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Learning Plan in MAPEH (Health) 10

School Year 2018-2019

July 3 – 10, 2018


The learner demonstrates understanding of guidelines The learner demonstrates critical thinking and decision-
and criteria in the selection and evaluation of health making skills in the selection, evaluation and utilization
information, products, and services. of health information, products and services.

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
 recognize the benefits of being a wise consumer.
 collect and display examples of how the media can influence a consumer’s decision regarding health
practices and products.
 differentiate reliable from unreliable health information, products, and services.
 evaluate how persuasive advertising techniques are used in daily media venues to influence consumer
spending, brand awareness, and loyalty.
 identify the different health professionals.
 describe health care facilities available in one’s locality.
 identify where to get the latest and up-to-date health care.
 evaluate different health care plans and financing schemes.
 define quack and quackery.
 list and describe ways to recognize a quack.
 enumerate ways to avoid being victims of quack and quackery.
 define alternative and complementary health care.
 cite alternative health care modalities available.
 compare and contrast alternative health care modalities.
 evaluate modalities as to effectivity.


A. Topic: Consumer Health CVGI-A1: Manifests humility, simplicity, and frugality
B. Materials: Powerpoint presentation, audio-visual in one’s lifestyle. John 14:6
materials, realia, photographic print, online articles, CVGI-C6: Works well with team members in
flashcards, graphic organizer, television clips, addressing common concerns in helping the needy.
pictures, herbal plants 1 Peter 5:2-3
CVGI-D6: Advocates the use of skillful discussion and
dialogue to solve issues and problems to strengthen
group solidarity. 2 Peter 1:5-8


A. Daily Routine
1. Prayer
2. Checking of attendance
3. Checking of cleanliness and orderliness of the classroom

B. Motivation
Motivation will be done in every subtopic.

C. Lesson Development
Day 1 – July 3, 2018
Criteria in the Selection and Evaluation of Health Information, Products, and Services
1. Motivation: Draw a big circle on the board with the words “Health Products.” Then call for volunteers to
write examples of health products they use.
2. Development of the Lesson
a. Show either a TV or print advertisement that seems to be true but is misleading. Allow them to realize
that what advertisers say influence a consumer’s decision regarding health practices and products. Ask
the student if they themselves or their family members have fallen prey to such false advertisement.
b. Milieu 5: Higher Order Thinking Skills
 How can one be a wise health consumer?
 Why is the ability to access valid health information, products, or services a critical skill?
c. From the list on the board, let the students evaluate their health products and services purchased or
used by themselves or members of their family. Ask them the useful information they may get from
d. As a group, let them recall and list as many print or TV and Internet ads which have influenced them
in any way. Answer the following questions for each advertisement:
 What is the ad trying to do?
 Who is the intended audience?
 What are the strategies use to sell the product?
 What influenced you to buy the product?
 How much do you spend for this product every month?
*A graphic organizer will be used to evaluate the ads.
e. Stress the importance of reading the labels for product safety and that endorsement does not
guarantee reliability.
f. Have students move to their cooperative learning groups. Distribute magazines or newspapers related
to health. Tell the students to locate effective print advertisements. Briefly describe the product and
tell where the advertisement was placed. Then identify and analyze the advertisement’s purpose,
target audience, techniques, claims, language, images, and effect on the audience.
g. Ask the student to also evaluate misleading information.
h. Discuss the importance of developing the skill on accessing and evaluating health information and
products, and the benefits of being a wise health consumer.
i. Let them answer Health Check-Up on page 342 of their textbook.
3. Summing-Up: The 60-second Clock is Yours
Select 2-3 students to summarize the lesson for the day within 60 seconds.

Day 2 – July 5, 2018

Health Service Providers
1. Motivation: People in the Community
Ask the class to list on the board the health care professionals who take care of their well-being and
2. Development of the Lesson
a. Milieu 5: Higher Order Thinking Skills Guide the class with the following questions:
 How can one be a wise health consumer?
 Why is the ability to access valid health information, products, or services a critical skill?
b. Stress the importance of choosing the right health care professional to attend to one’s health needs.
c. A 1-minute buzz session with a partner will be given to allow them to list qualities they look for in a
health care professional
d. A few volunteers may share some of their points of view.
e. Briefly give some tips in choosing a doctor. Choose a doctor who:
 is rated to give quality care.
 has the training and background that meets your needs.
 takes steps to prevent illness – for example, talks to you about quitting smoking.
 has privileges at the hospital of your choice.
 is part of your health plan, unless you can afford to pay extra.
 encourages you to ask questions.
 listens to you.
 explains things clearly.
 treats you with respect.
f. Ask the class where they or their family members usually go to seek health care needs.
g. Milieu 3: ICT Integration Using Google Maps, project on-screen the health care facilities available
near your locality. Stress that there are standards set for hospitals or clinics and that it is important to
check if the chosen health care facility meet these standards.
h. Show a parade of the latest and state of the art medical equipment through Powerpoint. Tell the class
that these equipment aid health care professionals in providing diagnostic and medical treatment.
Show also where these equipment are available.
i. Through Powerpoint, show to the class the many health plans and financing schemes available in the
market including PhilHealth.
j. Use the KWL graphic organizer to check their knowledge about health insurance plans.
k. Choose volunteers to write the benefits of each health care plan which they or their family members
use. Provide a table on the chalkboard.
l. Use the table to allow students to evaluate which plan they think is best. Ask volunteers to check the
benefits common to all health plans. Use these as guide questions:
 Which plan stands out among the rest?
 Which plan fits your needs and budgets?
 What does this plan cover?
 What are its exclusions and limitations?
m. As a final activity, ask the class in their cooperative learning groups to make a plan if for instance
sickness affects a family member. Have students prepare a yearly budget for themselves or for their
family that includes the anticipated expenditures for health products and services. Indicate the
estimated percentage of total income. Identify possible ways to reduce health-related expenses.
n. Let them answer Health Check-Up on page 346 of their textbook.

3. Summing-Up
As a summary, begin with a concept map on the board. Call for volunteers to fill in the missing parts.
4. Take-Home Task
Ask the students to answer Health Check-Up on page 346 of the textbook.
 How can you spot quacks and quackeries? List at least 3 examples.

July 6, 2018 – First Friday Schedule (Enrichment Activities)

Day 3 – July 9, 2018

Quackery: Types and Harmful Physical and Psychological Effects
1. Motivation: Show a video clip of a quack in action without revealing to the students that the individual is
fake. Introduce the demonstrator with an extensive build-up of his/her experiences and background.
2. Development of the Lesson
a. Follow with a discussion on how to recognize a quack. Ask students to: (a) give a definition of
quackery; (b) list six products, services, or practices they consider as quackery; and (c) briefly
describe an experience in which they were victimized or observed someone else being victimized.
b. Present pictures of common products and services that are considered quackery. Emphasize that
many Filipinos spend a lot of money on products and services that are bogus or unsubstantiated,
despite tremendous progress in medical science and health education. Ask the students about the
attitudes exhibited by victims of quackery.
c. Milieu 5: Higher Order Thinking Skills
 How can one be a wise health consumer?
 How can I spot quacks and quackeries?
 What are my consumer rights?
d. Guide the students into buying what Filipinos are fond of, especially supplements, exercise gadgets,
beauty aids, slimming, whitening products and services available online and on television. Many
commercial weight-loss clinics lack qualified personnel and promise too much in their advertising. Tell
students that dental quacks are also in practice and some physicians require unnecessary testing and
even surgeries.
e. Introduce the types of quackery: Medical, Nutrition, and Device.
f. Milieu 4: 21st Century Skills With their cooperative learning groups, let the students present a 1-
minute skit showing the vulnerabilities of people in connection to quackery. Ask the audience to
evaluate the scene presented.
g. Stress that consumer vigilance is an essential ingredient of a healthy society. Ask the class if they
have ever reported quacks and quackery to appropriate agencies.
h. Allow volunteers to share their experiences. Present to the class a list of agencies and law
enforcement bodies where fraud and quackery may be reported (FDA, DTI, etc.).
3. Summing-Up: The 60-second Clock is Yours
Allow the students to construct a mind map of the day’s lesson.
4. Take-Home Task
a. Answer Health Check-Up on page 349 of the textbook.
b. Milieu 3: ICT Integration Find out if a family member or a relative has fallen victims to quacks or
quackery. Post this to your social media accounts, preferably Facebook, for comments. Inform your
friends where they can report fraud and quackery in your wall.

Day 4 – July 10, 2018

Complementary and Alternative Health Care Modalities
1. Motivation: Bring to class acupuncture needles or ventosa cups. Ask the students if they are familiar with
these tools. If these are not available, ask a student who has headache or feels stressed. Then, ask a
student to give the volunteer some ear candling technique and ask how it felt after.
2. Development of the Lesson
a. Milieu 5: Higher Order Thinking Skills
 What are my other health care options?
b. Divide the class into their cooperative learning groups. Assign examples of alternative modality for
each group to discuss:
 Herbal Medicine
 Acupuncture
 Ventosa
 Reflexology
 Massage
c. After 10 minutes, each group will discuss each modality as to its:
 use, materials/equipment needed, and effectivity
d. Solicit reasons for participating in alternative health care. Also, point out that there are many other
alternative /complementary health care available other than those reported. Give other examples of
CAM (complementary and alternative medicine): yoga, nutrition counseling, homeopathy, etc.
e. Milieu 1: Interdisciplinary Integration Introduce the program Philippine Institute of Traditional
and Alternative Health Care or PITAHC of the government aimed to promote and advocate the use of
traditional medicine nationwide.
f. As a final word, emphasize that the chosen CAM must be proven safe, effective, cost-effective, and
consistent with government standards on medical practice.

D. Value Processing
How can one show or manifest love through the following?
 Health Products and Services
 Health Professionals
 Quackery
 Complementary and Alternative Medicine

E. Generalization
1. One can be a wise health consumer when he/she evaluates reliable sources of information, products, or
services before making a decision to purchase or utilize products and services that are unsubstantiated and
lack scientific rationale.
2. Accessing and evaluating health information, products, and services improve a person’s ability to make
healthy decisions and enhance one’s quality of life.
3. Quackery is widespread. The marketplace is over-crowded with products, many of which are questionable
and lack scientific testing. Virtually all legitimate health products and services have bogus counterparts.
Science provides ways to judge and discard unfounded ideas.
4. Complementary and alternative health care modalities are available.

Performance Task
During the Health Week of a company with 3,000 employees nationwide, HMO providers were invited to talk to
employees regarding their health insurance schemes as their old health plan is due to expire. As the number
one agent of your HMO company, your team was selected to present your health insurance package to the
employees including the brochure. The best package will be awarded the health care plan for the 3,000
employees and that your company will also reward your job well done. The success of the presentation is
determined by the attached rubric.

Other Evidences
Formative Tests
Unit Test
Reflection Journal
Activity Sheets (Graphic Organizers)
Quarterly Exam

Observe the guidelines and criteria in the selection and evaluation of health products, information, and services.


Prepared by: Checked by:

Mr. Jerny Josef L. Cruz Ms. Lucia F. Andan

MAPEH 10 Teacher Academic Affairs Head

Rate the students’ Performance Task based on this rubrics:

Exemplary Standard Developing Total
(10) (8) (6) Points
Only some topics are
It has in-depth and It lacks depth; has limited
thoroughly discussed and
thorough discussion of treatment of assigned
given an in-depth
Content assigned topics, shows topics; demonstrates /10
treatment; shows
strong evidence of limited evidence of
moderate evidence of
research. research.

It shows adequate
It is very well planned; It shows minimum
Organization planning; some portions
logical presentation and planning; some sections
and Clarity of need clarification and /10
well understood by the are disorganized and
Report improvement in logical
audience. confusing.

The student is relaxed

and has self-confidence;
The student
shows natural body
demonstrates quick
movements that develop
recovery from minor The student is nervous
enthusiasm and affects
Delivery mistakes; the voice and self-conscious; has /10
audience positively; the
projection is satisfactorily monotone voice.
voice projection
varied in volume and
fluctuates in volume and
infection and sustains

The AV materials are well The student makes use of

The student makes use of
done and are used to some AV materials and
Presentation AV materials but does not
make the presentation enhances the /10
Aids enhance the
more interesting and presentation to a limited
meaningful. extent.

He/She finishes within

Time He/She hurriedly finished He/She did not finish on
the prescribed time with /10
Management on time. time.
appropriate pacing.

He/She is able to sustain He/She is able to sustain

He/She is able to sustain
Audience the interest of the the interest of the
the interest of the /10
Impact audience most of the audience to a limited
audience at all times.
time. extent.

Total Points /60

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