternocleidomastoid muscle ; Trapezius muscle.
Responsible for : Inability to shrug and weak head movement in case of damage.
----------C12 – Hypoglossal nerve------------------
Motor nerve.
Medulla oblongata. [Nucleus nervi hypoglossi]
Divisions : ---------------
Sub-divisions : -------------------
Hypoglossal canal.
Innervates : Stylohyoid muscles ; Muscles of tongue : Genioglossus, Hyoglossus, Styloglossus,
Superior longitudinal, Inferior longitudinal, Tranverse, Vertical.
Responsible for : Swallowing and speech articulation.

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