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Anterior part of L4 – L5 and S1 – S3 spinal nerves.

In the fascia covering piriformis muscle.
(From up to down in the body) gluteus minimus, piriformis, gemellus superior, obturator internus,
gemellus inferior, quadratus femoris.

----------Short Branches------------------
Obturator internus nerve (L5-S1-S2) : Internal obturator muscle, Gemellus superior.

Piriformis nerve (S1-S2 ventral rami) : Piriform muscle.

Superior gluteal nerve (L4-L5 anterior fibers + S1) : Gluteus minimus, gluteus minimus and medius
(superior ramus), gluteus minimus and medius + musculus tensor fasciae latae (inferior ramus).

Inferior gluteal nerve (L5-S1-S2) : Gluteus maximus + branch to the capsule of the hip joint.

Pudendal nerve (S1-S4) : Lateral wall of ischio-rectal fossa. Gives :

*Inferior rectal nerve : m. levator ani, m.externa sphincter ani, dermis ani.
*Perineal nerves : superficial transverse perineal muscle, deep transverse perineal muscle, m.
bulbospongiosus, m. ischiocavernosus, m. sphincter urethra ; skin of perineum scrotum in men ;
labium majus in women.
*Dorsal nerve of penis (or clitoris) : cavernous bodies, glans of penis (clitoris), skin of penis in
men, labium majus and labium minus in women, deep transverse perineal muscle, urethra sphincter.

-----------Long Branches---------------------
Posterior cutaneous nerve of tigh (S1-S3) : Exits through suprapiriform foramen, gives
*Inferior cluneal nerves : Skin of lower part of buttocks.
*Perineal branches : branching out near the lower edge of gluteus maximus. Skin of upper and
medial side of tigh.
*Posterior cutaneous femoral nerve : goes downwards in the groove between the
semitendinosus muscle and the biceps femoris. Its rami branches in the skin of posterior-medial
femoral surface downward to the popliteal foss and superior part of calf.

Sciatic nerve (L4-L5-S1-S2) : Exits through subpiriform foramen. Passes between ishial tuberosity
and the greater trochanter. Divides at the kevek of the superior angle of poplitel fossa :
*Tibial nerve : Gastrocnemius muscle, popliteus muscle, soleus muscle, plantaris muscles,
articular branch to the knee joint, cutaneous branch that will become sural nerve [Popliteal fossa];
Gives :
+Medial plantar nerve : first Lumbrical, Abductor hallucis, Flexor digitorum brevis, Flexor
hallucis brevis, cutaneous distribution to medial sole and medial 3.5 toes.
+Lateral plantar nerve : Quadratus plantae, Interossei, Flexor digiti minimi, Adductor hallucis,
three Lumbricalis, Abductor digiti minimi.
*Common fibular (peroneal) nerve : Gives :
+Articular branches : two accompany superior and inferior genicular arteries to the knee; the
third ascends with the anterior recurrent tibial artery through the tibialis anterior.
+Lateral sural cutaneous nerve : skin of posterior and lateral surfaces of the leg.
+Mixed branches : we have :
-)Superficial peroneal nerve : peroneus longus and brevis.
-)Deep peroneal nerve : Peroneus tertius, Extensor digitorum longus, Extensor hallucis
longus, Tibialis anterior, Extensor digitorum brevis, Extensor hallucis brevis.

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